Prayer, Week of May 18, 2014

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Memorial Day Conference

The Memorial Day Conference is in Philadelphia from Friday evening, May 23 through Monday noon, May 26. "Pray concerning us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified" (2 Thes. 3:1).

Sixth Grade Baptism

On Lord's Day, May 18, we had eight sixth graders get baptized followed by a love feast. Many saints were present from halls 1, 2, 4, and 5 including friends and family members who don't normally meet with the churches. Please pray the Lord would establish each sixth grader in the faith and in the church life. Also pray for the Lord's strengthening of each household of the sixth graders that the family unit would be preserved from this age and a factor for the Lord's return.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household." (Acts 16:31)

College Training

The West Coast College Trainings are July 7-13 in California. Information is at As the deadline of June 1 approaches to register, please pray that:

  1. The college students and high school seniors would pray about giving this time to the Lord and consecrate their summer to the Lord.
  2. The Lord would grant students time off of work, school, or other obligations to go.
  3. The Lord would work out finances for those who desire to go.


David and Elda Chang both served at UCLA then later at USC. In summer 2012 they migrated to Albania (Elda is a native of Albania, saved while a student at UCLA). They are meeting in Tirana, the capital of Albania, with her parents and a few other saints. Pray for the Lord to strengthen His testimony there.

Lisbon, Portugal

Please continue to pray that the Lord will gain the seeking ones from the December Recovery Version distribution in Lisbon (capital and largest city in Portugal) and will raise up a testimony in that important European city.


  1. Morning revival: Week 1 of The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference). Prophesying Lord's Day, May 25 may be from this morning revival and from webcasts of the Memorial Day conference, or the prophesying time may be used to watch a webcast. We will repeat week 1 the following week for prophesying June 1.
  2. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26.
  3. Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord's Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
  4. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of May 11, 2014

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The New Jerusalem

We can all live out and work out the New Jerusalem in our daily living by enjoying the Triune God. The Father's divine nature is the base for our living and working. We are partakers of this divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and the best way to partake is to love Him with our first love from the first moment of each day and to give Him the first place in all things.

New FTTA Facility

In order to increase the facilities available to FTTA, in August it will move from Ball Road to the LSM campus. Please pray for wisdom to those overseeing and participating in the work, for timely delivery of materials, and for sufficient skilled workers that the project may be completed on time. More information about this move is available in four languages at

Donations for the FTTA move may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center."

FTTA-XB Gospel Trip to Europe

From May 6 to 19, 27 saints from the FTTA Extension in Boston (FTTA-XB) are in Europe to blend with the FTTL trainees and go with them to various places in Europe. The trip also includes participation in the church life in London, in a one week training in London, and a radio listener' seminar.

Please pray that the coming of the trainees from Boston will be a blessing to the churches in Europe and that the Lord will use this gospel trip to impart a vision and burden that will cause a number of the FTTA-XB trainees to consecrate themselves to the Lord for His move in Europe.

Los Angeles to London

Michael and Becky Stewart served in Los Angeles from 1998 to 2007 and in Long Beach from 2007 until now. This summer they will move to Europe. Ask the Lord to supply them in every way for this move and to find a home for them in London that is best for family life, church life, and full-time service.

Bibles for America

BfA is offering a new book: A Life Full of Forbearance but without Anxiety, by Witness Lee. In it, Witness Lee pinpoints the source of anxiety—Satan—and its cure—living Christ as forbearance. Please pray that:

  • news of this free offer would reach the spiritually hungry people beset with anxiety in this country;
  • people would order this book and prayerfully receive its words of ministry;
  • many would enjoy this taste and be led to enjoy the complete Life-study of the Bible.


The annual spring conference is May 15 to 17.


