Prayer, Week of December 14, 2014
Winter Training
The winter training begins Monday, December 22. Ask the Lord to work in all who come so that they come poor in spirit, ready to receive something fresh from the Lord.
"To be poor in spirit is not only to be humble but also to be emptied in our spirit, in the depth of our being, not holding on to the old things of the old dispensation [nor holding on to what we have heard and know in the recovery] but unloaded to receive the new things, the things of the kingdom of the heavens." (Matthew 5:3, note 2)
Gospel in Thousand Oaks
The church in Thousand Oaks had a gospel forum, dinner, and gospel preaching Saturday night. Sixteen new people attended; during the time all prayed. Six of the new people are high school students from a boarding school; they were brought by a dean of the school. We did not push baptism but one sister, who is a neighbor of saints and who has been in some home meetings, wanted to get baptized. After her one high school student got baptized.
Please pray for continued contact and care of all 16. Pray also for the high school to remain open to us.
We have 43 graduates this term. Please pray that each one would follow the Lord in this critical time. Among these graduates 14 are international trainees who need to leave the country; please pray that the Lord would guide their next step and that they would be at peace in their hearts.
Please pray for the FTTA serving ones in this busy time at the end of the term. Thank you.
A total of 200 new ones attended at least one seminar in the November series of five weekly seminars held simultaneously at four locations. Please pray:
- for the continued shepherding of the new ones through home visitations and group meetings.
- that the Lord will raise up a new district in Walthamstow, where a weekly meeting will continue on Lord's day afternoon.
Lord's Move in Asia
This weekend there will be national conferences in Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
Next week there will be one to three day young people's trainings in Pakistan, Nepal, and Myanmar.
- Morning revival: week 2 the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
December 22 to 28: winter training verses or repeat week 2 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up
December 29 to January 4: week 3 of Vision, Practice, and Building Up - The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be a young people's conference and children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS EXTENDED; contact the registration coordinator for the church in LA, brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of December 7, 2014
Reflect the Heavenly Ministry of Christ
"If therefore you were raised together with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things which are above, not on the things which are on the earth." (Col. 3:1-2)
As the divine High Priest, the ascended Christ is interceding for us (Heb. 7:25), and we need to respond to His intercession. We need to become on earth the reflection of Christ's intercession in His heavenly ministry, praying the prayers of the interceding Christ. When we seek the things which are above, we respond to Christ's heavenly ministry and reflect it. (from Thanksgiving conference, msg 5, III.)
Gospel in Thousand Oaks
The church in Thousand Oaks has taken action for the furtherance of the Chinese-speaking gospel. At the end of summer we began an eight-week training based on "Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups." In early October, we began our 10-week countdown in groups to pray for the coming gospel and to contact gospel friends in preparation for our December 13 gospel time. We established groups for the practical services at the gospel meeting and for those who will testify and speak the word. There are also twos and threes praying for the gospel on the daily basis.
May the Lord bless us with many remaining fruits.
Southern California Gospel
This Saturday at 4 pm at the Church in Arcadia meeting hall (630 E Live Oak Ave, Arcadia) there will be a Chinese-speaking gospel truth forum for the Chinese-speaking saints and gospel friends in Southern California, dinner is provided. After that we will have a gospel meeting, concluding at 8.30pm.
Middle-Age Training
Thirty-four trainees will graduate on Saturday. May each one be supplied to follow the Lamb wherever He may go (Rev. 14:4). May they also be supplied to continue their daily living according to the life practices that have been imparted in the training.
Give Thanks
Thank the Lord that Building 7 (to be used by FTTA) received the occupancy permit from the city of Anaheim last week. Ask the Lord to richly supply all who will be involved in moving things from the MCC into building 7 and in other preparations for the winter training.
