Prayer, Week of April 10, 2016

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God, Whom I Serve in My Spirit (Rom. 1:9a)

The subject of ITERO was Service for the Building Up of the Church. A brief overview:

  • our service originates with a heavenly vision (Acts 26:19), not tradition or knowledge
  • our service is by the divine supply of the processed Triune God
  • our service is in spirit, with no confidence in what we are by natural birth (Phil 3:3)

“We serve in newness of spirit” (Rom. 7:6)

  • our service is by the Lord's resurrection life, not by our natural ability or learning
  • the unique source of all we do is God, not our enthusiasm or determination

“Out from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever.” (Rom. 11:36)

  • God's operation in us brings forth our service (Phil. 2:13)
  • our service is by eating Christ to live a duplication of His God-man living
  • our service is energized by heavenly fire in us (2 Tim. 1:6-7), not by needs, zeal, or good motives

“Burning in spirit, serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:11)

  • our service for the building up is a life-experiencing and life-ministering service (1 John 5:16)

Lord, in the next ten years work out all these points in thousands of us to produce an overcoming ministry of life to build up Your Body and to bring You back.

Spring College Conference

The Spring College Conference will be in Anaheim April 15 to 17. The subject is The Divine Commission according to the Heavenly Vision.

High School Sisters’ Conference

The High School Sisters' Conference is April 15-17 at Oak Glen. The conference will be on Men Who Turn the Age: Samuel. Please pray for the Lord to release His speaking and gain a group of young Nazarites to be age turners for His economy.

Bibles for America

BfA released a new gospel tract titled “No Longer Enemies.” Based on Romans 5:10, the tract shows that fallen sinners, though enemies of God, can be reconciled to God through the death of His Son.

Please pray that the Lord would speak faith into many people through this new tract and the other tracts and materials available through BfA. Please also pray that we all would enter into a normal and healthy gospel living.


The recent happenings in Germany and other countries have caused an awakening in the people of Europe. Things are not as they once were. It is an unsettling time in Europe. This has caused a new openness among the Europeans. May our prayers give the Lord His way in the midst of this.

London Bookshop Seminars

Starting this month, the Amana Trust Bookshop in central London will be open every Lord’s Day
afternoon from 2–5 pm for a Life-study of Revelation live broadcast at 3 pm followed by additional fellowship, including short presentations concerning the truths in the Life-study of the Bible and some refreshments. The burden is to provide a venue for Bible recipients and radio listeners to meet the saints for care and fellowship. May the Lord supply and energize the saints in London to cooperate with Him to meet the needs of His seeking ones.


The annual conference in Paris will be April 16 to 17. It will be followed by a day and a half of fellowship by saints serving in French translation for LSM.

Thessaloniki, Greece

Greetings from Thessaloniki! We are continuing to assist the teams that are arriving to participate in the mass distribution of the ministry materials to the refugees who are now encamped in Greece.

In addition, we have been enjoying what the Lord is doing among our contacts here. A sister with whom we’ve been having regular fellowship for years left her denomination and has been meeting with us regularly for several months. She is an avid enjoyer of the ministry and loves to speak to others. We believe that the Lord will use her to bring many of her fellow Greeks into His recovery.

Two native Greeks are now joining us regularly on the Lord’s Day. We enjoy singing, praying, and reading the ministry together. A recent Lord's Day we were joined by another Greek brother who witnessed such a normal, enjoyable meeting for the first time. We pray that the Lord will add him, his wife, and many more native Greeks in the coming months.
We are very thankful for your remembering us in your prayers. We desperately need them. The Lord be with your spirit!


  1. Morning revival: Week 28 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today. We will use it again later this year.
  2. Summer Training registration is open now; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA. To register with L.A., go to
  3. The 6th Grade Conference will be at Oak Glen, May 6-8. Registration deadline is April 24.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of April 3, 2016

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The international training for elders and responsible brothers will be April 8 to 10 in Anaheim. Lord, refresh the vision of every brother and blend all the churches more into the reality of the one Body.

CSUN Incoming Students

This Saturday all the incoming freshmen and transfer students are invited to visit CSUN. Our students will have a club table at this time. Please pray for our students, especially the newer ones among us: (1) to pickup the burden for this time to serve and contact the incoming students, (2) to be a shining testimony to draw the seekers to the table, and (3) to have a good way to follow up with the positive contacts.

Brooklyn, New York

Saints in New York City have begun a specific labor to reach people in Brooklyn with the gospel and the free offers from BfA. In February and March, the saints participated in two times of community outreach that included preaching the gospel and passing out free Bible offers, gospel tracts, and invitations to two BfA Bible seminars.

