Prayer, Week of March 26, 2017
The Exercise of the Kingdom
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in the heavens.” (Matt. 16:18-19)
The gates of Hades, Satan’s authority or power of darkness, attack the church to frustrate the Lord from building up the church. The self, the mind, and the soul-life are the main gates through which Satan comes forth to attack and damage the church (Matt. 16:22-26).
The building up of the church depends on the shutting up of the gates of Hades through the exercise of three keys: 1) denying the self; 2) taking up the cross; and 3) losing the soul-life. Day by day we need to use these keys. If these subjective gates are locked, no principalities or powers will be able to come in. (HWMR Week 6 Day 1)
Honoring the Lord as the Head and Being Balanced by the Body
“Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with the growth of God.” (Col. 2:19)
“With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing one another in love, being diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:2-3)
We need to know this age and the present truth and see a vision of God’s sovereignty, the world’s ultimate situation, and God’s ultimate recovery in order to fulfill our ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move by honoring the Lord as the Head and being balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique oneness. (Special Conference banner)
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones is March 31 to April 2 in Anaheim. Let us beseech the Lord that through this training, the Lord will make all the brothers able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in our respective local churches. May the Lord also build His Body through the blending of brothers from the whole earth and the serving of all the FTTA trainees.
The Church in Los Angeles
On Lord’s Day, March 12 we began a monthly newsletter to be circulated in all the halls and districts. This printed flyer—available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean—contains a ministry portion, upcoming events, attendance statistics, helpful ministry resources, and contact information and locations for all our halls.
Please pray that this publication would not be merely for information, but much more for encouraging all the saints, giving each one a broad view of the whole church, and burdening them to build up the Body of Christ and spread the testimony of Jesus in Los Angeles.
Summer Training Registration
Registration for the 2017 Summer Training (July 3-8) is open now: $205 for Anaheim; $105 for webcast in L.A. Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training on the book of Ezekiel. Deadline to register is April 25 at:
Our Ultimate Responsibility for God’s Ultimate Recovery
We need to bear the ultimate responsibility related to the world’s ultimate situation, God’s ultimate move, and God’s ultimate recovery. (Special Conference, msg 4, I.)
We in this affluent country (USA) bear a particular responsibility in the ultimate recovery. There is a culture of ease throughout the land. Saints are having the church life on their own terms—Christ and the church and Southern California comfort. Each one needs to turn his heart to the Lord, open to the Lord, and consecrate. Lord, today work Yourself into me, grow in me, saturate me for the Body. Lord, what is my part in this ultimate responsibility? (Special Conference, msg 4, opening word)
The church in Stuttgart is in need of a meeting hall by the end of June. Please pray that the most suitable location at the most affordable price would be released in a timely manner.
Please pray also that we would be granted favor by the University of Stuttgart administration to meet in an adequate room on campus to have student gatherings and that the Lord would head up all the details related to the preparation for the upcoming spring semester (classes April through July).
- Morning revival: Week 6 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference). Next week we will use Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (Winter Training).
- Junior High Conference is April 14 to 16 at Oak Glen. Registration is due April 2.
- Spring College Conference is April 14 to 16 in Anaheim. Early registration ends April 2.
- Information about Germany and Europe:
- February 2017 report (2 pages):
- Audio (four languages) sharing at Special Conf.:
and graphics shown then: - Spring trips to serve with refugees or campuses:
- Blending trips and conferences in October:
- Winter Training report (4 pages):
- Europe schedule, UK Building Fund, universities:
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference in Atlanta May 5 to 7 on the gospel to all the nations. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
Prayer, Week of March 19, 2017
The Prayer Ministry of the Church
“Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth” (Matt. 6:10).
“For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but powerful before God for the overthrowing of strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4).
Today God is establishing His kingdom on earth through His church. The church must continue the victorious work that Christ has carried out against Satan. It is responsible for bringing heaven’s will down to earth and for carrying it out on the earth. (CWWN, vol. 44, p. 778)
There are numerous things stacked up in heaven. Yet God cannot resolve them because the church has not exercised its free will to stand on God’s side and fulfill God’s goal. Brothers and sisters, you have to remember that the highest and greatest work of the church is to be the outlet of God’s will. The church becomes the outlet of God’s will through prayer. This prayer is not a fragmentary prayer but a prayer that is in the nature of a ministry, a prayer that is in the nature of a work. God gives man vision and opens man’s eyes to see His will. When this happens, man takes his place to pray. (CWWN, vol. 22, pp. 150-51)
Genuine prayer is a joint labor with God to bring His kingdom to the earth and to carry out His will on earth. Hence, prayer is nothing less than a spiritual battle. Prayer overturns the power of darkness and opens the way for God’s will to be executed on earth. (HWMR The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today, Week 5, Day 6, from CWWN, vol. 44, p. 781)
Faithful to Follow the Lamb to Bear His Testimony
“I John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet...I turned to see the voice that spoke with me; and when I turned, I saw seven golden lampstands.” (Rev. 1:9-10, 12)
Our ultimate responsibility is to bear the testimony of Jesus and to spread the testimony of Jesus by establishing local churches as golden lampstands.
“These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He may go.” (Rev. 14:4)
“It is sought in stewards that one be found faithful.” (1 Cor. 4:2)
If we would fulfill the ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move, we need to follow the Lamb wherever He may go, and ask the Lord for mercy to be faithful. (Special Conf., msg. 4, I.B, I.C, III, IV.)
To Love God is the Indispensable Requirement
To love God means to set our entire being (Mark 12:30) absolutely on Him, that is, to let our entire being be occupied by Him and lost in Him, so that He becomes everything to us and we are one with Him practically in our daily life. (1 Cor. 2:9, note 3)
Bibles for Europe
At the end of this month Living Stream will decide how many New Testaments to print for distribution in Europe this year. These distributions will be continuous via internet, at selected events in coming months, and especially in Germany in the fall when people's interest in the Bible is high due to the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's action that is considered the start of the reformation. Please ask the Lord for wisdom to the brothers at Living Stream about this matter.
Please also ask the Lord to supply the saints in Europe who are laboring with internet and practical preparations for these distributions.
Offerings for this are still welcome. You may give to the church designated for Bibles for Europe.