Saturday, May 17 there will be a two-session seminar and lunch on The Book of Revelation as the Conclusion of God's Economy, Christ’s Redemption, The Church’s Testimony, and Satan’s Destiny. Pray that many seeking Christians, radio listeners, and New Testament recipients will come to this seminar and receive a vision.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT week 24 of Genesis. Next week we will begin The Intrinsic Significance of the Church (February 2014 International Chinese-Speaking Conference).
  2. Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord's Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English, Korean, and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
  3. The West Coast College Trainings are July 7 to 13. Information is at

Prayer, Week of May 4, 2014

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Church in Los Angeles

There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Let us pray that the Lord release everyone to attend, supply transportation and release enjoyment in the cars, and stir everyone to participate in the reality of one Spirit and one Body.

A map is posted at

FTTA-XB Gospel Trip to Europe

From May 6 to 19, 27 saints from the FTTA Extension in Boston (FTTA-XB) will travel to London to blend with the FTTL trainees and go with them to various places in Europe. They will also participate in the church life in London, the one week training (see below), and the upcoming radio seminar.

Please pray that the coming of the trainees from Boston will be a blessing to the churches in Europe and that the Lord will use this gospel trip to impart a vision and burden that will cause a number of the FTTA-XB trainees to consecrate themselves to the Lord for His move in Europe.


There will be a conference in Rome, Italy May 10 to 11. Please pray for:

  • the gathering and blending of the saints from different localities and countries;
  • the release and impact of the Lord's up-to-date word;
  • the advance of the Lord's move in Italy and all of Europe.

One-Week Trainings in London

A series of four one-week trainings will be held in London with saints and seeking ones attending from localities throughout Europe. Please pray that the attendees will be perfected in the divine truths, in their daily life with the Lord, in practicing the God-ordained way, in participating in the spread of the divine truths throughout Europe, in becoming fruit-bearing branches in the vine, and in developing their organic functions for the building up of the organic Body of Christ.

The first week, May 5 to 10 and the last week, May 26 to 31, are full. There is space for more to register for May 12 to 17 and May 19 to 24.


  1. Morning revival: week 24 of Genesis. We will repeat week 24 the week of May 12 to 17 and prophesy from it May 18.
  2. There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Free parking is available in the large parking structure on Olive St between Washington Blvd and 21st St. After parking, walk west across Grand St onto the campus. The meeting will take place in the North Tent, close to the intersection of Grand Ave and 21st St. There are also plenty of metered parking spots available on Grand Ave for no charge on Lord's day.
  3. Summer Training Registration: We would like to collect all the final training registrations by Lord's Day, June 1st. A seat in the Anaheim training is now $205. A seat in video is $80 for any of the six video training sessions: Hall 1 in Korean, Hall 2 in English and Spanish, Hall 4 in English, Hall 5 in English.
  4. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of April 27, 2014

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Church in Los Angeles

There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Let us pray that the Lord release everyone to attend and participate in the reality of one Spirit and one Body.

New FTTA Facility

Pray for the release of permits and skilled laborers, for wisdom to those overseeing the work, and for timely progress in the work on the new facility.

Sixth Grade Conference

The sixth grade conference is May 2 to 4 in Irvine. We pray that all the 6th graders will have a rich and meaningful experience at this conference and that it will lay a strong foundation for their entire Christian life.

Summer School of Truth

The summer school of truth has been a rich source of constitution of truth and life for the young people in the Lord's recovery for many years. These times of dispensing have played a crucial role in the preparation and raising up of the next generation to meet the need of the Lord's move on the earth.

For this, we will conduct a one-day Teacher's Training for the practice of the summer school of the truth. It will be a time for us to be refreshed in our vision and burden, review our current practice, and learn from one another. This time is for serving ones, college students, working saints, parents, and any others who would be burdened to participate. Saturday, May 10th, in Fullerton, 9 am to 3 pm.


The annual spring International Blending Conference will be held in Warsaw on May 1-4, 2014.
The subject of the conference will be "The Mending Ministry of John."


