Prayer, Week of February 22, 2015

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Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15

The principle of blending is set forth in the Old Testament. There God blended the twelve tribes together as one, and He commanded them to come together three times a year in Jerusalem on Mount Zion (Deut. 16:16). In the blending of the churches we receive nourishment, we receive revelation, and we receive a vision of God's eternal purpose concerning Christ and the church. Such a blending is not only for our own mutual spiritual benefit but is also for the mutual building up of the Body of Christ.
(1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord's Recovery and Our Present Need, chap. 2, sec. 6)

The conference announcement letter in four languages is at

Child Care for Southern California Conference

Saturday, March 14

  • Children's service will be provided in Anaheim for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
  • Please register all children no later than Lord's Day, March 1 at
  • Parents may supervise infants, toddlers and pre-K ages in an overflow room with a live audio/video conference feed. No children should be left unattended.

Lord's Day, March 15

  • No children's service in Anaheim this day.
  • Parents may supervise children of any age in an overflow room with a live audio/video conference feed. No children should be left unattended.
  • We encourage all to attend the conference, but those who cannot get to Anaheim may meet at Haskell where there will be meetings for both adults and children (no meetings this day at other halls in L.A.).

Southern California Young People's Blending Meeting

We thank the Lord for last month's Young People's Blending Conference where 610 young people and serving ones gathered together to enjoy The Purpose and Vision of God's Calling. The Lord's blessing is surely on the blending! So we look forward to this upcoming one-day meeting for further blending and enjoyment of the Lord together. This blending will be in Arcadia on February 28th, 7 to 9 PM.

Get into the Bible through the Life-Studies

We do not replace the Bible by anything, even by using the Life-studies. Rather, I must say honestly, and you have to admit the fact, no book ushers us into the Bible as the Life-studies do. Anyone can prove and can testify how much we love the Bible, how much we pay our attention to the Bible, and how much we get ourselves into the Bible through the study of the Life-studies. (W. Lee, The Divine Speaking, chap. 5, sec. 2)

We should encourage those who are reading a Life-study or other ministry to continue. For those who are not reading the ministry, we encourage each one to get a companion and to begin reading of Life-study of Exodus. A schedule which begins March 1 is posted at

Milan, Italy

Please ask the Lord for:

  • a bigger meeting place to accommodate the increasing number of the saints and children;
  • an adequate apartment near the university to hold a college meeting and shepherd new ones:
  • a way for seeking ones to get to trainings and conferences to see the vision of the recovery.

Czech Republic and Scotland

Brief reports of the seminars in these nations are at


Encouraging reports from Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan are at (English) and (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: week 2 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference).
  2. The Southern California high school conferences will be March 13 to 15. Registration is due March 1.
  3. In hopes to continue advancing corporately in our care for the next generation we are happy to announce the next young people's serving ones training on March 21st, 9 am to 3 pm, at the church in Cerritos meeting hall. Register by March 15. There will be translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
  4. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  5. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.
  6. In the past 15 years, the increase in the UK has been mainly due to remaining fruit from the Life-study of the Bible radio broadcast. From its beginning in 2000 it was heard only in the London area; in 2009 coverage was extended to the entire UK population of over 60 million. The broadcast is six days per week. The cost is approximately $15,000 per month. For continuation of the broadcast, saints in the recovery have the opportunity to support it financially through one-time or recurring gifts. Those who would like to give through LME can find instructions at Or you can give a gift to the church marked for UK radio.

Prayer, Week of February 15, 2015

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The International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taipei this Saturday and Lord's Day. Pray for a rich release of the Lord's word to all the attendants and for blending of churches around the whole earth.

Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15

A blending conference for all the churches in Southern California will be March 14-15 in Anaheim. The announcement letter in four languages is at

How much we need to come out of our local boundaries, out of our independence, and practice the oneness of the Body by being blended together! The blending through the clustering among the churches, and the fellowship among the churches, should be as much as practicality allows, without boundaries of cities, states, provinces, or nations. (1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord's Recovery and Our Present Need, chap. 2, sec. 6)

The Rich Supply

Colossians 2:19 tells us that "all the Body, being richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with the growth of God." We are all members of the Body. To care for the building up of the Body, we should all receive the Spirit's rich supply by reading the Bible and reading the ministry regularly. Let us pray that 1) more saints enter into regular reading, 2) that all the readers have companions, and 3) that there be more rich supply through the reading.