European University Conference
This conference is March 24 to 26 in the Netherlands. The subject is The Gospel – Its Structure and Highest Point. Please pray for the release of the Lord’s speaking and the strengthening of the European students in their love for the Lord and their living out and proclaiming of the high gospel to their fellow students.
There is a need for saints to serve in Europe in 1) the five week trips for shepherding and perfecting refugees or for campus work (, 2) the October blending trips, Bible distributions, and conferences (, and 3) migrations ( The goal for North America is that 70 migrate to Europe by September 2018, especially those with experience on a campus team or bearing responsibility in churches. Eight from Southern California have moved recently or are in the process; petition the Lord to supply these eight, to send twelve more from Southern California, and to fulfill the goal for 70 from North America.
- Morning revival: Week 5 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference). After week 6 we will use Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel (winter training).
- High School Brothers Conference is April 7 to 9 at Oak Glen. Registration is due March 26.
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference in Atlanta May 5 to 7 on the gospel to all the nations. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
Prayer, Week of March 12, 2017
Loving God for the Preparation of the Bride
Revelation 19:7-8 says, “Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the saints.”
The entire Bible is a divine romance, a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them. The Lord’s recovery is for the fulfillment of Matthew 16:18 and Revelation 19:7-8—the building up of Christ’s church and the preparation of Christ’s bride.
As God’s people love God and spend time to fellowship with Him in His word, God infuses them with His divine element, making them one with Him as His spouse, the same as He is in life, nature, and expression. (The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today, Week 4 Outline, I, I.A,H)
A Vision of the Lord’s Ultimate Move
“The mystery of Christ Jesus the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the Body and fellow partakers of the promise through the gospel....According to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Eph. 3:4b, 6, 11)
God’s ultimate move [and the Lord's ultimate recovery] is the fourth step of His move to accomplish His eternal purpose. The first three steps are preaching the gospel, teaching the Bible, and meeting according to the Bible. The fourth step is His gaining a good number of believers who know how wonderful Christ is, who have Him as their life and live Him, who are filled, permeated, and saturated with Him, who grow in life and are transformed by His flowing life within them, and who are built up with fellow believers to be the golden lampstand in their locality; this is what the Lord is after today. (Special Conference, msg 3, III.B.5-5.b)
Lord, cause many of us to be this kind of believer!
Bibles for America
BfA has a new website design. This new, simplified design will keep BfA’s online presence fresh and aims to increase the number of website visitors who complete an order for a free NT Recovery Version. Additionally, the new design features an expanded digital distribution of materials with seven ministry books available for free download in e-book format.
The Netherlands has a national election Wednesday, March 15. The outcome of this election will influence the political climate in Europe and specifically the French national election in April. These events could influence the German national election in September. This atmosphere and these election results will influence people's openness to the Lord.
Lord, You are “the Ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5). We agree with Your sovereignty over the earth for these elections and we ask You for a European political climate beneficial for Your move.
German Brothers’ Meeting
Responsible brothers, and those learning to bear responsibility, from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria will meet March 18 to 19 in Berlin.
A conference was held in Croatia February 4 to 5. Ten Rhema literature recipients joined about 90 others for the conference. A five-minute video is at
Please pray for the Lord's blessing on the first Lord's table in Split, Croatia, on April 23, for the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in other cities of Croatia, and for strengthening the multinational brothers' coordination meetings.
The current issue of News of the Churches in India is at It describes a three-day video training where 135 saints gathered to stay together and to pursue the ministry corporately. It also reports on the January propagation in India by FTT Taipei trainees and other saints; this resulted in 169 baptisms.
- Morning revival: Week 4 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference). After week 6 we will use Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel.
- High School Brothers Conference is April 7 to 9 at Oak Glen. Registration is due March 26.
- Information about Germany and Europe:
- February 2017 report (2 pages):
- audio (four languages) sharing at Special Conf.:
and graphics shown then: - spring trips to serve with refugees or campuses:
- blending trips and conferences in October:
- Winter Training report (4 pages):
- Europe schedule, UK Building Fund, universities:
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference in Atlanta May 5 to 7 on the gospel to all the nations. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
Prayer, Week of March 5, 2017
Making Ourselves Ready to be the Bride of Christ
“We are washing all our robes the tree of life to eat; ‘O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah!’—Jesus is so sweet!” (Hymns, #1151, stanza 3)
“Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteousnesses of the saints.” (Rev. 19:7-8)
Surely at the time of her presentation to Christ, the bride will not have any wrinkles or spots. In His bride Christ will behold nothing but beauty. This beauty will be the reflection of what He is. The beauty of the bride comes from the Christ who is wrought into the church and expressed through the church. Our beauty is not our behavior; our only beauty is the reflection of Christ, the shining out of Christ from within us. What Christ appreciates in us is the expression of Himself.
Today we must prepare ourselves to be the bride by taking in the element of Christ’s riches as our nourishment. Christ is the food for the church. Therefore, as she prepares herself to be presented to Christ, the church must eat Christ. There is no other way to be prepared. Eating Jesus is the way. By eating Him we become a beautiful and even glorious bride. (WL, The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 3451)
God’s Sovereign Arrangement for His Dispensational Move
“Upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in the heavens.” (Matt. 16:18b-19)
[God] wants to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. His purpose is not general and ordinary. How can He bring this age to a close and bring in another? He must have His dispensational instrument. This is what God wants to do today. We should never forget that God can be limited. He waits for man in all of His moves.... Everything depends on the church. (WN, The Glorious Church, ch. 6, sec. 1; this chapter, a short overview of God’s dispensational moves, is well worth reading)
We need to be more aware of God’s sovereign arrangement of the world situation, more concerned about the crucial time in which we live, and more burdened for God’s move in the present world situation. (Special Conference, msg 2, III.H)
High School Sisters Conference
The High School Sisters Conference will take place this weekend, March 10 to 12, at Oak Glen. Please pray for the Lord to speak a particular and personal word to each young person that would preserve and prepare them to be part of His beautiful and glorious Bride.
Bibles for Europe
There is a burden to distribute hundreds of thousands of Bibles in Germany, both through online orders during the year as well as in-person mass distribution at various events, especially in October. The number of Recovery Version NTs to be printed will depend on the offerings received this month. Ask the Lord to grace us to participate in these preparations by praying and by giving. Offerings may be made until March 19 to the church in L.A. designated for ‘BfE’.
