Prayer, Week of July 5, 2015

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Summer Training - Loving Seekers of God for His Habitation

The summer training continues in video trainings around the earth. Lord, enable each one of us to live before You as a vessel open to be filled with Your speaking. Constitute us to be the proper people for the building of Your habitation.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana-Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

From the U.S. 1405 have registered, plus 375 from 33 other nations. They represent 325 college campuses. Beseech the Lord to cause everyone who registered to attend this training, to arrive safely, and to participate fully as a vessel open to be filled with the Lord’s speaking.

Also ask the Lord to raise up many others to pray regularly this week, during the training, and afterward.

Summer School of Truth

LA’s Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. We will cover the lesson book on The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. Young people should register at

European Students’ Blending Trip to US

Approximately 100 students from Europe came to attend the summer training in Anaheim and will be at the National College Training. Please pray for these students that the Lord will open His heart to them and their hearts to Him and will raise them up to be a generation of age turners for His move in Europe and for His coming back to end this age.


May the heavens rule over the economic and political turmoil, managing behind the scene for the sake of God's move in Europe.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of June 28, 2015

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Summer Training

In the winter training we saw the salvation and provision of God bringing us to the kingdom. The result is that we come to the mountain of God where we spend time with Him (as Moses did), He speaks to us, and He shines into us to make us shining. May we be those with unveiled face on top of the mountain in God’s glory, not those below, trembling under the cloud.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana- Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). Beseech the Lord to cause everyone who registered to attend this training and to participate fully.

The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

European Students’ Blending Trip to US

Approximately 100 students from Europe have come to attend the summer training in Anaheim and the national college training in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. Please pray for all the students, including those from Europe, that the Lord will open His heart to them and their hearts to Him and will raise them up to be a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back.


July 1 to 12 are focused on the gospel in Bangladesh. Lord, save many and bring them into the reality of Your Body.


  1. Morning revival: summer training verses or week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus. July 6 we will begin The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building.
  2. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. Young people should register at
  3. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of June 21, 2015

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The Need for a New Revival

God became man to make man God in life, nature, and expression but not in the Godhead so that God could produce and build up a corporate expression. When we have a vision of this, the God-man living comes forth. This living has a function—shepherding.

In this conference we saw the high peak of divine revelation. What should we do? In 2 Samuel 7:5-17 Nathan spoke a high peak of revelation to David. David’s response: he “went and sat before Jehovah” (v. 18) and prayed (v. 18-29). Like David, let us pray, Lord, do in us what You have spoken. Penetrate our living. Bring forth Your shepherding through us.

Summer Training

In the winter training we saw the salvation and provision of God (ch. 1–17) bringing us to the kingdom (ch. 18). The result is that we see the vision of God’s building and enter into the building work (ch. 19–40). Lord, grant us all more vision and more building!

Lord, give each one of us a heart to love Your word and to receive this training in a fresh way.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana- Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). An invitation to pray for this training is at

The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

Middle-Age Training

Saturday, June 20, 35 trainees graduated from the Middle-age training in Anaheim.

Please pray that:

  • all continue in the grace of God which trains us in our daily living (Titus 2:11-12);
  • each one “follow the Lamb wherever He may go” (Rev. 14:4);
  • the Lord bring at least 40 new trainees for the entire fall term.

Korean-speaking Bible Seminar in LA

We had a very special seminar last Saturday. Seventy-five new ones participated and the majority of them were young men in their 20s and 30s (55 were from one theology school). Also many young saints functioned in various services including becoming the host in the group sessions. We all enjoyed what grace is and how we can enjoy the Lord as grace.

Please pray that:

  • These new ones could remain in contact with the saints who were in the same group session.
  • We could maintain a good relationship with the theology school and this school could be open door
    for the gospel of kingdom.
  • More young brothers and sisters would function in gospel preaching and shepherding.


From April to May, we had a series of 8 weekend retreats in London. 653 attended these retreat weekends, including 218 new ones. The subject was God's Eternal Purpose as Seen in the Book of Ephesians. During these two months, all were infused with a seeing that God's eternal purpose, His heart's desire is the church. Please pray for all those 218 new ones to be contacted and shepherded and to enter into the church life.