We should encourage those who are reading to continue. For those who are not reading the ministry, we encourage each one to get a companion and to begin reading of Life-study of Exodus. A schedule is posted at

Gospel Trips

The winter gospel trips have concluded. Forty one teams from FTTA went out to blend and coordinate with saints in North America, Europe, South America, and Asia. They distributed over 44,000 gospel tracts. They contacted over 9000 people of whom 1646 prayed to receive the Lord and 258 were baptized. Please pray that:

  • the encouragement and supply to saints in all the places visited will remain with them;
  • the Word of the Lord continue to operate in all who met the saints and in all who received literature;
  • all who received literature open to it and read it daily;
  • seeking Christians and new believers enter into good and continuing connections with local saints that they may grow in life and into the reality of the Body.


FTTA had orientation for new trainees Lord's Day evening (February 15) and began for all trainees Monday. There are 35 LA-related trainees.

FTTA Boston Extension

There are 26 of us, including 2 from Los Angeles, graduating this term from Boston. Please pray that many of us would be loosed inwardly and outwardly to follow the Lord to migrate to Europe this summer. The experiences of those who've gone before testify that nothing can happen without the prayers of the Body.


FTT London began last week Monday (February 9) with 4 new trainees and 31 returning trainees.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference).
  2. The Southern California spring college conference will be March 6 to 8 in Anaheim. All information is at There will be hospitality for those attending full time. Early registration deadline is February 22.
  3. The Southern California high school conferences will be March 13 to 15. Registration is due by March 1.
  4. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  5. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of February 8, 2015

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Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15

A blending conference for all the churches in Southern California will be March 14-15 in Anaheim.
The announcement letter in four languages is at

Even among us who are in the recovery, not many have the realization that we need the blending, and we need it desperately. The heavy burden in the ministry that is on my heart and in my spirit is the matter of blending. (The Practical Points Concerning Blending, p. 14)

There will be schedule conflicts for some of us that weekend but let us ask the Lord to work in us so that everyone who can get to this conference will get to it.

Gospel Trips

The winter gospel trips were all concluded by Monday of this week. Please pray that:

  • the encouragement and supply to saints in all the places visited will remain with them;
  • the Word of the Lord continue to operate in all who met the saints and in all who received literature;
  • all who received literature open to it and read it daily;
  • seeking Christians and new believers enter into good and continuing connections with local saints.

Gospel Trip Reports (with photos)


Our first seminar was held in Edinburgh 8 February. Additional seminars will be in Stirling (15 February), Glasgow (22 February and 1 March), and Edinburgh (1 March). The general subject will be "Changing Death into Life." Please pray that the Lord will bless all the contacting of the Bible recipients, radio listeners, and Rhema readers and use these seminars to gather the called ones in Scotland for the building up of His Body.

Prague, Czech Republic

Our first seminar was held on Saturday, January 17, in Prague. The saints were so encouraged and touched by the prayer support of the whole Body. The coordination before and during the seminar among the local saints was unprecedented. Six new ones and 21 saints attended. Three brothers shared on "The Basic Elements of the Christian Life," and then we enjoyed the Scripture reading and the ministry excerpts in two groups. The atmosphere was very sweet with all attendants participating and enjoying the Word with the help of the ministry.

Please pray for our next seminar on "The Economy of the Triune God," on Saturday, February 14. We hope that the new contacts will come again and that this time we will be able to invite Rhema recipients, so that even more new ones will attend.


  1. Morning revival: week 9 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    Next week we will begin The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference) and after that we will use Exodus.
  2. The Southern California spring college conference will be March 6 to 8 in Anaheim. All information is at There will be hospitality for those attending full time. Early registration deadline is February 22.
  3. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of February 1, 2014

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Jehovah Says, Ask Me

"Thus says Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel and the One who formed him, Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me." Isa. 45:11

Southern California Blending Conference March 14-15

A blending conference for all the churches in Southern California will be March 14-15 in Anaheim.
Saturday: Session 1 is 4:00 – 5:45PM, Break (bring your own dinner), Session 2 is 7:00 – 8:45PM
Lord's Day: Lord's Table is 10:00 – 10:30AM, Session 3 is 10:30 – 12:30PM
Translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean will be available; bring your own FM radio.
Limited childcare will be provided; details will be announced in a few weeks.

