Week of February 18

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Supplanting Hands Becoming Blessing Hands

“And Joseph brought in Jacob his father and set him before Pharaoh, and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.” (Gen. 47:7)

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Cor 13:14)

Jacob's supplanting hands eventually became blessing hands (Gen. 25:26; 47:7, 10; 48:14-16). In chapter twenty-five we see that Jacob began his supplanting even when he was in his mother's womb. How skillful he was in supplanting! But in chapters forty-seven and forty-eight we see that these two supplanting hands have become blessing hands, bringing people into God's presence and ministering God into people so that they may enjoy Him. Would you have believed that Jacob's supplanting hands could become the blessing hands of a mature person? Here we see the growth and maturity in life. A supplanter, a heel-holder, became the greatest person on earth at the time. He was able to bless Pharaoh because he had become greater than Pharaoh. He became this kind of person by the way of life. We need the growth in life and the maturity in life so that we may be filled with Christ to become those who are able to bless others. (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 95, p. 1224)

Maturity in life is a matter of being filled with God as life, and blessing is the overflow of life, the overflow of God through the maturity in life. To bless others is to bring them into the presence of God and to bring God into them as grace, love, and fellowship that they may enjoy the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (14:18-19; Num. 6:23-27; 2 Cor. 13:14). (Gen. 47:7, note 1)


The Spring 2024 term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim begins February 18. Please pray for all the trainees to present themselves as open vessels to grow in Christ's life unto maturity. Lord, richly infuse Yourself into each trainee—in their classes and studying, in corporate living, in gospel teams, in service, and in blending with the nearby churches!


Please continue to pray for the word spoken earlier this month in the International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference in Taipei to supply and operate in all the saints.

The five messages on “Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord's Appearing in order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness” are available for free until March 12 at lsmwebcast.com.

Bible Distribution in France

All the saints are asked to consider how they can participate in the Lord's move in France this summer during the 2024 Olympics. Even though the Torch Relay distributions in May and June are already full, there is still the opportunity for 400 more saints to go during the Olympics from mid-July to late August. Saints with some knowledge of French are especially requested, but knowledge of the language is not required since English will be the main language for coordination.

Financial contributions are also needed to support the operation of these gospel trips since there are expenses involved in reserving rooms for coordination, purchasing Bible distribution kits, transporting thousands of Bibles to each city, etc.

Finally, please continue to remember before the Lord this matter of His move in the French-speaking world and in particular the Bible distributions during the Torch Relay and Olympics. Petition the Lord concerning His wisdom to the saints planning these trips, as well as the praying and going from churches around the world, including from Los Angeles.

Saints in LA who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other associated expenses can do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.” Updated information and an application form (due February 28) are available at www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris.


Please pray that the Lord will protect the tripartite being of all the saints and will rule in the heavens over every aspect of this conflict so that the result will advance His economy on earth.


Please pray for the translation of the Old Testament Recovery Version into Vietnamese.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 7 of our guided reading through Genesis. Next week, we begin a new book, The Enjoyment of Christ and Our Growth in Life unto Maturity (Thanksgiving Conference).
  2. Bibles for America's most recent post, How Can We Experience Christ Living in Us?, is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  3. Memorial Day Conference: The 2024 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Bellevue, WA at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue Hotel from May 24 to 27. Saints in LA who are considering attending in person are asked to RSVP by April 30 at tinyurl.com/memdayla. More information, including recommended hotels at discounted rates, is available at that site.
  4. ICSC: Archived messages from the recent International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference in Taipei are available to watch for free until March 12 at lsmwebcast.com.
  5. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting will resume next week on February 28.
  6. High School Conferences: At Oak Glen for brothers, March 8 to 10 (registration due February 25); for sisters, March 15 to 17 (registration due March 3).
  7. Junior High Conferences: At Oak Glen for brothers, March 29 to 31 (registration due March 17); for sisters, April 5 to 7 (registration due March 31).
  8. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry's many digital resources, including apps and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The January 2024 newsletter features the fourth and final part of an interview with Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work as well as helpful fellowship on nourishing new ones with the hymns.
  9. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. For example, all 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  10. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of February 11

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Release, Authority, and Feeding through Speaking the Dream

“And they said to him, We have had a dream, and there is no one to interpret it. And Joseph said to them, Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell it to me.” (Gen. 40:8)

“For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20)

Although his own dreams (Gen. 37: 5-11) were not yet fulfilled, Joseph had the faith and the boldness to interpret the dreams of his two companions. The fact that he acknowledged God as the source of interpretations indicates that he still believed in the interpretation God had given him of his own dreams. Eventually, Joseph was released from prison indirectly through his speaking by faith in interpreting the cupbearer’s dream (41:9-13), and he was ushered to the throne directly through his speaking boldly in interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams (41:14-46). Both release and authority came to him through his speaking. (Gen. 40:8 note 1)

Through his speaking Joseph also became a supplier of food. He ministered food to others through his interpretation of dreams. You may say that you are poor. You are poor because you are silent. Why are you so silent at school, in your neighborhood, or in the meetings? Why do you not speak? You need to speak contrary to your feeling. Say something that is not according to your feeling, but that is according to your vision. When you declare that the church life is glorious, you will be in the glorious church life you are speaking into being. If you say, “I don’t have it,” then you will not have it. But if you speak, you will supply others with food. By your speaking you will have the release, the authority, and the food. Hallelujah, this all comes through speaking! (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 114, pp. 1466-1467)


“I have fought the good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7)

This past weekend, February 10 to 11, around 34,000 saints from 79 countries attended the in-person sessions of the 2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference in Taipei. The general subject was “Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord’s Appearing in order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness.” There was a glorious table meeting on the Lord’s Day morning to praise the Lord Jesus, worship the Father, and testify that there is one Body in this universe!

All the saints are encouraged to review the archived conference messages; they are available to watch for free at lsmwebcast.com until March 12.

