Prayer, Week of April 26, 2015

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Church in Los Angeles

The whole church will meet together next Lord's Day, May 3, at Los Angeles Trade Tech College (same location we used in May and October of last year). After the meeting we will all have lunch together at the college. Ask the Lord to bring each one to participate in the meeting and to stay for lunch with a hunger for more blending into the reality of one Body.

During this time we will also have the annual business meeting of the church.

Sixth-Grade Conference

The Southern California sixth grade conference is this weekend. Please ask the Lord to bring the sixth graders to salvation and to do something in the whole of each of their families.

National College Conference

We would like to thank the Lord for all that He has been doing in the preparation for the upcoming National College Training, God's Age Turners, July 12-18 in Champaign, Illinois! Last week we had about 1675 saints registered, more than double the total number from all of last year's college trainings combined. Since the capacity of the training is 1800, there were still 125 more spots for saints to register at the late deadline price of $360. Registration will permanently close May 15.

Please continue to encourage any college students and graduating high school seniors to attend this time! May the Lord continue to prepare everything for this training to make it a special, landmark time in the history of the Lord's recovery!

German Young People's Conference

The first-ever German-speaking young people's conference will be May 1 to 3. Please pray for this crucial time of gathering young ones from all of the German-speaking countries. The Lord is advancing a lot with young people all over Europe. He is raising up an army.


The national conference will be May 1 to 3 in Warsaw. Please pray for the gathering of all the saints and the seeking ones in Poland and the surrounding countries and for the impartation of life and light through the speaking of the current ministry in the Lord's recovery.

Cambodia, Bangladesh, India

Encouraging reports about the gospel and new churches in these nations are at (English) and (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: week 5 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus. (and REPEAT week 5 next week)
  2. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  3. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  4. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  5. A Teachers' Training for the 2015 Summer School of Truth will be May 9 in Fullerton to renew our vision in our service to properly feed our young people during the Summer School of the Truth.
  6. The 2015 European Young People's Conference will take place in Male Ciche, Poland, Lord's Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration is now open, with a deadline of June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, will take place online at

Prayer, Week of April 19, 2015

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Church in Los Angeles

The whole church will meet together Lord's Day, May 3, 10 am, at Los Angeles Trade Tech College (same location we used in May and October of last year). After the meeting we will all have lunch together at the college. Ask the Lord to bring each one of us out of our homes, out of our meeting places, and out of our languages with an exercised spirit for more blending into the reality of one Body.

During this time we will also have the annual business meeting of the church.

Summer Training

This is the month to register for the summer training. Let us pray that an increased number in Los Angeles have a desire to participate in the training to receive the ministry.

Korean-speaking Gospel in Los Angeles

All the Korean-speaking saints went to a park for a blending meeting Lord's Day, April 12. This was also a time for the gospel. More than 15 new ones joined this time and enjoyed the "I am that I am" God who called Moses. Please pray that they would be in strong connection with us.

Full-Time Trainings

Most full-time trainings around the earth will conclude their current term in June. Please pray for:

  • the graduating trainees' willingness to seek the Lord and wait for His leading for their future;
  • the graduating trainees to be kept by the Lord after they leave the training atmosphere;
  • new trainees to be brought to every training for the fall term in greater number than the graduates.

Ventura County

There are currently homes open for meetings (in English and Chinese and one in Spanish) in nearly every city in Ventura County: Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Moorpark, Camarillo, Oxnard, and Ventura, as well as in Oak Park, an unincorporated community on the edge of L.A. County. There are also saints living in Westlake Village and Agoura Hills, which are actually in L.A. County. We also have some students living on the CSUCI campus, which is south of Camarillo, outside the city limits.

We continue to pray for increase in each of the cities, and for spreading throughout Ventura county, so that eventually the Lord would raise up a lampstand in every city.


The national conference will be April 25-26 in Paris. Please pray that the Lord will take a further step in France and in all of Europe by releasing His up-to-date word to the saints and the seeking ones who attend this conference.


There will be a blending time in Kathmandu, Nepal this weekend.


  1. Morning revival: week 4 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Registration should be completed by April 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
  3. The 6th Grade Conference fellowship and preparation meeting will be Saturday, April 25, in Anaheim, 9:30 am to noon.
  4. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  5. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.