If we isolate and seclude ourselves, we will lose much spiritual profit. Learn to fellowship. Learn to be blended. From now on, the churches should come together frequently to be blended. We may not be used to it, but after we begin to practice blending a few times, we will acquire the taste for it. This is the most helpful thing in the keeping of the oneness of the universal Body of Christ. (The Divine and Mystical Realm, p. 87)

Gospel Trips

The winter GTCA gospel trips (North America) began January 23 and 24 and conclude February 8 or 9. Nearly 100 trainees join visiting and local saints to distribute many of the 15,000 Bibles and ministry books and the 30,000 BfA gospel tracts and brochures recently shipped to these cities.

The international gospel trips are to nations in Asia, Europe, and South America. Four concluded last week or early this week. The European trips end this Thursday. The last four international trips conclude early next week.

Please pray that:

  • The gospel teams and local saints would enjoy a sweet coordination in the one accord.
  • The Lord would arrange many divine appointments during these two weeks and would bring His seeking ones into contact with the gospel teams.
  • The Word of the Lord would run in all these places, reaching the spiritually hungry and thirsty both during and after the trips.
  • Seeking Christians and newly saved people enter into good and continuing connections with local saints.

Gospel Trip Reports

Gospel trip reports (which include some photos) are at


In the book All Ages for the Lord's Testimony, brother Lee pointed out the importance of the middle-aged saints saying, "In the Lord's recovery we need a group of experienced ones who have been trained to bear the Lord's testimony" (p. 13).

The Middle-age Training (FTTA-MA) was established to have a part in discharging such a burden. FTTA-MA offers a multi-language training with schedules designed to meet the needs of this age group.

The spring term begins March 9. A complete description and registration information is at Saints may register for a whole term or as short as one week.


The annual conference in Tennessee will be this weekend. Saints from Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas, and perhaps other states will attend. Dick Taylor will be there to give four messages (an extract from the nine in our current morning revival) on Seeing and Experiencing Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ. Dick will also have time outside the conference with brothers from various churches. Please pray for the word of the Lord to run, all the saints to be energized to attend, and all the attendees to be blended into one loaf.


  1. Morning revival: week 8 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    After week 9 we will use The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference) and then Exodus. We will finish the 12 weeks of Exodus the day before the summer training, which will be part 2 of Exodus.
  2. The Southern California spring college conference will be March 6 to 8 in Anaheim. All information is at There will be hospitality for those attending full time. Early registration deadline is February 22.
  3. The joint meeting of the whole church in Los Angeles will be Lord's Day, May 3.
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.
  5. In the past 15 years, the increase in the UK has been mainly due to remaining fruit from the Life-study of the Bible radio broadcast. From its beginning in 2000 it was heard only in the London area; in 2009 coverage was extended to the entire UK population of over 60 million. The broadcast is six days per week. The cost is approximately $15,000 per month. For continuation of the broadcast, saints in the recovery have the opportunity to support it financially through one-time or recurring gifts. Those who would like to give through LME can find instructions at Or you can give a gift to the church marked for UK radio.

Prayer, Week of January 25, 2015

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Our Father, Your Will be Done, as in Heaven, so also on Earth.

God has a will for everything. Yet God does not act independently; He will not do anything by Himself. Even though God has a will, He wants the free will on earth to echo His will before He does anything. If there is only a will in heaven, God will not move. The heavenly move is accomplished on earth only when the earth wants the same thing as heaven....The ministry of the church is to bring the will in heaven to earth. How does the church bring the will in heaven to earth? It is by prayer on earth....Prayer is the church knowing God's heart and opening its mouth to ask for what is in God's heart. If the church does not do this, it does not have much use on earth. (The Prayer Ministry of the Church, ch. 1, by Watchman Nee)

Gospel Trips

Three gospel trips to Asia conclude this Monday. More than 30 others in North America, Europe, South America, and Asia continue into February. Pray for the mutual blending of the traveling saints with the local saints, salvation of unbelievers, distribution and reading of literature, a vision of the recovery to Christians, and increase in the churches.