A report from Albania is below. Please pray:

  • That the Lord will increase the blending in Albania and will burden some to migrate there.
  • That the Lord will strengthen the saints in Tirana to bear His testimony and will gain a lampstand in that city.
  • For the release of the ministry in Albanian, especially the Rhema sets of free books.
  • That the Lord will spread His recovery throughout the Albanian-speaking world.

FTT Caacupé, Paraguay

The Lord has brought twenty new young brothers and sisters from nine countries to begin their training this term. Furthermore, the Lord has brought back 28 trainees who will continue their training. During pre-training week an additional 35 saints joined us for a short-term. Let us pray that many more saints from South America may come for a short-term of at least one week during any week of this term.

Please visit our website at to see our newsletters.


  1. Morning revival: week 23 of Genesis.
  2. There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Free parking is available in the large parking structure on Olive St between Washington Blvd and 21st St. After parking, walk west across Grand St onto the campus. The meeting will take place in the North Tent, close to the intersection of Grand Ave and 21st St. There are also plenty of metered parking spots available on Grand Ave for no charge on Lord's day.
  3. The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Philadelphia from Friday evening, May 23 through Monday noon, May 26. Information is at
  4. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of
  5. The 20th European Young People's Conference will be July 27 to August 2 in Male Ciche, Poland. Information and registration are at

Report from Tirana, Albania (21 April 2014)

In November 2012 a young couple migrated with their two small children from Los Angeles to Tirana, Albania. In September 2013 they started an English preschool near the center of the city. Because they run their own business, they are able to sponsor their staff with working visas. Their hope is that the Lord will use their business for His work.

As soon as they arrived in Tirana, they began to meet on Lord's Days. From another couple's labor in the 1990s, one family who was gained at that time remained in Tirana. During the last 10+ years this family actively sought out fellowship and blending by going to the Poland young people’s conference and visiting the saints in Greece. The two families who are now in Tirana meet regularly on Lord's Day and are joined by family members, friends, and neighbors. The number in the meetings is about 10. In the meetings they enjoy hymns, fellowship, and reading the ministry, currently The All Inclusive Christ. The saints also meet weekly on Wednesday evenings.

Through the extensive labor in translating the ministry into Albanian over the past two decades, there is a rich supply of the ministry that the saints can enjoy in Albanian. Please pray for the raising up of a lampstand in Tirana and the spreading of the Lord's testimony throughout the Albanian-speaking world.

Prayer, Week of April 20, 2014

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Training Registration

The summer training will be the third training on Genesis. Many seeds of the divine truths are sown in Genesis. May we take this opportunity to freshly get into these riches. Let us pray that the indwelling Lord lead many to register this week for Anaheim and for video.

Church in Los Angeles

There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Let us pray that the Lord release everyone to attend and participate in the reality of one Spirit and one Body.

New FTTA Facility

Pray for the release of permits and skilled laborers, for wisdom to those overseeing the work, and for timely progress in the work on the new facility.


The traveling brothers' meetings in Africa conclude this Tuesday night when they end the respeaking of ITERO in Ghana. The brothers return later this week.

Pray for the word heard in all the conferences and in ITERO to be digested by all the attendants, to bear fruit in them, and to spread to many others who did not attend.

Colossians 1:5b-6, "the word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you, even as it is also in all the world, bearing fruit and growing, as also in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth."


The annual French conference is April 26 to 27 in Paris. Please pray:

  • For the new ones who will attend from groups that have been reading the ministry, that the Lord will enlighten them and strengthen them to bring them into more regular fellowship and blending with the saints, so that the Lord can make them the core of new localities in France.
  • For the new ones in Paris who have been under the care of the campus team and the saints, that the Lord will speak a word that will bring them deeper into the path of life.
  • That all the saints in the French-speaking world will be encouraged to go on in the Lord's up-to-date recovery according to the Lord’s present speaking for the fulfilling of His eternal purpose.


This weekend there will be a Bible distribution and a seminar for Bible recipients in Sweden.