European Blending Trip to US

European university students will be making a blending trip to the U.S. The full trip includes the FTTA graduation, the summer training in Anaheim, a week of sightseeing and activities with students in the Chicago area, and the National College Training.

Lord, grant these students many precious experiences of Yourself and Your Body.

FTT London

Saturday, June 13, was the graduation of the Full-Time Training in London. It was marvelous. Over 600 attended to witness what the Lord has done in the 15 graduates from 10 countries over their two years of training.

Czech Republic

On June 13 we had our sixth seminar in this series of six. The topic was “The Vision of the Glorious Church.” The atmosphere of the seminar was pleasant. 13 saints and 5 new ones attended. Two of the new ones attended this seminar series for the first time. There is a feeling among us to continue the seminars in some way. This also was shared with the attendees at the seminar.

We are so thankful for the prayer support of the Body. As a direct result of the seminars a very good connection has been established with a sister from outside of Prague, with a brother who lives close to Prague, and with one couple from Prague. The sister who came from 170 km east of Prague will arrange a time of fellowship in her town with some other seeking believers whom she knows. This will probably be in second half of July. We would like to continue with the seminars in September and perhaps even try to have some seminars in other cities.

Sri Lanka

In the past 6 months, the Lord moved rapidly in Sri Lanka through the coordination of the Body. Overseas saints came to labor in one accord with the local saints for various moves from December to April. The Lord indeed poured out His blessing. The church in Mannar was raised up, and the saints were full of burden to declare that they would co-labor with the Lord to raise up 17 local churches in the next 6 years. More about the saints’ experiences in Sri Lanka is at (English) (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  3. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of June 14, 2015

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The Need for a New Revival

John 21:15 “Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these? He said to Him, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My lambs.”

Three factors are necessary for the new and final revival: seeing the vision, living the life, and shepherding according to God. Our seeing must be so strong that we are energized, motivated, and governed. This will cause us to be one with the Lord in our living, which will issue in shepherding. Shepherding includes the gospel to sinners. Without shepherding, our vision and living do not stay healthy in our experience. When we love the Lord daily and shepherd His sheep, our vision and living stay fresh.

We need to follow the steps of the processed Triune God in seeking and gaining fallen people. Our not having the Father’s loving and forgiving heart and the Savior’s shepherding and seeking spirit is the reason for our barrenness. (message 5, outline I.B.1-2)

Summer Training

In the winter training we saw the salvation and provision of God (ch. 1–17) brining us to the kingdom (ch. 18). The result is that we see the vision of God’s building and enter into the building work (ch. 19–40). Lord, grant us all more vision and more building!

Please also pray for the bountiful supply to the brothers preparing to speak, and for wisdom to those caring for other preparations for the training.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana-Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). There are 1780 registered, representing 325 college campuses; 1405 are from 39 U.S. states and 375 are from 33 other nations. The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

An invitation to pray for this training is at May we allow the Lord to move in an unprecedented way through our prayer!


Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler all arrive in Sydney the evening of Lord’s Day, June 14. They will have three days of fellowship with the leading brothers there about the Lord’s move. May the Lord’s light shine brightly and His life flow freely in this time to open the way for further building and blending throughout Australia.

Thursday, June 18 James and Craig return to California. Dick goes to Tasmania until Saturday, June 20 for a small conference and much informal shepherding. There are two small lampstands in Tasmania; please pray for the establishing of a lampstand in Hobart, the largest city in Tasmania.

Dick returns to L.A. Lord’s Day, June 21.


  1. Morning revival: week 11 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  3. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of June 7, 2015

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The Need for a New Revival

To realize that we are God-men, born of God and belonging to God’s species, is the beginning of the God-man living (message 4, outline, I.E).

The new revival is to constitute us to live Christ always, in every place, at all times, with all kinds of people, and in all circumstances. This is not a once-for-all revival; it requires our constant attention to the One who lives the life of a God-man as the Spirit living in us and through us.