Bibles for America
The BfA distribution tour of the US Southeast concluded Lord's Day, November 23. During these three weeks, the saints gave away nearly 1,200 Bibles and many ministry books to students on college campuses as well as to police officers, mechanics, waiters, and hotel staff. Everywhere the teams visited, they were encouraged by the openness and warmth of the people they met and the sweet blending and coordination with the local saints.
Praise the Lord for another opportunity to reach people face-to-face with the precious gift of the Word and the ministry. Please pray for the many people contacted during this tour, that they would open the books they received and that the Lord would enlighten the eyes of their heart that they may see what the economy of the mystery is!
The annual conference is Saturday and Lord's Day December 13 to 14. The content will be from the Thanksgiving Conference, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension.
After the Lord's Day morning conference meeting and lunch in Belgium, all saints are invited to drive 2½ hours to attend the first Lord's table meeting in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on Lord's Day afternoon, December 14. Utrecht is home to a large and highly ranked university.
December and January is propagation time in five cities in India. Their goal is 80 baptisms in each city, and 2 small groups, 4 churches, and 2 new districts to be established. Participants at various times during these two months include local saints in India, 35 from FTT New Delhi, 50 from FTT Taipei, 11 from FTTA (including two LA-related), 20 saints from Malaysia, and some others from outside India.
Please pray:
- that all participants be prepared with a burning spirit, mind of suffering, and healthy body;
- for the spiritual atmosphere and practical arrangements in each of the five cities;
- for the care of current contacts in these cities and for reaching the goals in each city.
- Morning revival: week 1 the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
- The Southern California Spanish Speaking Conference will be January 23 to 25 in Anaheim. There will also be a young people's conference and children's meetings. Información en español and English is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS EXTENDED; contact the registration coordinator for the church in LA, brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of November 30, 2014
The Vision and Experience of Christ
We need a clear vision that the content of God’s New Testament economy is a Person who is both divine and human, a Person who is both God and man, who has passed through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension and has consummated in the all-inclusive, processed, compound, life-giving, and indwelling Spirit imparted into us in His resurrection as life to us, and poured out upon us in His ascension as power to us that we may live the divine life to express God and move with the divine power, economically, to carry out God’s economy. (WL, God's New Testament Economy, ch. 9; read during the opening word of Thanksgiving Conference message 1)
Lord, grant us all a new and fresh vision of Yourself as the reality of resurrection and ascension. And bring us into the practical and subjective experience of what we see. Lord, we want to live the divine life and move with divine power.
Our Response to the Vision and Experience of Christ
Let us open to the Lord and pray to overcome all spiritual passivity and to fully recover the exercise of our spirit in order that the Lord may work what is needed in us to live in ascension as His garden and to be His corporate warrior to fight with and in Him. (based on the concluding word of Thanksgiving Conference message 6)
Bower House is a large property in London used for conferences, FTT London, church meetings, book sales, packing and mailing books, and is a fellowship center for Lord’s Move in Europe. A redevelopment of Bower House is desired in order to expand its usefulness. The final planning permission application will be submitted soon. Please pray that:
- The Lord will give the brothers clear direction in deciding how best to present the plans to the
local planning authority - The planning authority will look upon our application with favor and will respond positively.
There were 60 churches in Ukraine at the beginning of the year. Five churches have been affected by the fighting that began early this year. No saints have been injured but 39 have been forced to flee their homes and are staying with saints in other cities. Please pray:
- That the heavens would rule, the Lord would be glorified and Satan would be put to shame;
- That even in the present divisive political situation the new man would be brought forth and the Body would be built up;
- For the Lord’s continued blessing on all the churches and all the saints in the Russian speaking world for the Lord’s interest and testimony;
- For all the saints who have been affected by the fighting, that their hearts would be comforted and that they would continue to experience the Lord as their all sufficient supply in the Body.