European University Conference Report

April 11-14 over 200 gathered in Wales for a University Conference. Pray that the speaking from this weekend would penetrate and be constituted into all of the European students. Pray that the students would be empowered to speak the riches that they have to their fellow students. Pray that many final year students would open to the Lord about coming to the Full-Time Training in London.

European Conference Report

Last weekend at the conference in London, 1,012 saints from 32 countries gathered for much blending and enjoyment. Brother Ed Marks spoke to us about the Kernel of the Bible as seen in Genesis, Jeremiah, Job, Matthew, and the New Jerusalem. Pray for this speaking to become the daily experience in all the European saints that the churches would be built up all over Europe.


  1. Morning revival: week 22 of Genesis.
  2. There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Free parking is available in the large parking structure on Olive St between Washington Blvd and 21st St. After parking, walk west across Grand St onto the campus. The meeting will take place in the North Tent, close to the intersection of Grand Ave and 21st St. There are also plenty of metered parking spots available on Grand Ave for no charge on Lord's day.
  3. The International Memorial Day Conference will be held in Philadelphia from Friday evening, May 23 through Monday noon, May 26. Information is at
  4. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center." Details are in the Information section of
  5. The 20th European Young People's Conference will be July 27 to August 2 in Male Ciche, Poland. Information and registration are at

Prayer, Week of April 13, 2014

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Full-Time Trainings

Through full-time trainings, saints are constituted and perfected in truth, life, character, service, and the gospel to meet the Lord’s need for the work of the ministry unto the building up of the Body of Christ in the present age. Because these trainings are full-time, the constitution and perfecting progresses much quicker than in regular church life.

Let us beseech the Lord for an increase every year in the number of trainees in FTTA, in FTTA Midage, and in all the other FTTs around the earth.

Lord’s Move on the Internet

A relatively small number of saints labor on the internet weekly to present truths of this ministry, support others’ presentations, or testify their experiences of Christ. These actions release the truth and life we have received to a broad audience. Please ask the Lord:

  • to supply those laboring on the internet and to increase their number;
  • to stir up a hunger in many people and to bring these people into fellowship with the recovery, first on the internet and then in person.


Dick Taylor, James Lee, and other brothers are traveling in Africa. This week Dick and Tim Knoppe from Michigan are in Kenya until Wednesday, in Uganda Wednesday to Friday, and in Nigeria Friday to Lord’s Day. James Lee is in Ethiopia until Tuesday, then in Ghana. There he will be with Paul Nii-Aryee, who migrated from the U.S. to Ghana a few years ago.

The weekend of April 18 to 20 there are parallel conferences in Nigeria and in Ghana. Following the conferences, all the traveling brothers will be in Ghana for the African respeaking of ITERO from April 20 at night to April 22 at night.

Please pray that the Lord will cover all the brothers’ travel in the air and on the ground, their health and safety, the food they eat, all the drinks that they drink, their rest and peaceful sleep, that His word be released with no hindrance. Please pray also that so many will receive the nourishment, care, and enlightening to see His economy and be brought into His recovery for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose.


The European respeaking of ITERO is April 15 to 17 in London. The international spring blending conference is April 18 to 20, also in London.

Please pray:

  • that the leading brothers from all over Europe will have an ear to hear and a heart to enter into
    the burden of the Lord’s speaking at the ITERO.
  • that the Lord will release His up-to-date word to all the saints in Europe through the conference.

Sri Lanka

Please pray that the Lord bring at least 100 saints to the National Blending Conference April 18 to 20 and infuse all with His living and operative word.


  1. Morning revival: week 21 of Genesis.
  2. There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord’s Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Details will be provided later.
  3. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.” Details are in the Information section of
  4. The 20th European Young People's Conference will be July 27 to August 2 in Male Ciche, Poland. For information and registration log on to:

Prayer, Week of April 6, 2014

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FTTA Boston Extension

On January 20, at the new training center, our sixth term commenced with a meeting attended by many local saints. The twelve incoming trainees introduced themselves and gave their testimonies.