Please pray for:

  • The digestion of the Lord’s timely and fresh speaking to His Body in this first “feast” of the new year.
  • As many saints as possible to get into the recorded messages, regardless of language.
  • The safe travel, health, and blending of all the saints attending still traveling, including those currently attending the post-conference blending trips.


The Spring 2023 term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim begins February 18. Please pray for all the trainees to present themselves as open vessels to grow in Christ’s life unto maturity. Lord, richly infuse Yourself into each trainee—in their classes and studying, in corporate living, in gospel teams, in service, and in blending with the nearby churches!

Bible Distribution in France

Bible distributions in France will take place May 8 to September 10 in many cities associated with the Olympic torch relay and the Olympic games. Please continue to petition the Lord concerning His wisdom to the saints planning these distributions, as well as the praying and going from churches around the world, including from Los Angeles.

A detailed application form (due February 28) is available at www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris. Saints in LA who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other associated expenses can do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.”


Following the recent FTTA gospel trips in Italy, please pray:

  • For the increase of the local churches in Italy specifically by gaining the local Italian people.
  • For the follow-up with those we met during the gospel trips and that all those who received a tract or Bible would read them and be brought to the Lord.
  • For the translation and publishing of the Holy Word for Morning Revival in Italian as well as the Italian translation of the Recovery Version in the future.
  • That the Lord would thrust out more workers to migrate to Italy to join and strengthen the local saints in preaching the gospel of the kingdom.
  • That the Lord would have a strong testimony in this key European country to shame His enemy for His return.


Pray for the distribution of ministry books to gain the real seeking ones through the word of the truth.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of our guided reading through Genesis. After next week, we will begin The Enjoyment of Christ and Our Growth in Life unto Maturity (Thanksgiving Conference).
  2. Memorial Day Conference: The 2024 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Bellevue, WA at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue Hotel from May 24 to 27. Saints in LA who are considering attending in person are asked to RSVP by April 30 at tinyurl.com/memdayla. More information, including recommended hotels, is available at that site.
  3. High School Conferences: At Oak Glen for brothers, March 8 to 10 (registration due February 25); for sisters, March 15 to 17 (registration due March 3).
  4. Junior High Conferences: At Oak Glen for brothers, March 29 to 31 (registration due March 17); for sisters, April 5 to 7 (registration due March 31).
  5. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry’s many digital resources, including apps and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The January 2024 newsletter features the fourth and final part of an interview with Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work as well as helpful fellowship on nourishing new ones with the hymns.
  6. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. For example, all 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of February 4

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Experiencing the Lord’s Dealing Touch

“And Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn. And…He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was dislocated as he wrestled with Him.” (Gen. 32:24-25)

“Therefore we do not lose heart but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.” (2 Cor. 4:16)

What was wrong with Jacob that the Lord had to wrestle with him? There was nothing wrong. The reason the Lord wrestled with Jacob was because he was still so natural. Here the dealing is not with anything sinful; it is with the natural life, with the natural man. It takes a long time to expose our natural life. We need an extended period of wrestling before this can take place. Through this period of wrestling, our naturalness, like Jacob’s, is utterly exposed.

Most [Christians] devote their attention to dealing with outward sin, wrong doings, and worldliness, never thinking that their natural life, natural strength, must be touched. But the Lord is not only concerned with changing our outward living; He desires even more to touch our natural life. The way of religion is to change man’s outward behavior; the way of God in His economy is to touch man’s inward life in order to change his inward being. This is our need today. (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 75, pp. 965-969)

God cuts off our natural life gradually, little by little, according to the degree of our growth in the divine life. The more Christ increases in us, the more He will replace our natural life. (Note 1 on Exo. 23:29)

Let us pray for the Lord to have mercy on us that we could experience His dealing touch so that we may decrease and He may increase in us for His purpose.


The 2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference takes place February 10 to 11 in Taipei. The general subject is “Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord’s Appearing in order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness.”

The conference will also be streamed both live and via archived messages from lsmwebcast.com until March 12; no login credentials are needed. After this date, a subscription or payment will be required. Conference outlines are already available on the website.

Please pray for:

  • The release of the Lord’s timely and fresh speaking to His Body in this first “feast” of the new year.
  • As many saints as possible to participate through the online options, regardless of language.
  • The safe travel, health, and blending of all the saints attending in person, including many saints from Los Angeles.

Bibles for America

Our next expected shipment of 100,000 Bibles has been delayed and is now projected to arrive early this month. Because of this unfortunate delay, we’ve had to briefly pause sending out Bibles while we wait for the new inventory to arrive.

Additionally, the current volatile situation in the Suez Canal is forcing shipping companies to travel all the way around the Cape of Good Hope, adding up to 2 months to estimated shipping times. This situation has delayed a shipment of paper that will be used to produce our next order of 100,000 Bibles, which was previously scheduled to arrive in June.

Please pray that Satan would be bound and that his kingdom would suffer much loss in the coming year. Pray specifically that the Lord would cover every step of Bible production, from the paper shipments to the printing, shipping, and distributing. May all those who place an order remain open and soft toward the Lord as they wait to receive their Bibles.

FTTA Middle-age Training

The Spring 2024 term of the FTTA-MA will be from March 18 to June 29. Please pray for more saints in the Lord’s recovery to seize this opportunity to be perfected. All applications must be received by the training office no later than Tuesday, February 27.

FTTA Gospel Trips

The FTTA gospel trips in Europe ended on February 5. Please pray that the Lord would:

  • Continue to enlarge the view of the FTTA trainees and burden them for His move on the earth.
  • Strengthen the local saints and full-timers to shepherd the newly saved and contacted ones until they become remaining fruit in the churches.
  • Gain more fruit through the new ones who are added to the church life.

To review specific reports and prayer burdens from these trips, please visit ftta.org/gospeltrips.

Bible Distribution in France

Bible distributions in France will take place May 8 to September 10 in many cities associated with the Olympic torch relay and the Olympic games. The goal is to raise up golden lampstands in at least ten key cities. Please petition the Lord concerning:

  • His wisdom to the brothers planning these distributions.
  • His administration of the earth to bring forth the best environment for our activities in every city.
  • Many French people to be open to the gospel, the truth, and fellowship.
  • Praying and going from churches around the earth, including from Los Angeles.