Gospel Trip Reports

Gospel trip reports (which include some photos) are posted at


The FTTA term beings February 16. The purpose of the training is

  • to build up the trainees in Christ in the growth of His life unto maturity.
  • to equip the trainees with the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Spirit.
  • to raise up the trainees in their spiritual capacity in preaching the gospel, nourishing young believers, perfecting of the saints, and prophesying for the building up of Body of Christ.

Lord, bring many trainees this term and build up, equip, and raise up each one for Your move. More information is at


The first Lord's Table meeting in the cities of Jalandhar, Fridabad, Kunool, and Thane was last Lord's Day. (An FTTA gospel team including two LA-related members joined other trainees and local saints for two weeks in Jalandhar in preparation for raising up of this church.) Ask the Lord for a good continuation with growth in life and increase in numbers in each city.

Churches in India have a national blending time this weekend, January 31 and February 1.


  1. Morning revival: week 7 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    After week 9 we will use The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference) and then Exodus. We will finish the 12 weeks of Exodus the day before the summer training (part 2 of Exodus).
  2. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.
    In the past fifteen years, the increase we have seen in the UK has been mainly due to remaining fruit from the Life-study of the Bible radio broadcast. From its beginning in 2000 it was heard only in the London area; in 2009 coverage was extended to the entire UK population of over 60 million. The broadcast is six days per week. The cost is approximately $15,000 per month. For continuation of the broadcast, saints in the recovery have the opportunity to support it financially through one-time or recurring gifts. Those who would like to give through LME can find instructions at Or you can give a gift to the church marked for UK radio.

Prayer, Week of January 18, 2015

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The Priesthood

To be a priest is not mainly to do something for the Lord but to be taken over by Him; the main function of a priest is not to work but to spend time in the presence of the Lord until he is one with Him in spirit. (based on outline points for Exodus message 12)

Lord, recover a body of priests, a priesthood, in Your presence and taken over by You.

Southern California Spanish-Speaking and YP Conferences

The Southern California Spanish-speaking conference is January 23 to 25. Simultaneously there is a Southern California young people's conference. Both will be in the MCC in Anaheim. Meetings will be Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and Lord's Day morning.

Ask the Lord to encourage many saints to attend both conferences, and pray that all are open to the word spoken and to the flow of the Spirit.

Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America (GTCA)

Fourteen teams of FTTA saints and serving ones will depart later this week to various locations in North America. They will coordinate with local saints in the continuing burden to gospelize, truthize, and churchize North America. This coordination is for preaching the gospel, shepherding new and young believers, and giving away free BfA materials. There will also be mutual encouragement among the visiting and visited saints.

Please pray for the coordination and blending of the gospel teams and local saints in these cities. Pray also that the Lord would work in the environment outwardly and in people's hearts inwardly to connect His seekers to the saints during these gospel trips.

Gospel Trips to Europe

Approximately 80 FTTA trainees plus serving ones from the USA and the UK will visit 16 countries, January 22 to February 5. Please pray for:

  • The Lord's covering over all the travel and the practical arrangements
  • The blending and coordination of the trainees with the saints and full-timers in Europe
  • The gaining of many local seekers for the Lord's testimony throughout Europe

Gospel Trip Reports (which include some photos) are being posted at

Summer School of Truth

The South America summer school of truth is this week in Brazil. An FTTA gospel team left late last week for Brazil to participate. Lord, gain many young people for Your move in South America.

Thessaloniki, Greece

We have been in Thessaloniki for five months and are marveling at the Lord's operation in this city. Since we moved, we have had nearly daily meetings with our contacts. They are becoming more clear concerning the daily Christian life and God's economy.

In addition, we have participated in conferences with our neighboring countries—Bulgaria and Cyprus. These were a crucial source of supply to the saints in these small and isolated localities. More of the report from Thessaloniki is at Please pray for:

  • An increase in the appetite for the ministry among our contacts here, as well as their seeing the vision concerning God's purpose
  • The continued traffic between the nearby localities and the visits of overseas saints to Thessaloniki
  • The gaining of young, English-speaking Greeks
  • The release of our three-year residence permit


The saints in Turkey joyfully report their contact with a group of Christians who do not belong to any denomination and do not take any name for themselves. They simply call themselves the church in their city. They receive all genuine believers and practice home meetings, in which everyone speaks for the Lord. The saints in Turkey are burdened to bring this group into the unique fellowship of the universal Body of Christ and the riches of the ministry of the age.