On April 16, the saints will hold a gospel meeting in Brooklyn, followed by another time of outreach and a Bible seminar toward the end of the month. They also plan to invite many of the people they meet in these times of sowing to a conference on the weekend of May 6–8.

Please pray that the Father would bless the saints’ labor and fill their hands with fruit from the borough of Brooklyn. May the Lord richly supply the workers for their continued labor in the gospel and in shepherding the new believers!


This is the second week of the third gospel trip. There is the realization that the saints' homes are where the Lord will gain the remaining fruit. Please pray for

  • the strengthening of the local saints’ homes and the linking of the gospel contacts to the homes;
  • the acquiring of facilities, by renting or purchase, for coordination and gospel meetings; - all those who are migrating to Germany and that this flow will continue for the strengthening of the churches and for the bearing of remaining fruit among the local Germans and the refugees.

Budapest, Hungary

Lord’s Day, March 13, the universal Body brought forth a local expression in Budapest. It was glorious, with approximately 180 saints from 20 countries meeting as the one Body of Christ for the first bread breaking in Budapest. The saints were full of rejoicing, testifying that this lampstand was the result of much prayer for many years. A number of saints in attendance had labored in Hungary in past years. Their rejoicing brought back the Lord’s word in John 4:36-37: “ order that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true, One sows and another reaps.” There was a sense that the Lord was so happy, not only with the establishment of the table in Budapest but also with the blending together. This was confirmed by exhortations in the sharing that the crucial need in the Lord’s recovery is the blending among the saints and the churches. May the Lord fulfill His need in Europe.

Childcare at SoCal Blending Conference

Children’s service will be provided only for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade, and only for the meetings on Saturday, April 30. (Parents may supervise infants, toddlers and pre-K in an overflow room with a live audio/video conference feed. No children should be left unattended.)

All children need to be registered beforehand at
Please register all children no later than Lord’s Day, April 17.

Each hall in L.A. should discuss what to do with their children on Lord’s Day, May 1.


  1. Morning revival: Week 27 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17 at Oak Glen; registration deadline is April 3.
  3. The Spring College Conference will be in Anaheim April 15 to 17.
  4. Summer Training registration is open now; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA.
  5. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
  6. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of March 27, 2016

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He Must Increase

Today in the Lord’s recovery the greatest need, the primary need, is to gain the increase. A house cannot be built without materials. We need to save sinners through the preaching of the gospel that they may become material for the building up of the church as the house of God....If we mean business with the Lord for His recovery, we need to consider our present situation seriously. We should not be comfortable concerning the present situation of the Lord’s recovery, especially regarding the matter of increase. (1992, Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, Chapter 19, pp. 184-185)

Increase is the burden for the Southern California Blending Conference, Saturday, April 30, 4 to 5:45 pm and 7 to 8:45 pm (bring your own dinner) and Lord's Day, May 1, 10 am to 12:30 pm. Translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean will be available through personal FM radios. Information about limited childcare will be provided in the coming weeks.

Junior High Sisters Conference

The Junior High Sisters Conference is April 1-3 at Oak Glen.

Oak Glen

In December 2015 the churches in Southern California became owners of the Southern California Blending Center at Oak Glen ( This spring all our young people's conferences are here. The downpayment was 20 percent of the purchase price. The seller is loaning us 80 percent, to be paid through 2016 and 2017. Thank the Lord for this purchase and ask Him to keep us in His grace for our giving (to the church, marked for Oak Glen) for the payment of this loan.


In addition to the on-going labor by local saints and visiting full-timers, the third two-week, follow-up gospel trip began Lord's Day, March 27 (none from L.A. are on this trip, but five sisters formerly in L.A. are on the trip; ask the Lord to release more for the following trips). Please pray:

  • that the Lord of the harvest will thrust out more workers into the harvest in Germany;
  • for the continuing shepherding care of the refugees to bring them to salvation and into the church life;
  • that the Lord will raise up more translators and perfect many of them to be our co-workers;
  • for the openness of the German people to the gospel and the ministry;
  • for the strengthening of the church life in Germany through an increase in number and the growth and building up in life.

Frankfurt, Germany

Our annual German-speaking conference will be the weekend of May 14 to 16 in Frankfurt. We also plan to start the Lord's table in Frankfurt that weekend when the German-speaking saints are together. We expect 600+ saints to attend (much larger than prior years). Please pray for:

  • the release of a conference venue to accommodate all the saints, and
  • the finding and release of a facility to meet the current on-going need in the day-to-day church life in Frankfurt and in the work with the refugees and Bible recipients.