A detailed application form (due February 28) is available at www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris. Saints in LA who are burdened to give for the Bible distribution and other associated expenses can do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.”


Please continue to pray for the Lord’s work among the gospel friends who have read the shepherding materials, that they may be enlightened and attracted to enter steadfastly into the Lord’s word with the saints. In particular, pray for a family, two sisters and a brother to continue to have home meetings with the saints and to come to know the truth fully.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of our guided reading through Genesis.
  2. High School Conferences: At Oak Glen for brothers, March 8 to 10 (registration due February 25); for sisters, March 15 to 17 (registration due March 3).
  3. Junior High Conferences: At Oak Glen for brothers, March 29 to 31 (registration due March 17); for sisters, April 5 to 7 (registration due March 31).
  4. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry’s many digital resources, including apps and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The January 2024 newsletter features the fourth and final part of an interview with Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work as well as helpful fellowship on nourishing new ones with the hymns.
  5. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. For example, all 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  6. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of January 28

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The Fulfillment of Jacob’s Dream

“…How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” (Gen. 28:17)

“But if I delay, I write that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God…” (1 Tim. 3:15)

The genuine experience of Christ becomes the building material, and this building material consummates in the building of the house of God. Here God has rest and satisfaction, and here we also have rest and satisfaction. Jacob’s dream was first fulfilled when the children of Israel erected the tabernacle after being delivered out of Egypt. That was the first house of God among men, the first fulfillment of Jacob’s dream. The tabernacle indicated that God and man had found rest, that God’s dwelling place on earth was the satisfaction and rest for both God and man. After the children of Israel had constructed the temple in the good land, God had a more solid house on earth. Then, in the New Testament, we have the church as the house of God (1 Tim. 3:15). Eventually, in the new heaven and the new earth, we shall have the New Jerusalem as God’s eternal dwelling place (Rev. 21:1-3). There God and we shall have eternal rest and enjoy eternal satisfaction.

Today we are all in the fulfillment of Jacob’s dream. We not only have the stone and the pillar; we also have the house. In fact, we are the house (Heb. 3:6). This house is the composition of divinity with humanity, the composition of the Triune God with human beings. Here we have the house which becomes the rest for both God and man. Now we are not only in the dream but also in the fulfillment of the dream. Thank the Lord for the stone, the pillar, the house, and the oil. In the church life we experience all four of these. (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 72)

Let us pray for all the saints to have genuine experiences of Christ so that we can be the material for God’s house, rest, and satisfaction!


The 2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference will take place February 10 to 11 in Taipei. The general subject is “Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord’s Appearing in order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness.”

The conference will also be streamed both live and via archived messages from lsmwebcast.com until March 12; no login credentials are needed. After this date, a subscription or payment will be required.

Please pray for the release of the Lord’s timely and fresh speaking to His Body in this first “feast” of the new year. Pray also for the safe travel, health, and blending of all the participating saints, including those from Los Angeles.

SoCal College Meeting

This Saturday evening, February 3, there will be a Southern California Praise and Ministry Meeting for college students in Irvine. Please pray for as many as possible to attend, for the Spirit to flow mightily in this time, and for the word to be richly imparted into the students!

FTTA Gospel Trips

The second and final week of the FTTA gospel trips will end on February 5. Please pray that:

  • The Lord will continue to blend and build all the saints to open the way for His full blessing.
  • The sanctifying Spirit will operate in all God’s chosen vessels to prepare them to receive His word.
  • The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom to prevail and reach all those the Lord desires to save.
  • The newly saved and contacted ones will be shepherded and become remaining fruit in the churches.
  • The Lord will fully cover the travel, safety, security, and health of all those involved.
  • The Lord will bind all the activity of the enemy to frustrate these gospel trips.

For more specific reports and prayer burdens, go to ftta.org/gospeltrips.

Santa Barbara

From Thursday, February 1 to Monday, February 5, six FTTA trainees will visit Santa Barbara as part of their gospel trip. Please pray for:

  • The shepherding of the students at UCSB, both our own and newer ones, through the trainees.
  • The fresh supply and encouragement to any local saints who may not have been meeting in a while.
  • The Lord to oversee all the logistics and practical needs during this trip so that as much time as possible can be redeemed for shepherding and fellowship.

UK Building Project

With a small team of planners and construction workers, we have begun work on building the new Full-time Training facility on the grounds of Bower House. Volunteers from among the churches are also invited to join in the labor. Our hope is to complete this training center in a little over two years. However, we can only go at the speed of the available funds. Please pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds through the giving of His Body and that any further construction permissions needed from the local government will be granted without delay.

Updated video and written reports on the new training center can be found at amanatrust.org.uk/page/reports. Additional information can be found at amanatrust.org.uk/page/bower-house-bower-farm.

Offerings designated for “UK Building Project” may be given through the Church in Los Angeles.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 4 of our guided reading through Genesis.
  2. Bibles for America’s recent post, The True Nature of Our Relationship with the Lord Jesus, is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  3. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry’s many digital resources, including apps and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The January 2024 newsletter features the fourth and final part of an interview with Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work as well as helpful fellowship on nourishing new ones with the hymns.
  4. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. For example, all 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  5. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  6. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of January 21

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The Most High God, the Possessor of Heaven and Earth

“And Melchizedek the king of Salem brought out bread and wine. Now he was priest of God the Most High. And he blessed him and said, Blessed be Abram of God the Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be God the Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” (Gen. 14:18-20a)

“Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them.” (Heb. 7:25)

While we walk on this earth, many things happen to us. Apparently, these things just happen. Actually, behind the earthly scene, an intercession is going on. Our Melchizedek, our High Priest Christ, is still interceding for us in heaven. His intercession overshadows us and cares for us.

