Lord, Be Our Steadfastness in Prayer
Acts 2:42 “And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
Romans 1:9 “For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of His Son, how unceasingly I make mention of you always in my prayers.”
United States
Lord, head up the elections and the storm recovery for Your economy (Eph. 1:9-10).
Helps for Prayer
The weekly prayer, news, and announcements can now be delivered directly to your email inbox. To sign up, enter your email address on the right column of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
At the same web site is the original 8.5 by 11 inch page Celebrating 50 Years of the Church Life in Los Angeles distributed at our October 14 meeting, plus new .jpg and .pdf versions optimized for iPhones and Android phones. You can save the .jpg to your “Photos” library and access it from there or you can open the .pdf using a pdf reader.
There will be a Chinese-speaking gospel meeting at USC this coming Friday evening. The saints have been contacting many gospel friends since the beginning of the semester, and many of them meet with us regularly. Please pray specifically that at least 5 will be baptized and be transferred into the kingdom of God.
Europe (1)
Please continue to pray for New Testament Recovery Version distribution (in English, French, and German) and follow-up in European countries with the reaping of a bountiful harvest wherever the seed of the Lord’s word is sown.
Europe (2)
Please continue to pray for the contacting and shepherding of the students, especially the first-year students, on the university campuses in Europe.
Europe (3)
Amana Trust is having four one-week trainings in London; the second is this week. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.
Europe (4)
All who serve the young people throughout Europe are invited to come together November 9 to 11 in the Netherlands for the Teachers’ Training for the Winter School of the Truth. The Winter School will be the last week of December in both London and the Netherlands.
- Morning revival: week 10 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training). After week 12 we will use Taking the Lead as Elders and Responsible Ones (the spring 2012 ITERO). Taking the Lead applies to all of us by focusing on Loving the Lord; Experiencing and Ministering Life; Prophesying for Building Up; Prayer; and Knowing, Living, and Working in the Body.
- A 2 minute video presentation of the Recovery Version New Testament by Bibles for America is at http://youtu.be/cHE5UWvF-dQ. La misma presentación en español está en http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWkBBx_OJ6o.
- An invitation to a conference in Hawaii is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. The dates are January 25 to 27. Hotel reservations should be made by December 24.
- Three couples in Storrs, Connecticut testify of the struggles and joys of their migration in a 4 minute video at http://wemigrate.org.