Please pray for the thrusting out and abundant gracing of workers for the follow-up trips during the first half of 2017 for gospel preaching, shepherding, and perfecting of key contacts among the refugees and students, and for the increased labor on the college campuses for the gaining of typical German young people and seeking international students. Those who are able to serve in Germany for a minimum of one month can find information at
South Africa
Michael Stewart is in Pretoria for his second week with FTT Pretoria and for the annual national spring conference, March 10 to 12.
Lord’s Move in Asia
Current reports from Papua New Guinea and the Arab gulf states are in this newsletter. English) (Chinese)
- Morning revival: Week 3 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference).
- Daylight saving time starts Lord's Day, March 12. Set your clock ahead and meet on time.
- Information about Germany and Europe:
- February 2017 report (2 pages):
- audio (four languages) sharing at Special Conf.:
and graphics shown then: - spring trips to serve with refugees or campuses:
- blending trips and conferences in October:
- Winter Training report (4 pages):
- Europe schedule, UK Building Fund, universities:
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference in Atlanta May 5 to 7 on the gospel to all the nations. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
Prayer, Week of February 26, 2017
The Body of Christ in Ephesians 3 and 6
Ephesians 3 reveals that the Body of Christ is the fullness of the Triune God by our being supplied with the riches of Christ and by Christ’s making His home in our hearts: “That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith...” (Eph. 3:16-17).
We need to pray daily to be strengthened into our inner man so that the Triune God may carry out His unique work to build Himself in Christ into our hearts for Him to become our intrinsic constitution for the mutual abode of God and man. (HWMR The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today, Week 2, IV.C)
Ephesians 6 reveals that the Body of Christ is also the corporate warrior of the Triune God for the defeating of God’s enemy: “Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil, for our wrestling is not against blood and flesh...” (Eph. 6:10-12).
Spiritual warfare is not an individual matter but a matter of the Body. The church as the Body is a corporate warrior, and only the corporate warrior can wear the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10-20). Prayer is the unique, crucial, and vital means by which we apply the whole armor of God, making every item of the armor of God available to us. (VII.A,C)
Cooperating with God to Carry Out His Move
“I will be ready always to remind you concerning these things, even though you know them and have been established in the present truth.” (2 Peter 1:12)
The full ministry of Christ [is] in three stages (incarnation, inclusion, and intensification), and this is the central revelation of God and the present truth. (Special Conference, msg 1, IV.B)
We need to do a work of three sections: a work in the stage of incarnation to produce redeemed people, a work in the stage of inclusion to produce the churches, and a work in the stage of intensification to produce the overcomers to build up the Body, which consummates in the New Jerusalem as the unique goal of God’s economy. (IV.B.4)
We “do not cease praying and asking on your behalf that you may be filled with the full knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, to walk worthily of the Lord to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work...” (Col. 1:9-10).
Cal State University Bakersfield
This Thursday will be the start of several weekly exploratory visits to CSUB. The church in Bakersfield has homes open for students and one staff member and a few students on campus. The purpose of the visits, by two full-timers from CSUN, is to cherish, nourish, and perfect our CSUB students so that through them the Lord can gain remaining fruit.
The web site has audios in four languages of the
fellowship on Germany given after Message 5 of the recent Special Conference in Anaheim. This site also has the 2017 Spring Germany Report and other material.
The Spring Report and describe four directions of labor in Germany:
- Five-week trips for shepherding and perfecting refugee believers;
- Five-week trips for the gospel on college campuses;
- Distribution of Recovery Version NTs (see next prayer topic);
- Migration for the practical strengthening and building up of the local churches in six key cities. Let us “beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest” (Matt.
9:38) to fully meet the need in each of these four directions. Ask the Lord to include some from L.A. among those He would thrust out.
Bibles for Europe
This year, 2017, marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation begun by Martin Luther. Luther translated the Bible from Greek into German. This opened the Word for the first time to common people, and we want to complete our brother’s work by distributing hundreds of thousands of Recovery Version NTs. Because of this momentous anniversary, people will be particularly aware of the Bible this year.
We propose to distribute Bibles in Germany via advertising and the Internet throughout the year, as well as by direct distribution at certain events and at 70 universities during the week following the October ITERO in Leipzig. This work will begin immediately and continue throughout 2017.
Each time we go out, approximately half of the people who receive a NT ask for further contact. We believe that this is because of people’s respect for the Bible and their desire to understand it. We are burdened to get this ministry to as many seeking Europeans as possible. Lord, sow Your truth through us!
In order to print hundreds of thousands of NTs, LSM needs to place an order by the end of March. Those who wish to give to meet this urgent need can give to the church in L.A. designated for ‘BfE’.
Lyon, France
Last October, thanks to two brothers with student status, we started a weekly Bible reading time inside one of the campuses here. The new contacts who come regularly have increased from two to five. After this fall, our two brothers will move away for internships. This is an urgent request to pray for at least one student to be raised up in the same university so we can continue our Bible reading together.
South Africa
Brother Michael Stewart is in Pretoria for this week and next with FTT Pretoria, followed by the national conference March 10 to 12.
There are four churches in Pakistan, the 6th largest country in the world by population. All the labor is in Christian communities (about 4 million people); there is no direct outreach to Muslim communities. Here are some recent highlights:
- In November, the church in Karachi (the largest city) established a second district.
- In December, 35 saints attended a three-day training on “Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church.”
- Every Saturday afternoon, a dozen saints in Islamabad meet together to learn English by listening to messages from the 2016 Thanksgiving Conference; around 25 saints meet at 5 am for morning revival.
- Many localities have begun memorizing portions of the Urdu Bible—one book per month.
- Two sisters from Lahore are attending the Full-Time Training in Indonesia.
Please pray:
- for the strengthening of the saints with power through His Spirit into the inner man;
- that more remaining fruits be added to the local churches (specifically, in Islamabad, the goal is to increase Lord’s Table attendance from 75 to 127 by August of this year);
- for more diligent and knowledgeable translators to translate the ministry materials into Urdu;
- for a suitable venue and practical arrangements for a one-month Perfecting Training this summer.
- Morning revival: Week 2 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference).
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference in Atlanta May 5 to 7 on the gospel to all the nations. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
Prayer, Week of February 19, 2017
The World Situation and the Lord's Move
We need to know this age and the present truth, and see a vision of God’s sovereignty, the world’s ultimate situation, and God’s ultimate recovery in order to fulfill our ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move by honoring the Lord as the Head and being balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique oneness.