Summer Training Registration

Summer Training registration is open now; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA. Register at A paper form is available in the halls as an alternative.

Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training.


Thank you so much for your prayers for Albania and for the Yowells' trip there last week! It was evident in so many ways that the Lord's blessing was on this trip. There was a sweet anointing as we spent the week with the Changs and Carol Song. The Lord truly flowed in a divinely human way.

Furthermore, we had the largest gathering of saints together at one time at the Changs' place—13 adults and 7 kids! For 2 newer ones, it was their first Lord's day meeting. Another family (Mark and Irina) opened their home for the first time and invited us and the Changs for a meal. We also were able to spend quality time with Stela, a key sister there, despite her busy work schedule.

In one gathering, we covered Matthew 26 on loving the Lord and consecrating to Him. In another gathering we fellowshipped about the need for regular prayer in twos and threes. Later, we also began to teach some saints how to pray-read.

Overall, it was such a precious time. We need to continue to stand with the Changs as they continue to stand for the Lord's move there. It is not easy to be there, and they need continued blending in order to receive the supply from the Body. Please see this video for more direction in your prayer: 5nRw7PD84wA.

Lord's Move to Asia

The current two-page newsletter has good reports from Myanmar, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka. (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 26 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17 at Oak Glen; registration deadline is April 3.
  3. The Spring College Conference will be in Anaheim April 15 to 17.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland;
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of March 20, 2016

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Christ for Carrying Out God's Economy

“I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the expiation cover, from between the two cherubim which are upon the Ark of the Testimony.” (Exodus 25:22)

The Ark typifies Christ as the embodiment of God and as the presence of the Triune God with us for the carrying out of His economy to establish His kingdom on earth. (Exodus, week 25, I.)

“Father...Your kingdom come...on earth.” (Matt. 6:9-10)

CSUN Blending Trip

The CSUN students are currently blending with the saints in San Jose. They arrived last Saturday night and will return on Wednesday, March 23. Please pray that:

the students would get a taste for blending and see the practical expression of the Body of Christ; the trip would be filled with much enjoyment of the Lord—singing, praying, preaching, and praising; all the students would be refreshed in their whole being for a strong pursuit the rest of this semester.

UCLA Blending Trips

Sixty students and serving ones from UCLA are currently on three simultaneous spring break trips: one to Tennessee; one to Salt Lake City; and one to Seattle and Vancouver. All groups will return by Saturday, March 26. Please pray that these trips would be filled with the exercise and release of the spirit that both God and men would be honored (Judges 9:9).

Junior High Brothers Conference

The Junior High Brothers Conference is March 25–27 at Oak Glen.


The second follow-up gospel trip ended last Saturday. The third begins Lord's Day, March 27.

Please pray for:

  • the follow up of all the priority gospel contacts met in these trips;
  • the raising up and perfecting of the translators;
  • the Lord to gain this harvest of both native Germans and refugees for Himself;
  • the saints who live in Germany to know the bountiful supply of the Spirit to meet every need.

Some personal testimonies from gospel trips are below the announcements.


On Monday, March 21, Dick Taylor and others arrive in Accra, Ghana to fellowship with the saints and responsible brothers. On Friday, March 25, Dick and Paul Nii-Aryee will fly to Lagos, Nigeria for a conference, while Tim Knoppe from Michigan and James Lee remain in Accra for a parallel conference.

On the evening of March 27, Dick and Paul return to Accra to begin the training for elders and responsible ones there. Please continue to pray for the covering of all the brothers’ travels and for the Lord’s speaking and blessing in all these gatherings.


More than 3 years ago, a family from L.A. (David and Elda Chang with their 2 girls) migrated to Tirana, Albania for the Lord's move there. This past year, another sister from L.A. (Carol Song) joined them to further strengthen the Lord's testimony. This week the Yowell family is visiting Tirana, Albania. The saints in Tirana already had their Lord's day meeting, a very sweet time with 13 adults and 7 children, followed by lunch and encouraging blending. To gather this many saints together at one time in Albania has never happened before. Furthermore, it was the first Lord's day meeting for 2 of these ones. Please pray that in the coming week:

  • there can be much more profitable contact with the local saints, despite their busy and challenging schedules;
  • specific shepherding can be rendered to the promising young ones so that they grow and advance in the Lord;
  • the Lord would be wisdom for how to strengthen the saints here in an organic way through the blending.


The spring international blending conference will be in London March 25 to 27.