More about Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Nepal are at (English), and (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: week 6 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    After week 9 we will use The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension (Thanksgiving conference) and then Exodus. We will finish the 12 weeks of Exodus the day before the summer training, which will be part 2 of Exodus.
  2. The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
  3. The Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim, concurrent with the Spanish-Speaking Conference. Register at Registration deadline is January 18.
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of January 11, 2015

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Praying with the Interceding Christ

In Exodus 17:8-16 Israel fought with Amalek. Amalek's purpose in attacking Israel was to frustrate them from entering the good land. Likewise, Satan's aim in stirring up the flesh to fight against us is to keep us from entering into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.

Moses lifting up his hand on the mountaintop typifies the ascended Christ interceding in the heavens, and Joshua typifies Christ as the indwelling Spirit fighting against the flesh. Amalek was defeated by Israel through the supply of the manna (ch. 16) and the living water (17:1-6) and by the lifting up of Moses' hands and the fighting of Joshua. Likewise, we are victorious over the flesh by eating and drinking Christ as our life supply and by praying with the interceding Christ and putting the flesh to death with Christ as the fighting Spirit. (extracts from Exodus 17:8, note 2 and 17:11, note 1)

Southern California Spanish-Speaking and YP Conferences

The Southern California Spanish-speaking conference is January 23 to 25. Simultaneously there will be a Southern California young people's conference. Both will be in the MCC in Anaheim. Meetings will be Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and Lord's Day morning.

Ask the Lord to encourage many saints to attend both conferences. Young people and serving saints must register by January 18. Ask the Lord to stir the young people to register.

FTTA Gospel Trips

Thirty-seven teams of 5 to 11 people, a total of 270 saints, are going out on gospel and blending trips to North America, Europe, South America, and Asia. Two teams are already in place, two depart this week, and the others depart next week. The teams are mostly FTTA trainees plus a few midage trainees and some serving saints.

The traveling saints will coordinate and blend with the local churches; experience full-time life and service outside the training center; encourage others to attend the trainings; and preach the gospel, announce the truth, and distribute literature.

FTTA Gospel Trip to India (a report from an L.A. trainee)

All of our team arrived safely in New Delhi on January 9th. On the 10th, we took a bus ride to the city of Jalandhar which is eight hours from Delhi. It's in the province of Punjab. This is the target city of our gospel trip. We will be staying here for two weeks.

On the bus ride to Jalandhar, we sang hymns to the passengers and shared some of our testimonies. We called on the name of the Lord together and some passengers were very positive toward us. There was a couple who were very much interested in us and they invited us to share our gospel to a university two hours from Jalandhar where one is a teacher and one is a chancellor.

On the 11th, we got to meet the saints who have been laboring in Jalandhar. There are FTT Taipei and FTT New Delhi trainees and local saints from other cities; they have already been propagating in Jalandhar about two weeks. We all are in six sub-teams who go out to different areas of the city for propagation. The goal is to gain six local families to be at the first Lord's Table of the church in Jalandhar on January 25th.

FTTA Boston Extension

The Boston term starts January 19. In the fall term there were 36 trainees. Two trainees from L.A. were in the fall term and will continue in the spring term. The training includes truth pursuit, campus work, blending with local saints, and interactions with the training in London. A two page report is at

Czech Republic

Beginning on January 17, six monthly seminars will be held in the Czech Republic to shepherd ministry readers and seeking ones. The saints have been praying consistently for the increase in the Czech Republic, and they are happily involved in the preparations for the seminars. The prayer and the labor for the preparations have been very profitable for the Lord's interests. Please pray for the seminars, for the follow-up and gaining of the seeking ones, and for new openings and new ways to distribute the ministry books in 2015.


January 16 to 18 we will have a few hundred elders, coworkers, and responsible brothers from all over the Philippines come together for a perfecting time with brothers Ron Kangas and Albert Lim. This will be at Malabon (FTT facility). Please remember this time in much prayer for the one new man to become more of a reality in this time. Please pray also for the Lord's shining in fellowship about practical needs.


