Week of October 16

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The Ministry of Grace in Life

"And he [Elisha] went out to the source of the water and threw salt there; and he said, Thus says Jehovah, I have healed this water; there will not be any more death or barrenness from there." (2 Kings 2:21)

"For if, by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." (Rom. 5:17)

Elisha was a type of Christ in doing miracles of grace in life. Elijah did some great miracles, such as closing up the heavens so that it might not rain and calling down fire from heaven to consume the burnt offering and the water that had been poured upon it. However, when Elisha came in to replace him, he did not perform wonders. Instead, Elisha did miracles of grace in life.

Grace is God doing everything for us by giving Himself to us as our enjoyment. This grace issues in the divine life, which is rich and high, even unto making us co-kings with Christ… More than any other prophet, Elisha did things that, in type, were the same as what the Lord Jesus did in reality. In principle, Elisha and the Lord Jesus did the same thing, performing miracles of grace in life. (Life-study of 1 & 2 Kings, pp. 85-86)

In the decline of the church and in suffering for the church, the gift of power is not as much needed as the grace in life. According to the New Testament, miraculous gifts may have a place when the church is first raised up. But for the church to withstand decline or persecution, miraculous gifts or powers are not very helpful. Only the eternal life on which we are to lay hold is prevailing. By this life we can withstand decline and persecution. (Life-study of 2 Timothy, pp. 71-72)

Let us pray for the prevailing ministry of grace in life to be raised up that can withstand all decline and persecution in the suffering of this age.

The Church in Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together at 10:00 am this Lord's Day, October 23 at the LA Convention Center. Further details will be announced by hall.

Please pray for the timely speaking of the Lord to shepherd all the saints in the church to be brought on for the sake of His testimony in Los Angeles. Pray that through this blending meeting all the saints would be encouraged to love the Lord and love one another for the organic building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

Southern California High School Conferences

The Spring 2022 High School Conferences will be held October 21 to 23 with sisters in Cerritos and brothers in Huntington Beach. The topic is "The Tree of Life." Please pray for our high schoolers to enjoy Christ as life (John 6:57) and learn to live according to this life (Rom. 8:6). Pray also that they would be encouraged by and blended with other young people across Southern California.

Germany and Switzerland

In this second week of gospel trips from October 17 to 23, the visiting saints will be divided into smaller teams and join the local saints in target cities, where the saints have been laboring faithfully with the view of raising up new lampstands. Please pray that the Lord will gain many young Germans and Swiss as remaining fruit through the campus labor at the beginning of the university year. Pray also for the spread of the Lord's testimony in all the cities through these gospel trips.

Frankfurt, Germany

The church in Frankfurt will do some outdoor literature distribution this weekend to coincide with the Frankfurt Book Fair, which will be October 19 to 23. Pray for the one accord and harmony in the saints' service as the master key to every blessing in the NT and "that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified" (2 Thes. 3:1)!


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Russian and Ukrainian brothers fighting in the war will be preserved in their tripartite being.
  • The Lord will shepherd the Ukrainian refugees in Europe and establish them in the church life.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.


Tajikistan is a secular Muslim country in Central Asia with a population of 9 million. The main language is Tajik, but most people are also fluent in Russian. The largest city is the capital, Dushanbe.

At present, there is no testimony of the Lord's recovery in Tajikistan, but several saints have received the burden to migrate. May the Lord open the door for the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom. May He protect and bless the saints' going, and enable them to spread the gospel wisely and gain vessels prepared by Him. Also pray for more saints to receive the burden and go for propagation in coordination.

To read a report from some brothers who visited Tajikistan over the summer, see the October 2022 issue of the Lord's Move to Asia newsletter:


  1. Morning Revival: Week 3 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings. Next week, after our LA Joint Meeting, we will proceed to Week 4.
  2. December Semiannual Training: December 26 to 31, conducted live in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. Registration for LA saints will remain open until October 30 (live) and December 11 (video). Go to http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  3. LSM Newsletter: The September issue contains helpful fellowship on the purpose of training donations, maintaining the standard of video trainings, and praying for the semiannual trainings. Go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  4. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  5. Benson Phillips Memorial Meetings: Recordings of memorial meetings for Brother Benson may be viewed at http://www.memorial-meeting.org.
  6. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at http://anchor.fm/livingtohim.
  7. North American Korean-speaking Conference: October 29 to 30 on Zoom.
  8. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). All conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of October 9

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Four Crucial Journeys to Enter into the Ministry of the Age

"And Elijah said to Elisha, Stay here, for Jehovah has sent me as far as Bethel. And Elisha said, As Jehovah lives and as your soul lives, I will not leave you. So they went down to Bethel." (2 Kings 2:2)

"But moreover I also count all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord… that I may gain Christ." (Phil. 3:8)

Elisha's following of Elijah from Gilgal to Bethel, from Bethel to Jericho, and from Jericho to the river Jordan shows that in order to enter into the ministry of the New Testament age, we should intrinsically follow the minister of the age according to the vision of the age. To do this we must follow the Lord through four crucial places:

  1. Gilgal, the place where God's people were circumcised to deal with their flesh; it is the place where the flesh is judged and the place where God gives us the light to judge the flesh.
  2. Bethel, which is the place to give up the world and turn to God absolutely, taking God as everything; Bethel refers to victory over the world.
  3. Jericho; it was the first city that Joshua and the people of Israel had to defeat when they entered into the good land, and it signifies God's enemy, Satan.
  4. The river Jordan; this river, where the New Testament baptism began, signifies death; crossing the river Jordan is overcoming death in order to live and minister in resurrection.