(conference banner)
“...this grace [was] enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is” (Eph. 3:8-9)
“ who understood the times that they might know what Israel should do…” (1 Chron., 12:32)
“The people who know their God will show strength and take action.” (Dan. 11:32b)
Lord, through Your Word and through the conference messages, grace us that we may know this age, know the present truth, and have a fresh heavenly vision so that we may know what to do and be constituted to take action with You.
The spring term of the Middle-age Training begins March 13. Lord, release more saints from every restraint, and grace them inwardly to give themselves to begin or to continue this training.
French-Speaking Young People’s Conference
This annual conference will be in Vaumarcus, Switzerland, February 24-26.
Bibles for Europe
In October there will be Bibles for Europe distributions at more than 70 universities in Germany, and also to all kinds of people interested in the Bible due to the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. The desire is to distribute hundreds of thousands (!) of Recovery Version NTs in multiple European languages. The number of NTs to be printed will depend on the amount of offerings received by mid March. Let us participate in the preparations for October by praying and by giving for the printing of NTs (we may give to the church designated for Bibles for Europe).
FTTA Gospel Trips (last trips ended February 13)
Below are highlights from the FTTA gospel trips. Multiple reports, photos, and prayer burdens are posted at Please petition the Lord to encourage and supply the local saints to pray and coordinate to shepherd the new ones in the follow-up labor after all these trips.
Folsom, California (about 20 miles from Sacramento)
After our first day many saints shared that the people in Folsom seemed to be very closed. However, at the conclusion of our time, we realized that there are actually so many who are seeking the Lord!
For the last few days of our trip we focused on following up with the 150 contacts we made. Although we still have many that need to be contacted, there were definite positive responses from some. Two students at Folsom Lake College were positive during appointments and expressed a desire to meet in a regular way.
Please pray that more saints and their homes would be open in a consistent way to contain the ones the Lord has blessed us with.
Ottawa and Laval, Canada
Saturday night (Feb 11) 12 new ones joined us at the Bible seminar. The topic was the Spirit who is All-Sufficient. They heard about God's economy and that God's economy is to dispense Himself in Christ as the Spirit into His children. After the presentation, we broke up into 5 different groups: 2 English, 2 French, and 1 Spanish. Many new ones heard about calling on the name of the Lord and reading the Word as ways to receive this Spirit who is ll sufficient. Oh Lord Jesus! Oh Seigneur Jésus! Oh Señor Jesús!
Please ask the Lord to 1) bless all the Bibles and ministry materials given out and that the recipients would come to the full knowledge of the truth, 2) strengthen and supply the saints in Ottawa and Montréal (Laval is adjacent to Montreal) to follow-up with the contacts.
Highlights from North America
- The Lord has reminded us that building up the Body is intrinsic. We have not been able outwardly to do as much as we planned (due to much snow), but the Lord was working Himself into us. Some highlights have been the unscheduled prayer and fellowship with our hospitality, on days we were snowed in.
- The team and local saints including students went to two train stations near campus and distributed 204 gospel tracts. We found out that a lot of people were interested and read while waiting for the next train.
- We went door knocking at dorms and nearby neighborhoods. Although some were not home and we didn't get many positive responses, we got revived and realized we are the happiest Christians on earth.
- We had a Bible study appointment with a sister's family. We read in John 4 and shared the gospel to her unbelieving parents. Praise the Lord, they called upon Lord's name with us and the salvation has come to this house. Later, they committed to have this kind of Bible study every Saturday morning.
- During our coordination time, many shared concerning their experiences of passing out Bibles in the metro stations. The reports were very encouraging.
- One of the contacts came to the Lord's table meeting. During the table meeting, he offered many prayers and many praises to the Lord.
Refugees in Sweden
From February 21 to 24, two brothers will visit around 40 refugee camps in Sweden. Their aim is to distribute 5,000 packages with the gospel of the kingdom. Please stand with the two brothers in prayer. Ask the Lord to open the doors to these camps and the door to the hearts of the refugees.
About 20 saints meet in Split, the second largest city in Croatia. They have meetings for prayer, ministry reading, and enjoying the Lord.
A six-minute video ( shows smiling faces of all ages in meetings, multiple baptisms, and has testimonies from several brothers.
The January News of the Churches in India (posted at has reports about a leading brothers' training on "The Increase of Christ," college students from Taiwan helping with the gospel on campuses in New Delhi, and a larger leading brothers' training on Living and Serving in the Divine Romance as Portrayed in the Song of Songs. Prayer requests from India:
- that the saints in India can continue to enter into and be constituted with the ministry;
- the NT Recovery Version Translation Project into 7 local languages;
- building up the local churches by establishing the gospel and home meetings;
- the spread into many more cities in India and the shepherding of these new churches;
- the gaining of a young generation from the campuses who will be released to join the FTT New Delhi for the sake of His move in this country.
- Morning revival: Week 1 in The Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference).
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are asked to RSVP before April 30 at (adults) and (children).
- There will be a conference on the gospel to all the nations in Atlanta May 5 to 7. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
Prayer, Week of February 12, 2017
The Lord’s Move Today
There will be a Special Conference in Anaheim, Friday, February 17 through Lord’s Day, February 19. We encourage all the saints to participate. The particular burden of this international feast is the world situation and the Lord’s move today. Conference information is at
“And as I watched the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creatures, for each of their four faces... And whenever the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and whenever the living creatures were lifted up above the earth, the wheels were lifted up also. Wherever the Spirit was to go, they went—wherever the Spirit was to go. And the wheels were lifted up alongside them, for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.” (Ezekiel 1:15, 19-20)
In the book of Ezekiel, God’s economy and God’s move in His economy are signified by a wheel. The hub of this great wheel signifies Christ as the center of God’s economy, and the rim signifies Christ’s counterpart, the church. In order to participate in the Lord’s move, we must have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with Him, and we can go in His going, give in His giving, and pray in His praying. (Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, msg 6, I.A, I.A.1, II.D.1-2)
Memorial Day Conference
The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York.
Information is at Saints from L.A. who plan to attend are requested to sign up at (adults) and (children) by April 30. Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering. Please pray also that many be released and empowered to attend.