Prayer, Week of April 12, 2015

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The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building

The subject of ITERO was The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. "Although a priest is a person who serves God, this does not mean that he works for God or does something for God; according to the revelation of the Scriptures, to serve God is to contact God, to receive God into us, and to be filled, saturated, and permeated with God. As we are saturated, permeated, and possessed by God, spontaneously He will flow out of us, and we will be built up with others in this flow of life." (msg 2, II.A, II.C.2)

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church will meet together Lord's Day, May 3, at Los Angeles Trade Tech College (same location we used in May and October of last year). After the meeting we will all have lunch together at the college. Ask the Lord to give us a strong desire for blending.

Summer Training

This is the month to register for the summer training. Let us pray that an increased number in Los Angeles have a desire to participate in this training to receive the fresh ministry.

Korean-speaking Bible Seminar in LA

On March 7 our Korean-speaking saints had their first Bible seminar of this year. The Lord blessed by sending 36 new ones with the majority being young adults. The next seminar will be this Saturday, April 18. Please pray for all the March attendants to return along with some new people. Pray also for more of these people to begin participating in the weekly Bible club gatherings.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1 this year. There will be more information on how to sign up in the coming weeks. We ask that the young people would sanctify this week unto the Lord for enjoying the Lord's word and beginning their next school year with the Lord's word hidden in their heart (Psa. 119:11).

Bibles for America

The first week of BfA's Midwest tour was March 30 to April 4. It ended with praises to the Lord for all He's doing in Ohio and Indiana. The distribution team visited five universities that week, joining local saints to give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and ministry books to seeking students, faculty, and staff.
The Lord operated through the prayers of the saints to pave the way for each distribution, sometimes clearing inclement weather and other times overcoming administrative obstacles. The people who came to the tables were so warm and grateful, happy to meet the saints on their campuses and eager to receive the Bible.


The conference in Ethiopia finished on Lord's Day. Monday James Lee begins his return to the U.S. Tuesday Dick Taylor flies to Uganda where he meets Tim Knoppe. They will have a conference in Uganda Tuesday night through Thursday. Friday they go to Kenya for a conference Friday night through Lord's Day. As in Ethiopia, these conferences will be on The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Body of Christ. After the conference in Kenya, Dick will begin a long trip home.

Please pray for a rich supply to all the traveling brothers, from a strong seeking in every place they visit, and for much exercise of the spirit for the building up.


Thank the Lord for the glorious propagation that took place in Jalandhar from December 25th to January 25th. During this propagation, 90 were baptized and 7 small groups were established, and on the 25th of January, the church in Jalandhar was established.

Eight localities and 58 local saints [plus trainees from FTT Taipei, FTT New Delhi, and FTTA, including one sister from Los Angeles] joined the propagation in Jalandhar. Currently, 105 saints are under shepherding. Everyday the new ones are enjoying the ministry, having corporate morning revival, and going out to preach the gospel in the evenings.

During this propagation, we witnessed many dynamic salvations. For example, one who suffered from demon possession for 15 years met a gospel team. On the next day she, with her friend, came to one of the saints' homes, where the saints began to preach the gospel to them. Eventually the demon was cast out, and on that day she and her friend were baptized. And through her 14 were brought into salvation.

A newsletter from the churches in India is at


There is a National Young People's Training here April 13-19.


  1. Morning revival: week 3 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Registration should be completed by April 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
  3. The 6th Grade Conference fellowship and preparation meeting will be Saturday, April 25, in Anaheim, 9:30 am to noon.
  4. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  5. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of April 5, 2015

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The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building

The subject of ITERO (March 27-29) was The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. "Coming to Him, a living yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood" (1 Peter 2:4-5a). The coordinated body of priests is the built-up spiritual house. May we all have more coming to the Lord for building up.

The priests draw near to God, enter into the Holy of Holies to touch the throne of God, and allow God as rivers of living water to flow through them and into other persons; the flowing of the water of life from the throne into us and out from us is the only way that builds up the church. (msg. 1, IV.B)

Three Prayers from Southern California Blending (3)

During the March 14-15 conference, we were encouraged to pray regularly for three topics. The first two, in prior weeks' prayer, are from Ephesians 1:17-18 and 3:14, 16-17a. The third:

God gave Christ "to be Head over all things to the church" (Eph. 1:22b). "To the church" implies a transmission. Whatever Christ, the Head, has attained and obtained is transmitted to the church, His Body.(see Eph. 1:22, notes 2, 3 and Eph. 1:23, note 1) We need to pray for removal of all the obstacles in us which impede this transmission from the Lord to the church.