If we want to receive the rapture of Elijah and a double portion of the spirit with the power of the Holy Spirit, we must pass through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the river Jordan. In order for the age to be changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament in our experience, we must deal with our flesh, give up the world and turn to God, defeat Satan, and pass through death into a living that is in resurrection. (Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Kings, msg. 2, III.B, C, D, E, F)

Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting

The whole church in Los Angeles—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together at 10:00 am on Lord's Day, October 23 at the LA Convention Center.

Please pray for a healthy attendance and blending, and for the timely speaking of the Lord to shepherd all the saints in the church to be brought on for the sake of His testimony in Los Angeles and for the building up of the reality of the Body of Christ, the preparation of the bride of Christ, and the manifestation of the kingdom of Christ.

All-LA Campus Fellowship

This Friday, October 14 there will be a gathering in Westwood with dinner and fellowship for our college students across Los Angeles. There will also be some students from Santa Clarita and Santa Barbara. Please pray for exercised and released singing, a solid speaking from the word, and a good blending across these different campuses and localities.

Southern California Junior High Conferences

The Spring 2022 Junior High Conferences will be held October 14 to 16 with sisters in Diamond Bar and brothers in Irvine. The topic is "The Word of God." Please pray for much washing of the water in the word (Eph. 5:26) and for our young people to have their appreciation of the word uplifted and their appetite for the word expanded. Pray also that they would be encouraged by and blended with other young people across Southern California.

Germany and Switzerland

Gospel trips are taking place in Germany and Switzerland from October 10 to 23. During this first week, all the visiting saints will be in six major cities. The plan is to contact new students at the beginning of their academic semester as well as gain contacts in the community through Bible distribution. Every year, over thousands of students enrolled at the universities, so there is a great need to contact and shepherd the new students. We pray that the Lord will use this trip to gain new contacts and open other seeking students to become remaining fruit!


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Russian and Ukrainian brothers fighting in the war will be preserved in their tripartite being.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man.
  • The tripartite being of the saints in the besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord's interests.


Pray for the Lord's working within some gospel contacts to remove all obstacles of cultural and religious backgrounds and enable them to know the true God.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Broadcast resumes this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  3. Benson Phillips Memorial Meetings: Recordings of both memorial meetings for Brother Benson may be viewed at http://www.memorial-meeting.org.
  4. December Semiannual Training: December 26 to 31, conducted live in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. Registration for LA saints will remain open until October 30 (live) and December 11 (video). Go to http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  5. LSM Newsletter: The September issue contains helpful fellowship on the purpose of training donations, maintaining the standard of video trainings, and praying for the semiannual trainings. Go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  6. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). All conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  7. North American Korean-speaking Conference: October 29 to 30 on Zoom.
  8. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of October 2

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Seeing God's Economy in 1 and 2 Kings

"And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is, which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things." (Eph. 3:9)

The Bible is a book of God's economy. God's economy, the key to the Bible, is the Triune God with His plan and arrangement to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity into His chosen, redeemed, and regenerated people as their life, their life supply, and their everything to make them His corporate expression, initially as the Body of Christ and ultimately as the New Jerusalem. If we see that God's economy is the key to the Bible, we will use this key in our study of every book of the Bible. If we see this key and use it, the Bible will become to us what it is to God—the revelation of the divine economy.

Apparently, the books of 1 and 2 Kings are the history of the kings of Israel. Actually, 1 and 2 Kings were written in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the way of being related to God's eternal economy, which is unveiled and conveyed through typology and carried out by His elect on the earth. (Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings, msg. 1, I, C-C.2; Key Statement 1)

Let us pray that all the saints would see a fresh vision of God's economy as the key to study every book of the Bible, particularly 1 and 2 Kings.

International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones

The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones will take place this weekend, October 7 to 9, both in-person in Anaheim and by video around the globe. The general subject is "Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ."

Please pray for the release of the Lord's word and burden this weekend. Pray that all the elders and responsible brothers throughout the Lord's recovery will receive and enter into the burden of this training and cooperate with the Lord for His will to be done on earth and for His eternal purpose to be fulfilled.


Thank you for all your prayers for UCLA over these last three weeks. We have clearly sensed the Lord's blessing because of the prayer of all the saints! So far, more than 25 new ones have joined us for further welcome events, including some who are very new to the Lord. We enjoyed a word from Colossians 1:23 that this quarter the students would "continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast and not being moved away from the hope of the gospel."

As the UCLA students begin their second full week of classes, please continue to pray for the Lord to shepherd each of these sheep in the coming weeks and connect them fully with His flock! Pray especially that these ones would have a way to be connected with more saints in the church through small groups and visitation to be gained for His testimony!

Bibles for America

At the end of September, we received a shipment of 118,000 copies of the NT Recovery Version in English at our distribution center in Anaheim. An additional 100,000 Bibles are scheduled to be delivered in January of 2023. We thank the Lord for the 2 million Bibles that we've been able to give away thus far, and we look to Him that we'll be able to give away another 3 million Bibles in the next 10 years.

Please pray that the Lord would be our wisdom to reach more people with the free offer of a NT Recovery Version through various types of advertising and promotion. Pray also that all those who receive these Bibles would be enlightened and nourished by the interpreted Word of God.