The spring term begins February 20. Lord, richly infuse Yourself into each trainee, in their classes and studying, in corporate living, in gospel teams, in service, and in blending with the churches.
FTTA Gospel Trips
Below are some highlights from the FTTA gospel trips, which have recently ended. Multiple reports, photos, and prayer burdens are posted at Please petition the Lord to encourage and supply the local saints to pray and coordinate to shepherd the new ones in the follow-up labor after all these trips.
Krakow, Poland (26 teams in Europe; trips ended February 2)
We had the FTTA trainees here for a 10-day gospel trip. The Lord blessed us with many promising contacts to follow up with. We have some home meetings already. We need your prayers to strengthen us that the Lord would intensify His work in us and in those whom we contact for His testimony here. More about Krakow and Naples:
Naples, Italy
There are 19 Italian saints in Naples coming the way of the Lord’s recovery after reading the Rhema books and being cast out of their denominations. Lord’s Day, January 29, three brothers took the visiting FTTA trainees to Naples for a time of blending and to introduce the saints in Naples to the life practice of pray-reading God’s word.
After a short introduction on eating the Word, the trainees gave a living demonstration of pray-reading Jeremiah 15:16. The Italian saints entered in, declaring short phrases in 2s and 3s. The sisters pray-read John 1:1, followed by the brothers pray-reading John 1:14. The enjoyment was very high, and everyone had the biggest smiles. Several saints shared that they had never enjoyed the Bible so much. The rich enjoyment continued after the meeting with spontaneous singing.
A six-minute video with singing, snow, homes, and a Lord’s table is at
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada (12 teams in North America; trips ended Feb. 13)
Local saints have been encouraged by visiting saints from nearby Calgary and other localities, feeling that we are one Body. Meetings at saints’ homes with new ones are almost daily and all have been living and enjoyable. Before the first Lord’s Table on February 5th, all saints (including FTTA team members) gathered for fellowship about the Lord’s Table meetings. Pray for the church here to continue steadfastly in the teaching and fellowship of the apostles in the breaking of the bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42). Pray for gaining 14 contacts from the distribution as remaining fruits for the testimony of Jesus in Lethbridge.
Valdosta, Georgia
Students are open to receive the Bible and Christian books. Our target number of Bibles to be distributed was 60; we gave out 120 Bibles today. The students are hungry for the truth! A few asked if we have a church in the area or a club on campus. As of now, there is no club established on campus nor is there a family with open home. This is our desperate need. Please pray that the Lord will raise up at least one family with a home in Valdosta where the hungry seekers of the truth can find their nest.
South Africa (1 team; trip ended February 6)
In our last weekend we visited four different Lord’s Table meetings. As we look back we have the thought that our roll calls, gospel preaching, Bible studies, appointments, babysitting, and FTTA vs. FTTP soccer match, all contributed to some eternal building. It is a testimony of a universal body when Americans can jump into a Bible study on an Afrikaans university and speak one speaking!
Highlights from North America (12 teams; trips end February 11, 12, 13)
- We set up the Bibles for Canada table on campus and distributed 52 NTs and received information for 14 contacts. Local saints and college students participated; it was a great to have the spirit of the gospel.
- Have you found your human spirit? It is connected to your mouth. Hallelujah, Oh Lord Jesus! That’s the way to let it out! Many contacts found their human spirit and received the living God into their spirit!
- After dinner, we engaged in a variety of activities, including ice skating in front of the house.
- One newly saved sister asked a question and each saint shared a portion. She appreciated being with us and next day invited the saints to her home. Afterwards, her whole family joined the overflow meeting.
- Our natural strength has begun to run low, and today we acknowledged that we have no qualification to be here other than the Lord's merit. Praise the Lord that we are His, and He is ours! (see Hymns, #206)
- Because we are in French-speaking Canada and at metro stations instead of universities, distribution has been a little more difficult. We need prayers to remove the barriers between us and the people here.
- We’ve had many changes in weather, but there are no changes in the direction of the Lord’s move today!
Highlights from South America (3 teams; last trip ended February 6)
- On the last day trainees came together to cook an American brunch for the saints. Some gospel contacts came and one saint invited his neighbor.
- It was so enjoyable to blend with the young people and enjoy the Lord by singing on the train. We passed out 37 tracts, and 2 people called on the name of the Lord on the train.
- A man to whom we preached the gospel a prior day came to our meeting. In tears, he shared some of his testimony and explained that many Christians invited him to meetings, but he never felt compelled to go. Afterwards, he expressed interest in being baptized and he was transferred into Christ this afternoon!
- Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, Week 9. Next week we will begin The
Direction of the Lord’s Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference). - The Special Conference is February 17 to 19, 2017 in Anaheim. All saints are strongly encouraged to
attend this feast. Children’s service will be provided for grades K–6. Visit - There will be a conference on the gospel to all the nations in Atlanta May 5 to 7. The burden is to find a way to contact, labor among, and gain people of African descent to be part of His expression in the Body. For more information, contact
- The International Memorial Day Conference will be May 26 to 29 in White Plains, New York. Information about the conference and hotels is at
Prayer, Week of February 5, 2017
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The Lord's Move Today
There will be a Special Conference Friday, February 17 through Lord’s Day, February 19 in Anaheim. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering.
The co-workers felt the need to expand the scope of this annual conference in February to address a particular burden from the Lord concerning the world situation and the Lord’s move today. We feel that this burden is the Lord’s express word to His recovery today, and we pray that it will be “a storm wind from the north” that issues in the moving of the high and awesome wheels.
"And I looked, and there came a storm wind from the north, a great cloud and a fire flashing incessantly; and there was a brightness around it, and from the midst of it there was something like the sight of electrum, from the midst of the fire. And from the midst of it there came the likeness of four living creatures....And whenever the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and whenever the living creatures were lifted up above the earth, the wheels were lifted up also." (Ezek. 1:4-5a, 19)
FTT London
Thirty-six trainees from 12 countries are expected to participate in the spring semester of the FTTL, beginning February 6. Please pray for the perfecting of the trainees in their knowledge of the truth, their experience and growth in life, and their service to the Lord for His move in Europe.
Moscow, Russia
In 2012, after many years of prayer, the Lord opened an opportunity to purchase a good facility near Moscow State University to serve both as a meeting hall of the church in Moscow (District 3) and as a place for gaining students. The total cost of the project was $2.3 million with a goal of paying back a large loan within 5 years. Over the last four and a half years, through the fellowship in the Body and the participation of the churches and saints, we have been able to pay back the loan. Thank and praise the Lord that now the need is fully met!
