Coming to the Lord and Drinking Him by Calling on His Name
“Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.” (John 7:37)
“For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to all who call upon Him; For ‘whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'” (Rom. 10:12-13)
In order to receive the living water of life, man must first sense his thirst. This inward thirst compels man to come to the Lord Jesus. When you feel thirsty, you need to come to the Lord Jesus in a simple way. You should come without hesitation or reservation. (CWWL 1950-1951, vol. 3, “Changing Death into Life,” ch. 6, pp. 143-144)
God has poured out His Spirit, and we receive the outpoured Spirit by calling on the name of the Lord. By calling “O Lord Jesus!” we receive the outpoured Spirit. By calling on the name of the Lord, we participate in all His riches, and these riches are in the all-inclusive Spirit. In order to drink the all-inclusive Spirit by calling on the name of the Lord, we must exercise our entire being, and especially our spirit, when we call. As we call “O Lord Jesus” by exercising our entire being, the all-inclusive Spirit has a way to be released from within us, and then He has a way to get into us more. (CWWL 1970, vol. 2, “Drinking the All-inclusive Spirit for the Practice of the Church Life and the Central Work of God,” ch. 1, pp. 312-313)
Our Young People
Please continue to pray for our young people to go on in the way of life—especially as they start the next school year. Pray for our junior high and high schoolers to enter into a normal, age-appropriate Christian living by freshly turning to the Lord every morning, learning to converse with Him, reading His word daily, and flowing out to magnify Christ!
The fall term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim and Extension in Boston begins next week. Please pray for all of those serving the trainees, that they themselves would enjoy the Lord’s serving of them as their abounding grace. Also, pray for a safe return for all the trainees and a healthy, strong beginning in the Lord together.
GTCA Cities and Virtual Tours
Please continue to pray for the migration of burdened saints and the strengthening of the Lord’s testimony in our 2022-2023 target cities (Columbus, OH; Nashville, TN; Normal, IL; Omaha, NE; Tampa, FL; and Virginia Beach, VA) and campus teams (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Lexington, KY; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbia SC; St. Louis, MO; and Tampa, FL).
This Saturday, August 13 there will be virtual tours featuring Virginia Beach (1:00 pm PT) and Omaha (3:00 pm PT). More information and links will be posted at
Bibles for America
At the recent World Athletics Championships in Eugene, Oregon, saints from four localities gave away Bibles, ministry books, and gospel tracts to people from at least 42 nations. The saints enjoyed the prayer, fellowship, and mutual encouragement each morning before they went out to distribute materials.
In total, 951 copies of the NT Recovery Version were given away, in addition to a number of books and tracts. Please pray that all the recipients would have an open heart as they read what they received. Pray that the Word of God would operate in them, causing them to grow and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.
Germany — Stuttgart Meeting Hall
The church in Stuttgart has not had a permanent meeting location since the Plieningen meeting hall, the former meeting hall that brother Witness Lee designed, was taken over by the opposers in the late 1980s. The church has been meeting in rented venues since then. Currently, there are around 65 saints and 15 children and young people in the church.
A suitable facility has been identified and its location is ideal. It is close to many saints and to the university with easy access to public transport. Next to the property is a public park with playgrounds and spacious green areas for picnics, recreation, and gospel outreach.
Due to its age and condition, the property will require extensive renovation. Immediate needs include better soundproofing and some cosmetic repairs. For longer term use, after approval from the city in 6 to 12 months, more extensive restorations and installations will be necessary to meet current building codes. The total project costs are estimated to be 2,775,000 euros.
Please pray for timely approval from the city and for adequate giving. Saints in LA who are burdened to contribute may give through the Church in Los Angeles designated for ‘STUTTGART MEETING HALL’.
Please continue to pray that:
- Adequate housing will be found for the Ukrainian saints who expect to remain in Europe.
- The Lord will continue to shepherd the Ukrainian refugees in Europe and bring the chosen ones to believe into Christ and enter the church life.
- The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord’s testimony in key European cities.
- The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.
- The Lord will open a way for several thousand Russian NT Recovery Versions to enter into Europe and be distributed among the refugees.
- Morning Revival: Week 4 of our morning revival topic on “Life in the Gospel of John.” On August 22, we begin Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life (Memorial Day Conference).
- Labor Day Conference: A conference for the saints and churches in Southern California will be held from September 2 to 4, Friday evening to Lord’s Day noon. The general subject will be “The Lord’s Coming.” Because of a concern for the saints’ health, the conference will be held completely online. Information will be sent later regarding ways to participate in the meetings.
- Bibles for America‘s latest posts at include “What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual?” and “Our Spiritual Remedy: The Spirit as an All-Inclusive Dose.”
- Ministry Books Website: Living Stream Ministry has recently updated with greater functionality. Some publications can be read for free, including all the Life-studies. Access to The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The Collected Works Witness Lee, and The Conclusion of the New Testament and more is available through a monthly or yearly subscription.
- A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at The current series is Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification.
- Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at