High School Seniors

This is the time of year in which high school seniors receive acceptance or rejection letters from colleges. Pray that each senior would open to the Lord and seek His leading about which college to attend. Pray also that each senior become firmly attached to the students in the recovery at that college before the fall term begins.


The respeaking of ITERO in Ghana for West African brothers was from Lord's Day at night to noon this Tuesday. Afterwards Dick Taylor flies from Ghana to Ethiopia (about a six hour flight). There he will fellowship with the saints then have a conference with them Friday night through Lord's Day noon. The subject will be The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Body of Christ.

James Lee's health is improving. He stayed home last week but leaves Monday of this week to join Dick in Ethiopia. James will return home next week Tuesday, the same day Dick travels from Ethiopia to Uganda.

Please pray for a rich supply to the brothers in their traveling, speaking, and shepherding. Pray also that all who hear the messages to have an active response, opening to the Lord to apply and experience the word heard in the meetings.

Lord, enrich and expand Your recovery throughout Ethiopia.

FTT South America

The South American FTT began in July 2009 in Caacupé, Paraguay. It is conducted in Spanish. Trainees have come to this FTT from many South American and Central American nations including Brazil. However, the national language in Brazil, the largest South American nation, is Portuguese. To open the FTT door wider to all young Brazilians in the recovery, this August the FTT will begin a Portuguese section.

From the FTT office: Your prayers [for this new beginning in Portuguese] are very much appreciated. We pray for the Lord to call, free, and bring all the young ones who are ready for this training.


There is a gospel move in Bangladesh all of this week and next. There is a responsible brothers' training in Cambodia the weekend of April 10 to 12.


  1. Morning revival: week 2 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3 at Los Angeles Trade Tech College (same location we used in May and October of last year).
  3. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of March 29, 2015

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The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building

The subject of ITERO was The Recovery of the Priesthood for God's Building. "To Him [Jesus Christ] who loves us and has released us from our sins by His blood and made us a kingdom, priests to His God and Father, to Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen." (Rev. 1:5-6)

A priest is one who receives God, who is filled, saturated, and permeated with God, and who has God flowing out of him so that he might be a living expression of God. As priests we first open ourselves to God in order that He may come into us to fill and flood us until He has taken possession of every part of our being. (msg 2, II, II.B)

Three Prayers from Southern California Blending (2)

During the March 14-15 conference, we were encouraged to pray regularly for three topics. It would be good if we mention these to the Lord every day. The first, in last week's prayer, is from Ephesians 1:17-18. The second is Ephesians 3:14, 16-17a, "I bow my knees unto the Father, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith." This is to experience Christ for the church, that we may apprehend the vastness of Christ to be filled unto all the fullness of God (v. 3:18-19).

Bibles for America

On Monday, March 30, Bibles for America staff members begin a three-week distribution tour through the Midwest. During the tour, teams will give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and ministry books by WN and WL at college campuses and other venues in 16 cities in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan.

Please pray that the Lord would go before the team in each city to prepare people's hearts to receive the Word and the rich ministry of the age. May the Lord sow the seed abundantly in the Midwest!

UK Radio Victory

Premier Radio, which broadcasts Life-study of the Bible in the UK, was facing the possibility of losing its license. The Lord has answered the prayer of many churches and saints, and Premier's license has been renewed until 2028. Praise our ascended Lord, who has given His recovery "an opened door which no one can shut" (Rev. 3:8)! Please continue to pray for the UK radio broadcast and for the shepherding of all the seeking listeners.

If you are burdened to give to support the radio broadcast, you can do so through the LME website at or by giving to the church. Please designate gifts for "UK radio work."


The European brothers' training is March 31 to April 2. Responsible brothers from throughout Europe will gather in London to review the messages given during the spring 2015 ITERO. Please pray that the revelation, burden, and life supply in these messages will be received by all the brothers, resulting in a strong advance of the Lord's move and testimony in Europe.

The international blending conference is April 3 to 5 in London. Many saints from throughout Europe will gather for this time. Please pray for the release of the Lord's rich word and for the blending of all the saints in the Lord's present speaking for the building up of the one new man in Europe.