Today we would like to express our deep appreciation to the Lord and to all of you—all the dear saints and the churches—for your faithful and rich participation in this need through your offerings and prayers. Through this entire experience related to purchasing this property, we have been reminded that the churches in Russia owe their existence and going on to the coordination, fellowship, and prayer of the Body over the entire earth. We believe that the Lord’s kingdom will continue to spread in this way to every corner of the earth until the kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of the Lord and of His Christ (Rev. 11:15). Your participation in our need was a genuine experience of the Lord moving in and through His Body.
The full letter of appreciation and a video of the hall and a table meeting is at
FTTA Gospel Trips
Below are some highlights from the FTTA gospel trips. Multiple reports, photos, and prayer burdens are posted at
Please petition the Lord to encourage and supply the local saints in every city visited to pray and coordinate for shepherding the new ones in the follow-up labor after each of these trips.
Frankfurt, Germany
Every Thursday college students are invited to a home near campus for dinner. Last week six came, three for the first time, all local Germans. After dinner, there was singing, reading verses, and testimonies. One student asked, “What direction of Christianity are you? This doesn't seem European at all.” Another testified that he kept coming because the meetings were full of energy and life. When this started last fall, some days nobody showed up, but through prayer and faithfulness, the Lord has truly blessed these times.
Spain is in an economic crisis (50% of the population out of work). Despite all the outward negative circumstances, the saints are still so shining and bright, standing as the testimony of Jesus in each locality.
Many of us could not say we had much of a burden for Europe before the trip, but now we really see that the Lord is moving here, and He needs people who are living and expressing Christ all over Europe. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in Europe! May He gain many more in Spain for His purpose.
Highlights from North America (12 teams; trips end February 11, 12, 13)
- Everyone arrived safely and in a timely manner. After we arrived, we enjoyed a wonderful time of feasting and blending at different small group meetings.
- We attended a glorious table meeting with saints from many different localities. Then we had a love feast as an opportunity to blend with the saints.
- Groups of local saints, trainees, and serving ones (with support of other local saints), gave out 164 tracts and 5 NTs. Several people were interested in our free seminars. One person received the Lord!
- We met one guy who felt he needed the gospel in his life and that the Lord sent us specifically to him.
- Several months ago, a family moved here to open a home for students. They are now taking care of five students in their weekly home meeting.
- Many wonderful local saints joined us in door-knocking or on campus. We made a list of contacts and friends and we've been praying for them by name.
- After 4 days of sowing on college campuses and in the community, the Lord has blessed us with many positive contacts. Now we are focusing more on the shepherding and follow-up with them.
- Snow to shovel has piled up on our driveways, but “waters to swim in meet our every need.”
Highlights from Europe (26 teams; trips ended February 2)
- The burden was mainly to visit and encourage the local saints. The localities are small, and the homes are spread out. We visited many cities for the gospel plus a home meeting or a love feast every evening.
- We toured a museum; by the Lord's sovereignty a woman and her niece were in our group. We invited them to the evening meeting. They had a wonderful time, and we believe the niece received the Lord.
- We spent one hour in the town's main square singing and passing out tracts and Bibles. Thirteen people asking for further contact, some specifically requesting to join meetings.
- Over these past ten days we’ve had a wonderful time. The saints have been written on our hearts and we will continue to pray for the Lord’s move here.
- We had a Bible distribution at Sorbonne Nouvelle and were once again encouraged by the hunger and seeking of the students. We passed out 54 Bibles, and 32 people asked for further contact.
- We went out to preach the gospel to the students going to and from the train station. We paired up and each pair spoke to at least one person for more than 5 minutes.
- We concluded with an overflow/prayer time with the saints and lunch together. It was really sweet to us.
- The dinners with the saints were excellent! It felt like we were at home.
Highlights from South America (3 teams; last trip ends February 6)
- The Lord has definitely inscribed the saints into our hearts, and we feel we have been inscribed into their hearts. Praise the Lord for what He has done in these 2-½ weeks in blending us together!
- The saints testified that our presence made a significant impact on the young people. They have not been interested in any activities that involve the church life, however the blending in the saints' homes gave us some time with them and their friends.
- Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, week 8. After week 9 we will begin The Direction of the Lord's Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference).
- A Special Conference will take place February 17–19 in Anaheim. All saints are strongly encouraged to attend this feast. Children’s service will be provided for grades K–6, but pre-registration was required by February 5; if you missed the deadline, still register as soon as possible. For more conference information and children’s registration, visit
Appendix: More Gospel Trip Highlights
Highlights from South Africa (1 team; trips ends February 6)
- We had our first Bible study of the year in English with nine students attending. We had another the next day in Afrikaans, to reach out to this demographic of students.
- We spent time and prayed with existing students for this semester. As last semester’s political situation caused much aggravation on campus, we encouraged them to continue laboring, as their work is eternal.
Highlights from North America (12 teams; trips end February 11, 12, 13)
- We have arrived safely. After we arrived, we had a warm welcoming with an introductory meeting, singing with local saints and their children.
- The number coming to the meetings is 83 and about 50% are children and young people, also 9 college students. The saints are burdened about raising up this young generation.
- At many locations, right after we set up tables, people approached inquiring about the free study Bible.
- When the saints knocked on the door, a student asked them to come in. As they shared about his spirit, he wanted more! They shared The Mystery of Human Life and he prayed the prayer boldly, no hesitation!
- In the evening, we had a love feast and Bible study time. It was a first time for many new ones to experience a released singing.
- On Saturday all the visiting trainees and local full-timers shared their testimonies, then a campus tour, then a young people's meeting where trainees shared testimonies of being led by the Lord to FTTA.
- We had another night of blending with the saints over the dinner table. From day to day we partake the food with exultation and simplicity of heart, just as in Acts 2:46.
- After singing, we read Hebrews 12 and some shared what they enjoyed—it was really supplying. One new one contacted this week through door-knocking, spoke on what he had been enjoying in the Word.
- Some of us joined local saints to visit a group of Ethiopian believers. The fellowship was very sweet. They all shared their testimony and also how they have been enjoying reading the ministry.
- One student was crying as the sisters preached the gospel because she felt lonely and had lost hope in Christianity.