We need to learn the basic lesson that our God, the One who called us, is the Possessor of heaven and earth. We are living for Him on the earth and we are His testimony. We do not tolerate any damage to God’s interest on earth. When we hear of such damage, we make a quick decision to defeat the enemy and to slaughter the kings.

We need to slaughter some kings daily. We need to slaughter the kings in our mind, emotion, and will. We need to slaughter the kings in our environment, families, and schools. After we have finished our slaughter of the kings, our Melchizedek will come to us, meet with us, and celebrate our victory…That will be the second coming of Christ. When Christ comes in, the whole earth will know the Most High God. Then all the earth will realize that God is the Possessor of heaven and earth. The earth is not possessed by any king, president, statesman, or politician; it is possessed by the Most High God, the Possessor of heaven and earth. (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 43, pp. 584-585)

A New Beginning Together in the Word

Please continue to pray that families will take advantage of the current opportunity to get into the book of Genesis together—for example, reading a chapter of the Bible together or memorizing verses together during the week. Also pray that many saints would invite co-workers, classmates, and friends to join with us in getting into Genesis and warmly invite them to come to our Lord’s Day meetings to hear more about this.

FTTA Gospel Trips

From January 22 to February 5, 233 FTTA trainees and former trainees are going out in 36 gospel teams to 23 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, United States, and Canada to join with local saints for the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom. Please pray that:

  • The Lord will blend and build the saints so that He will have the free way to fully bless these trips.
  • The sanctifying Spirit will go before the saints to prepare the hearts of those the Lord has chosen.
  • The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom will be prevailing and reach all whom the Lord desires to save.
  • Fruit, even remaining fruit, will be borne in each place visited, and the Lord will add to the churches as His testimony in each of these nations.
  • The Lord will fully cover the travel, safety, security, and health of all those involved.

For regular updates from the FTTA once the trips have begun, see ftta.org/gospeltrips.

Baltic-Nordic Conference

This weekend, January 26 to 28, a conference for the saints in the Baltic and Nordic countries will be hosted by the church in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference will cover five messages from the recent Semiannual Training on “Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ…” It is a wonderful opportunity not only to get constituted with the truth, but also for saints from different backgrounds to be blended together.

Please pray for the Lord’s rich blessing on this time of fellowship among the saints from the Baltic and Nordic countries, as well as from other Russian and English-speaking churches, for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Bible Distribution in France

Bible distributions in France will take place from May to September in many cities associated with the Olympic torch relay and games. Our goal is to raise up golden lampstands in at least ten key cities. Please petition the Lord concerning:

  • His wisdom to the brothers planning these distributions.
  • His administration of the earth to bring forth the best environment for our activities in every city.
  • Many French people to be open to the gospel, the truth, and fellowship.
  • Praying and going from churches around the earth, including from Los Angeles.

For detailed information and an application form (due by February 28), go to www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 3 of our guided reading through Genesis.
  2. Bibles for America’s recent post, The True Nature of Our Relationship with the Lord Jesus, is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  3. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry’s many digital resources, including apps and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The January 2024 newsletter features the fourth and final part of an interview with Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work as well as helpful fellowship on nourishing new ones with the hymns.
  4. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. For example, all 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  5. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast
  6. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of January 14

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Walking with God

“And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” (Gen. 5:24)

“By faith Enoch was translated so that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God had translated him. For before his translation he obtained the testimony that he had been well pleasing to God.” (Heb. 11:5)

In order to walk with God we must be…one with Him in our thinking, loving, and choosing. As I have already pointed out, it is not easy for one person to walk with another. Suppose, while I am walking with you, I have a different concept from you and say, “Brother, I love you and I want to walk with you, but don’t go that way. Turn this way. I don’t want to go that way.” If I say this, I am not walking with you, I am arguing with you…For you to walk with the Lord implies a great deal: the denial of yourself, the denial of your thinking and your loving, the denial of everything that is of you. It implies that you have given yourself to Him, that you will give in to Him and let Him take the lead. To walk with the Lord is not a small thing. Walking with Him will kill you.

It is not simply a matter of calling on the name of the Lord. It is wonderful and enjoyable to call, “O Lord Jesus,” but what follows the calling? When the Lord says, “Follow Me,” will you follow Him? Will you walk with Him? Never forget that calling is found in Genesis 4 and that walking is revealed in Genesis 5…We must go on from Genesis 4, progressing from calling to walking. Calling may supply you, but it will not kill you. Calling makes you living. However, walking always kills you. But it will also resurrect you. Walking firstly kills you, then it resurrects you to make you so living in enjoying the presence of God. You will be living to the uttermost, not in a natural way, but in a resurrected way. Oh, how we all must walk with God! (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 26, pp. 354, 355)

A New Beginning Together in the Word

As we pursue Genesis together, please continue to pray for all the saints in the church in Los Angeles to be strengthened to read the word and the ministry in a regular way. Also pray for newer and younger ones among us, including those who may not regularly have morning revival yet, to be encouraged to participate more.

FTTA Gospel Trips

From January 22 to February 5, a total of 233 FTTA trainees and former trainees will go out in 36 gospel teams to 23 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, United States, and Canada to join with local saints for the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom. Please pray that:

  • The Lord will blend and build the saints so that He will have the free way to fully bless these trips.
  • The sanctifying Spirit will go before the saints to prepare the hearts of those the Lord has chosen.
  • The preaching of the gospel of the kingdom will be prevailing and reach all those whom the Lord desires to save.
  • Fruit, even remaining fruit, will be borne in each place visited, and the Lord will add to the churches as His testimony in each of these nations.
  • The Lord will fully cover the travel, safety, security, and health of all those involved.

For regular updates from the FTTA once the trips have begun, see ftta.org/gospeltrips.

Hall 4 Retreat

This weekend, January 19 to 21, about 75 saints from Hall 4 will be at Oak Glen for our annual retreat. Our burden is that in 2024 we would build up a sweet and pleasant church life like that in the house of Bethany (John 12:1-11). Please pray:

  • For the Lord to cover all the practical services, the saints’ health and safety, and everyone’s inward condition so the Lord can have His full way this weekend.
  • For all the saints to sit at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word, filling the weekend with the fragrance of loving Him in all the meetings and activities.
  • For the newer and younger ones to see and taste the church life and become part of testimony of resurrection life in LA!