This term there are 23 trainees. The sisters live on the third floor of the new building, and the brothers in adjacent apartments. All the trainees are working closely with the full-time team laboring at various universities. Each campus has seen an increase in the number of open and available students. The saints are burdened that Harvard's original motto, Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae (Truth for Christ and the Church) will be a reality—not just at Harvard, but at every campus in the Boston area.

A two page report about the Boston Extension is at

Southern California College Conference

This weekend, April 11 to 13, the college students in Southern California will gather together in Anaheim hear the Lord's speaking concerning the vision of the church. Please pray that:

  1. the Lord would draw a good number of college students and high school seniors, including many younger and newer ones, to the conference, overcoming any obstacles that may prevent them from coming.
  2. the Father would grant each student a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see the life changing revelation of the church.
  3. the students would be burning in spirit, focused on Christ, and fanning one another into flame.
  4. the Lord would bless all of the interaction of the students with hospitality hosts for mutual encouragement and building up.

Junior High Conferences

The Southern California junior high school brothers and sisters conferences are April 11 to 13.

California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI)

With the Lord's blessing, the campus work at CSUCI continues to thrive. About 20 students stay close to our campus team members; however, 7 of them are graduating seniors. There are 6-10 students consistently attending our Thursday night Bible studies, Saturday night home meetings and various weekend activities. We plan to take some students to the college conference on April 12, hold an open-house for high school seniors April 26, and have a graduation BBQ May 17. Please pray that (1) some church kids will attend CSUCI in fall 2014, (2) new leadership will be established among non-graduating students, (3) graduating seniors will be connected to local churches where they move, (4) some of them will be interested in attending FTTA, and (5) some serving saints (especially with homes) will rise up to serve this campus work.

Preparation for Sixth Grade Conference

The 6th grade conference is a crucial time for some of our dear young people to receive the Lord and for others to have a richer experience of the Lord. As the 6th grade conference has particular aspects that require the participation of the serving ones attending, there is a great need for those serving at this conference to participate in a special time of fellowship Saturday, April 26th in Anaheim, 9:30 am to noon. Click to register.

We ask that at least one parent of each 6th grader going to the conference attend this important time. Also, we strongly encourage all the saints planning to go to this conference as serving ones, as well as any college age saints who are burdened for the 6th graders, to join this important time of fellowship.


The church in Addis Ababa participated in two book fairs. They distributed gospel tracts and free used books from LSM. Their entire supply of Recovery Versions NTs was given out. They are now making phone calls to over 7000 people contacted at the book fairs. Many had very positive responses and some will come to the conference this weekend. Here are a few words from the church in Addis Ababa:

  • The whole book fair experience at the Addis Ababa university main campus was wonderful and full of the Lord's blessing.
  • We participated in the second exhibition last week on one of the busiest roads in Addis and this was another proof to us that the Lord has widely opened this nation for His move to spread the gospel of the Kingdom for His testimony to be raised up.
  • At the second exhibition, all kinds of people were awed, according to their words, at the testimony we bear before them, which is the oneness of the serving ones and their love to one another and to the people they were contacting.
  • This week we are calling each contact. The response of many is remarkable. Most are very happy that we called them back and are cherished. Many have read the books and are very open for further contact.
  • So many people were impressed by the Recovery Version we had on display at the two exhibitions. We will soon run out of free used books and we haven't yet reached a minute portion of the seeking people as we discovered the tremendous hunger the Lord has sent into the people.

Let us pray for:

  1. much grace to those who are calling the book fair contacts;
  2. continuing positive responses from all the contacts, and further contacts with them;
  3. the Lord to continue sending a strong hunger throughout Ethiopia;
  4. shame to the enemy regarding the opposition and slander that has arisen.


Dick Taylor is traveling in Africa. This week Wednesday through Lord's Day Dick and James Lee are in Ethiopia. On Lord’s Day Dick will go to Kenya with Tim Knoppe from Michigan.