- A student, after receiving a NT and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, sat down nearby about 30 min to read.
- Two patients (and two nurses) of the clinic beside our coordination center took the Bibles and were seen reading while waiting to be seen by the doctor.
- We had several home meetings with local saints, young people, children, and new ones and all meetings were very encouraging and enjoyable.
Highlights from Europe (26 teams; trips ended February 2)
- We have been touched by the saints' pouring out on us with their care—physically, emotionally, and spiritually! The saints are really the excellent!!
- In the morning we had the Lord's table and prophesying. At night, the same in another city. Everything was so rich, especially so many saints functioning. The young people here are also very living!
- Everywhere is a rich feast (spiritually and physically) with the saints. Each time we have come to them or they come to us there is a rich enjoyment and flow of Christ and a great building.
- One contact we met at a local store near the meeting hall was very open to set up an appointment to speak about the Lord.
- About 40 saints went to sing in the central train station—a wonderful time! What was really touching is that before we sang, the brother told us we are here not just for the gospel but to first enjoy the Lord.
- Our day of sightseeing—little did we know, we were about to have a second appointment with a contact met last week. We had a really good conversation and will meet with him again on campus tomorrow.
- We were encouraged by how blended we got with the saints and touched by their outpouring. It was hard leaving, because we truly felt at home.
- We cleaned the meeting hall in the morning and had lunch with the saints. We passed out tracts in the afternoon and blended with more saints in their homes in the evening.
Highlights from South America (3 teams; last trip ends February 6)
- Upon arriving in this city, we were greeted with warmth and love by the saints singing to us.
- Before distributing tracts in the park, we spoke with a men selling coconut water. He showed interest and called on the name of the Lord with us. He asked to take a picture with him, and we called while taking the picture. He told the local saints that there was something within us that is drawing him.
- A contact shared that while spending time with us at the park, she felt there was something in us that strongly attracted them to us. She was also very thankful that the saints lovingly welcomed her and her daughter lovingly and hopes that her family would be able to join the saints in future times.
Prayer, Week of January 29, 2017
Keeping the Lord’s Word
Revelation 3:8 says, “I have put before you an opened door which no one can shut, because you have a little power and have kept My word and have not denied My name.”
One outstanding feature of the church in Philadelphia is that she keeps the Lord’s word. The church in Philadelphia, the recovered church, does not care for tradition; she cares for the word of God (cf. Matt. 15:6b). Furthermore, the church in Philadelphia keeps the Lord’s word with the little power that she has. What pleases the Lord is not that we are strong but that we use our little power to do the best we can. (HWMR Orthodoxy, Week 7 Outline, IV.B,C)
Burden for Truth Constitution
“I have made an attempt to open every book of the New Testament to you, but I have left the further digging to you... The basic truths have been presented to us, and much life nourishment has been put into print, especially with the Life-study messages. Also, the obstacles have nearly all been removed. We now have a clear way for our study, and every book is open to us. In mining, the hardest thing is to open the mine. Once the mine has been opened and the treasure is exposed, it is easy for someone to dig out the treasures. I have left only this one matter of further digging to you. I believe the Lord will continue this digging work either through you or through some others. After a period of time I believe that many of you will be ‘good diggers.’ The intention and the goal of our publishing of the Life-study messages is to open up the mine for you to go in and dig.” (W. Lee, Elder’s Training, Book 3, Ch. 9)
As the church in Los Angeles continues to pray for 15% increase, please also pray for the corresponding increase in our endeavoring to be constituted with the truth so the saints will have the riches with which to shepherd the new and younger ones. Both the word and the number of believers should grow in parallel in Los Angeles, just like it did with the church in Jerusalem: “And the word of God grew, and the number of the disciples in Jerusalem multiplied greatly” (Acts 6:7).
Venice High School
Our young people’s Bible club at Venice High School will be participating in a club expo this Thursday, February 2. The expo is a way to expose all the students to the different clubs available to them at school. Since the 2015-2016 school year, the club has grown from 5 to about 8-9 students meeting on a weekly basis. Please pray:
- That Christ would be magnified in the young people, and that the Lord would be their boldness in the opening of their mouths during this event;
- That they would have good coordination, like the four living creatures, before and during the expo;
- That the Lord would release and draw the seeking ones to the table, and many seeds of the gospel
would be sown; and - That the club would gain some remaining fruit during this final school quarter.
Over the past few months, the situation in Bangladesh has been chaotic. We faced social upheaval and unrest caused by the terrorist activities, but we also experienced the inward strengthening and leading by the Lord as He brought us onward. Apparently, the spread of the gospel was hindered; actually, the Lord’s work became more intrinsic and subjective. The divine life continued to flow forth unhindered.
More about this and about the Lord's Move in Turkey is at (English) (Chinese)
FTTA Gospel Trips (340 Saints, 42 Teams, 21 Countries, 4 Continents)
Below are some selected reports from the gospel trips currently taking place around the world. Europe and South Africa trips are January 19 to February 6; North America trips are January 27/28 to February 11/12/13. Ongoing reports, photos, and prayer burdens are posted at
We carried out a targeted door-knocking: using data from past distributions and radio call-ins, we
went to meet, in their own home, those who have received some form of the ministry in the past. It was a joy to see faces light up when they realized who we were. One young woman who received a Recovery Version NT at the Olympic Bible distribution a few years back immediately asked for an Old Testament.
The church in Uppsala is small—13 saints meeting together since 2012. The University of Uppsala
has 40,000 students. The saints shared how they are burdened for all the local saints to participate in Bible distribution on Lord’s day afternoon. Today we gave out 36 tracts, 3 NTs (one recipient wanted further contact), and one prayed to receive the Lord. Please ask the Lord to release the city permits in Uppsala for the Bible distribution for Lord’s Day afternoons and that all the saints would be released to join this time.
Highlights from Europe
- Our time has not been a time of much outward work or activity, but a time of blending in the Body.
- We went to the university to sing and preach the gospel right outside the main buildings. As we were
singing, we realized that it didn’t matter what language we were singing, but spirit touches spirit. - We met a brother who was gained from a prior FTTA gospel trip, and he is now serving in the church.