A young people's perfecting training was held 26th to 28th December in three cities. In total 45 local saints partook of this training. The burden is to help the brothers and sisters to know God's economy, and realize that Christ is versus religion, that they can remain in the line of life of the Lord's recovery, practice to live the corporate God-man living in the reality of the Body of Christ, and to become His testimony in each locality. The Lord really gave us a new revival and new beginning.


  1. Morning revival: week 5 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
  2. The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
  3. The Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim, concurrent with the Spanish-Speaking Conference. Register at Registration deadline is January 18.
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of January 4, 2015

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Memorial Day

If we want to have every day as a memorial day, not a wasted day, we need three things:

  • a new beginning with the Lord, something sprouting and budding in our being; a "walk in newness of life" (Rom. 6:4), to "serve in newness of spirit" (Rom. 7:6);
  • to take Christ as our Substitute; to tell Him, Lord, I want You to be everything to me, I want You to do everything in me, through me, and for me;
  • to keep the feast of unleavened bread, taking Christ as our sinless supply.
    (from the speaking of winter training message 7)

Gospel Trips

The FTTA gospel trips are 15 to 18 days long to places in North America, Asia, Europe, and South America. Some trips to Asia begin this week; all the trips will begin by January 24. These trips are for current FTTA trainees, full-time serving saints, recent FTTA graduates, FTTA midage trainees and graduates, and other responsible saints. Trips to each of the four continents include L.A.-related trainees.

The traveling saints will coordinate and blend with the local churches; experience full-time life and service outside the training center; encourage others to attend the trainings; and preach the gospel, announce the truth, and distribute literature.

The North American gospel trips are in conjunction with the GTCA activities in 21 cities (

Bibles for America

In 2014, BfA gave away 105,700 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and 505,500 copies of ministry books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Our newest book, A Life Full of Forbearance but Without Anxiety, quickly became our most popular book, with nearly 40,000 copies ordered in its first six months.

Our blog posts on biblical truth and Christian experience reached both people familiar with BfA and people searching for answers to spiritual questions on the Internet. The number of blog subscribers grew by over 6,000.

Two of our YouTube gospel videos reached over 100,000 views this year, and a new video, Assurance of Salvation: How You Can Know You Are Saved, reached over 185,000 views on Facebook in its first two weeks.

Please pray that the Lord would work in all the people who received materials, visited our website, read our blog, and watched our videos this year. May He continue to bring many on in the growth in life and the vision of what God is doing on the earth today!

For a more detailed look at BfA's year, please visit

Radio Broadcast in the UK

Since the Life-study of the Bible broadcast began in London in 2000, tens of thousands of radio listeners have contacted us at least once. Many have attended at least one seminar. Many are not only listening, but they are also reading the ministry, speaking the ministry, prophesying concerning the ministry, and opening their homes to get into the ministry with others.

In the past fifteen years, the increase we have seen in the UK has been mainly due to remaining fruit from the radio broadcast. When we began, the church in London met in one district. In early 2015, we anticipate that there will be a new district, bringing our total to twelve districts.

There are still thousands of radio listeners who need to be contacted and shepherded. Even though years have passed since they contacted us, they are still warm when we contact them again. We attribute this to the regular feeding they receive through the radio broadcast. We are continually meeting people for the first time who have been listening to the broadcast for years.

The broadcast is six days per week. The cost is approximately $15,000 per month. From its beginning in 2000 it was heard only in the London area; in 2009 coverage was extended to the entire UK population of over 60 million. For continuation of the broadcast, saints in the recovery have the opportunity to support it financially through one-time or recurring gifts. Recurring gifts are recommended, since the need for the broadcast is ongoing. Gifts of any amount are welcome.

Those who would like to give through LME can find instructions at Or you can give a gift to the church marked for UK radio.


A four-page report from Europe, distributed at the winter training, is available at


  1. Morning revival: week 4 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
  2. The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
  3. The Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim, concurrent with the Spanish-Speaking Conference. Register at
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.

Prayer, Week of December 28, 2014

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God's Salvation, Provision, and Revelation

In Exodus we see that God's building is the goal of His salvation, provision, and revelation. Let us pray for a fuller experience of salvation, for our daily receiving of His rich provision, and for fresh revelation concerning God's desire.