Ethiopia will have their national conference on the weekend. Responsible brothers in Ethiopia will have a mini-respeaking of ITERO Lord's Day afternoon and evening, April 13.

Please pray that all the visiting and gatherings in Africa would issue in lots of blending for reality of Body of Christ. Pray also for the present speaking of the Lord to run and be glorified.

European Spring University Conference

The European spring university students' conference is April 11 to 14 in Wales. The subject is The Full Ministry of Christ in the Stage of Intensification (3) – Consummating the New Jerusalem. Please pray for the Lord to gather many students and for His appearing and speaking to them to gain them for His eternal purpose.


  1. Morning revival: week 20 of Genesis.
  2. There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord's Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Details will be provided later.
  3. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center.” Details are in the Information section of
  4. The 20th European Young People's Conference will be July 27 to August 2 in Male Ciche, Poland. For information and registration log on to:

Prayer, Week of March 30, 2014

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The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) is Friday morning through Lord’s Day lunch in Anaheim. The subject is Aspects of the Christian Life and the Church Life Seen in the New Jerusalem. Ask the Lord to release a rich word and to spread it through the attendees to the whole earth. Also ask the Lord for more blending of all the brothers from all the churches, blending that will swallow all differences, all separations, and all opinions.

Life-Study Radio Broadcast in Southern California

The English-language Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee radio program continues on KBRT 740AM at 11 to 11:30 am Monday to Friday. In addition, beginning on April 6, there will be a one-hour live call-in program on KKLA 99.5FM Christian Radio each week Lord’s Day evenings from 9 to 10 pm. Two brothers will take live phone calls from listeners related to any questions or comments they may have concerning the Life-study excerpts that will be broadcast.

Lisbon, Portugal

We had a Bibles for Europe colloquium on March 8. While only one new one came, we had a very sweet blending time and coordination among the saints. This was the first ever colloquium in Portugal, and everyone was happy to be together. We are not discouraged that only one person came.

The lady who came requested a Bible study in her home. We will continue to follow up on other Bible recipients. We have begun having one-on-one appointments with some students and will have a Bible study with one contact in the near future, as well as a phone Bible study with another student. A full page report is at

Please continue to pray that the Lord will:

  • work in the Recovery Version recipients and put in them a hunger for Him;
  • bless the labor of the local saints and lead them to the most seeking ones;
  • raise up a testimony in Lisbon and continue to burden saints to migrate there for this purpose.


Pray for the students and serving ones training in Dhaka on April 3 to 6.


Pray for the Gospel Harvest Meeting April 5 to 6.


  1. Morning revival: week 19 of Genesis.
  2. Sixth grade conference is May 2 to 4. Registration deadline is April 6.
  3. There will be a joint meeting of the church in Los Angeles Lord’s Day, May 11, 10 am at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College (near USC). Details will be provided later.
  4. Donations for the FTTA relocation/enlargement may be given to the church, designated for “FTTA Training Center.” Details are in the Information section of

Prayer, Week of March 23, 2014

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FTTA Relocation

FTTA will relocate from Ball Rd to the LSM campus in August of this year. Continue to pray for 1) wisdom to those taking care of the relocation, 2) a sufficient financial supply for the relocation, and 3) increasing enrollment every term.

UCLA Spring Break Trip

There are 61 students and serving ones on a UCLA Spring break trip from March 21 to 28. We will visit the church in New York and the churches in the Boston area. There are 15 new ones on the trip. Please pray that (1) the Lord will appear and speak to each student in a new and fresh way, (2) all the new ones will see the vision of the church and the Body, (3) full covering of the Lord from the enemy, (4) much grace to the receiving churches, (5) much blending with the saints to be brought into the reality of the Body of Christ.

Antelope Valley

Last week we began a Friday night meeting for young people and college students. We were greatly encouraged that ten high school and college students attended. Please pray for their continued growth and for their absorption of the ministry material. Pray also for the Lord’s moving in the shepherding saints to help these younger saints go on and be integrated into the church life in Antelope Valley.