Pray for the distribution of the NT Recovery Version in the Indian languages of Malayalam, Mizo, Tamil and Telugu, and for the readers of these Bibles to be brought into the full knowledge of the truth.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second largest country by area in Africa (after Algeria). With close to 90 million people, it is the fourth most populous country in Africa (after Nigeria, Ethiopia and Egypt) and the most populous French-speaking country in the world.

Over 600 saints are enjoying the Lord in 12 localities. There has been increased fellowship among the saints in major cities, including the capital of Kinshasa. The Lord has accomplished this through contacts by a Congolese brother living in Brazil. Praise the Lord for the joints of rich supply in the Body! We pray that there can be more such fellowship with saints in the Body.

To read more about the church life in Central Africa, including Cameroon, see the September issue of the Lord's Move to Africa newsletter:

http://www.lmafrica.org/images/LMAfrica_Newsletter_September_2022_English.pdf (English)
http://www.lmafrica.org/images/LMAfrica_Newsletter_September_2022_Chin_Simplified.pdf (Chinese)


  1. Morning Revival: Week 1 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: NO MEETING this Wednesday, October 5. The live broadcast will resume at 7:25 pm on October 12. Past messages may be found at http://www.lsmwebcast.com.
  3. Benson Phillips Memorial Meeting: A memorial meeting will be held this Lord's Day, October 9 at 2:30 pm at the MCC in Anaheim. It will also be live-streamed at http://www.memorial-meeting.org.
  4. LA Joint Meeting: Lord's Day morning, October 23 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
  5. North American Korean-speaking Conference: October 29 to 30 on Zoom.
  6. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). All conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  7. December Semiannual Training: December 26 to 31, conducted live in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. Registration for LA saints starts this Lord's Day and will remain open until October 30 (live) and December 11 (video). To read the September issue of LSM's newsletter, which contains helpful fellowship on the purpose of training donations, maintaining the standard of video trainings, and praying for the semiannual trainings, go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  8. SoCal Labor Day Conference: Recordings are available at http://churchinanaheim.org/laborday.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of September 25

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Becoming a Reproduction of Christ as the Tree of Life

"And this is the testimony, that God gave to us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life." (1 John 5:11-12)

"If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask and he will give life to him…" (1 John 5:16)

As a reproduction of Christ as the tree of life, we have the ministry of life. Because we are believers in Christ and children of God, we not only have eternal life and may experience eternal life, but we also can minister this life to other members of the Body of Christ.

To minister life is to impart life. When we have a surplus of life, we can minister from this supply to others. (Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life, msg. 6, II, A, B)


This is the first full week of classes at UCLA. So far, more than 60 new freshmen have attended at least one of our welcome events, with some new transfer students also visiting us. We have met many of these students multiple times throughout the week. The Lord's blessing has definitely been with us due to the prayers of the saints. We need your continued prayers for:

  • Continued face-to-face contact with freshmen both informally and at our events.
  • The grouping of students into smaller Bible study groups and the spiritual nourishment as they gather this week.
  • Excellent attendance and rich enjoyment of the Lord at our half-day outing and fellowship this Saturday, October 1.
  • Abundant grace and continued one accord among all the laboring saints.

Germany and Switzerland

More openings are available to those who are burdened by the Lord to participate in gospel trips in Germany and Switzerland from October 10 to 23. Registration has been extended until September 30.

Please pray that the Lord will gain many young Germans and Swiss as remaining fruit through the campus labor at the beginning of the university year. Pray also for the spread of the Lord's testimony in all the cities through the gospel trips. For more information, go to http://tinyurl.com/2022GermanyGospelTrips.

Tübingen, Germany

The resumption of the Lord's table in Tübingen was held last Lord's Day, September 25. Located 18 miles from Stuttgart, Tübingen is a university city where the 28,000 students form one-third of the population. The healthy church life begun there in the 1970s was wiped out by the rebellion and turmoil that affected many of the churches in Germany in the late 1980s. We rejoice that the Lord will have a bright and shining testimony there again. Please pray for a glorious new beginning in the coordination and fellowship in the Body.

Lisbon, Portugal

This weekend, October 1 to 2, there will be a mini-conference and the first Lord's table meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. Please pray that the Lord would bless the blending of approximately 200 saints from 25 nations. Pray also that the large number of new saints coming to this conference would gain a fresh vision of the Lord's recovery and that the Lord would have a wonderful beginning of His testimony in this city.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Russian and Ukrainian brothers fighting in the war will be preserved in their tripartite being.
  • The Lord will continue to shepherd the Ukrainian refugees and establish them in the church life.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man.
  • The tripartite being of the saints in the besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord's interests.

Sri Lanka

Please continue to pray for all the suffering saints during the current economic crisis, that they can receive God's abounding grace through His secret care.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life. Next week, we begin Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  3. SAVE THE DATE: Lord's Day morning, October 23, we will have a meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles at the LA Convention Center.
  4. Benson Phillips Memorial Meetings: The video recording of Brother Benson's memorial meeting in Irving, TX on September 11 is available at http://www.memorial-meeting.org, along with an earlier video of his personal testimony. A second memorial meeting will be held on October 9 in Anaheim.
  5. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). All conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  6. LSM Newsletter: The September issue of "Having This Ministry…" contains helpful fellowship on the purpose of training donations, maintaining the standard of video trainings, and praying for the semiannual trainings. Go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  7. SoCal Labor Day Conference: Recordings are available at http://churchinanaheim.org/laborday.
  8. Bibles for America's latest post is available to read and share at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  9. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  10. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of September 18