Kiev (the capital and largest city) has been quiet since demonstrations in March. A number of brothers are working on construction of the meeting hall. The exterior siding is finished and all the windows have been installed; interior work continues. Please pray:
- For the brothers working on the hall to be continually supplied and preserved in the one accord;
- For our continued good relationship with all of our contractors;
- For the Lord’s covering and blessing on our relationships with our neighbors especially with those who live in close proximity to the hall;
- For the completion of the hall and the timely preparation of all the occupancy documents;
- That every aspect of the construction and use of this hall would be used by the Lord for the building up of His Body in the Russian speaking world.
A 5 minute video about the current situation in Ukraine is at Offerings to help with completion of the meeting hall may be given to the church, marked for Ukraine.
Iberian Peninsula Conference
The annual Iberian conference is December 5 to 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. Pray also that the Lord would raise up a lampstand in this city.
There will be a blending conference here December 4 to 6. In Bangladesh there are 38 churches with more than 1200 saints.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 36 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. On December 8 we begin the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
Prayer, Week of November 23, 2014
International Thanksgiving Conference
The subject is, The Vision and Experience of Christ in His Resurrection and Ascension. Please pray that the Lord's living word be released to uplift our vision of Christ, with a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him. Pray also that His word would operate in us to bring forth much experience of Christ in His resurrection and ascension.
Bible Distribution in Los Angeles
Last Saturday the Spanish-speaking saints in hall 1 were at the Mercado Del Pueblo. We had a very blessed time doing the Bible distribution. We gave out 40 Bibles and some other literature; 38 of the 40 recipients left their information for a follow up. Lord Jesus, thank you for the blessings during this time. We give you all these people that took their Bible. We ask you to open their eyes so they can see more when they open their Bible. Grant us to have the proper care for all the seeking ones.
Bibles for America
During the first two weeks of BfA's tour in the Southeast, we were at college campuses in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida, to distribute free Bibles and Christian books. We gave away over 650 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and at least as many copies of Basic Elements of the Christian Life, The Economy of God, The Normal Christian Life, and other books from our free Christian Books Collection.
The distribution teams have been encouraged by people's warm reception and by their uplifting conversations with students, university personnel, and others who stop by the tables.
Please pray for the many people who came into contact with the saints during the first two weeks of this tour. Pray that they would open the books they received and that the Word spoken to them would grow and bear fruit.
The last of this fall's one-week trainings in London begins November 24 on the general subject of "The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel." Attendees will include saints in the churches throughout Europe and also seeking ones contacted through the spread of the ministry publications and the campus work. Please pray for the perfecting of the saints and the gaining of the seeking ones for the Lord's recovery in Europe.
A series of seminars on "Changing Death into Life" is being held at four venues in London on each of the five Lord's Days in November. The goal is that the Lord would increase the church in London by capturing some for His recovery, and that at least one new district would be raised up (District 12) in the borough of Walthamstow in Northeast London.
In Walthamstow 32 new ones attended the second seminar, 14 for second time. Please pray for the new ones to come back for the remaining seminars and for the continued sweet coordination among the saints in shepherding them. Pray that many of the contacts will desire further home visitations and meetings.
- Morning revival: week 36 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. We will repeat week 36 next week, then begin on December 8 the fall 2014 ITERO, The Vision, Practice, and Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
Prayer, Week of November 16, 2014
International Thanksgiving Conference
Please pray for the spiritual and practical preparations for this conference. Pray for the brothers preparing the messages, that “utterance may be given to them in the opening of their mouth, to make known in boldness the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:19). Pray for all the listeners, that our hearts will be open to have a fresh word implanted in us for further growth unto maturity.
Raising up our Next Generation in the Church Life
This past Saturday, November 15, there was a joint young people's meeting for all the districts in Los Angeles as well as Santa Monica and Inglewood. A total of 90 saints were there including young people, college students, serving ones, and parents. The topic was on the life of Joseph and following his pattern of seeing a heavenly vision and allowing that vision to affect our daily lives - so that the Lord, through us, could be the Savior and Sustainer of life to those around us at our schools. The young people testified afterwards from their conferences which touched the matter of having a proper humanity (the junior high conferences) and Joseph (the high school conferences).
