God’s Move in Man’s History to Carry Out His Economy
“Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love.” (Eph. 1:4)
“The burden of the word of Jehovah concerning Israel. Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundations of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him.” (Zech. 12:1)
The intrinsic significance of the twelve historical books in the Old Testament (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings,1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther) is the revelation that God’s move in man’s history prepares the way for God to carry out His eternal economy by His becoming a man that man may become God in life and in nature (but not in the Godhead), for the producing and building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem for His ultimate expression.
The way to fulfill God’s move in man’s history for the carrying out of His eternal economy is by exercising our spirit to experience and enjoy Christ as the sevenfold intensified Spirit. The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, live God, fulfill God’s purpose for God, and be one with God.
With God’s move, as the divine history, in man’s history, there is the new creation—the new man with a new heart, a new spirit, a new life, a new nature, a new history, and a new consummation. We praise the Lord that we are in the divine history, experiencing and enjoying the mysterious, divine things for our organic salvation, so that we may make ourselves ready to become His overcoming bride to bring Him back. (CS 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, msg. 1, I, V, VI; LS Zechariah, pp. 67-68)
Southern California Junior High Brothers Conference
The Spring Junior High Brothers Conference will take place April 7 to 9 at Oak Glen. The general subject is “The Spirit.” Please pray for our young brothers to be open vessels under the divine dispensing this weekend. Pray also that they would be encouraged by and blended with other young brothers from across Southern California.
European Brothers Training and Blending Conference
The Spring 2023 European Brothers Training will take place in London on April 5 to 7 to review the messages from the recent ITERO held in Anaheim. This training will be followed by the International Blending Conference in London for all the saints from April 8 to 9.
Please pray that the Lord’s word released in these meetings will operate effectively in the responsible brothers and all the saints to bring forth the genuine church life and build up the Body in all of Europe.
Twenty-nine saints from FTTT (28 trainees, 1 TA) will be in Germany from April 4 to May 5. After gathering in Frankfurt for orientation, teams of saints will travel to various localities in Germany. Some teams will stay with one church for the entire month; others may visit another nearby city currently being shepherded by that church. Local saints will participate to the extent that they are available.
Every morning, the teams will spend time in the truth, then gospel preaching and shepherding of new believers. Their main locations will be universities, since these trips coincide with orientation week on the university campuses and the first week of lectures. The goal is not merely to distribute tracts and NTs, not merely to get people to receive the Lord, but also to have shepherding times and repeated appointments with new believers.
UK Building Project
The UK building project in London has moved its emphasis from Woodland Camp to the construction of a new training center for the Full-time Training in London at Bower House. Permission has already been obtained to construct a new facility capable of holding at least 400 full-time trainees as well as conferences for up to 1,000 saints. Initial preparations are being made to begin construction this December. The total cost for the training center is estimated to be approximately £5 million (pounds) or about $6 million (dollars). If funds are forthcoming construction can be completed within two years, which is when we expect to reach the capacity of the current facility.
To give through the Church in Los Angeles for the new training center, please follow instructions at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings. Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.”
There are currently around 130 saints enjoying the church life in Antananarivo (commonly known as “Tana”), the capital of Madagascar. There are now regular meetings for the young people, appointments and Bible studies with university contacts, and visits by brothers to other cities for the shepherding, strengthening, and perfecting of the saints.
In 2021, land was purchased near the US Embassy; since then, additional connecting plots of land have been purchased. So far, construction of a small meeting hall, an office, and a brothers’ house have been completed. We pray that the construction of a large meeting hall can begin in the near future.
For a detailed report with photos, see the March 2023 issue of the Lord’s Move to Africa newsletter:
- http://reurl.cc/V878lA (English)
- http://reurl.cc/pLoL2x (Chinese)
- Morning Revival: Week 1 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
Memorial Day Conference: Saints in LA who are considering attending in-person sessions May 26 to 29 in Chicago are asked to RSVP by April 30 at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla. Your response helps LSM in making preparations and you to receive any pertinent updates.
July Semiannual Training: July 3 to 8 in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. Registration for LA saints is now open until April 30 (live) and June 18 (video) at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The general subject of this term’s weekly ministry meeting is “The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul’s Epistles.” Saints are invited to attend in-person at 7:25 pm at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim or online at http://www.lsmwebcast.com.
LSM Newsletter: The March issue of “Having This Ministry…” contains enlightening fellowship on “Our Need to Study the Hymnal” and “The Recovery Version—Why Another Translation of the Bible.” Go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers a series of free e-booklets to read and share at http://www.lsm.org/booklets, including “Life’s Sight—the Need of the Blind in Religion.”
Bibles for America‘s latest post is available to read and share at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org.
Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at http://livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.