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Having a Thoroughfare in our Being

"And He said to me, Son of man, feed your stomach and fill your inward parts with this scroll that I am giving you. And I ate it, and it was like honey in my mouth in its sweetness." (Ezek. 3:3)

"But the word heard did not profit them, not being mixed together with faith in those who heard." (Heb. 4:2b)

As we eat the Lord Jesus by eating His words, we need to have proper spiritual digestion. If we have good digestion, there will be a thoroughfare for the food to get into every part of our inward being. Indigestion means that there is no way for the Lord as the spiritual food to get through into our inward parts. We need to keep our whole being, with all our inward parts, open to the Lord so that the spiritual food will have a thoroughfare within us. If we do this, we will have proper digestion and assimilation, we will absorb Christ as spiritual nourishment, and Christ will become our constituent for the expression of God. (Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life, msg. 5, II, B, 1-3).

Southern California Special Training on the Eldership

A new term of the special training on the eldership for elders and responsible brothers in Southern California began last Saturday, September 17 on Zoom. Through regular corporate gatherings, group times, and personal study, the ongoing burden is to strengthen the present eldership and responsible brothers in the churches, to perfect and raise up the next generation of leading brothers, and to gradually bring more younger brothers into a functioning role in an organic way. Please pray:

  1. For the Lord to abundantly grace and strengthen all the participants—both new and returning ones—and become their perseverance and faithfulness to present themselves absolutely to this training.
  2. That an unprecedented one accord among the churches in Southern California will be ushered in as all the brothers are attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion.
  3. That the Lord will bless this ongoing training so that all participants will be perfected further for the Lord's testimony in Southern California and for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ.


This week is UCLA's welcome week. Please fight the battle with us in prayer for:

  • Multiple occasions to see many new freshmen face to face through this first week on campus.
  • Solid connections and companionships to be formed with seeking and open students.
  • The Lord's shepherding and feeding of new students at our first Bible study and large group fellowship.
  • All those participating in the gospel outreach this week to be kept from the evil one and for Satan to be bound so that his house can be plundered.

Central and Eastern European and Balkans Blending Conference

This year's CEEB Conference will be held in Bucharest, Romania from September 23 to 25. The four sessions of speaking will be from the recent Memorial Day Conference on "Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life." Countries represented include Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey.

We look to the Lord for an encouraging, supplying and comforting word to the churches and saints in these regions that are being directly affected by the current world situation. Please pray for the Lord's timely speaking to lead all the saints to take the unique way of enjoying Christ as the tree of life.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Lord will continue to use the fourth cycle of gospel and shepherding trips (September 8 to 25) to care for the Ukrainian refugees in Poland in Warsaw, Krakow, and Wrocław (pronounced Vroh-tswaf).
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.
  • The tripartite being of the saints in the besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord's interests.


In answer to the Body's prayer and the supply from the Lord through the Body, the printed copies of the NT Recovery Version in the Indian languages of Malayalam, Mizo, Tamil and Telugu are now available! We praise and thank the Lord for His sovereignty and blessing over the entire project. Distribution is now being carried out: initially, since July, to the saints in the Lord's recovery speaking these languages, then to those in various Christian groups. With the burden to help our readers get the maximum benefit, we have started a weekly presentation for each language group, highlighting certain changes with a view to preparing the readers to receive the Recovery Version with an open heart.

We trust the Lord that the availability of the interpreted Word will uplift the level of truth in India and pave the way for the Lord to move further and faster in a fuller way. Please pray for the Lord to bless the ongoing distribution of the NT Recovery Version in India and for the readers of these Bibles to be brought into the full knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4).

To read encouraging testimonies from readers, see the September issue of LSM's newsletter at http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.

North Africa

North Africa consists of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, and Western Sahara. Cairo, Egypt remains the only lampstand in the region. While the church there is still small, there is something solid for the Lord: three local saints have gone through FTT Pretoria and a fourth started his first term last month. May the Lord cause the local saints to send their roots downward so that they can bear fruit upwards (2 Kings 19:30) this coming year!

To read more about the church life in Cairo and the Arabic publication work, see the August issue of the Lord's Move to Africa newsletter in English or Chinese at http://www.lmafrica.org.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  3. Benson Phillips Memorial Meetings: The video recording of Brother Benson's memorial meeting in Irving, TX on September 11 is available at http://www.memorial-meeting.org, along with an earlier video of his personal testimony. A second memorial meeting will be held on October 9 in Anaheim.
  4. SoCal Labor Day Conference: Recordings are available at http://churchinanaheim.org/laborday.
  5. LSM Newsletter: The September issue of "Having This Ministry…" also contains helpful fellowship on the purpose of training donations, maintaining the standard of video trainings, and praying for the semiannual trainings. Go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  6. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). All conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  7. Bibles for America's latest post is available to read and share at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  8. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of September 11

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Grafted into Christ to Become Part of the Tree of Life

"Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:4-5)

In order to understand the Bible, we must exercise one principle. This principle is that God planned in His economy to make Himself one with man. The basic principle, the main principle, of Christ's birth is that God came to join Himself to man, to be a man, and to be one with man.