Ephesians 3:14, 16-17 “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith…”

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana-Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). There are 1780 registered; a one-minute summary of where they are from is at The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

An invitation to pray for this training is at May we allow the Lord to move in an unprecedented way through our prayer!


The National Serving Ones Training, on The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building concludes this week Tuesday. From Tuesday night through Lord’s Day, June 14, Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler will split up to visit the churches in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Coffs Harbour, Newcastle, and Perth.

Ask the Lord to continue supplying the traveling brothers in all three parts of their being so that He may richly supply all these churches for their building up.

International FTT Blending Conference

From June 8 to 12 there will be a blending of trainees and graduates from 12 FTTs at the FTT Indonesia training center. June 13 to 14 there will be a large conference for these saints and many others in Jakarta. Eight L.A. FTTA graduates will attend. Please ask the Lord to advance to more reality of the one Body in His move in Indonesia and all over the world.

A 2-½ min video with views of FTT Indonesia and the June 13-14 conference center is at


  1. Morning revival: week 10 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. Rob Wilder will edit the prayer email for June 14. Please send inputs to him by 6 pm that Lord’s Day.
  3. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  4. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  5. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of May 31, 2015

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The Need for a New Revival

God needs a corporate people to be raised up by His grace through the high peak of the divine revelation to live a life according to this revelation. A revival is the practice, the practicality, of the vision we have seen (message 3, outline I. and I.A).

God brings us into experience through revelation. John 14:19b, “you behold Me; because I live, you also shall live.” Lord, keep us beholding You!

“We should all declare that we want to live the life of a God-man. Eventually, the God-men will be the victors, the overcomers, the Zion within Jerusalem. This will bring in a new revival which has never been seen in history, and this will end this age”—Life-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, p. 28. (message 3, outline IV.)

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana-Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). An invitation to pray for this training is at

The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)


The church in Chicago recently ordered a large number of BfA gospel tracts, product offer cards, Bibles, and books as part of a burden to practice more regular gospel outreach. Each week, the saints spend an hour to exercise the priesthood of the gospel by speaking to people in the community and sharing the free materials with them.

Please pray that the Lord would grace the saints and sustain them as they go forth each week. Pray also that the Spirit would prepare many people’s hearts to receive the free materials and to be open to the speaking of the saints. May the Lord bless the church in Chicago and may He continue to bring all the churches in the US into the priesthood of the gospel!


Lord’s Day, May 31, Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler departed to Australia. The National Serving Ones Training will begin this Friday and continue through next week Tuesday. This will be a re-speaking of the spring ITERO plus fellowship times with small groups of responsible saints. The subject is The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building.

Ask the Lord to grant salvation from any form of clergy-laity for more recovery of the practice of the priesthood in Australia.

Also ask the Lord to richly supply the traveling brothers and to flow through them for the building up of every church in Australia.

Krakow, Poland

Since the beginning of this year there has been a positive response to literature distribution in Krakow. These distributions are conducted by coordination of saints from multiple churches in Poland. A one-page report is at These saints request our prayer for

  • the openness and the willingness of literature recipients for further meetings and that some may become the seeds for the church life here;
  • obtaining a permit to legally set the distribution table in a strategic location in Krakow;
  • the coordination and participation of the saints from different localities in Poland for further distributions and care of literature recipients.
  • the migration of one or two families, with some serving saints, to Krakow in order to strengthen the direct care for believers in Krakow who have received literature or otherwise contacted the recovery.


  1. Morning revival: week 9 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. Rob Wilder will edit the prayer emails for June 7 and 14. Please send inputs to him by 6 pm those Lord’s Days.
  3. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  4. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  5. The 2015 European Young People's Conference will take place in Małe Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration deadline is June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, is at
  6. The 2015 Young People's Conference of the Americas will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord's Day, July 26. This is for saints ages 12 to 22. Information and registration is at Registration deadline is June 1st.
  7. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of May 24, 2015

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The Need for a New Revival

Revival is not an emotional stir. Rather, it is an inward energizing by life as a result of seeing God’s economy. Excitement is temporary; we need a clear, solid seeing. This seeing strengthens us within. May we forget the things behind and stretch forward, crying out for this revival, which will complete God’s economy and end this age.