College Campus Visits for High School Students

In the coming months many churches will have open house activities or spring visit times for our own high-school seniors and juniors considering going to college.

The burden is to shepherd these young saints through this critical transition in their lives and to facilitate the handover of care for them between the churches so that none would be lost to the world and so that all the churches would be blessed through their enjoyment of Christ in the church life. May the Lord increase the fellowship among us “strengthening the net” to bring in a bountiful catch this year!

Russian-Speaking Conference

The conference is March 28 to 30 in Sacramento. This conference is for Russian-speaking saints and those caring for Russian-speaking saints in North America.


Please pray for the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in major cities in Europe, including

  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Krakow, Poland
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • Vienna, Austria
  • Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Zagreb, Croatia
  • Belgrade, Serbia
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Barcelona and Bilbao, Spain
  • Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany


Please pray for:

  1. the one-month intensified propagation in Kasur and the first Lord’s table meeting there on March 30.
  2. the search for a meeting hall in Lahore.
  3. the translation and proofreading of the Crystallization-study of Genesis to be completed soon.


  1. Morning revival: week 18 of Genesis.
  2. Junior high conferences will be April 11 to 13. Registration deadline is March 30.
  3. Sixth grade conference is May 2 to 4. Registration deadline is April 6.

Prayer, Week of March 16, 2013

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Wars, Earthquakes, the Gospel

In Matthew 24:6-7 the Lord tells us, "You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars....and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places." These events are related to the gospel (v. 14). The Lord tells us, “See that you are not alarmed” but unsaved people will be alarmed. Their alarm should open them to the gospel. This month there are rumors of war in Ukraine, several magnitude 6+ earthquakes in the Pacific, a missing passenger airplane in Asia, and other unsettling events. Lord, use all of these events for the gospel; save people into Your kingdom.

FTTA Relocation

Since the inception of FTTA 25 years ago, the Lord's rich blessing has been evident. Many who attended FTTA have been greatly benefited in life, in truth, and in cultivation of spiritual capacity. Today 3,737 trainees have completed at least one term, and 2,334 have completed the entire two years.

In the last few years, FTTA has faced an on-going overcrowding problem. The current training facility is inadequate. Furthermore, as the number of young people in the Lord's recovery increases, we anticipate increased enrollment in the coming years. To provide the facilities to adequately raise up our young people to be proper and useful vessels, the training will move to buildings 7 and 8 on the LSM campus. Letters in English, Chinese, and Spanish with more information about this relocation is at Donations may be given to the church, designated for "FTTA Training Center."

Let us pray for 1) wisdom to those taking care of the relocation, 2) a sufficient financial supply for the relocation, and 3) increasing enrollment every term.

High School Conferences

The Southern California high school brothers and sisters conferences are March 21 to 23.

Southeast Blending Conference

The annual Southeast Blending Conference will be March 28–30 in Atlanta, Georgia. This year, the saints in this region wish to invite recent BfA Bible and book recipients to attend the conference. Nearly 20,000 people from Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama have ordered free materials from BfA within the last year and will receive an invitation e-mail. Please pray that the Lord would work in these recipients who have tasted the ministry. Pray that He would draw His seekers to the conference and lead them into further contact with the saints and further experience of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

Lord's Move in Europe

Michael Stewart left South Africa and arrived in London last Saturday. He will stay for 12 days, with most of his time in London and a few days in Dublin, Ireland to visit the church and his family. His intention for this trip is to continue blending with the brothers in London before his move to London this summer. Upon moving, he will bear some responsibility for the Lord's move in Europe. Please pray for his blending with the brothers there and for the Lord’s arrangement of the details of his move, including finding the best housing for the family.


  1. Morning revival: week 17 of Genesis (winter training).
  2. Junior high conferences will be April 11 to 13. Registration deadline is March 30.
  3. Sixth grade conference is May 2 to 4. Registration deadline is April 6.