Bibles for America

In 2023, BfA continued producing digital resources to help people know God and understand the Bible. We launched a new video, How Do Sins Affect My Relationship with God?, which explains God’s wonderful provision for dealing with the problem of our sins after we are saved.

The BfA Blog continues to be read by many seekers across the globe, with posts reaching over 1.3 million people in 2023alone. The single largest age group reading the blog comprises 18- to 24-year-olds, an encouraging indicator of a hunger for the truth in young people everywhere.

Last summer, we upgraded our Spanish blog to make the content more accessible, adding elements like categories and a search function. The Spanish blog alone reached over 615,000 people in 142 different countries, and we continue to work to reach even more with our Spanish language materials.

Praise the Lord for all He has done and will continue to do! May God’s Word run as never before throughout the US and over the whole earth. Please pray that BfA’s digital resources would continue to help people around the world know God and understand the Bible.

To read the full year-in-review report, go to bfa.org/2023.

UK Building Project

Permission has been fully gained to build a new Full-time Training facility on the grounds of Bower House. This new building will be capable of holding at least 400 full-time trainees. The main room will have capacity for almost 1,000 people, conference style, with wall partitions allowing for 3 subdivisions.

With a small team of planners and construction workers, we have currently begun this work on the new training center. Volunteers from among the churches are also invited to join in the labor. However, we can only go at the speed of the available funds. Our hope is to complete this training center in a little over two years in order to meet the need of the growing FTTL. Please pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds through the giving of His Body and that any further construction permissions needed from the local government will be granted.

Updated video and written reports on the new training center can be found at amanatrust.org.uk/page/reports. Additional information can be found at amanatrust.org.uk/page/bower-house-bower-farm.

To give through the Church in LA for the new training center, please follow instructions at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings. Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.”


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of our guided reading through Genesis.
  2. Bibles for America’s recent post, The True Nature of Our Relationship with the Lord Jesus, is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  3. Paris Olympics: Information concerning gospel trips during the 2024 Paris Olympics is available at amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024paris. Applications are due February 28.
  4. Upcoming Feasts: The schedule of 2024 conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry is available at www.lsm.org/announcements/events.html.
  5. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee’s spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. For example, all 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  6. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  7. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  8. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of January 7

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Exercising Our Spirit to Feed on the Tree of Life

"And out of the ground Jehovah God caused to grow...the tree of life in the middle of the garden..." (Gen. 2:9)

"Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst." (John 6:35)

God created the stomach as the organ for us to receive food and water. In a similar way, He created the spirit as the organ for us to contact Him and receive Him. We would emphasize the fact that to sense and substantiate anything requires the right organ. (CWWL, 1963, vol. 2, "The Living That Fulfills God's Eternal Purpose," ch. 2, p. 232)

The tree of life is the center of the universe. According to the purpose of God, the earth is the center of the universe, the garden of Eden is the center of the earth, and the tree of life is the center of the garden of Eden. We must realize that the whole universe is centered on this tree of life: nothing is more central and crucial to both God and man than this tree. It is very meaningful to see man in the garden standing before the tree of life.

Every morning you should take Christ as your breakfast, every noon you should take Him as your lunch, and every evening you should eat Him as your dinner. You need to feed on Christ at least three times a day. If you do this, the water of life will water you inwardly. You will never be dry. (Life-study of Genesis, msg. 11, pp. 140, 142)

A New Beginning Together in the Word

This week the church in Los Angeles begins seven weeks of getting into the book of Genesis for our morning revival material. There are many opportunities for the Lord to move in special ways among us as we dive into this material together, and this needs much prayer. Please pray that:

  • All the saints will be strengthened to read the word and the ministry in a regular way, making use of various resources such as Life-study messages and radio programs that are freely available.
  • Newer and younger ones among us, including those who may not regularly have morning revival, will be encouraged to participate more.
  • Families will take advantage of this opportunity to get into Genesis together—for example, reading a chapter of the Bible together or memorizing verses together during the week.
  • Many saints would invite co-workers, classmates, and friends to join with us in getting into Genesis and warmly invite them to come to our Lord's Day morning meetings to hear more about this.

A New Term for Our Students

LAUSD, UCLA, USC, and most schools and campuses throughout LA begin their new terms this week. Please pray that:

  • All our students would have a new beginning in the Lord, with the Lord, and unto the Lord!
  • The Lord would protect and keep our next generation from the evil one and cause them to grow humanly and spiritually in a healthy way.
  • The Lord would flow out through our students to water those around them and flow these ones into the church life!
  • That we can immediately reconnect with many contacts from previous terms for face-to-face fellowship and continued shepherding.

SoCal Spanish-speaking and YP Blending Conferences

The Southern California Spanish-speaking conference is this weekend, January 12 to 14 at the Ministry Conference Center (1200 N Hubbell Way, Anaheim). Simultaneously, there will be the Southern California Young People's Blending Conference.

Meetings are Friday 7:30 pm, Saturday 4:00 and 7:00 pm, and Lord's Day 10:00 am. Child care for K–6 will be provided only at the Church in Anaheim District 2 meeting hall; no child care will be provided at the MCC. English-speaking and Spanish-speaking saints are invited to attend all the meetings at the MCC; Chinese and Korean translation at the MCC will be provided only on Lord's Day.

Please pray for the Lord to release some "Marthas" for all the practical services needed during the conference and many "Marys" to attend the meetings with open hearts just to listen to the Lord's speaking and hear what the Spirit is speaking to the churches. May the Lord bless this weekend with His presence, His smile, and His fresh speaking full of life and light!

Bibles for America

BfA has continued giving away physical copies of Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vols. 1-3 to people across the United States. In 2023, we sent out nearly 16,000 sets to people in all 50 states. We continue to hear from recipients how these books have helped them know the Lord Jesus in a more personal way and advance in their Christian life.