Don’t be content with understanding and agreeing. We need to be captured and possessed by the vision in a way that changes our being and our living.

“Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I pursue, if even I may lay hold of that for which I also have been laid hold of by Christ Jesus.”

(from the opening word of Memorial Day conference message 2)

Sixth Grade Baptisms

Baptisms will be Lord’s Day afternoon, May 31. Baptisms for halls 1 and 4 will be at hall 1; those for halls 2, 3, and 5 will be at Haskell. The young believers to be baptized are:
Hall 1: Phoebe Ahn and Stacey Choi
Hall 2 Ethan Chan, Juan Kelly, Abraham Orona, Christopher Paik, Sherlock Quintero-Escamilla
Hall 3: David Hong
Hall 4: Karissa Ho
Hall 5: Jachin Chyn

We pray that each of these sixth graders would experience a definite exodus from the bondage of slavery and into the realm of freedom in Christ.

Campus Teams Reunion

Wednesday, May 27 through Saturday, May 30 a good number of saints from around the US and even the world will be gathered together in Irving, TX to fellowship about the Lord's move on the college campuses. The title of this time is Perfecting Our Students for the Increase and Building Up of the Church. Please pray for:

  1. The fresh imparting of a renewed and uplifted vision concerning the work on the campuses;
  2. The blending of all those laboring on the campuses to carry out the Lord's one work on this earth;
  3. The Lord to go on even further through this time to solidly gain a flock of college students from many campuses who will turn the age and bring the Lord back;
  4. Safe travel, health, and the binding of any of the enemy's frustrations.

FTTA Boston

Twenty-six trainees (including two from L.A.) are graduating from the FTTA Boston extension, but only 17 have applied to begin the fall term. Lord, increase the number of trainees in Boston!

Thessaloniki, Greece

There will be a conference here May 29 to 31. For several months we have been meeting almost daily with our contacts and feel that the Lord is making progress in each one. We hope that the conference twill be the time they come fully into the recovery. Please pray that:

  • all the dear ones we have been contacting here would be able to attend every meeting. Our experience has been that when there is a larger gathering of the saints, there is much encouragement and further revelation for those who have not been able to participate in a meeting larger than in our living rooms.
  • saints from throughout the recovery will attend to support, supply, and manifest the fullness of the One who fills all in all.
  • saints from the surrounding countries who are also in smaller, isolated situations would also be able to attend for the mutual support and blending together.
  • every practical detail would be under the Lord’s anointing.

We’re very thankful for all that the Lord has done, is doing, and will do here for His move through your prayers. We can’t imagine what it would be like here without them. Thank you for standing with us!

Czech Republic

Please pray for the ongoing monthly seminars in the Czech Republic.


Continue to pray for the Lord’s care for the saints in Nepal, for their outflow in the gospel, and for many to be saved and brought into church life.


  1. Morning revival: week 8 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. Rob Wilder will edit the prayer emails for June 7 and 14. Please send inputs to him by 6 pm those Lord’s Days.
  3. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  4. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  5. The 2015 European Young People's Conference will take place in Małe Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration is now open, with a deadline of June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, is at
  6. The 2015 Young People's Conference of the Americas will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord's Day, July 26. This is for saints ages 12 to 22. Information and registration is at Registration deadline is June 1st.
  7. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of May 17, 2015

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Memorial Day Conference: The Need for a New Revival

Lord, work in each of us to cooperate with You for a new revival, a revival to bring You back!


In recent years the total number of trainees in FTTA has hovered around 320, with the number of international trainees increasing and the number of domestic trainees decreasing. We need to ask the Lord to bring more domestic trainees and to bring more brothers to the fall term.

Vancouver, Canada

On May 7 there was a devastating fire at hall 1 of the church in Vancouver starting from where roofers were working to replace the roof. Fifty to sixty firemen were involved for about six hours. There is extensive damage and the whole building has become unusable. There was no loss of life or injury.