Dick Taylor left Monday for a three week trip to Africa. Friday night to Lord's Day noon (April 5) there will be simultaneous conferences in Lagos, Nigeria and Accra, Ghana. Dick and Paul Nii-Aryee (an American living in Ghana) will be in Lagos; the subject of the conference is The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Body of Christ. Paul Cooke (from London) and Tim Knoppe (from US) will be in Accra. (James Lee was scheduled to go on this trip but could not due to poor health.)

Dick and Paul will return to Accra immediately after the conference. Lord's Day evening through Tuesday noon (April 7) there will be a respeaking in Accra of the eight ITERO messages for all the brothers in West Africa.

Prague, Czech Republic

The topic of our third seminar, on 14 March, was "The Knowledge of Life," based on the ministry book of the same title. About 27 adults attended, two for the first time (one a believer and one not yet a believer). We also had two returning contacts and one not-yet-believing husband of a sister. Seven saints from Slovakia came to stand with us.

In this seminar we got into the zoe life and the three lives and four laws. The atmosphere of the seminar was pleasant. When we were leaving the meeting place, the receptionist came to say goodbye and said that she likes our singing. We encouraged her to come in for awhile next time. We are grateful to the Lord and the Body for all the support.


The church in Lyman, Wyoming invites you to a blending conference May 16th and 17th. We will give hospitality to as many as possible but it is limited. For more information, contact brother Ron Roskie


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3 at Los Angeles Trade Tech College (same location we used in May and October of last year).
  3. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of March 22, 2015

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The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones is Friday to Lord's Day in Anaheim.

We hope that through such perfecting times, the Lord will make us all able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in our respective local churches.

Los Angeles Young People

Beginning this year, the young people in Los Angeles have been encouraged to pursue and know the Lord through daily contact with Him in the Word. Currently, Halls 1 and 4 are getting into the Basic Elements of the Christian Life ministry booklets and Halls 2, 3, and 5 are getting into the New Testament.

Please pray:

  1. all would develop a taste for daily spending time with the Lord for their normal growth in life;
  2. each young person would have a companion to pursue with.

Three Prayers from the Southern California Blending

During the conference, we were encouraged to pray regularly about three topics. The first is from Ephesians 1:17-18a, "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened."

Lord, give each one of us a spirit of wisdom (the ability to know spiritual things) and revelation (the unveiling of these things). Lord, also enlighten the eyes of our heart (to illuminate these things and to give us proper seeing).

European Spring University Conference

This conference is March 27-30 in Wales. The subject is The Lord's Second Coming and Hastening His Return.

South Africa

The national blending conference was March 13 to 15. The atmosphere was very good. Over 400 attended, most typical South Africans, the largest number ever at this conference. The number included 12 from Zambia, 18 from Zimbabwe, and a few from other nations. There were lots of young people at the conference. 110 people, mostly students, came to the college meeting; there were five baptisms.

Lord, move on more in South Africa!


Please pray for the truth training in Hanoi March 27-29 that the Lord would attract the seeking ones in the denominations to come and hear the truth that they would be gained.


  1. Morning revival: week 6 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
    Next week we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3 at Los Angeles Trade Tech College (same location we used in May and October of last year).
  3. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of March 16, 2015

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Southern California Blending

"God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24)." On March 14-15 approximately 4,000 saints from the 51 churches in Southern California (and Las Vegas) came together to blend and to digest the first three messages from the 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference on The Main Contents of the Lord's Recovery.

Three main items of the content of the Lord's recovery were covered: 1) the genuine oneness versus division; 2) the church as the Body of Christ, the fullness of the One who fills all in all, and 3) the all-inclusive Christ as the mystery of God. Please pray that the Lord would follow this past weekend's word by fulfilling His aspiration that all the saints in all the churches would be one, that in every locality there would be the experience of the reality of the Body of Christ as an issue of the Triune God's dispensing, and that every saint would experience and enjoy Christ as everything in their daily living.