We should keep the principle that the Word of God as the divine revelation shows us that God's main purpose is to make Himself one with man and to make man one with Him. In John 15 the Lord said, "I am the vine; you are the branches… Abide in Me and I in you" (vv. 5, 4). This shows us that God and the believers in Christ are one. We and God were once separate, but one day we, the wild branches, were grafted into Him in Christ (Rom. 11:24). We have been grafted into Christ as the tree, and this grafting has made us one with Him. What is needed now is for us to abide in Him that He may abide in us. Then He and we will be one, having one life, one nature, and one living. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 200-201)


This week the students in our brothers' and sisters' houses return to Los Angeles for a week of fellowship, blending, and enjoying the Lord before classes begin. Please pray for:

  • An atmosphere of loving the Lord and loving one another to be built up among our returning students.
  • The students to have a solid beginning in pursuing the Lord for this quarter.
  • A fresh burden to shine the Lord to others, including classmates and incoming freshmen.

YP Blending Meeting

There will be a Southern California young people's blending meeting in Arcadia this Saturday, September 17. Lord, gain this generation for Your move to bring You back!


The fall term of the Middle-age Training in Anaheim began this week on September 12. The goal of the training is to foster living, functioning, overcoming members of the Body of Christ for the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose!

Pray for the Lord's covering and blessing of all the trainees, serving ones, and their families. Pray for the rich infusion of the truth into each trainee and for the Lord's maturing them through His moving within each one and His using the outward environment.

GTCA Cities – St. Louis

Please continue to pray for the migration of burdened saints and the strengthening of the Lord's testimony in our target cities (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Memphis and Nashville, TN; Normal, IL; Omaha, NE; St. Louis, MO; Tampa, FL; and Virginia Beach, VA) and campus teams (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Lexington, KY; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbia SC; St. Louis, MO; and Tampa, FL).

This Saturday, September 17 there will be a virtual tour of St. Louis at 2:00 pm PT). Information and links will be posted at http://gtca.us.

European University Training

The European University Training continues this week in the UK and Ireland (September 11 to 16) and next week in Germany (September 20 to 24). The general subject is "God's Economy, Which Is in Faith" and also covers the preaching of the gospel for the new academic semester.

Please pray for the shepherding and perfecting of all the students attending these regional trainings so that their faith will grow, and for the preaching of the gospel by the spirit of faith so that many Europeans will be added to the household of faith.

Germany and Switzerland

The churches in Germany and Switzerland extend a warm invitation to all the saints in the recovery to join their campus labor at the beginning of the university year in October.

Please pray that the Lord will gain many young Germans and Swiss as remaining fruit and for the spread of the Lord's testimony in all the cities through these gospel trips. Pray also that the local saints will open at least one day to participate with the visiting saints and be brought more into gospel fellowship. For more information, go to http://tinyurl.com/2022GermanyGospelTrips.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Warsaw extension of FTT Moscow will be under the Lord's blessing as the new semester begins.
  • The Lord will use the fourth cycle of the gospel and shepherding trips, from 8-25 September, to care for the Ukrainian refugees in Poland in Warsaw, Krakow, and Wrocław (pronounced Vroh-tswaf).
  • The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.
  • The tripartite being of the saints in the besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord's interests.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 4 of Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life.
  2. SoCal Labor Day Conference: Recordings are now available at http://churchinanaheim.org/laborday.
  3. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  4. Bibles for America's latest post is available to read and share at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  5. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). All conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  6. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of September 4

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Praying for the Lord's Coming

"He who testifies these things says, Yes, I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev. 22:20)

The first part of this verse is the Lord's third warning in chapter twenty-two of Revelation regarding His soon coming. The last part is the apostle John's prayer and response to the Lord's warning. It is also the last prayer in the Bible. After reading the book of Revelation, we also should have such a prayer and response—"Come, Lord Jesus!" This was John's desire expressed as a prayer. Therefore, the whole Bible concludes with a desire for the Lord's coming expressed as a prayer. (The Conclusion of the New Testament: The Believers, vol. 2, p. 1946)

"When He comes, faith will be turned to facts, and praise will replace prayer. Love will consummate in a shadowless perfection, and we will serve Him in the sinless domain. What a day that will be! Lord Jesus, come quickly!" (Watchman Nee, The Song of Songs, p. 126).

Pray that the word released in the Southern California Labor Day Conference would operate in all the saints. May we follow the pattern of the Apostle John and Brother Nee to hasten the day of the Lord's return by praying, "Lord Jesus, come quickly!"

Loving the Lord with the First Love

The Lord's recovery is a recovery of loving the Lord with the first love, the best love, and of eating the Lord Jesus as the tree of life for the building up of the organic Body of Christ, which is the building up of the New Jerusalem as the goal of God's eternal economy.

To enjoy the Lord as the tree of life, we must tell Him all the time, "Lord Jesus, I love You." If we have a burning love toward the Lord Jesus, giving Him the first place in all things, we will enjoy all that He is.

When we love Him, He will manifest Himself to us, and He and the Father will come to us and make Their abode with us. Thus, we need to pray prayers such as, "Lord, show me Your love, and constrain me with Your love that I may love You and live to You"; "Lord, keep me loving You all the time." We must continually tell the Lord, "Lord Jesus, I love You; Lord, keep me in Your love! Attract me with Yourself! Keep me all the time in Your loving and present presence." (Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life, msg. 3, III, A, E)

GTCA Cities – Memphis

Please continue to pray for the migration of burdened saints and the strengthening of the Lord's testimony in our target cities (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Memphis and Nashville, TN; Normal, IL; Omaha, NE; St. Louis, MO; Tampa, FL; and Virginia Beach, VA) and campus teams (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Lexington, KY; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbia SC; St. Louis, MO; and Tampa, FL).

