Meeting Together for the Hearing of Faith
“He therefore who bountifully supplies to you the Spirit and does works of power among you, does He do it out of the works of law or out of the hearing of faith?” (Gal. 3:5)
“So faith comes out of hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Rom. 10:17)
Do not stay away from the meetings because you think you will simply hear the same things over and over again. We need to eat breakfast every morning even though we may eat the same thing almost every day. If we refuse to eat because the food is the same, we shall not receive our necessary supply of food. In the same principle, we need to attend the church meetings in order to receive God’s supply. We can testify that it makes a great difference whether or not we come to the meetings for the hearing of faith. Time and time again, we may hear of Christ and the church, of Christ’s death and resurrection, and of how Christ has been processed to become the life-giving Spirit. But each time we hear these things, we receive the supply of the Spirit. Therefore, a proper Christian meeting is a hearing meeting, a meeting for the hearing of faith.
Those who speak in the church meetings should also be hearers, for they also hear the very things they are speaking. Those of us who speak in the church can testify that the more we speak, the more we hear. A proper speaker speaks first to himself and then to others. If you do not speak to yourself first, your speaking is not genuine. If we are genuine speakers, we should be the first to enjoy our speaking.
Meeting by meeting we come together for the hearing of faith. This faith is the appreciation, receiving, and accepting of God’s grace. Through faith we are joined to God’s grace, we partake of God’s grace, and we enjoy God’s grace. As we have pointed out again and again, this grace is the Triune God processed to become our enjoyment and everything to us. (Life-study of Galatians, msg. 14, p. 124)
Los Angeles
“For from you the word of the Lord has sounded out; not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but in every place, your faith toward God has gone out…” (1 Thes. 1:8)
Please continue to pray for the Lord’s interests related to the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles area:
- For the fulfillment of God’s economy, which is for all things to be headed up in Christ (Eph. 1:10).
- For one another in the household of the faith (Gal. 6:10).
- For the city of LA, where the Lord has placed us to be His testimony (1 Thes. 1:7-8; 1 Cor. 1:2). Pray that our presence in our communities can bring the Lord’s healing presence to those who interact with us (Matt. 9:20-22). May we be one with the Lord in His compassion and care for our fellow Angelenos—including neighbors, colleagues, and classmates.
Southern California Praise and Ministry Meeting
Twice a year all college students in Southern California are invited to come together on a Saturday evening for a time to worship the Lord together and hear the Lord’s speaking. This Saturday, February 1, UCLA will be hosting the gathering on campus. High school seniors are also invited. Please pray:
- For many of our students throughout SoCal, including newer ones, to come and actively participate.
- For the Lord to infuse them through His speaking with a fresh vision of God’s purpose.
- For our UCLA students in particular to joyfully welcome and blend with the visiting saints.
FTTA Gospel Trips
A total of 163 trainees from FTTA and FTTL are visiting 18 countries in Europe to cooperate with the Lord in His move. Of this number, 50 are in France. In addition, 97 FTTA trainees are visiting 27 cities in the United States. The trips began on 23 January and will conclude on 9 February. Please pray:
- That the Lord will fully cover the travel, safety, security, and health of all those involved.
- That the Lord will blend and build all the saints involved so that He can fully bless these trips.
- That the sanctifying Spirit will go before the saints to prepare the hearts of those the Lord has chosen.
- That the gospel of the kingdom will be prevailing and reach all those the Lord desires to save.
- That the Lord will add remaining fruit to the churches as His testimony in each of these nations.
For regular reports and updated prayer lists, go to
UK Building Project
In this last year, we have not had the funds required to initiate the major construction project of the new FTTL training center. Instead, most of the saints serving on the construction project have needed to find work. Over the summer of 2024, as the team of saints was coming to the end of their service, they prepared the site fully for the Bower House training center project to begin when it can.
Despite this reduction in manpower, we have still needed to consider how to accommodate the rapidly growing needs of the Full-time Training in London, especially the housing. We have over 50 trainees at present from all over Europe and around the world, and we expect many more to be gained by the Lord and come to the training, including from the recent gospel and shepherding labor in France.
The present facilities at Bower House can receive approximately 100 trainees; the FTTL classroom could accommodate up to 150 if all the furniture were removed. With the building of the new training center, we would have a building with a capacity for 1,000 people seated. This would be the first property of its kind in all of Europe, an amazing benefit to the trainees as well as for the blending of the saints.
Please pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds, construction permissions, and serving ones to carry out the construction of the full-time training center in London and on Woodland Camp.
A corresponding video can be found at For information regarding participating in this current building project by either praying, giving, or going, visit
To give through the Church in LA for the new training center, please follow instructions at Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.”
Cairo International Book Fair
The 56th Cairo Book Fair is taking place from January 23 through February 5. One of the Arab world’s most prominent cultural events, this is the largest book fair in the world for the Arabic-reading public as well as the largest in the world that is open directly to the public. The annual CIBF is an important opportunity for the Arabic literature work in Egypt to present ministry publications openly to the public. Pray for new contacts, friends, and beneficiaries of this ministry.
- Morning Revival: Week 3 of our guided reading through Galatians.
- LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. Spoken ministry portions are followed by a lively discussion. For example, all 45 episodes on Galatians are available at
- SoCal Spanish-speaking Conference: Audio recordings and outlines from the recent conference on “Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life” are now available at
- 2025 ICSC: The International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference will be hosted by Living Stream Ministry from February 14 to 16 in Anaheim. All the saints are invited and encouraged to attend. Details are available at
- Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, including two recent episodes on being vitalized by “Setting Proper Goals,” at
- Bibles for America‘s latest blogpost, “The First Step in Understanding the Bible,” is available to read and share at
- Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at