Mass Distributions in Greece

The first series of mass distributions of gospel and ministry materials among the refugees concluded in February. Another series of distribution trips is planned from March 31 through July 5. The distribution teams consist of saints primarily from Europe, Taiwan, Russia, and the US. Please pray for:

  • the blending of the saints who serve on the teams;
  • the Lord’s leading the teams to find the most effective ways to distribute;
  • the openness of the refugees to the word of God and the Lord’s appearing to them as they read it.


  1. Morning revival: Week 25 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. Junior High Sisters Conference is April 1-3; registration deadline is March 20. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17; registration deadline is April 3. Both are at Oak Glen.
  3. The Spring College Conference will be held in Anaheim April 15 to 17. More at
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; .
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at .
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at


“We love you and we love our Lord Jesus” - A refugee family after a gospel dinner.

“With all these refugees coming here, this is a turbulent time for us” - An 18 year old German student. We realized that the refugee situation has also made the local people more open than before.

“I cannot understand why someone who does not know me will shed tears for me” - A refugee widow with a child. She had noticed a sister shedding tears while this sister was praying for her.

We spent almost the whole day with a brother who has been a hidden Christian for years. He asked to come to the Lord's Day meeting and he really enjoyed the time. He grew up in a Christian home yet their family has to be underground or they could be imprisoned or even executed. At one point, his father was put in prison for 4 years. While he was in university, during a lecture he asked a question about Islam and he was taken aside and interrogated, after which he was kicked out of the university and all his records erased. Because his life was in danger, he had to flee. When he finally got to Germany (that story in itself is a miracle), he visited several churches, but didn't feel any peace. As soon as he saw the brothers during the first gospel trip, immediately he felt peace. He kept trying to explain how he felt when he first met us because it was such a miracle to him. He already told his family back home about us.

An Arabic speaking brother wrote: I have never seen a people more open for contact in my entire Christian life than these refugees. Almost every person we talked to (in the way of just wanting to care for them) would talk as long as we would listen. The suffering of these people is unimaginable and they feel that no one is listening to them. Praise the Lord for what He is doing and His love for man! The world has been turned upside down! Devout Muslims are in tears declaring that Jesus is Lord and receiving Him. Islam has been exposed to them and many are willing to hear about a God of love who wants to be their life.
After considerable discussion about good and evil vs. life, a sister led a refugee woman into a simple and sweet prayer of salvation. And she said “believing is in my heart, not just in my words.” How sweet her clear realization. Then she prayed for her family to be saved also. Her countenance was uplifted and her face was shining. What an amazing experience! Oh Lord Jesus! what a Wonderful Savior!

Prayer, Week of March 13, 2016

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Living in the Divine and Mystical Realm

If we pray by living with God and moving with Christ, we pray from this Person and our prayers are divine.... There is a realm in this universe which is divine and mystical. The worldly people do not know this realm. They are in the physical, fallen, sinful, evil world. But we have been separated from being common; we have been sanctified and separated unto our God, who is holy. Now we are in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit. (The God-man Living, p. 96)

CSUN and UCLA Blending Trips

This Saturday, March 19, students from CSUN and UCLA will depart on their respective spring break blending trips. From CSUN, around 20 saints, including serving ones, will go to San Jose, California. From UCLA, a total of 60 saints will go on three simultaneous week-long trips: one to Chattanooga, Murfreesboro, and Knoxville, Tennessee; one to Salt Lake City, Utah; and one to Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would cover all the practical arrangements;
  • All the students who signed up would make it, especially the freshmen;
  • The Lord would prepare all those who are going and grace all those who are receiving;
  • Those going would be kept healthy in spirit, soul, and body;
  • Those making the long drive to Utah would be kept safe and happy in the Lord;
  • These trips would result in much blending and mutual encouragement.

Young People

One of the striking crystals in the recent Winter Training on Exodus was the matter of praying at the incense altar for the raising up of an army to meet the Lord's need. As another generation of young people throughout Southern California is growing up among us, there is a pressing need for them to be gained for the future of the Lord's recovery. May the Lord gain our young people to be those who “serve their generation” (Acts 13:36) and be those who understand the times in which they live (1 Chron. 12:32).

As we enter into the 2016 Spring conference season, please pray that the Lord would continue to impart vision and revelation into the young people. Also pray that the young people in every locality could be shepherded to have a personal pursuing of the Lord so that the desire of His heart would become the desire of their heart and the highways to Zion would be in them.
The High School Brothers Conference will take place this weekend, March 18-20, at Oak Glen.