For people who live outside the US, 7 of the titles we give away are available to download for free on our website. In 2023, these e-books were downloaded over 313,000 times by people all over the world. Besides the US, the countries with the most number of downloads were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nigeria. These e-books have also reached many other places including Iraq, where they were downloaded nearly 4,000 times.

Praise the Lord for all He has done and will continue to do! May God's Word run as never before throughout the US and over the whole earth. Please pray that more people would order Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vols. 1-3 and be helped to progress in their Christian life.

To read the full year-in-review report, go to bfa.org/2023.

Bible Distribution in France

Bible distributions in France will take place May 8 to September 10 in many cities associated with the Olympic torch relay and the Olympic games. The goal is to raise up golden lampstands in at least ten key cities. Please petition the Lord concerning:

  • His wisdom to the brothers planning these distributions.
  • His administration of the earth to bring forth the best environment for our activities in every city.
  • Many French people to be open to the gospel, the truth, and fellowship.
  • Praying and going from churches around the earth, including from Los Angeles.

For a revised information letter and an application form (due by February 28), please visit www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris.


Pray for the 50 current trainees in the FTT New Delhi, that the Lord can continue to perfect them for their usefulness. Pray also for the January 2024 term of the training, that the Lord would release 21 new trainees for the 2 years of full-time training.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 1 of our guided reading through Genesis.
  2. Upcoming Feasts: The schedule of 2024 conferences and trainings hosted by Living Stream Ministry is available at www.lsm.org/announcements/events.html.
  3. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Brother Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers. All 134 episodes on Genesis are available for free at www.lsmradio.com/programs/genesis.
  4. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  5. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of December 31

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Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ for the Lord's Coming

"Remember the word which Moses the servant of Jehovah commanded you, saying, Jehovah your God has given you rest and will give you this land." (Josh. 1:13)

"Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light." (Col. 1:12)

The general subject of last week's December Semiannual Training was "Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to Make Herself Ready for the Lord's Coming."

We need to live a life of laboring upon Christ, a life of enjoying Christ personally so that we may enjoy Him together collectively for the building up of the Body of Christ as the temple, the house, of the living God. God's will is for us to enjoy Christ; we need to seek to enjoy Christ and experience Him in every situation. When we come to the meetings to worship the Lord, we should not come with our hands empty; our hands must be full of the produce of Christ.

If we want to be overcomers, we need to labor on Christ as our good land, to gain Christ as our enjoyment. The issue of our enjoyment of the all-inclusive riches of Christ as the good land is the church as the temple, the dwelling place of God, and as the city, the kingdom of God. (Msg. 12, II.A-B, D, E, V)

Let us pray for the living word of God to pierce into our being. In this new year, may we all renew and intensify our laboring upon Christ, fighting the battle to redeem the time "today" to gain Him and enjoy Him for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ, the new man, and the kingdom of God, so that Christ can come back to inherit the earth.

Eating the Word of God

"Your words were found and I ate them, and Your word became to me the gladness and joy of my heart..." (Jer. 15:16)

As part of our laboring on Christ in this new year, may we all have a renewed and strengthened desire to take in the word of God as our food day by day. Pray for all the saints to set up Bible and ministry reading schedules for 2024 so that God's word can be constituted into us for His purpose!

2024 ICSC – Prayer and Preparation

The International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference will be February 10 to 11 in Taipei. More than 50 saints from Los Angeles are registered to attend. This Lord's Day, January 7, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm there will be a time of preparatory prayer and important fellowship on Zoom. Saints in LA who will go to Taiwan are strongly encouraged to participate; others, especially those with an interest in international blending, are also welcome to join. The Zoom link will be communicated in each hall.

Please ask the Lord to release many for this gathering and to energize everyone who attends to exercise in the prayer. Also pray for the Lord's anointing on the brothers who will speak. Lord, bring us more into the reality of Your one Body!

Bibles for America

2023 was another record-breaking year for the number of Bibles given away, speaking to the abiding desire in many across the US to read the Word of God. This year, copies of the NT Recovery Version were sent to over 17,000 different cities in all 50 states and 10 US territories. People's hunger for the truth continues to grow, and we're so thankful that we were able to help meet this need.

In 2022, we set a goal of distributing another 2 million Bibles by 2032; thanks to this past year's record numbers, we're on track to meet this goal. In 2023, we gave away more than 215,000 copies of the NT Recovery Version, a 17% increase over 2022 and more than we've ever given away in a single year.

Praise the Lord for all He has done and will continue to do! May God's Word run as never before throughout the US and over the whole earth. Please pray that Bibles would continue to go out without any delays, and that those who receive Bibles would read them regularly and be nourished.

To read the full year-in-review report, go to bfa.org/2023.

FTTA Gospel Trips

Pray for the planning and preparation of upcoming gospel trips, that the Lord would use these trips to many places in the US and around the world to propagate Himself for His church and His kingdom.

Bible Distribution in France

Bible distributions in France will take place May 8 to September 10 in many cities associated with the Olympic torch relay and the Olympic games. The goal is to raise up golden lampstands in at least ten key cities. Please petition the Lord concerning:

  • His wisdom to the brothers planning these distributions.
  • His administration of the earth to bring forth the best environment for our activities in every city.
  • Many French people to be open to the gospel, the truth, and fellowship.
  • Praying and going from churches around the earth, including from Los Angeles.
  • For a revised information letter and an application form (due by February 28), please visit www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris.

Sri Lanka

Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless the churches in Sri Lanka, and that by the saints' preaching of the gospel and shepherding of people, there will be the multiplication of districts and small groups for the increase of the church. Specifically, ask the Lord for the number of saints in the church in Colombo to reach 100 by June 2024.

Furthermore, through the campus work, may many young people be gained to join the full-time training for the producing of more living and functioning members in the Body, issuing in a strong and bright testimony of the Lord in Sri Lanka.

