Korean Language Bible Distribution
The Korean-speaking saints are actively working toward the Bible distribution during the L.A. Korean Festival next week (September 18-21) followed by Bible Seminars September 27, October 4 and 11.
This annual, four-day festival is the biggest event in the Korean community in North America. We have a booth and will distribute the Recovery Version and invite the recipients to our Bible seminars. Please pray that:
- The gospel of the kingdom could be preached through this distribution.
- All the Bibles distributed would be read with good impression.
- Many people would be open to further contacts, especially to attend the three Bible seminars.
- This Bible distribution wouldn’t remain as a mere outward activity, but would become an opportunity to perfect and vitalize the Korean-speaking saints.
Thousand Oaks
By the Lord’s mercy, the Church in Thousand Oaks’ number is steadily increasing. Over-crowding at our meeting hall is a serious problem for both adults and children. After over six months of fellowship and planning, we came to the decision to implement two sessions on Lord’s Days, starting September 14.
- English-speaking saints will meet from 9:00 to 10:30 AM. After that we are planning to have a campus ministry meeting from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon. We are diligently looking for a place on/near campus.
- Chinese-speaking saints will meet from 10:45 AM to 12:30 PM. We will have lunch together after the meeting for shepherding and fellowship.
This is a giant step for us out of necessity. We are in fear and trembling, yet we trust in the Lord’s mercy and grace. We need much of your prayer and support in the spirit.
Sierra Leone
The 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest Ebola outbreak in history and the first in West Africa. The current outbreak is strongly affecting the nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia in West Africa. Half the people who get Ebola die.
(The following is from an email sent by a brother in the recovery in Sierra Leone)
Ebola is still prevailing in Sierra Leone and destroying like fire in [a dry wind]. We need your prayers at all time. 100s have lost their lives to Ebola and more are dying every day. We shall observe a three days sit down at home on the 19th-21st of this month nation wide. There shall be no Church meetings and no other religious meetings nation wide. This is really very serious…… We need God’s intervention.
United Kingdom
This week is the beginning of a busy time all across the UK.
Freshers’ Fayres (freshman orientations) in which we will participate are in Edinburgh, 3 places in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Reading, Cambridge, Norwich, Ipswich, Cardiff, Sheffield, Southampton.
Luke 10:1-2. “Now after these things, the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to come. And He said to them, the harvest is great, but the workers few; therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.”
We believe that the Lord is about to come to all these places. Truly we must beseech and pray that there would be the workers who would present themselves willingly to be thrust into the Lord’s harvest. Please pray for all these Freshers’ Fayres that the Lord would gain what He needs to gain His building material, build His church, and end this age.
The annual Swiss French-speaking conference is September 20-21. Ask the Lord to bring many together to be blended in spirit, and to release a word for the furtherance of His move there.
- Morning revival: week 27 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei, Taiwan Saturday, February 21 and Lord’s Day, February 22. We extend an invitation to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. All who plan to attend should complete their registration by November 30; register through the church here. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at http://www.icsc2015.org/about/index.
- You can get your own copy of this page by email every Monday morning. Register at the bottom of the right column of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.