Southern California Blending Announcements

  1. The fourth and fifth messages from the 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be digested by the Chinese-speaking saints (with translation to English) Saturday, March 21, 3:30 to 8:45 pm in Irvine, Arcadia, and Diamond Bar.
  2. Outlines, audio, and video from the conference will be posted at Outlines of all five messages are also at

Southern California Mountain Facilities

At the end of the Southern California Blending Conference there was a presentation about Engedi (owned by the recovery) and Oak Glen (owned by other Christians, for sale). The presentation included the strengths and weaknesses of these two camps. The intention of the co-workers and of the elders of the churches in Southern California is to buy Oak Glen and then to sell Engedi. For this, we all are requested to:

  • renew a strong individual and corporate consecration for the Lord's move in Southern California,
  • supplicate for the timely purchase of Oak Glen and sale of Engedi,
  • pray for grace and wisdom to the saints involved in the details of the purchase of Oak Glen,
  • seek the Lord for release of funds for this purchase and for abundant blessing on His move here.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

The saints in the Grand Rapids area are deeply appreciative for all of the prayers, fellowship, and GTCA gospel sowing trips over the past several years regarding the establishing of a lampstand in the city of Grand Rapids. We have begun to meet and to take the Lord's Table with the view of standing on the unique ground of oneness with all the local churches to testify that there is one Body in this universe.

The saints in Grand Rapids feel it would be good to declare that ours is a oneness locally with all the believers and universally with all the local churches. To affirm this standing, we warmly invite you to join us for a weekend conference and Lord's Table meeting in Grand Rapids on March 21-22.

South Africa

The national conference was last weekend. Dick Taylor returns to L.A. this Monday. He will prepare his portion for the March 27 to 29 ITERO in Anaheim. He will also prepare for another trip to Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia), for which he will leave L.A. March 31. Lord, much grace to our brother!

Michael Stewart will remain in South Africa for one more week teaching in the training in Pretoria and participating in the church life there. He will leave South Africa on March 19 and fly to California for the ITERO. He will return to London March 31.

Please pray for:

  • the FTT Pretoria trainees to see and enter fully into the economy of God,
  • the Lord to exercise His authority to grant visas for many to come to the training from other African nations,
  • Michael to be strengthened in every part of his being for his labor and ministry there.

Urgent Need of the UK Radio

Premier Radio has been under the threat of losing its nationwide broadcasting privilege and being replaced by a non-stop music station. In early March Premier Radio was granted an extension to its national digital license until 31 March. Please pray for the continuation of the Life-study of the Bible radio program, and pray to bind the enemy in his attack on the ministry to frustrate it from reaching His seeking ones.


A one page report about recent seminars is at Please pray that:

  • the Lord will establish all the new ones who are having home Bible studies and will add them to the churches here.
  • a golden shining lampstand will be established in Stirling in the near future. In Stirling all who attended the seminar are having a home meeting at least once a week.
  • the Lord will gain local families in Edinburgh and Glasgow who have been captured by the vision of the Lord's recovery and who can bear the responsibility of the Lord's testimony in these cities.


  1. Morning revival: week 5 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
    After week 6 we will begin Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. In hopes to continue advancing in our care for the next generation we are happy to announce the next young people's serving ones training on March 21st, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall. Register by March 15. There will be translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
  3. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  4. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  5. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of March 8, 2015

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Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15

It is common today that in the local churches what we can see is mostly the "church" in its meetings, activities, works, and services. But we cannot see much of the reality of the Body of Christ in resurrection, that is, in the Spirit, in the pneumatic Christ, and in the consummated God. So there is the need for us to endeavor to be absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ. We need to endeavor to reach in the church life the highest peak, today's Zion, of the reality of the Body of Christ until we consummate in the New Jerusalem, including Zion. Dear saints, this is our need. To have the blending is to meet this need. (WL, Practical Points Concerning Blending, Chapter 2, Section 4)

The conference is at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim.
Saturday, March 14, 4:00 to 5:45 pm and 7:00 to 8:45 pm (bring your own dinner)
Lord's Day, March 15, 10:00 to 10:30 am Table and 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
(Those in Los Angeles who cannot get to Anaheim Lord's Day should meet at hall 2.)
Details about child care are at

Southern California High School Conferences March 13-15

It was at least four months after the children of Israel left Egypt that they began to build the tabernacle. During these months, their diet had been changed and their constitution was at least in the process of changing and of being replaced with the element of manna. By feeding on manna, God's people eventually became manna. As those constituted of manna, they could build the tabernacle as God's dwelling place. (WL, Life-study of Exodus, p. 408-409)

We pray that these conferences would be a rich time of feasting for reconstitution, producing a generation of young people qualified to build God's dwelling place.

Korean-speaking Bible Seminar in LA

Praise the Lord! Last Saturday we had a wonderful Bible seminar, the first of this year. The Lord blessed by sending 36 new ones with the majority being young adults in their 20s or 30s. The atmosphere was really sweet and comfortable when we pursued the words regarding "Enosh: calling upon the Lord's name."