This Saturday, September 10 there will be a virtual tour of Memphis at 3:00 pm PT). Information and links will be posted at http://gtca.us.

European University Training

The upcoming European University Training will take place in France (September 9 to 11), UK and Ireland (September 11 to 16), and Germany (September 20 to 24). The general subject is "God's Economy, Which Is in Faith" and also covers the preaching of the gospel for the new academic semester.

Please pray for the shepherding and perfecting of the European university students at the three regional trainings so that their faith will grow, and for the preaching of the gospel by the spirit of faith so that many Europeans will be added to the household of faith.

Germany and Switzerland

The churches in Germany and Switzerland extend a warm invitation to all the saints in the recovery to join their campus labor at the beginning of the university year in October. Please pray that the Lord will gain many young Germans and Swiss as remaining fruit, and for the spread of the Lord's testimony in all the cities through these gospel trips. For more information, go to http://tinyurl.com/2022GermanyGospelTrips.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Warsaw extension of FTT Moscow will be under the Lord's blessing as the new semester begins.
  • The Lord will use the fourth cycle of the gospel and shepherding trips, from 8-25 September, to care for the Ukrainian refugees in Poland in Warsaw, Krakow, and Wrocław (pronounced Vroh-tswaf).
  • The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 3 of Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  3. Benson Phillips Memorial Meeting: A memorial meeting for Brother Benson Phillips will take place in Irving, TX this Lord's Day, September 11 at 12:30 p.m. PDT. The meeting will be streamed live at memorial-meeting.org.
  4. Young People's Blending Meeting: Saturday, September 17 in Arcadia; details at http://scyp.com/blending.
  5. Bibles for America's latest post at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org is entitled "What Is Spiritual Growth?"
  6. Thanksgiving Conference: All the churches and individuals are invited from November 24 to 27. Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions in Washington, DC should RSVP no later than October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). More conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  7. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html. The current series is The Secret of God's Organic Salvation—"the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit".
  8. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of August 28

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Living According to the Principle of Life

"That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit." (Rom. 8:4)

"For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace." (Rom. 8:6)

The two trees in Genesis 2:9—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—represent two principles of living. The two trees show that a Christian can live according to two different principles—the principle of right and wrong or the principle of life. When we received the Lord Jesus and gained a new life, we obtained another principle of living—the principle of life. If we do not know this principle, we will set the principle of life aside and follow the principle of right and wrong. Being a Christian is not a matter of asking whether something is right or wrong. It is a matter of checking with the life inside of us whenever we do something.

In order to live according to the principle of life, we need to follow the inner sense of life. The sense of life is subjective, personal, and practical. The sense of life on the negative side is the feeling of death. The sense of life on the positive side is the feeling of life and peace, with a consciousness of strength, satisfaction, rest, brightness, and comfort. We need to pray ourselves into the sense of life and live under its controlling, guiding, and directing element day by day. The more we walk according to the spirit and follow the sense of life, the more we will live according to the principle of life. (Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life, msg. 2, I, B-D; IV, A, 1-2, E-F)

Southern California Labor Day Conference

From September 2 to 4, the churches in Southern California will participate by clusters in an online conference. The general subject will be "The Lord's Coming." Outlines and Zoom meeting information will be communicated by halls and languages. The meeting schedule is as follows:

Meeting 1: Friday, Sep 2.............. 7:30 PM
Meeting 2: Saturday, Sep 3....... 10:30 AM
Meeting 3: Saturday, Sep 3......... 7:30 PM
Meeting 4: Lord's Day, Sep 4.... 10:30 AM

Please pray for as many saints as possible to participate. Let us sanctify this weekend by setting aside our time and presenting our tripartite beings to hear what the Spirit would speak to the churches.


Cal State Northridge begins classes this week. During the pandemic, we have not had much presence on the campus and our club is an unofficial one. And yet seeking students continue to contact us through our club website and email. In this new academic year, although we only have a handful of students and a few gospel friends, there is a renewed desire to establish something more regular and solid into which we can bring contacts in cooperation with the Lord to gain remaining fruit for His building. Please pray:

  • For the Lord to continue to blend our own students together.
  • For the gospel friends to be connected and find a home with the saints.
  • For the resumption of the campus club and the weekly Bible study.

FTTL – Bower House

The need for enlarged facilities for the training center in Europe is now growing as the Lord's move in Europe advances. Country by country and city by city, the Lord is gaining this continent and raising up young people from among the children of the saints and from the college campuses. The fields are white, and the need is greater than ever for a group of trained saints, constituted with the riches in the Word and in the ministry to be raised up and thrust out.

At present, our heart is simply to present this burden and to open it in a fresh way to the Lord's recovery for your prayer and fellowship. May the Lord bless and strengthen the Full-time Training in London and continue to raise up an army for His move in Europe.

Zürich, Switzerland

It is with great joy that the saints in Zürich are anticipating the resumption of the Lord's table in that city. They are thankful for the prayers of the saints and churches throughout the years. The meeting will be on Lord's Day, November 6 with a mini-conference that weekend. For saints who wish to attend, conference and hotel information are posted at http://en.zurich2022.info and registration is due September 25.

Pray for the Lord's blessing in establishing more of His shining lampstands in many other cities in Switzerland, Europe, and all over the earth for the building up of the Body and the preparation of the Bride for His return.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The 32 Ukrainian young people who attended the European Young People's Conference will remain in the Lord's word and be prepared as God's overcomers.
  • The Warsaw extension of FTT Moscow will be under the Lord's blessing as the new semester begins.
  • The Lord will use the fourth cycle of the gospel and shepherding trips, from September 8 to 25, to care for the Ukrainian refugees in Poland in Warsaw, Krakow, and Wrocław.
  • The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.