The second follow-up trip will end this Saturday; 57 from outside of Germany are participating. Please pray for:

  • the follow up of all the priority gospel contacts met in the first two trips as well as for new contacts to be made on this trip;
  • the raising up and perfecting of the translators;
  • those who are capable in the language among us to perfect the translators;
  • the Lord to gain this harvest for Himself;
  • the saints who live in Germany to know the bountiful supply of the Spirit to meet every need.

Frankfurt, Germany

We are in the process of leasing a meeting place for the church and the work. Please pray for the release of such a facility to meet the current need in the day-to-day church life in Frankfurt and in the work with the refugees and Bible recipients.

Spring European University Conference

This conference is March 18 to 21 in Wales.


This week, Dick Taylor and Tim Knoppe from Michigan are in Kampala, Uganda for visitations and a conference from Monday to Wednesday. On Thursday, March 17 they will fly to Nairobi, Kenya for more shepherding and a weekend conference. Please pray that the traveling, ministering brothers would be richly supplied and be one with the Lord in His wisdom to go in and out among His people. Pray for the Lord to increase the blending and strengthen His testimony in these countries.


  1. Morning revival: Week 6 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God’s Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference). Next week we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Brothers Conference is March 18–20; registration deadline was March 6. Junior High Brothers Conference is March 25–27; registration deadline was March 13. Junior High Sisters Conference is April 1-3; registration deadline is March 20. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17; registration deadline is April 3. All are at Oak Glen.
  3. The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Washington, D.C., from Friday, May 27 through Monday, May 30. Information is at
  4. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of March 6, 2016

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Lord, Build in Us

Christ builds the church as the temple of God through the believers' growth in life and their being joined together in the divine life. (Thanksgiving conference, msg 5, III.)

"In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit." (Eph. 2:21-22)

Middle-Age Training

The middle-age full-time training begins next Monday. Let us pray to 1) bind all frustrations to attendance such as health, personal obligations, and entry into the U.S., and 2) release to the trainees much divine life and much salvation from their natural being.

The Spanish and Korean language sections each have very few trainees. Petition the Lord to increase these sections to ten trainees each. Only three from Los Angeles are registered for this term; petition the Lord for more to register this week.

Life-Study Live in Hall 1

Saturday we enjoyed hosting the Life-Study of the Bible Live in Hall 1. Brothers unveiled Leviticus 1:1-5 to all the participants, and we saw how we are identified with the burnt offerings. Leviticus 1:4, footnote 1, "....By laying our hands on Christ as our offering, we are joined to Him, and He and we become one. In such a union all our weaknesses, defects, and faults are taken on by Him, and all His virtues become ours. This requires us to exercise our spirit through the proper prayer so that we may be one with Him in an experiential way."

We received around 130 saints in total; about 50 of them are radio listeners and 23 of them returned their card expressing their desire to be contacted for further study of the Bible. We thank the Lord for His blessing. We pray for the shepherding of these seeking ones, that they can be nourished and receive care for growing in His life.


The second follow-up gospel trip began Lord's Day, March 6. Two L.A. saints are participating. Lord, send more from L.A. (Four more follow-up trips are open; deadlines to apply are March 20, April 10, May 1, and May 22; information is at

Please pray for:

  • the Lord of the harvest to thrust out more workers into the harvest in Germany;
  • the continuing contact and shepherding of the refugees to bring them to salvation and the church life;
  • the Lord to bring native Germans into the reality of His Body;
  • the Lord to raise up more translators for this work, and to fully gain the current translators.


Brother Dick Taylor is in South Africa this week to teach at the Full-time Training in Pretoria, followed by a weekend conference for all the saints. Please pray for the Lord to have His unhindered way in all the trainees this term as well as in all the churches in South Africa.

Budapest, Hungary

The first Lord’s table will take place Lord’s Day, March 13. Pray that the Lord will raise up a shining golden lampstand in Budapest for His testimony in Europe.


Our local printer promised to finish the binding of the 22 booklets of W. Nee and the booklets will be ready the first week of March. The next book which is going to be published is How to Study the Bible. We have sent the draft for final editing and hopefully the book can be published in April. Please pray for the publication of the ministry books. We continue to use the local distributor to help distribute 5000 copies of Rhema set 1 to the Christian individuals and groups in this country this year. May the Lord gain more seeking ones through His word.