Please pray that they would be in contact with the saints through our Bible clubs and also come back to the next seminar, April 18.

Middle Age Training (Anaheim)

FTTA-Midage began this week. There are 76 trainees registered for the entire term, including six from L.A. Sixteen more are registered for part of the term, including two from L.A. Lord, perfect these saints for the work of Your ministry for the building up of Your Body. Lord, use all these trainees to hasten Your coming.


In recent terms the number of trainees has been constant. However, the number of trainees from other nations has increased and the number from the U.S. has decreased. Please pray for a noticeable increase in the number from the U.S. this fall (without a decrease from other nations).

South Africa

Dick Taylor continues in Pretoria, South Africa in the church life, fellowshipping with many saints, and teaching at the full-time training. Michael Stewart (from London) will join Dick for the South Africa national conference March 13 to 15. In recent years, attendance at this conference has been about 300.

Please pray for:

  • Dick and Michael to be strengthened for their labor and ministry there,
  • the rich speaking and full receiving of the word during and after the conference,
  • the Lord to exercise His authority to grant visas for many more to come to the training from other African nations.


There will be a one-day conference March 20, a training for serving saints March 21-22, and intensified gospel preaching March 22-31.


  1. Morning revival: week 4 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
  2. In hopes to continue advancing corporately in our care for the next generation we are happy to announce the next young people's serving ones training on March 21st, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall. Register by March 15. There will be translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
  3. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  4. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  5. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of March 1, 2015

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Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15

The purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ. I treasure the local churches, as you do. But I treasure the local churches because of a purpose. The local churches are the procedure to bring me into the Body of Christ. The churches are the Body, but the churches may not have the reality of the Body of Christ. Thus, we need to be in the local churches so that we can be ushered, or brought, into the reality of the Body of Christ. (WL, Practical Points Concerning Blending, ch 1, sec 2)

Saturday, March 14, 4:00 to 5:45 pm and 7:00 to 8:45 pm (bring your own dinner)
Lord's Day, March 15, 10:00 to 10:30 am Table and 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

College Conference

The Southern California College Conference is in Anaheim Friday evening through Lord's Day lunch. The subject is The Gospel of the Kingdom. In Luke 4:43, the Lord Jesus said, "I must announce the gospel of the kingdom of God," indicating that the kingdom is the center of the gospel.

South Africa

Dick Taylor arrived in South Africa March 1. He will participate in the church life in Pretoria, fellowship with many saints, and teach The Spirit class for two weeks at the full-time training there. (At this FTT, like some others outside Anaheim, trainees have one class full time for a two week period, followed by another class for the next two week period.)

Ten trainees completed FTT Pretoria last December. They were the first group to graduate. Almost no new trainees have come, so there are now 17 trainees. The roadblock: everyone who has applied to the training from other African nations had their visas denied by officials of the South African government.

Please pray for:

  • Dick to be strengthened in every part of his being for his labor and ministry there,
  • a strong and living atmosphere to be maintained in this training,
  • the Lord to exercise His authority to grant visas for many more to come to the training.

South America

This term the full-time training in Caacupé, Paraguay has 15 new and 33 continuing trainees. The training requests that we ask the Lord to attract more young adults to come short term from every South American nation.


Saturday and Lord's Day there will be a conference in Karachi along with the first Lord's Table of the church in Karachi.


  1. Morning revival: week 3 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
  2. In hopes to continue advancing corporately in our care for the next generation we are happy to announce the next young people's serving ones training on March 21st, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall. Register by March 15. There will be translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
  3. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  4. The Memorial Day conference will be Friday night, May 22 through Monday morning, May 25 in St. Louis. Conference information is at
  5. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Special Announcement for S. Calif. Blending Conference, March 14-15, 2015

Dear saints,

As the special Southern California Blending Conference on March 14-15 approaches, please be aware of the arrangements for childcare during that weekend: Childcare will be provided on Saturday, March 14, 2015 only to the children who are registered beforehand. If you're planning to bring your children with you to the conference, you must register your children by Lord's Day, March 1, 2015 using the online form:

Also note that no childcare will be provided at the conference site on the second day of the conference, Lord's Day, March 15, 2015. For saints meeting in Los Angeles, we are planning children's meetings at Hall 2 for that morning.

Please read the details for the childcare here: Letter to the Southern California Churches regarding Child Care.

The Church in Los Angeles