Please pray that our young people would come to increasingly know and love the Lord Jesus as the one with the proper humanity for the church life, and as the real Joseph who supplies life to both God's people and to the people in the world.
Southern California College Conference
Please pray for the second college conference, which is this weekend in Big Bear. Our students from UCLA, CSUN, and CSUCI will attend. Pray that:
- The students would be prepared inwardly to receive a fresh vision concerning the age of the jubilee;
- The atmosphere would be full of the release of the spirit;
- The enemy would be bound in relation to any frustrations that would keep students from coming to or enjoying the conference;
- The Lord would gain the real victory and every student would experience the blessings and freedom of the reality of the jubilee.
European Autumn University Conference
This conference is November 21 to 23 in London. The subject is “First Thessalonians—Expecting the Saviour’s Return and Living a Sanctified Life.”
A series of seminars is being held at four venues in London on the five Lord's Days in the month of November. The general topic is “Changing Death into Life” from the nine cases in John’s Gospel showing that Christ as life meets the need of every man’s case. At the first seminar on Lord’s Day, November 2 a total of 74 new ones and 240 saints (including trainees and full-timers) came to the four locations.
Please pray for the new ones to come back for the other seminars and for the continued sweet coordination among the saints in shepherding them. Pray that many of the contacts will desire further home visitations and meetings. Also please pray for the continuing visiting and inviting of the contacts.
There will be a one-week Gospel Move in Karachi (the largest city in Pakistan) November 17-23.
- Morning revival: week 35 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas with translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Information is at>.
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at This is the LAST WEEK TO REGISTER. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of November 9, 2014
Unto Sonship
"Chose us…to be holy…unto sonship" (Eph. 1:4-5). The divine sonship is accomplished by our being mingled with God (the Holy One as the Holy Spirit) unto full sanctification. Lord, grant us to be continually mingled with you. Sanctify us wholly.
Report from College Conference
The first college conference was this weekend, Nov. 7-9 in Big Bear. Thank you saints for all of your prayers! We had one of the highest numbers of students that we've ever had at this fall conference. 477 in all, including 318 students, checked in. This includes 55 from the USC area. 13 were baptized at the conference, including 1 USC student. The Lord's anointing was truly with the speaking, showing how each of us (even though we have become numb to it) are under great oppression from sin and Satan. How much we need the Lord Jesus to be our jubilee, our freedom, in our daily life! Furthermore, in the jubilee not only are we returned to our possession (God), we return to our family (the church) and become proclaimers of this good news.
Please pray that the students would continue to live in the jubilee and proclaim the jubilee this week in their daily lives. Furthermore, pray that they would enjoy their real family, the church!
Hall 1 Spanish Bibles for America Distribution
The Spanish speaking saints from Hall 1 will set up a BfA table at the local swap-meet/market on Saturday, November 22, from noon until 6:00 PM. Please pray to the Lord to bless this time, so we can have a very pleasant time and that many would come to the table and receive Bibles.
Ministry Conference Center Building 7
The remodel of Building 7 at MCC is nearing completion. Please pray that there are no delays obtaining the elevator inspection and the occupancy permit.
Bibles for America Southeast USA tour
On November 1, BfA began a three-week distribution tour across Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida. They will give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and books by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee at college campuses and other venues in 13 cities.
Please pray for the Lord's blessing on the coordination and preparation for this tour. Pray also that He would prepare His sons of peace to meet the participating saints and receive from them the supplying and nourishing materials available from BfA.
Every Lord's Day in November we have seminars at four locations in London. The topic is Changing Death into Life. May the Lord change much death into life. May a harvest be reaped throughout London for the Lord to gain His building in the largest city in Europe. (
One-week trainings will be held in London beginning November 3, 10, and 24 on the general subject of "The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel." Attendees will include saints in the churches throughout Europe and also seeking ones contacted through the spread of the ministry publications and the campus work. Please pray for the perfecting of the saints and the gaining of the seeking ones for the Lord's recovery in Europe.