  1. Morning revival: Week 5 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God's Eternal Economy
    (Thanksgiving Conference). After week 6 we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Brothers Conference is March 18–20; registration deadline was March 6. Junior High Brothers Conference is March 25–27; registration deadline is March 13. Junior High Sisters
    Conference is April 1-3; registration deadline is March 20. All are at Oak Glen.
  3. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update
    Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of February 28, 2016

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Lord, Be Our Life for Your Expression

God's economy is His intention to dispense Himself into His chosen and redeemed people to be our life and nature so that we may be the same as He is for His corporate expression.
"Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27)
"When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory." (Col. 3:4)
"The holy city, Jerusalem...having the glory of God." (Rev. 21:10b-11a)

Southern California Young People's Blending Meeting

This blending will be Saturday, March 5, from 7 to 9 pm at the church in Anaheim meeting hall at 1855 W. Ball Rd., Anaheim, CA 92804.

The Gospel on the College Campuses

Last Saturday evening the college students enjoyed an evening of blending and the ministry of the Word. They saw that the Lord could use them to preach the gospel with a little cooperation. Just as the Lord did not give up on Jonah or the people of Nineveh, He does not give up on us or the classmates He has placed around us. Please pray that the Lord would gain the cooperation of many “Jonahs” on the college campuses in LA to bring many sinners to salvation.

Life-Study Live in Hall 1

A Spanish-language Life-Study Live seminar will be held Saturday, March 5 in L.A. Hall 1. Those who listen to Life-Study of the Bible on the radio are invited. Please pray for the preparation for this seminar and for the preparation of many radio listeners to come.

Bibles for America

During the first quarter of 2016, Bibles for America has had much prayer and fellowship concerning projects for labor in the coming year. Projects under consideration include developing new online study tools for the public, reaching seekers in new ways with the Word and the ministry, and adding new titles to our free Christian books collection. Please pray that the Lord would lead BfA according to His desire and that many more of God’s children would discover and enjoy the storehouse of riches available in the Word and the ministry in 2016.


On March 5, Dick Taylor will fly to Africa. Over the next month, along with other brothers, he will visit South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, and Ethiopia for shepherding and conferences. Saints from a total of 16 or 17 African countries will participate in the times of fellowship. Please pray that the brothers would be richly supplied and be one with the Lord in His wisdom to go in and out among His people. Pray for the Lord to gain His increase and testimony on that continent.


The labor continues with the refugees and on the college campuses. This work is centered on Frankfurt, Berlin, Stuttgart, and Düsseldorf. More than 50 from outside Germany participated in the first follow-up gospel trip, which ended last Saturday. The second follow-up trip begins Lord's Day, March 6.

"Thank you for your prayers for Frankfurt. Twenty-five came to the gospel meeting [Feb. 21], of which fourteen stood up to pray and call on the Lord's name. Thank the Lord for these precious vessels. May the Lord continue to gain the ones He is seeking for His testimony in Germany."

Please pray for:

  • the local saints to be bountifully supplied for coordinating and participating in all the activities;
  • continuing contact and shepherding of the refugees to bring them to salvation and the church life;
  • the Lord to raise up more translators for this work;
  • the Lord to gain native Germans from the campuses and communities;
  • new believers to participate in the 12 week Healthy Walk with God Class, and for many, saved or unsaved, to be reached by the 18 lesson basic German class.

German-speaking Young People’s Conference

The conference will be near Frankfurt, Germany on March 4 to 6.


The current two-page Lord's Move to Asia newsletter has very positive reports from Bangladesh and Cambodia. (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 4 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God's Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference). After week 6 we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Brothers’ Conference is March 18–20; registration deadline is March 6.
    Junior High Brothers’ Conference is March 25–27; registration deadline is March 13.
    Junior High Sisters' Conference is April 1 to 3; registration deadline is March 20.
    All are at Oak Glen.
  3. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of February 21, 2016

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A Normal Living of the Gospel

“We all need to see what the proper, normal gospel is. It is that which the Lord Jesus carried out. He spent time to gain one man [Nicodemus] and spent some more time to gain one woman [the Samaritan]. He reaped not in large numbers but one by one.... He simply lived the life of the gospel. Wherever He went, the gospel was His living. May we have the genuine recovery of the preaching of the gospel in the proper church life.... We should take the Lord Jesus as our example to be interested in imparting life and in helping others to be reborn and to drink the living water. This is the normal, daily preaching according to life, not according to miracles. This is what we need.

“...Where we are, the gospel is with us, because it is our life. Without the living of the gospel, the church life is empty. We must all learn the example of the Lord Jesus.” (WL, The Normal Way of Fruit-bearing and Shepherding for the Building Up of the Church, pp. 76-77)

Please pray for every brother and sister to have a normal living of the gospel so that the Lord may grow, flow, and go as the gospel. As John 3:30 says, “He must increase.” Ask the Lord to increase the church in Los Angeles to 1,000 saints by the end of this year.