Please pray for the church life in Istanbul; may the English-speaking, Turkish-speaking and Chinese-speaking saints remain in the enjoyment of the word of God with their time and whole being released to participate the church life and be strengthened, grounded and perfected for the building up of the Body.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  3. Thanksgiving Conference: All the churches and individuals are invited from November 24 to 27. Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions in Washington, DC should RSVP no later than October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). More conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  4. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html. The current series is The Secret of God's Organic Salvation—"the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit".
  5. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of August 21

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Seeing a Vision of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life

"There He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground Jehovah God caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, as well as the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." (Gen. 2:8b-9)

"To him who overcomes, to him I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God." (Rev. 2:7b)

The tree of life typifies Christ who imparts life to man and who pleases and satisfies man. Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life supply, should be the primary matter in the church life. (Life-study of Genesis, p. 141; Rev. 2:7, footnote 6)

To see that God wants us to enjoy Him and that He does not want us to do anything for Him is to see that the Christian life is a matter of enjoyment… If our concept is changed so that we see these two points, it will be easy for us to live a life of enjoying God. If we want to take the way of enjoying God, we must have a change of concept… If we want to enter into the reality of the enjoyment of God, we must see a controlling vision. (The Vision of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, pp. 60, 51)

May all the saints be desperate to see a vision of the tree of life and live a life of enjoying God!


The University of Southern California begins classes this week. Please pray:

  • For our existing students to have a new, fresh beginning in the Lord!
  • For our students to be freshly burdened and coordinated together for the outreach and gospel at USC.
  • For the Lord to prepare many new students' hearts to be open to Him and to connect with us in the first two weeks of the semester via our club tabling and events. We have many students who are graduating this year and need the Lord to add in some freshmen and sophomores for His testimony!

Wednesday Night Ministry Meetings

The Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting resumes this week on August 24. Only FTTA trainees and staff are allowed to attend the live meetings in person; therefore, the saints and churches in Southern California are invited to watch the meeting free of charge via webcast starting at 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live. The meeting will be broadcast in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean.

Please pray for the ministry of the Lord's word week by week and for as many saints as possible to take advantage of the live broadcast format to be nourished and edified. Pray for the Lord's continued blessing of the Full-time Training in Anaheim and covering of all trainees and serving ones.

GTCA Cities – Cincinnati and Nashville

Please continue to pray for the migration of burdened saints and the strengthening of the Lord's testimony in our target cities (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Memphis and Nashville, TN; Normal, IL; Omaha, NE; St. Louis, MO; Tampa, FL; and Virginia Beach, VA) and campus teams (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Lexington, KY; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbia SC; St. Louis, MO; and Tampa, FL).

This weekend there will be virtual tours of Cincinnati (Saturday, August 27, 2:00 pm PT) and Nashville (Lord's Day, August 28, 3:00 pm PT). More information and links will be posted at http://gtca.us.

UK & Ireland Blending Conference

Blending is the reality of the Body of Christ. The subject of this year's UK and Ireland blending conference, which takes place August 27 to 28 in Leeds, is "God's Economy in Faith."

Please pray for the Lord's speaking and the saints' response in joining themselves to His speaking for the carrying out of His move in Europe. Pray that the saints and churches in the UK and Ireland would be strengthened in their experience and enjoyment of the Triune God as their faith, and that they would be blended together for the further building of Christ's Body and the preparation of His Bride.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The 32 Ukrainian young people who attended the European Young People's Conference will remain in the Lord's word and be prepared as God's overcomers.
  • The Warsaw extension of FTT Moscow will be under the Lord's blessing as the new semester begins.
  • The Lord will use the fourth cycle of the gospel and shepherding trips, from September 8 to 25, to care for the Ukrainian refugees in Poland in Warsaw, Krakow, and Wrocław.
  • The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.

Germany – Stuttgart Meeting Hall

The church in Stuttgart has identified a suitable meeting facility close to where many saints live and to the university, with easy access to public transport. Next to the property is a public park with playgrounds and spacious green areas for picnics, recreation, and gospel outreach. The total project costs, including extensive renovation, are estimated to be 2,775,000 euros.

Please pray for timely approval from the city and for adequate giving. Saints in LA who are burdened to contribute may give through the Church in Los Angeles designated for 'Stuttgart Meeting Hall'.


Togo is a West African, French-speaking country with over 8.5 million people, situated between Ghana and Benin. There are currently churches in six localities, including the capital Lomé, and they practice maintaining fellowship with one another; every two months all the saints in the country gather together for blending. For the spreading of the gospel, the saints distribute literature and conduct door-knocking. May the Lord continue to recover other localities in order to win all of Togo for His testimony!

To read more, as well as reports on Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, see the July issue of the Lord's Move to Africa newsletter in English or Chinese at http://www.lmafrica.org.