- Morning revival: week 34 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The second fall college conference will be at Big Bear for UCLA/Westside plus CSUN/Valley and CSUCI/TO, November 21 to 23. Details are at
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- The Southern California Blending Conference has been postponed; the new date will probably be early 2015.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas with translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Information is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at Register by November 30 through the church here. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of November 2, 2014
Holding the Head
"Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with the growth of God." (Col. 2:9) Lord, grant us to continually hold You as our Head that the church in Los Angeles may growth with the growth of God.
College Conference
Please pray for the first college conference this weekend, Nov. 7-9 in Big Bear. Mostly semester system schools will attend, including almost 60 from the USC area. Pray that:
- The students would be prepared inwardly to receive a fresh vision concerning the age of the jubilee;
- The atmosphere would be full of the release of the spirit;
- The enemy would be bound in relation to any frustrations that would keep students from coming to or enjoying the conference;
- The Lord would gain the real victory and every student would experience the blessings and freedom of the reality of the jubilee.
Bibles for America Southeast USA tour
On November 1, BfA began a three-week distribution tour across Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida. They will give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and books by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee at college campuses and other venues in 13 cities.
Please pray for the Lord's blessing on the coordination and preparation for this tour. Pray also that He would prepare His sons of peace to meet the participating saints and receive from them the supplying and nourishing materials available from BfA.
One-week trainings will be held in London beginning November 3, 10, and 24 on the general subject of "The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel." Attendees will include saints in the churches throughout Europe and also seeking ones contacted through the spread of the ministry publications and the campus work. Please pray for the perfecting of the saints and the gaining of the seeking ones for the Lord's recovery in Europe.
Every Lord's Day in November we have seminars at four locations in London. The topic is Changing Death into Life. May the Lord change much death into life. May a harvest be reaped throughout London for the Lord to gain in the largest city in Europe. (
Report from Baarlo, Netherlands
Last week at Kasteel de Berckt was the European Brothers' Training (with 143 in attendance), followed by the International Blending Conference (with over 700 in attendance). The topic of the conference was The Divine Reality. The blending was wonderful beyond words. Along with saints from the Netherlands, there were saints from Sweden and Switzerland and graduates from FTTA and FTTL.
Prayer burdens presented in the conference:
- Pray for 1000 European students to be gained in 2015.
- Pray for 50 couples from the United States to migrate to Europe.
A blending time for all the saints in Switzerland will be held Lord's Day, November 9 in Bern. Please pray for a growing reality of the Body through this gathering. Pray also for gaining of new Swiss couples and college students in the coming months, and for raising up of churches in Geneva and Zurich.
Also pray for brother Don, who is traveling in Europe and will be attending this gathering, that he would have safe travels and stay healthy and would enjoy the blending with the saints in Switzerland.
- Morning revival: week 33 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The fall college conferences will be at Big Bear. USC/downtown November 7 to 9, and UCLA/Westside plus CSUN/Valley November 21 to 23. Details are at
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- The Southern California Blending Conference has been postponed; the new date will probably be early 2015.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas with translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Information is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at Register by November 30 through the church here. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of October 26, 2014
The Intrinsic Practice of the Church Life
The church life is the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches realized, experienced, and expressed by all the saints in a corporate way. If we would have such a church life, we need to be constituted with Christ until all that we are and have is simply Christ Himself. Lord, constitute Yourself into me for Your expression in Los Angeles.
High School Conferences
The high school conferences are October 31 to November 2, brothers in Irvine, sisters in Anaheim. Please pray that the Lord prepare the hearts of the young people for this special time. We hope that during the conference each of the young people would be helped to experience Christ as life and be built up with companions. May the Lord gain them as gospel seeds that are full of life in their homes, among their friends, and at their schools.
