The Vision and Experience of Christ
We need a clear vision that the content of God’s New Testament economy is a Person who is both divine and human, a Person who is both God and man, who has passed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension and has consummated in the all-inclusive, processed, compound, life-giving, and indwelling Spirit imparted into us in His resurrection as life to us, and poured out upon us in His ascension as power to us that we may live the divine life to express God and move with the divine power, economically, to carry out God’s economy. (WL, God’s New Testament Economy, ch. 9; read during the opening word of Thanksgiving Conference message 1)
Lord, grant us all a new and fresh vision of Yourself as the reality of resurrection and ascension. And bring us into the practical and subjective experience of what we see. Lord, we want to live the divine life and move with divine power.
Our Response to the Vision and Experience of Christ
Let us open to the Lord and pray to overcome all spiritual passivity and to fully recover the exercise of our spirit in order that the Lord may work what is needed in us to live in ascension as His garden and to be His corporate warrior to fight with and in Him. (based on the concluding word of Thanksgiving Conference message 6)
Bower House is a large property in London used for conferences, FTT London, church meetings, book sales, packing and mailing books, and is a fellowship center for Lord’s Move in Europe. A redevelopment of Bower House is desired in order to expand its usefulness. The final planning permission application will be submitted soon. Please pray that:
- The Lord will give the brothers clear direction in deciding how best to present the plans to the
local planning authority - The planning authority will look upon our application with favor and will respond positively.
There were 60 churches in Ukraine at the beginning of the year. Five churches have been affected by the fighting that began early this year. No saints have been injured but 39 have been forced to flee their homes and are staying with saints in other cities. Please pray:
- That the heavens would rule, the Lord would be glorified and Satan would be put to shame;
- That even in the present divisive political situation the new man would be brought forth and the Body would be built up;
- For the Lord’s continued blessing on all the churches and all the saints in the Russian speaking world for the Lord’s interest and testimony;
- For all the saints who have been affected by the fighting, that their hearts would be comforted and that they would continue to experience the Lord as their all sufficient supply in the Body.
Kiev (the capital and largest city) has been quiet since demonstrations in March. A number of brothers are working on construction of the meeting hall. The exterior siding is finished and all the windows have been installed; interior work continues. Please pray:
- For the brothers working on the hall to be continually supplied and preserved in the one accord;
- For our continued good relationship with all of our contractors;
- For the Lord’s covering and blessing on our relationships with our neighbors especially with those who live in close proximity to the hall;
- For the completion of the hall and the timely preparation of all the occupancy documents;
- That every aspect of the construction and use of this hall would be used by the Lord for the building up of His Body in the Russian speaking world.
A 5 minute video about the current situation in Ukraine is at Offerings to help with completion of the meeting hall may be given to the church, marked for Ukraine.
Iberian Peninsula Conference
The annual Iberian conference is December 5 to 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. Pray also that the Lord would raise up a lampstand in this city.
There will be a blending conference here December 4 to 6. In Bangladesh there are 38 churches with more than 1200 saints.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 36 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. On December 8 we begin the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.