We are presently coordinating with the insurers, engineers and many others on the multitude of things that have to be done. Please pray to turn this apparent setback to our salvation through the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ:

  • Above all that the Lord would gain the reality of the Body of Christ in all of us. Surely the Lord has some speaking through this environment.
  • That the temporary meeting arrangements would be the best possible for building up of the Body.
  • That the insurers would have agreement and come to the proper assessment.
  • That the City would be favorable to our needs and grant all necessary permits for reconstruction.
  • That the neighbors would be favorable to the facility we need to build. (During the fire and later many neighbors came out, and we were pleasantly surprised at their positive comments and support).

May we see His considerations when our circumstances are smooth, and may we realize His special visitation when our circumstances are difficult. He wants to lead us to walk on a way that is more difficult but also deeper, a way that often is beyond our understanding. (WL, God's Need and God's Goal - p.46)

One-Week Trainings in Europe

Four one-week trainings are being held at Bower House in London. The last two are this week and next. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Attendees will spend some time with FTT London and with the brothers and sisters in the church in London or surrounding churches.

Please pray for the attendance of the saints from all over Europe, for the gaining of the new ones, and for perfecting in practicing the vital groups, spreading the divine truths, being fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing our function for the building up of the church.

German-Speaking Conference

The churches in the German-speaking countries will have a conference May 23 to 25 in Frankfurt. Over 300 are registered. The general subject will be “The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension” (Thanksgiving Conference 2014). The messages will be spoken in German with Russian, English, and Chinese translation. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints attending.

Please pray for the release of all the saints in these countries to come and be under the Lord's present speaking and be further blended together. May the Lord recover the German-speaking countries in 2015.

Nepal (from a letter written May 7 by full-timers from India who visited Nepal)

We praise and thank the Lord that He preserved all the saints in Nepal including their property. There has been very little damage to the saints.

The saints realize that the Lord preserved them for His purpose to be fulfilled in Nepal. Overall the entire Nepal is in agony. Saints have stronger realization that this is the time for the gospel. We need to pray for the Lord’s intensified move in Nepal.

The two-page letter in English and Chinese is at


  1. Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  3. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  4. The 2015 European Young People's Conference will take place in Male Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration is now open, with a deadline of June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, will take place online at
  5. The 2015 Young People's Conference of the Americas will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord's Day, July 26, 2015. This is for saints ages 12 to 22. Information and registration is at Registration deadline is June 1st.
  6. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at

Prayer, Week of May 10, 2015

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Memorial Day Conference

The conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday noon, May 25 in St. Louis. Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in the advancement of His purpose during this gathering.

National College Training

May 15 is the deadline for registration for this training. Please ask the Lord to fill this training with young saints who will give themselves to be His age turners to bring Him back!

FTTA Boston Extension Gospel Trip to Europe

Last week and this week twenty-eight trainees from the FTTA Boston extension are on a gospel trip to Europe. This week they and 16 additional saints are in small groups visiting cities in England, France, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Spain, and Switzerland. Please pray to cover and release the Lord’s all-inclusive blessing on this gospel trip.

Please also ask the Lord to release 20 of the trainees to migrate to Europe in August.


The saints in Rome are close to acquiring a meeting hall less than 270 meters from Sapienza University (the largest university in Europe) and a 3 minute walk from the metro.

There is an evangelistic radio channel in Rome that may be able to broadcast the Life-study of the Bible radio program for free. The hope is that free Rhema literature could be advertised through this.

Lord, strengthen Your testimony in Rome!

German Young People’s Conference

We had a wonderful weekend [May 1-3] at our first German-speaking young people's conference. During the weekend the Lord poured out His blessing and did more than what we could ask or think, and we sensed the Lord's answering the prayers of His Body.

The young people [50 or more, ages 11-25] were impressed to see a vision of who they are (as the salt of the earth, the light of the world, the branches of the vine and as seeds of life), how they can live a life to bear fruit and the importance of grasping the opportunity to offer themselves entirely to Him.

We believe the Lord gave us a very good and positive beginning and are encouraged about what the Lord is doing and what He will do among the young people for the closing of this age.