For a full report with photos, see the December 2023 issue of the Lord's Move to Asia newsletter:


  1. Morning Revival: One week of our morning revival material on "Eating the Word of God." Next week, we will begin a guided reading through the Book of Genesis.
  2. SoCal Spanish-speaking Conference: January 12 to 14 at the Ministry Conference Center, Anaheim.
  3. SoCal YP Blending Conference: January 12 to 14 in Anaheim. Registration at scyp.com/blending.
  4. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting will resume in late February 2024.
  5. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry's many digital resources, including free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The December 2023 newsletter features the third part of an interview with Brother Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work along with a report on the literature service in Brazil.
  6. Bibles for America's recent post entitled "The Deep Significance of the Birth of Jesus Christ" is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of December 17

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Becoming the New Jerusalem

“…Come here; I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. And he carried me away in spirit onto a great and high mountain and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God…” (Rev. 21:9-11)

“He who overcomes, him I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall by no means go out anymore…” (Rev. 3:12)

For our Christian life and church life we need to have a vision of the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is a composition of divinity and humanity mingled, blended, and built up together as one entity. All the components have the same life, nature, and constitution and thus are a corporate person—the bride, the wife of the Lamb.

The Lord Jesus will make the overcoming one in the recovered church a pillar built into the temple of God, which is the Triune God Himself. In Revelation 21:22 we see that in the New Jerusalem the Triune God Himself will be the temple. For the overcomer to be a pillar in the temple means that he will be a pillar in the Triune God. This involves being mingled with the Triune God and constituted with the Triune God.

The Lord makes us pillars by transforming us, that is, by carrying away our natural element and replacing it with His divine element. In the church life today the Lord is making us, constituting us, into pillars in the temple of God. The Lord's work in the church is to work Himself into us as the divine flow to carry away our natural being and replace it with His substance that we may be gradually processed by His transforming element. As the result of this transforming work, we become pillars in the temple of God. (An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery Before His Appearing, msg. 12, I, Key Statement 4, III, A-B; The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 1215)

December Semiannual Training

It is only by having the divine truth in the Word thoroughly wrought into us that we can live and magnify Christ in our daily life, preach the gospel to the unbelievers, and present the truth and minister life to the seeking believers, thereby becoming the prevailing testimony of Jesus, the living Body of Christ. (From June 2022 issue of LSM's digital newsletter, "Having This Ministry…")

Next week's Semiannual Training will be held in Anaheim from December 25 to 30 and by webcast in Los Angeles and around the world. The general subject is “Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to Make Herself Ready for the Lord's Coming.”

Please pray for the release of the Lord's timely word and burden in this training. Pray for the speaking of the sevenfold intensified Spirit to all the churches and the response of the saints to be the Lord's overcomers to meet His need at the end of this age.

FTTA and FTTA-MA Graduations

This Saturday, December 23 at 9:30 am, the graduation meeting for the 2023 Fall Class of the FTTA, including a recognition of the FTTA-XB (Boston Extension) trainees, will be held at the Ministry Conference Center on the LSM campus. This meeting will also be streamed live at www.ftta.org.

In the afternoon, beginning at 3:00 pm, the graduation meeting for the FTTA-MA (Middle-age) will be held at 1853 W Ball Rd in Anaheim. This meeting will also be streamed live on Zoom.

Please pray for the Lord's leading of:

  • All these training graduates—33 FTTA, 2 XB, and 31 MA—to follow the Lamb wherever He may go.
  • Each graduate to continue to grow in life and remain under the Lord's perfecting for the normal development of their function in the church.
  • Many college graduates, young working saints, and middle aged saints to answer God's call to attend the training in upcoming terms.

European Winter School of Truth

This year's Winter School of Truth will be on “The Two Spirits” and held in the UK and in the Netherlands, December 27 to 31.

Please pray for the Lord's blessing on these truth schools, for the atmosphere during this time, weather suitable for outdoor activities and to bind any illnesses. Pray the serving saints, including the speaking brothers, and all the practical arrangements and especially the groups. May the Lord gain this generation of young people for His interests to meet His need in Europe!

Paris Olympics

Gospel trips are being planned for the 2024 Paris Olympics. An 8-minute video of the announcement given during the Thanksgiving Conference is at www.lsmwebcast.com (click on the red rectangle labeled “Reports”); an information letter is at amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024paris. Saints who are interested should read through all the information carefully. An application form is being prepared and will be available soon.

Let us cooperate with the Lord for the spread of His ministry and testimony through this important event. As we each seek the Lord's calling and leading concerning how we can participate, let us pray:

  • For the gospel of the kingdom to be preached all over France in 2024.
  • For Satan to be bound and for his kingdom to suffer loss.
  • That the gates of the New Jerusalem will be open in every direction in France (Rev. 21:13; 22:14).
  • For the French people to repent and to receive forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47; Acts 26:18).
  • That during the Torch Relay Christ's triumphal procession will move from city to city all over France.
  • That we will be able to distribute Bibles freely in every city we visit and that the distribution will be carried out righteously before God and before men.
  • For the church to be raised up in at least ten key cities.


Please pray for the strengthening of the shepherding work in the church in Karachi and that the saints can be raised up through shepherding. Pray also for the Lord's blessing on the propagation work in Faisalabad, that a golden lampstand may be established by the end of the year.

For a report with photos, see the December 2023 issue of the Lord's Move to Asia newsletter:


  1. Morning Revival: Week 12 of An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing. Next week, repeat Week 12 or enjoy the training verses and content.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The final ministry meeting of the fall term will be this Wednesday starting at 7:25 pm.
  3. Thanksgiving Conference: Recordings may be accessed at lsmwebcast.com at no charge until December 26. The subject was “The Enjoyment of Christ and Our Growth in Life unto Maturity.”
  4. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry's many digital resources, including apps and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily. The December 2023 newsletter features the third part of an interview with Brother Ron Kangas concerning the history of the Life-study publication work along with a report on the literature service in Brazil.
  5. Bibles for America's recent post entitled “The Deep Significance of the Birth of Jesus Christ” is available to read and share at blog.bfa.org.
  6. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, visit gtca.us.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of December 10

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The Enlarged, Universal Divine-Human Incorporation

"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." (John 14:20)

"And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple." (Rev. 21:22)

We have to see that in the entire universe, there is only one thing that God wants, that is, the universal incorporation of Himself as the consummated God with the regenerated believers. The believers' relationship with the Lord is described by the words union, mingling, and incorporation; union is concerning our oneness in life with the Lord, mingling is related to the divine and human natures, and incorporation is persons indwelling one another, coinhering.

