Living under God’s Government
“For it is time for the judgment to begin from the house of God; and if first from us, what will be the end of those who disobey the gospel of God?” (1 Pet. 4:17)
“So then let those also who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator.” (1 Pet. 4:19)
The purpose of God’s governing judgment [is] to clear up His universe. God is cleansing, purifying, the universe. First, He purifies us, His household. We are now the center of His cleaning work. The reason we have difficulties is that God’s judgment begins from His own household. You and I are under God’s judgment. (Life-study of 1 Peter, p. 10)
This book shows the government of God especially in relation to His dealings with His chosen people. The sufferings they undergo in fiery persecution are used by Him as a means to judge them that they may be disciplined, purified, and separated from the unbelievers and not have the same destiny as they. Hence, such disciplinary judgment begins from His own household, and it is not exercised just once or twice but is being carried out continuously until the Lord’s coming. (p. 252)
We should commit our souls to the faithful Creator. God can preserve our soul, and His loving and faithful care accompanies His justice in His governmental administration. While God judges us in His government, He cares for us faithfully in His love; as we are suffering His disciplinary judgment, we should commit our souls to the faithful care of our Creator. (Living a Christian Life and Church Life under the Government of God for the Economy of God, msg. 2, IV. D, 1-2)
Seeking the Things Which Are Above
God has seated Christ in the heavenlies “far above all rule and authority and power and lordship and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come; and He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church” (Eph. 1:21-22).
“If therefore you were raised together with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the bright hand of God” (Col. 3:1). To seek the things above is to seek to live Christ in and with the church (see note 13).
The new US administration has brought national and world politics into a new era. All of this is in the earthly realm. We should not set our mind on earthly things (Col. 3:2), but should ask the Lord:
- To save us from every anxiety or gladness about things of this age.
- To strengthen our seeking to live Christ in the church life.
- To exercise His authority to direct everything toward His conclusion of this age.
- To use any current uncertainties to open more people to the gospel.
SoCal Junior High Sisters Conference
This weekend, March 7 to 9, sisters from across Southern California will gather at Oak Glen for the Spring 2025 Junior High Sisters Conference on “The Spirit.” For this conference, please pray:
- For the Lord to prepare the hearts of all of the young sisters in Southern California.
- That the messages spoken would be relevant and timely to meet the needs of the sisters.
- That spiritual companionships would be built through spending time together during the conference.
Paris, France
One of the most significant cities in the world, Paris is the capital of France. The church life was established there in 2002 and has over 100 saints meeting. Because of the Lord’s present move in the French-speaking countries in Europe, the burden is to strengthen the Lord’s testimony in this crucial city so that it can serve as a base for the Lord’s move.
In addition to a number of saints receiving the Lord’s burden to serve on “shepherding trips” of one to three months to meet the urgent need, please pray for many saints to migrate under the Head and in the Body to strengthen the Lord’s testimony in Paris!
2026 Winter Olympics in Italy
Next year, the 2026 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy, from February 6 to 22. The Torch Relay throughout Italy will begin on December 6, 2025. Please pray:
- That the Lord will be wisdom to His Body on how to take advantage of this opportunity to sow Christ as the seed of the kingdom into many who attend this event.
- That the Lord will use the upcoming months to prepare the hearts of many seeking people to receive Christ in His word and be added to the Lord’s testimony in Italy and other parts of Europe.
Meeting Hall in Riga, Latvia
Riga is the capital of Latvia, one of the three Baltic countries in Northeastern Europe. Riga plays a vital role in connecting these countries and serves as a key bridge between the Russian-speaking work and the broader work in Europe. Recently, the church in Riga acquired a four-story building that needs extensive renovation. Currently, the financial need is 500,000 Euros (about $550,000). Offerings given to the Church in Los Angeles can be designated ‘Riga Meeting Hall.’
Madrid House Purchase
The funds needed to purchase the house next to the meeting hall in Madrid have been received well before the closing deadline of March 6. Thank the Lord for supplying this need in and through His Body to advance His move on the Iberian Peninsula. Hallelujah!
- Morning Revival: Week 2 of Living a Christian Life and Church Life Under the Government of God for the Economy of God (Thanksgiving Conference).
- Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The new series on “The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul’s Epistles—Ephesians” continues this week starting at 7:25 pm in Anaheim and at
- SoCal Korean-speaking Conference: This year’s blending conference will be held in person for the first time since the pandemic on March 16, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, in Arcadia. The subject will be “The Way to Live in the Reality of the Kingdom of God and to Bring in the Kingdom of God.” Meetings for children and young people will be provided, as well as lunch boxes.
- Memorial Day Conference: The 2025 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Phoenix, AZ at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown from May 23 to 26. Saints in LA who are considering attending in person are asked to RSVP by April 30 at Details, including recommended hotels at discounted rates, are in the information package on this site.
- ICSC: Archived messages from the recent International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference in Anaheim are available to watch for free until March 18 at
- Junior High Conferences: At Oak Glen for sisters, March 7 to 9; for brothers, March 28 to 30.
- High School Conferences: At Oak Glen for sisters, March 14 to 16; for brothers, April 11 to 13.
- Bibles for America‘s recent blogpost “How Does God’s Light Help Us Grow?” is available to read and share at
- Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at