Please continue to pray 1) for the country’s recovery after the earthquake, 2) for the supply of physical necessities to the saints, 3) for people’s hearts to be open to the gospel at this time of trial, and 4) for the local saints to grasp the opportunity to boldly preach Christ and lead many to salvation.

Three Rhema booklets in Nepalese are almost ready for free distribution. May the Lord use these booklets to reach many seekers all over Nepal.

Monetary gifts may be given to the church, designated for Nepal.


The annual spring conference in Israel will be May 14 to 16.


  1. Morning revival: week 6 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  3. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  4. The 2015 European Young People's Conference will take place in Male Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration is now open, with a deadline of June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, will take place online at
  5. The 2015 Young People's Conference of the Americas will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord's Day, July 26, 2015. This is for saints ages 12 to 22. Information and registration is at Registration deadline is June 1st.

Prayer, Week of May 3, 2015

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The Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ

The building up of the Body is by our growth in life, which is the increase of the Triune God in us. The building up of the Body is also by the mingling of God and man, the living of God in man and man in God. For this building up, we should be overcomers consecrated to be vital and caring solely for Christ and His Body.

Lord, we give ourselves to be Your overcomers. Increase Yourself in us! Mingle more with us! Abide in us and lead us to abide in You!

Sixth Grade

The sixth grade conference last weekend presented the gospel to them. Please pray for each sixth grader to 1) have some experience of the Lord this week, 2) say something to a friend about their salvation, and 3) move onward to baptism later this month. Pray also for the family life of each sixth grader to be blended with their church life.

FTTA Boston Extension Gospel Trip to Europe

This week and next twenty-eight trainees from the FTTA Boston extension and 10 additional saints are on a gospel trip to Europe. They will be in London eight days, then split into small groups to visit cities in England, France, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Spain, and Switzerland. They return to Boston May 18. Please pray to cover and release the Lord's all-inclusive blessing on this gospel trip.

One-Week Trainings in London

Four one-week trainings will be held at Bower House in London. They begin Mondays May 4, 11, 18, and 25. The overall theme is The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. Attendees will spend some time with FTT London and with the brothers and sisters in the church in London or surrounding churches.

Please pray for the attendance of the saints from all over Europe, for the gaining of the new ones, and for perfecting in practicing the vital groups, spreading the divine truths, being fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and developing our function for the building up of the church.

Nepal (from a letter written April 30)

There are about 170 saints meeting in 3 cities in Nepal: Kathmandu, Maidi, and Pokhara. All are safe after the massive earthquake on April 25 that took over 5,000 lives. A sister's house in Kathmandu and 6 or 7 houses of the saints in Maidi were damaged, but overall the saints are fine.

The current urgent need for the saints in Nepal are food and water. Two co-workers from India will travel to Kathmandu to coordinate with the local brothers on relief efforts. They will bring cash, food and water supplies into Nepal.

Please pray for the country's recovery after the earthquake and for people's hearts to be open to the gospel at this time of trial. Also may we pray that the local saints would grasp the opportunity to boldly preach Christ as the Prince of Peace and lead many to salvation.

Three Rhema booklets in Nepalese for free distribution are almost ready for print. May the Lord use these booklets to reach many seekers all over Nepal.

Monetary gifts for these saints may be given to the church, designated for Nepal.

A brother from China lost his life in this earthquake. He was saved in 2012 while studying in Hong Kong. He was on vacation in Kathmandu when the earthquake hit. Please remember his relatives and friends in your prayer that they would be comforted and saved.


The annual conference in Milan, Italy is May 9 to 10.


Our annual festival was April 25-26 in Paris. All the participants were so blessed to hear the re-speaking of February's International Chinese-speaking Conference messages. After each message, there were much sharing to confirm the up-to-date dispensing. This year, there were 344 participants who came from 11 cities in France and 5 other countries.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT week 5 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  3. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  4. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  5. A Teachers' Training for the 2015 Summer School of Truth will be May 9 in Fullerton to renew our vision in our service to properly feed our young people during the Summer School of the Truth.
  6. The 2015 European Young People's Conference will take place in Male Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration is now open, with a deadline of June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, will take place online at