Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting
The whole church in Los Angeles will meet Lord’s Day, October 13 at Mission College (the same location as in April; a map is at We will have sharing from the recent ITERO in Thailand and reports from various parts of Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord for good attendance and much participation so that we may be encouraged, grow in life, and be blent more into the reality of the Body.
Junior High Brothers’ Conference
The church in L.A. will host the junior high brothers’ conference October 18-20 at Haskell. We open to the Lord to advance in the young people, parents, and serving ones through this conference and the other young people’s conference. May the Lord’s rich speaking be in every meeting and may there be much cherishing to both hosts and guests in the hospitality.
L.A. Korean BfA Bible Seminars and Bible Clubs
Last Saturday was a Bible seminar for those who received BfA New Testaments at the recent Korean festival. About 30 new recipients attended. Please pray that:
- The Lord supply richly for further contact with every one who received a NT.
- The Lord bring connect many seeking ones to the weekly Bible club gatherings.
- The Lord bless all the Bible clubs to be wide open entrances to the church life for many new ones.
There will be a conference in Bulgaria October 11-13. Please pray for the gathering of the seeking ones, the release of the Lord’s rich word, and the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in Sofia (the capital and largest city).
There will be a blending meeting at Qatar (a small nation adjacent to Saudi Arabia) October 15 to 17.
Sri Lanka
Pray that the proof-reading of seven Rhema books can be completed soon.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The winter training in Anaheim will be Monday, December 23 to Saturday, December 28 with meetings at 4 pm and 7:30 pm. There will also be video trainings in L.A. Registration is $155 for Anaheim and $80 for video. Registration deadline for Anaheim is Lord’s Day, October 27.
- High School Conferences October 25-27, $60/person, registrations are due by October 13
Sisters at church in Anaheim
Brothers at church in Irvine - The fall College Conferences will be held in Big Bear. We will be enjoying “The Life and Work of an Age Turner.” Please visit for detailed information.
The conference will be held on two weekends in November:
Conference A: November 8-10 (includes CSUN); early registration deadline is October 27.
Conference B: November 22-24 (includes UCLA, USC); early registration deadline is November 10. - The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord’s Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at