“Until We All Arrive…at a Full-grown Man” (Eph. 4:13)
We need to advance in the experience of life in order to arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. In order to advance and arrive, we need to take Christ as our person. “Life” in itself could be abstract, but life is a Person. “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). If we take Christ as our person, we will surely take Him as our life and we will advance in our experience of life. The secret to taking Christ as our person and to advancing in life is to give Him the first love (Rev. 2:4), the first place, in all things.
The audio of the church in LA meeting will be posted in a few days at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ministry/audio-messages.
“This Also We Pray For, Your Perfecting.” (2 Cor. 13:9).
We all have been given grace (Eph. 4:7). The Lord has also given gifted members (4:11) for our perfecting that we may be supplied to minister Christ for the building of the Body (4:12). One aspect of this perfecting is by our reading of the ministry. Those who are already reading regularly are encouraged to continue. Those who are not reading regularly are urged to begin the Life-study of Genesis, preferably with companions. A basic schedule for reading Genesis is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer, but companions are welcome to set their own schedule.
Junior High Conferences
The conferences are next weekend, in Los Angeles (brothers) and Riverside (sisters). The giving and receiving of hospitality in these conferences has been very cherishing and encouraging. Ask the Lord to take another step this weekend to gain many junior high student, their families, and their friends.
Spanish-Speaking Conference
There will be a conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California on Saturday, October 19, from 4 to 9 PM at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. There will be two meetings; bring your own food for dinner between the meetings. This time is open to all the saints and there in no need for registration. We will consider chapters 4 and 5 in The Experience of Life. After the messages there will be plenty of time for the saints to share their enjoyment from their reading of these chapters.
Gospel in Laos
October 20 to 25 will be gospel time on campuses in Laos.
More Churches in Europe
Please pray for the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal; Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade, Serbia; Geneva, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; and Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 7 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- All L.A. college meeting: Saturday, October 26 at UCLA, beginning at 6 pm with dinner.
- The winter training in Anaheim will be Monday, December 23 to Saturday, December 28 with meetings at 4 pm and 7:30 pm. There will also be video trainings in L.A. Registration is $155 for Anaheim and $80 for video. Registration deadline for Anaheim is Lord’s Day, October 27.
- The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord’s Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.