Southern California Blending Conference POSTPONED
The Southern California Blending Conference scheduled for Saturday, November 15, has been postponed. The new conference date will probably be in early 2015.
Bibles for America
On November 1, BfA will begin a three-week distribution tour across Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida. They will give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and books by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee at college campuses and other venues in 13 cities.
Please pray for the Lord's blessing on the coordination and preparation for this tour. Pray also that He would prepare His sons of peace to meet the participating saints and receive from them the supplying and nourishing materials available from BfA.
In November, we will have a series of seminars in four locations across London every Lord's Day of the month (for a total of 20 seminars; see The burden is that a new district of the church in London would be raised up. Our work has been ongoing for a few weeks now (outline writing, phone calling, practical logistics, etc.), but once again, the real labour needs to be much and thorough prayer. We need every aspect of the seminar preparation this month to be covered by and supplied through prayer.
The topic of the seminar is Changing Death into Life and will focus on 8 gospel cases in the book of John. May the Lord change much death into life. May a harvest be reaped across the city of London for the Lord to gain His building in the largest city in Europe. Pray for:
- the preparation for the November seminars;
- the phone calls being made to invite Londoners to the seminars. Pray that good contacts would be made and that many would be open to attend the seminars in their area;
- the supply to all the labouring saints preparing for the seminars.
- Morning revival: week 32 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The fall college conferences will be at Big Bear. USC/downtown November 7 to 9, and UCLA/Westside plus CSUN/Valley November 21 to 23. Details are at
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Donation is $205 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas with translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. There will be child care for kindergarten through 6th grade; register by November 1. Information is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at Register by November 30 through the church here. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of October 19, 2014
The Heading Up of All Things
God's economy of the fullness of the times is to head up all things in Christ. Today the entire creation is groaning in vanity and the slavery of corruption (Rom. 8:20-22). For creation to be released, we, the Body of Christ, need to be the first to be headed up by Christ. We participate in this heading up by receiving Christ’s transmission to the church, by loving Him with the first love, by growing in life, and by living in the light.
Junior High Conferences
The junior high conferences are October 24 to 26, brothers in Diamond Bar, sisters in Riverside. Please pray that the Lord prepare the hearts of the young people for this special time. We hope that during the conference each of the young people would be helped to experience Christ as life and be built up with companions. May the Lord gain them as gospel seeds that are full of life in their homes, among their friends, and at their schools.
Los Angeles Joint College Meeting
This dinner and meeting will be 6 to 8:30 pm Saturday, October 25, on the UCLA campus at the LA Tennis Center clubhouse. Try to find parking on nearby streets. We hope that this time will be a mutual encouragement among the campuses by seeing each other and by enjoying the Lord together.
Southern California Blending Conference
The Southern California Blending Conference will be Saturday, November 15, 4 to 9 pm in Anaheim. Translation will be provided for Chinese, Korean, and Spanish; bring an FM radio. Limited childcare will be available; details will be announced later.
Father, according to the riches of Your glory, strengthen us with power into our inner man so that we have Your longing for this conference, and so that we may apprehend the vastness of Christ with all the saints. (Eph. 3:16, 18)
The website has information on the history, development, and current status of the Lord's recovery in Canada. The website also has information about each of the churches in Canada. Those who attended the recent ITERO in Toronto testify that the atmosphere is fresh and that the Lord has a way to move in this country. Lord, may Your word of the truth of the gospel continue bearing fruit and growing in Canada! (Col. 1:5-6)
October 21 to 23 approximately 150 brothers from the churches in Europe will gather in Baarlo, Netherlands, to review the messages given during the fall 2014 ITERO in Toronto, Canada. October 24 to 26 the fall international conference will be held in Baarlo for all the saints in Europe.
Please pray:
- That the burden of the Lord's speaking at the ITERO will be received by the brothers in Europe without hindrance, and that this burden will be carried out in the churches for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the age for the Lord’s return.