The spring term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim begins this week on February 22. Please pray for all the new and returning trainees to have a strong beginning by being fully open and freshly consecrated to the Lord for all that He would reveal to them and gain in them.

L.A. Intercollegiate Gathering

This Saturday, February 27 at 6:00 pm, our college students from across Los Angeles (and beyond) will gather on the CSUN campus for dinner and a special joint meeting. Please pray for a good attendance, real blending in spirit, and the release and receiving of a fresh word on the gospel.

Perfecting Training for L.A. Korean-speaking Saints

The four pillars in the Lord’s recovery are truth, life, the church, and the gospel. The truth brings us life, life produces the church, and the church is responsible for the preaching of the gospel. This Saturday, February 27, the Korean-speaking saints will begin a training to perfect the saints for the gospel and increase. This monthly training meeting will cover 100 topics in Truth, Life, Church and Gospel over the next five years. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would bless this first training meeting and for as many as possible to attend;
  • All the participating saints, especially newer ones, would desire earnestly and pray desperately to gain
    one remaining fruit each year;
  • Even while holding the training in different places (Halls 1 and 2), the saints would be preserved in
    oneness with an uplifted morale and atmosphere.

Life-Study Live in Hall 1

A Spanish-language Life-Study Live seminar will be held Saturday, March 5 in L.A. Hall 1. Those who listen to Life-Study of the Bible on the radio are invited. Please pray for the preparation for this seminar and for the preparation of many radio listeners to come.

Junior High and High School Brothers Conferences

The high school brothers conference will be March 18 to 20. The junior high school brothers
conference will be March 25 to 27. Both will be at Oak Glen. Cost is $105. Please register now at: Deadline is March 6 for HS and March 13 for JH.


Seven two-week gospel trips will extend the work begun in the FTTA gospel trip in Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Berlin, and Stuttgart. The first of these trips ends Saturday. Please pray for:

  • The follow-up and continuing care of all the positive contacts from the FTTA gospel trip;
  • The coordination and strengthening of all the follow-up gospel trips and the ongoing participation of the local saints in the gospel and shepherding labor;
  • The positive translators to be gained as real co-laborers in the gospel;
  • The participation of new believers in the 12-week Healthy Walk with God class;
  • The full-time serving ones who are moving to Germany from the UK to find favor with the German government and obtain visas to live in Germany long term.


In the past the saints in Frankfurt met in apartments. Now they are looking for a meeting place for the gospel work and the church life. Please ask the Lord to provide a facility good for shepherding new gospel contacts into the church life and for weekly church meetings in light of the recent increase.

French-speaking Young People’s Conference

The conference will be in Neuchâtel, Switzerland on the weekend of February 26 to 28.


Distributions of gospel and ministry materials are continuing to sow the seed of the gospel among refugees before they reach Germany. This sowing is being done in Greece near the border with Macedonia in January and February. Please pray that the word of God will spread among the seeking ones and will bring them into the enjoyment of the processed and consummated Triune God as the compound Spirit in the church life.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God's Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference).
  2. The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Washington, D.C., from Friday, May 27 through Monday, May 30. Information is at
  3. The Lord's move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of February 14, 2016

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The Real Christian Life

“To know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Phil. 3:10).

The real Christian life for the building up of the church as the temple of God is a life of the crucified and resurrected Christ as the life-giving Spirit being built into our being so that we are being conformed to His death by the power of His resurrection for His glory in the church. (Thanksgiving conference, msg 2, point V.)

High School Brothers Conference

This conference will be March 18 to 20 at Oak Glen. Cost is $105. Please register now at: Registration deadline is March 6. No late registrations will be accepted. Please ask the Lord to:

  • place a burden in all of our high school brothers that they would have a desire to go;
  • release a number of serving ones to cherish and nourish the high schoolers.

Young People Serving Ones Perfecting Conference

The conference will be March 12th, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall.


We felt that the Lord blessed and covered us during the entire FTTA gospel trip, which ended February 4 (although 18 saints stayed longer for follow-up). Many saints testified that, as they went out and spoke, they felt that the prayer of the saints was covering them and opening the way in the gospel. The greatest response was with the refugees, but there was also a very positive response among the German young people on the university campuses. There were also some very positive experiences with the hired translators.

During this gospel trip 1,973 persons were contacted for more than 30 seconds. There were 190 follow-up appointments, and 152 homes were visited. One hundred fifty-six were lead to pray to receive the Lord, and 4 were baptized. Please pray for:

  • The continuing care of all the positive contacts.
  • The positive translators to be gained as real co-laborers in the gospel.