Sri Lanka

Pray for all the suffering saints during the current economic crisis, that they can receive God's abounding grace through His secret care. Pray that the Lord would use the new government to recover the economic situation and that all the church activities would be intensified without any hindrance.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 1 of Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.
  3. Labor Day Conference: An online conference for the saints and churches in Southern California will be held from September 2 to 4 on "The Lord's Coming." More information to come.
  4. Thanksgiving Conference: All the churches and individuals are invited from November 24 to 27. Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions in Washington, DC should RSVP no later than October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). More conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  5. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html. The current series is The Secret of God's Organic Salvation—"the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit".
  6. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of August 14

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The Need of the Dead – Life's Resurrecting

"Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live; and everyone who lives and believes into Me shall by no means die forever. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)

In the Lord's salvation He does not merely heal the sick; He also gives life to the dead. Hence, He remained two days until the sick one had died. The Lord does not reform or regulate people—He regenerates people and raises them out of death. Hence, the first of the nine cases in chapters 3 through 11 was a case of regeneration, and the last was a case of resurrection, revealing that all the aspects of Christ as life to us, as unveiled in the other seven cases, are in the principle of regeneration and resurrection. This last case was the actual changing of death into life. (John 11:14, footnote 1)

The Lord said to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life," and asked her, "Do you believe this?" She answered, "Yes, Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ, the Son of God." Her reply did not answer the Lord's question. Her old, preoccupying knowledge covered her, preventing her from understanding the Lord's new word. Man's old knowledge and old opinions are coverings that keep him from knowing clearly the Lord's new revelation. (John 11:27, footnote 1)

In the church in LA, may human opinions be subdued that resurrection life could be manifested!


The fall term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim begins this week. Please pray that all the trainees and serving ones would be fresh and new as they start this term. Pray also for all trainees to arrive—some are still in the process. May the Lord cover each one's tripartite being and gain the full glory and benefit for His interests and move on the earth.


Several of our UCLA students have given two weeks of their summer to serve the Lord, spending time to be built together and perfected in their function to build up the Body of Christ. They will also participate in outreach to incoming UCLA freshmen who are attending orientations and other summer programs throughout this next month. Please pray that:

  • Our serving students would learn much and be supplied to function organically in their measure.
  • The Lord would operate in the freshman class to stir up many to seek God and seek genuine fellowship.
  • In one accord, all the ones laboring at UCLA could have adequate prayer and warm, face-to-face contact with many freshmen during the summer.

Our Young People

The LAUSD 2022-23 academic year started on Monday, August 15 with other schools having already begun, or beginning soon. Please pray for all our young people to be encouraged by the God of peace (Rom. 16:20) and strengthened to be factors of life in their schools (John 7:38).

GTCA Cities – Normal and Tampa

Please continue to pray for the migration of burdened saints and the strengthening of the Lord's testimony in our target cities (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Memphis and Nashville, TN; Normal, IL; Omaha, NE; St. Louis, MO; Tampa, FL; and Virginia Beach, VA) and campus teams (Cincinnati and Columbus, OH; Lexington, KY; Pittsburgh, PA; Columbia SC; St. Louis, MO; and Tampa, FL).

This weekend there will be virtual tours of Normal (Saturday, August 20, 2:00 pm PT) and Tampa (Lord's Day, August 21, 2:00 pm PT). More information and links will be posted at http://gtca.us.

Germany – Stuttgart Meeting Hall

The church in Stuttgart has identified a suitable meeting facility close to where many saints live and to the university, with easy access to public transport. Next to the property is a public park with playgrounds and spacious green areas for picnics, recreation, and gospel outreach.

Immediate renovation needs include better soundproofing and some cosmetic repairs. For longer term use, after approval from the city in 6 to 12 months, more extensive restorations and installations will be necessary to meet current building codes. The total project costs are estimated to be 2,775,000 euros.

Please pray for timely approval from the city and for adequate giving. Saints in LA who are burdened to contribute may give through the Church in Los Angeles designated for 'Stuttgart Meeting Hall'.


Please continue to pray that:

  • Adequate housing will be found for the Ukrainian saints who expect to remain in Europe.
  • The Lord will continue to shepherd the Ukrainian refugees in Europe and bring the chosen ones to believe into Christ and enter the church life.
  • The local saints and serving ones will be blended with the Ukrainian refugees for the strengthening and building up of the Lord's testimony in key European cities.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members.
  • The Lord will open a way for several thousand Russian NT Recovery Versions to enter into Europe and be distributed among the refugees.


Since the beginning of the Lord's move in Pakistan in 2012, many ministry books have been translated into the Urdu language. So far, 58 ministry titles have been translated, along with the Life-study of Genesis, the Holy Word for Morning Revival from 36 conferences and trainings, and some home meeting materials. Seven Rhema books have been translated and are ready for typesetting, and 501 hymns have been translated and recorded. The saints have also done a preliminary translation of the verses of the NT Recovery Version to meet the needs of shepherding and the day-to-day church life.

To read an encouraging testimony from one of the brothers serving in translation, see the August 2022 issue of the Lord's Move to Asia newsletter:


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of our morning revival topic on "Life in the Gospel of John." Next week, we begin Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The weekly online broadcast of the ministry meeting will resume next Wednesday, August 24 at 7:25 pm.
  3. Labor Day Conference: An online conference for the saints and churches in Southern California will be held from September 2 to 4 on "The Lord's Coming." More information to come.
  4. Thanksgiving Conference: All the churches and individuals are invited from November 24 to 27. Saints from LA planning to attend the in-person sessions in Washington, DC should RSVP no later than October 31 at http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingchildrenla (children). More conference and hotel information is posted at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
  5. Bibles for America's latest post at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org is entitled "4 Key Verses About the Blood of Jesus Christ."
  6. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html. The current series is The Secret of God's Organic Salvation—"the Spirit Himself with Our Spirit".
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.