- For the blending of all the saints in Europe in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity for the building up of the Body and the realization of the one new man in Europe.
October 19-26 a group of young adult brothers from different localities in India will go to Taiwan. The burden of this trip is that the brothers may be blended in the fellowship of the Body and to learn from the experience of different churches in shepherding and perfecting, so that they may shepherd the saints and be built up in their respective localities with an intrinsic view of the Body of Christ.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 31 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The fall college conferences will be at Big Bear. USC/downtown will to go November 7 to 9, and UCLA/Westside plus CSUN/Valley will go November 21 to 23. Details and brochures are available at
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Registration for Anaheim should be completed by October 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas with translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. There will be child care for kindergarten through 6th grade; register by November 1. Information is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at A letter about a good air fare is at Register by November 30 through the church here. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483 in hall 3.
Prayer, Week of October 12, 2014
LA Joint Meeting
Lord's Day, October 19 the whole church in Los Angeles will gather at L.A. Trade Tech College at 10 a.m. May the Lord really use this time to blend us together for the sake of the impact of His testimony in Los Angeles.
There are currently 15 to 18 saints meeting on the Lord's Day. We have gained as many as seven young people from the Rome campuses; however, most of these have migrated to other localities for graduate studies, and one is planning to attend the full-time training. Two Romanian families have begun to come to the meetings, but we are especially burdened to gain more Italian families. We have many contacts in the communities with whom we have built relationships. While we will continue to go to the campus once a week for Bible distribution, we feel to focus on building up four home meetings and inviting local contacts. We are preparing an invitation to study the Bible, which we will give to those living in our respective apartment buildings. For this we desperately need the prayer of the Body, so please pray that families from our local communities will be added to these four home meetings. Please also pray that more young people from the campuses will be added to the church in Rome.
In the past two years Rhema has gone from zero to 6,887 requests, 2,924 names, and 4,052 order fulfillments, all from people living in Italy. We look to the Lord that many of these could be added to the churches in Italy.
Bulgaria and the Balkan countries
Approximately 120 adults registered for the conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 3-5 October, of which 75 were from Bulgaria, 10 from Serbia, 10 from Romania, 4 from Greece, and some from Germany, UK, and US. The saints from Serbia are from a new group that has been reading the ministry and found the conference via a Google search. Please pray:
- For the upcoming visit of serving saints to Croatia and Serbia for shepherding the new ones.
- That the Lord will raise up churches in Bulgaria and in Croatia, Serbia, and the other countries in the Balkan region of Europe.
- Morning revival: week 31 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis. Beginning October 20 we will REPEAT week 31, then start week 32 on October 27.
- The fall college conferences will be at Big Bear. USC/downtown will to go November 7 to 9, and UCLA/Westside plus CSUN/Valley November 21 to 23. Details and brochures are at
- The winter training will be December 22 to 27 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin December 22, some later. Registration should be completed by October 26. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video.
- There will be a Southern California Korean-speaking conference on October 25, 9 am to 9 pm in Anaheim. This will be a respeaking in Korean of the ITERO in Toronto. Registration is required, due October 12, with $15 for two meals and outlines. There will be child care service.
- There will be a Southern California Blending Conference on November 15, 4 to 9 pm in Anaheim. Translation will be provided for Chinese, Korean, and Spanish; bring an FM radio. Limited childcare will be available; details will be announced later.
- The International Thanksgiving Conference will be November 27-30 in San Antonio, Texas. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Care for children kindergarten through 6th grade will be provided; register by November 1. Information is at
- The annual Iberian conference will be December 5 to 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. Registration deadline is October 15. Information is at
- The 2015 International Chinese-speaking Conference will be in Taiwan February 21-22. There will be translation into English and other languages as needed. There will also be optional church visiting trips before and after the conference. Information is at Register by November 30 through the church here. The registration coordinator for the church in LA is brother HongChang Lin (310) 904-3483.