Pursue A New Revival
Philippians 3:12-14, “Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I pursue, if even I may lay hold of that for which I also have been laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.”
This new revival is an inward energizing as a result of seeing what is on God’s heart. We have heard messages, we accept the vision, and we talk about it, but not much change happens in our being. We are positive but passive. Paul did not account himself to have arrived; every day he was forgetting the things behind and stretching forward. We need pursuing, laying hold, and being laid hold of, to the point where this vision energizes us and sets the course of our being. Lord, don’t let us go; don’t leave us content to mouth these words. Lord, we want to advance in seeing, living, and practice; grant us grace to pursue this daily. (from the opening word of message 2 of the Memorial Day conference)
USC, CSUN, Cal State Channel Islands
“And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). Please pray that the new ones and gospel contacts would continue to get added to our students and and into our homes to become remaining fruit in the church.
SoCal High School Juniors and Seniors Fellowship
There will be a special overnight fellowship with our high school juniors and seniors Saturday morning through Lord’s Day noon at Oak Glen. Our burden is that they could be shepherded and blended with each other and with college students and serving ones while having some precious and practical fellowship about their going on in the Lord and in His house.
Oak Glen – Southern California Blending Center
The Southern California churches are buying Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. For this, we can ask the Lord to:
– strengthen our individual and corporate consecration for His move in Southern California; • complete this purchase and the subsequent sale of Engedi in a timely manner;
– release the funds for the purchase and for the planned improvements of Oak Glen.
The sale of Oak Glen will be completed in October. At that time the $1.64 million down payment will be due. To help with this, please give to the church by Lord’s Day, September 27, designated for Oak Glen.
Cal State Bakersfield
There will be a Bible distribution on this campus next week Tuesday. We do not have a club here. Pray for the Lord to bring people who are hungry for His word and who will remain in contact with our students.
South Africa
James Lee will be in South Africa from September 8 to 19 for a weekend conference and a week of classes with the trainees in FTT Pretoria.
European Universities
Most universities in the UK and other European countries have started or will start their new academic year soon. This is the most crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Please pray:
- to consecrate the new academic year, the students, the homes, and the labor on campus to the Lord
- that the Lord will raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout Europe
- that the Lord will open the way to contact some seeking ones during this critical time and gain
them as remaining fruit.

There will be a conference in Bratislava, Slovakia September 12-13. Please pray that the saints from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary will be released to attend, for the Lord’s rich speaking to meet the present need, and for a sweet atmosphere of blending and fellowship among all the saints and churches.
A video update on the progress of the construction of the meeting hall in Kiev, Ukraine, is available at
http://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html. This video also has scenes from their summer school of truth with 355 attending.
Please pray for completion of construction by the end of October and for the financial need to be met.
- Morning revival: Week 2 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference).
- The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18, at L.A. Trade Tech
College (same location as May of this year and October of last year). - A video of the August 22 meeting about Oak Glen is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese on http://www.socalblendingcenter.org/updates. A brief video about Oak Glen is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp4AgX7zhiY.
- The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26 to 29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.