The first follow-up gospel trip is NOW - Lord’s Day, February 14 through Saturday, February 27. Please pray for the coordination and strengthening of all the follow-up trips. Lord, raise up some saints from Los Angeles to participate in these gospel trips.

South America

Many experiences related to full-time trainings were shared with young people and college students during the gospel trips to Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Ask the Lord to gain many for training in South America.

“From every man whose heart makes him willing you shall take My heave offering....And let them make a sanctuary for Me that I may dwell in their midst.” (Exodus 25:2, 8) Lord, cause many hearts to be willing to offer, and many to experience You in ascension.

Lord, Raise Up the Church in Los Angeles

According to Google maps, only two cities on earth are named Los Angeles. The other is in Chile. A few saints in the recovery live there but there is not yet a church in Los Angeles. The saints are about one hour drive from Victoria, the focal point for the Lord's move in Chile, and within an hour of some smaller churches.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God's Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference).
  2. The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Washington, D.C., from Friday, May 27 through Monday, May 30. Information is at
  3. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at

Prayer, Week of February 7, 2016

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International Chinese-speaking Conference

The conference is February 12 to 14 in Anaheim. Information is at (Chinese) and (English). There will be translation to English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Please pray that the Lord bring many saints from all languages and that He take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering.

Life-Study Live in Hall 1

A Spanish-language Life-Study Live seminar will be held Saturday, March 5 in L.A. Hall 1. Those who listen to Life-Study of the Bible on the radio are invited. Please pray for the preparation for this seminar and for the preparation of many radio listeners to come.


Brother Dick Taylor will be traveling to Memphis for the annual Mid-South Conference from Saturday, February 14 to Lord’s Day, February 15, and for times of fellowship with brothers there. The topic will be “The Recovery of Christ as Everything in the Church.” Saints from the 5 localities in Tennessee and from nearby states are expected to attend. Please pray for a good time of blending and for everyone to be recovered to Christ.

FTTA-Middle Age Training

The spring term begins March 14 and applications should be in by February 23. Ask the Lord to bring 120 new and returning trainees for the whole term. Beseech Him to release everyone from outward hindrances, from financial limitations, from anxiety, and from frustrations by U.S. immigration.


Please pray:

  • That the Lord will continue to gain translators who will become our co-workers long term for the labor among the refugees;
  • That the local saints, together with those migrating to Germany, will continue and follow up the labor from the gospel trips with regular contact, shepherding, and opening of their homes;
  • That the enemy’s frustrations will be bound and that we will have favor with the refugee camp administrators and the refugees;
  • For the continuing labor of the seven follow-up gospel trips (February 14 to July 2).

In order to keep the saints informed and bring them into the burden of this move of the Lord, the overseeing brothers are posting reports on a public Facebook page “Germany Update” ( These reports present many encouraging matters, but (for security) do not contain names of the saints or new contacts. We hope these reports will encourage all the saints in the Lord’s recovery.


Please pray:

  • For the release of visas for 5 saints from Ethiopia to attend the Full-Time Training in Pretoria, South Africa. Over the years, visas to South Africa have been difficult to obtain. The next term of the training begins later this month. Please pray that the Lord would open the way for these dear ones to go as soon as possible, and that the enemy’s stratagem would not succeed in keeping them from being trained.
  • For a meeting hall and property in Addis Ababa, especially one that would be most beneficial for the gospel near Addis Ababa University. Currently, around 300–350 saints meet in a rented facility.
  • For the city of Hawassa to be open to the gospel and that the enemy would have no ground there.

South Africa

Please pray:

  • For the Lord to gain another couple both in Nelspruit and Durban.
  • For the Lord to supply all the saints laboring on the University of Pretoria campus. Around 250 students signed up this past orientation week for the Bible study; there is a need for the proper shepherding to gain remaining fruit for the Lord’s move on this campus and in this country.

Budapest, Hungary

In answer to the prayers of the saints and the churches concerning the spreading of the Lord’s testimony in Europe, the first Lord’s table in Budapest will take place on March 13, 2016. Pray that the Lord will raise up a shining golden lampstand in Budapest for His testimony in Europe. The invitation letter and hotel reservation form is at


Pray that a new generation of young people would be raised up in Argentina as age turners solely for God’s economy. The first Summer School of Truth held here will be February 10 to 14, and midway through this year two FTT Caacupé (Paraguay) trainees will come serve full-time in Argentina.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 in The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God's Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference).
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord's Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page “Germany Update” Information about follow-up gospel trips is at
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at
  3. More updates and prayer burdens from the gospel trips are at and