LA Joint Meeting
Lord’s Day, October 19 the whole church in Los Angeles will gather at L.A. Trade Tech College at 10 a.m. May the Lord really use this time to blend us together for the sake of the impact of His testimony in Los Angeles.
There are currently 15 to 18 saints meeting on the Lord’s Day. We have gained as many as seven young people from the Rome campuses; however, most of these have migrated to other localities for graduate studies, and one is planning to attend the full-time training. Two Romanian families have begun to come to the meetings, but we are especially burdened to gain more Italian families. We have many contacts in the communities with whom we have built relationships. While we will continue to go to the campus once a week for Bible distribution, we feel to focus on building up four home meetings and inviting local contacts. We are preparing an invitation to study the Bible, which we will give to those living in our respective apartment buildings. For this we desperately need the prayer of the Body, so please pray that families from our local communities will be added to these four home meetings. Please also pray that more young people from the campuses will be added to the church in Rome.
In the past two years Rhema has gone from zero to 6,887 requests, 2,924 names, and 4,052 order fulfillments, all from people living in Italy. We look to the Lord that many of these could be added to the churches in Italy.
Bulgaria and the Balkan countries
Approximately 120 adults registered for the conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 3-5 October, of which 75 were from Bulgaria, 10 from Serbia, 10 from Romania, 4 from Greece, and some from Germany, UK, and US. The saints from Serbia are from a new group that has been reading the ministry and found the conference via a Google search. Please pray:
- For the upcoming visit of serving saints to Croatia and Serbia for shepherding the new ones.
- That the Lord will raise up churches in Bulgaria and in Croatia, Serbia, and the other countries in the Balkan region of Europe.
- Morning revival: week 31 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. Beginning October 20 we will REPEAT week 31, then start week 32 on October 27.
- The fall college conferences will be at Big Bear. USC/downtown will to go November 7 to 9, and UCLA/Westside plus CSUN/Valley November 21 to 23. Details and brochures are at
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Registration should be completed by October 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- There will be a Southern California Korean-speaking conference on October 25, 9 am to 9 pm in Anaheim. This will be a respeaking in Korean of the ITERO in Toronto. Registration is required, due October 12, with $15 for two meals and outlines. There will be child care service.
- There will be a Southern California Blending Conference on November 15, 4 to 9 pm in Anaheim. Translation will be provided for Chinese, Korean, and Spanish; bring an FM radio. Limited childcare will be available; details will be announced later.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
- The annual Iberian conference will be December 5 to 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. Registration deadline is October 15. Information is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at Register by November 30 through the church here. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483.