Southern California Young People's Blending Conference

The conference will be January 23 to 25 at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. Check-in is Friday 6:45 pm; meetings Friday 7:30 pm; Saturday 3 pm and 7 pm; Lord's Day 9:30 am.

There will be no meals or hospitality provided for this conference so there will be no charge. However, we do ask all the young people and serving ones planing to please register by January 18th by visiting and to do your best to attend all the meetings.

National College Training

We are happy to announce that the 2015 National College Training will be held in Champaign, Illinois, on July 12-18, 2015.

This training is open to all college students and newly-graduated high school seniors. Participants are required to attend full-time. The goal is to impart a vision to the students, equip them with truth, help them in their experience of life, perfect them in preaching the gospel, and develop their character so they can become useful vessels for building up the Body of Christ. Moreover, this training affords them the opportunity to blend with their peers who love and pursue Christ.

Please visit for more information and instructions on how to register.

European Winter School of Truth

The European Winter School of Truth is now: December 27 to January 1 in London and December 26 to 31 in the Netherlands and Spain.

All three locations have one class for ages 11 to 14 and another class for ages 15 to 18. All classes cover Young People's Lesson Book 6, The Bible, The Word of God. May the Lord use this Truth school to bless His move with the young people in all of Europe and may each of the young people touch life in the word through pray-reading.

Sri Lanka, Laos, and Qatar

Two pages of good reports from these nations are at


  1. Morning revival: week 3 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    January 5 to 11: week 4 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
  2. The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
  3. The Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim, concurrent with the Spanish-Speaking Conference. Register at

Prayer, Week of December 21, 2014

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Winter Training

"Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward." (Phil 3:13-14)

May this be our attitude in Anaheim and in video trainings.

College Age Fan into Flame

We would like to announce to all the churches in Southern California that there will be a time specifically for the college age to incite one another and pray for one another immediately following this Winter Training. This will be Lord's Day, December 28, 4 to 6 pm in Irvine. Please note that it may not be the best to invite students who are brand new to the church life.

Bibles for America

Please pray for the thousands of people who received a copy of the New Testament Recovery Version and books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee from BfA this year. Pray that as they read, the Lord would operate in their hearts and environments to save them and to bring them to the full knowledge of the truth.

European Winter School of Truth

We are so thankful to the Lord for a further step in the Lord's move to gain a group of constituted young people in Europe. We have been carrying out the Winter School of Truth in London since 2004 and in the Netherlands since 2012. This year for the first time there will be a third location in Spain. The dates are December 27 to January 1 in London and January 26 to 31 in the Netherlands and Spain.

All three locations will have one class for ages 11 to 14 and another class for ages 15 to 18. All classes will cover Young People's Lesson Book 6, The Bible, The Word of God. May the Lord use this Truth school to bless His move with the young people in all of Europe and may each of the young people touch life in the word through pray-reading.

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Saints first migrated to Utrecht in July 2010. Since then, additional migrations occurred, together with ongoing labor to find and shepherd the seeking believers within the city. The first Lord's table was held in Utrecht on 14 December. Please pray for a strong continuation of the church life and for the building up of a golden lampstand in Utrecht.


An encouraging report from the recent conference and Bible distribution is at Please pray that:

  • the Lord will strengthen, supply, and add to the saints in Lisbon so that the 53 new contacts (and the existing contacts) can be reached as soon as possible;
  • the Lord will bind His enemy from stealing the joy that these new Bible recipients have received;
  • the saints who attended the conference will digest the word that was spoken and dive into all the truths that were release for their supply, enjoyment, and experience;
  • more saints will be burdened to migrate to Lisbon, and that the Lord will open a way so that those who are burdened can move there soon for the raising up of a lampstand in Lisbon.


  1. Morning revival: winter training verses or repeat week 2 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    December 29 to January 4: week 3 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
    January 5 to 11: week 4 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
  2. The Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be a young people's conference and children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
  3. The Southern California Young People's Blending Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim, concurrent with the Spanish-Speaking Conference. Register at
  4. The 2015 National College Training will be July 12 to 18. Please visit for information and instructions on how to register.