- As we distributed Bibles, we played over loudspeaker the radio broadcasts from the Life-Study of
Genesis. This afternoon, in the city center, hundreds of passers-by heard that “the heavens are for
the earth, the earth is for man, and man is for God.” - Saturday we had some opportunity to sight see in which we made our way to Philippi and were able to
see a road the apostle Paul might have taken toward to get to Thessaloniki. - A brother testified, “The ministry is the best thing that happened to us.” These saints, most of them
over 80 years old, were gained through the radio broadcast, and since then have been pursuing the truth diligently. They come together every Saturday afternoon and for about three hours listen to and study messages from recent trainings or ministry meetings.
Highlights from South America
- As we are nearing the end of the Summer School of Truth, many young people have been inscribed into our hearts. Times in the small groups have been very sweet despite the language barrier.
- We had a time for four trainees from Anaheim and three from Paraguay to share their testimonies to all 460 young people and college students in the SSOT. Because of their experience here, 110 young people and college students consecrated themselves to go to the FTT. Praise the Lord!
Highlights from South Africa
- During lunch hour, a sister who works in the dorm cafeteria brings us into the dining hall. She told the
residents she has American friends she wants them to meet. We have been eating there ever since.
- Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, week 7. After week 9 we will begin The Direction of the Lord's Move Today (Thanksgiving Conference).
- A Special Conference will take place February 17–19, 2017 in Anaheim. All saints are strongly encouraged to attend this feast. Children’s service will be provided for grades K–6, but pre-registration is required by February 5. Visit
Prayer, Week of January 22, 2016
Being Intensely Living and Walking in White Garments
According to Revelation 3:1, Christ is the One “who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars.” The seven Spirits of God enable the church to be intensely living, and the seven stars enable her to be intensely shining. We have to be living. When we sing, we should sing livingly. When we pray, we should pray livingly. When we preach the gospel, we should preach livingly. Everything we do in the church life should be living. (HWMR Orthodoxy, Week 6, Day 2)
Revelation 3:5 says, “He who overcomes will be clothed thus, in white garments...” White garments refers to livingness; to be living is to wear the white garments. If we are spiritually dead, we are dirty; such a dead person is the dirtiest one. Also, if we are dead, we are naked. We need the living garment to cover us; this living garment is Christ Himself wrought into us by the life-giving Spirit. The only way to have this garment is to turn to the spirit and live in the mingled spirit. (HWMR Orthodoxy, Week 6, Day 6)
Southern California High School Juniors and Seniors
Please pray for the special overnight fellowship for high school juniors and seniors from 9 am, Saturday, January 28 through lunch Lord’s Day, January 29 at Oak Glen Christian Conference Center.
Serving in Germany
The labor in Germany is proceeding in two directions this year. One is the beginning of aggressive gospel work on the university campuses, starting from Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart. For this, starting in February, at the end of the FTTA gospel trips, we desire that at any given time there would be five campus workers in each of the four cities who can remain a minimum of one month to help raise up a model of gaining remaining fruit from the campus.
The other direction is the urgent need to perfect saved refugees in the practice of the church life according to the God-ordained way. For this, we need trained and burdened saints to come for a very particular work, carried out not through big meetings but through personal, one-on-one perfecting contact. We propose that at any given time there would be ten participants in each of the four cities who can remain a minimum of one month to carry out this one-on-one perfecting.
Details about participating in these labors is at Lord, thrust out workers to meet this need, including some from Los Angeles, for this harvest.
FTTA Gospel Trips (340 Saints, 42 Teams, 21 Countries, 4 Continents)
Below are some selected reports from the gospel trips currently taking place around the world. During these trips, reports, photos, and prayer burdens will be posted at
The Lord is moving in Argentina, and He is moving among the young people. These last three days we have been in the summer school of truth, and we can testify that veils are being removed, and the young people are seeing a little bit of the church. Today several young ones testified at the microphone with tears how much they enjoy being in the summer school of truth, and how much they appreciate the Lord giving Himself up for the church.
Please pray for the Lord to continue to shine and unveil the young people for the rest of this week.
South Africa
Each FTT Pretoria trainee was paired with an FTTA trainee to preach the gospel at the University of
Pretoria. This week is a crucial time in that only incoming freshman are on campus. This is a great opportunity for us to tell them the purpose of their human lives. Unfortunately, due to recent protests/riots, the university put up gates at every entrance with security guards, so we were unable to enter the main campus. We moved to the neighboring Sports Campus and were able to speak to many seeking students.
Ask the Lord to reopen its main campus entrances so we could enter and spend time with the students.
We arrived in Manchester last Saturday and met with the saints and recent contacts for dinner and
singing. Following a sweet Lord’s table, we had a leaflet distribution inviting people to a Bible study seminar on Lord’s Day, January 29th in Sheffield. The burden is to gain more local saints and to provide the people of Manchester with the opportunity to touch this ministry. We distributed 500 invitations.
Please pray for a positive response to the seminar invitation and for the continued labor to gain locals.
We attended the Lord's table in Stuttgart followed by the baptism of two German sisters. Through
persistent prayer for over a year, one baptism was finally released. The other sister is very new. She was invited to the Lord’s table the previous week where she witnessed two Farsi-speaking refugees’ baptisms. She was so touched (to the point of tears) that she wanted to be baptized as well. Hallelujah! After the baptism was a love feast followed by a brief tour of Stuttgart.
Lord, firmly establish these two sisters and gain more young Germans this year!
We are in Mallorca for four days. It is an island with approximately 800,000 people. There is currently
no church here, but there are contacts from the radio program. Because the saints are scattered all across the island it is difficult to gather everyone together. Although still quite new, they are very fresh! Saints have been coming here periodically to shepherd them and to hold mini-conferences. We hope that in our time here we would be patterns to take the enjoyment of Christ as our center and give them a sweet taste of the wonderful church life.
Please labor with us in prayer (1 Thes. 5:25) to implant in the saints in Mallorca a strong desire to meet together regularly by our taking the enjoyment of Christ as our center.
- Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, week 6.
- There will be a special fellowship for high school juniors and seniors from 9 am, Saturday, January 28 through lunch Lord’s Day, January 29, at Oak Glen. Registration through the serving ones in L.A. was required by January 15.
- A Special Conference will take place February 17–19, 2017 in Anaheim (instead of the annual International Chinese-Speaking Conference). All saints are strongly encouraged to attend this feast. Children’s service will be provided for grades K–6, but pre-registration is required by February 5. For more conference information and children’s registration, visit