The New Jerusalem is a corporate person, a corporate, great God-man. This corporate person is a couple - the processed Triune God married to the transformed tripartite man. This is the Spirit and the bride being united, mingled, and incorporated together to become one entity. The holy city, the New Jerusalem, is the goal of God's eternal economy. The unique God is eventually enlarged into one city for His eternal enlargement and eternal expression as a great divine-human, universal incorporation. (An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery Before His Appearing, msg. 11, I, A, V.A, D.3)

Let us pray for all the believers to enter more deeply into the union, mingling, and incorporation with the processed Triune God for His eternal enlargement and expression, the New Jerusalem.

Church in Los Angeles

This past Lord's Day, December 10, the saints from all the halls and languages gathered at the Los Angeles Convention Center for our biannual joint meeting. After enjoying the Lord's table together, some rich speaking was released from the recent October ITERO on "Living and Serving according to God's Economy concerning the Church."

Related to their living, the saints were encouraged, in the face of any circumstance that may arise, to "first of all" pray (1 Tim. 2:1). We need to be those who pray in every place, letting go of all the occupying things and lifting up holy hands, without wrath and reasoning (v. 8). Whether the church life is living and fresh and enriched depends on this one thing - that we are being filled continuously with the Spirit. May we be those who are willing, empty, and praying.

Related to their serving, the saints were encouraged to aspire to be good ministers of Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 4:6), realizing that this should be our "real profession." We need to be those who are first nourished ourselves; then we can have something stored up as "honey and milk under our tongue" to "drip" to others (S.S. 4:11). May we aspire to enjoy the Lord in the Word every morning and build up a habit of speaking Christ to all kinds of people daily in season and out of season.

Lastly, through the reporting from some responsible brothers who traveled to Taiwan for a one-week blending trip and from other saints who traveled to Germany for gospel activities, it was clear that the church in Los Angeles is going on in the one fellowship of the Body of Christ. May the Lord continue to bless the church in Los Angeles in life and in numbers as we head into 2024!

Paris Olympics

Gospel trips are being planned for the 2024 Paris Olympics. An 8-minute video of the announcement given during the Thanksgiving Conference is at www.lsmwebcast.com (click on the red rectangle labeled "Reports"); an information letter is at amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024paris. Saints who are interested should read through all the information carefully. An application form is being prepared and will be available soon.

Let us cooperate with the Lord for the spread of His ministry and testimony through this important event. As we each seek the Lord's calling and leading concerning how we can participate, let us pray:

  • For the gospel of the kingdom to be preached all over France in 2024.
  • For Satan to be bound and for his kingdom to suffer loss.
  • That the gates of the New Jerusalem will be open in every direction in France (Rev. 21:13; 22:14).
  • For the French people to repent and to receive forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:47; Acts 26:18).
  • That during the Torch Relay Christ's triumphal procession will move from city to city all over France.
  • That we will be able to distribute Bibles freely in every city we visit and that the distribution will be carried out righteously before God and before men.
  • For the church to be raised up in at least ten key cities.

October Gospel Trips - Leipzig, Dresden, Jena

Forty-six adults attended a recent blending meeting of the saints in Leipzig, Dresden, Jena, and the surrounding areas. Through the October gospel trips and the saints' going out regularly to preach the gospel, a number of new ones have been brought into regular times of home meetings and Bible reading. Please pray for the Lord's continued strengthening of the saints in this region, and pray that the new ones would be shepherded into the church life.


There will be a conference in Brussels, Belgium this weekend, December 15 to 17. Please pray for the release of the Lord's rich and up-to-date speaking to meet the particular need at this time, and for the blending of the saints for the reality of the Body of Christ.

Chennai, India

From December 3 to 4 there were heavy rains and strong winds continuously in Chennai and surrounding areas. The heavy rains caused a flood and resulted in water-logging throughout Chennai and disrupted daily life. There were 17 casualties and damage to properties.

Among the saints, 21 families were affected in Chennai and 3 families in the nearby localities. Flood water had entered into some of their homes and damaged appliances and furniture; some of the saints' vehicles were also damaged. The saints who are daily wage workers were affected financially as they could not do their job for 3 to 4 days. Brothers are currently visiting these affected saints and taking care of their needs. One family used this opportunity to open their home to their neighbors and share the love of God with them. A sister who was not very regular in the church life testified that this flood has urged her to be more acive in the church life in the light of the Lord's return. We are encouraging the saints to pray, to take care of one another, and to seize the opportunity to preach the gospel to neighbors, friends, and other gentiles.

Please pray that the saints' situation can return to a normal condition as soon as possible, and that they may exercise to care for one another and to preach the gospel.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 11 of An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this Wednesday at 7:25 pm.
  3. Thanksgiving Conference: Recordings may be accessed at lsmwebcast.com at no charge until December 26. The subject was "The Enjoyment of Christ and Our Growth in Life unto Maturity."
  4. FTTA: The graduation meeting of the Fall 2023 class will take place Saturday, December 23 at 9:30 am.
  5. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry's October 2023 newsletter has fellowship on using the hymns for speaking to one another, especially in smaller settings. LSM's many digital resources, including newsletters and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily.
  6. The LA Years: Chapter 4: Standing on the Ground of Oneness is now available at www.layears.org, an oral history project documenting the early years of the church life in LA from 1958-1974, including written history, photos, and first-hand accounts.
  7. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, visit gtca.us.
  8. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.