Prayer, Week of October 13, 2013
"Until We All a Full-grown Man" (Eph. 4:13)
We need to advance in the experience of life in order to arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God's purpose. In order to advance and arrive, we need to take Christ as our person. "Life" in itself could be abstract, but life is a Person. “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). If we take Christ as our person, we will surely take Him as our life and we will advance in our experience of life. The secret to taking Christ as our person and to advancing in life is to give Him the first love (Rev. 2:4), the first place, in all things.
The audio of the church in LA meeting will be posted in a few days at
"This Also We Pray For, Your Perfecting." (2 Cor. 13:9).
We all have been given grace (Eph. 4:7). The Lord has also given gifted members (4:11) for our perfecting that we may be supplied to minister Christ for the building of the Body (4:12). One aspect of this perfecting is by our reading of the ministry. Those who are already reading regularly are encouraged to continue. Those who are not reading regularly are urged to begin the Life-study of Genesis, preferably with companions. A basic schedule for reading Genesis is at, but companions are welcome to set their own schedule.
Junior High Conferences
The conferences are next weekend, in Los Angeles (brothers) and Riverside (sisters). The giving and receiving of hospitality in these conferences has been very cherishing and encouraging. Ask the Lord to take another step this weekend to gain many junior high student, their families, and their friends.
Spanish-Speaking Conference
There will be a conference for the Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California on Saturday, October 19, from 4 to 9 PM at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim. There will be two meetings; bring your own food for dinner between the meetings. This time is open to all the saints and there in no need for registration. We will consider chapters 4 and 5 in The Experience of Life. After the messages there will be plenty of time for the saints to share their enjoyment from their reading of these chapters.
Gospel in Laos
October 20 to 25 will be gospel time on campuses in Laos.
More Churches in Europe
Please pray for the raising up of the Lord's testimony in major cities in Europe, including Lisbon, Portugal; Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Thessaloniki, Greece; Zagreb, Croatia; Belgrade, Serbia; Geneva, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; and Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 7 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- All L.A. college meeting: Saturday, October 26 at UCLA, beginning at 6 pm with dinner.
- The winter training in Anaheim will be Monday, December 23 to Saturday, December 28 with meetings at 4 pm and 7:30 pm. There will also be video trainings in L.A. Registration is $155 for Anaheim and $80 for video. Registration deadline for Anaheim is Lord's Day, October 27.
- The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Prayer, Week of October 6, 2013
Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting
The whole church in Los Angeles will meet Lord's Day, October 13 at Mission College (the same location as in April; a map is at We will have sharing from the recent ITERO in Thailand and reports from various parts of Los Angeles.
Ask the Lord for good attendance and much participation so that we may be encouraged, grow in life, and be blent more into the reality of the Body.
Junior High Brothers' Conference
The church in L.A. will host the junior high brothers' conference October 18-20 at Haskell. We open to the Lord to advance in the young people, parents, and serving ones through this conference and the other young people’s conference. May the Lord’s rich speaking be in every meeting and may there be much cherishing to both hosts and guests in the hospitality.
L.A. Korean BfA Bible Seminars and Bible Clubs
Last Saturday was a Bible seminar for those who received BfA New Testaments at the recent Korean festival. About 30 new recipients attended. Please pray that:
- The Lord supply richly for further contact with every one who received a NT.
- The Lord bring connect many seeking ones to the weekly Bible club gatherings.
- The Lord bless all the Bible clubs to be wide open entrances to the church life for many new ones.
There will be a conference in Bulgaria October 11-13. Please pray for the gathering of the seeking ones, the release of the Lord's rich word, and the raising up of the Lord’s testimony in Sofia (the capital and largest city).
There will be a blending meeting at Qatar (a small nation adjacent to Saudi Arabia) October 15 to 17.
Sri Lanka
Pray that the proof-reading of seven Rhema books can be completed soon.
- Morning revival: week 7 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The winter training in Anaheim will be Monday, December 23 to Saturday, December 28 with meetings at 4 pm and 7:30 pm. There will also be video trainings in L.A. Registration is $155 for Anaheim and $80 for video. Registration deadline for Anaheim is Lord's Day, October 27.
- High School Conferences October 25-27, $60/person, registrations are due by October 13
Sisters at church in Anaheim
Brothers at church in Irvine - The fall College Conferences will be held in Big Bear. We will be enjoying "The Life and Work of an Age Turner." Please visit for detailed information.
The conference will be held on two weekends in November:
Conference A: November 8-10 (includes CSUN); early registration deadline is October 27.
Conference B: November 22-24 (includes UCLA, USC); early registration deadline is November 10. - The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Prayer, Week of September 29, 2013
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones will be October 3 to 5 in Bangkok, Thailand, followed by a blending meeting with the churches in Thailand October 6. Please pray that all who attend this training will take the lead to be brought on to maturity and that the same atmosphere will spread through the whole recovery.
Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting
The whole church in Los Angeles will meet Lord's Day, October 13 at 10 am at Mission College (the same location as in April). Ask the Lord for good attendance and much participation so that we may be encouraged, grow in life, and be blent more into the reality of the Body.
L.A. Korean Festival, Bible Seminars and Bible Clubs
The annual festival ended on Lord's Day. Saturday, October 5, we will have a Bible seminar targeting many hungry ones and NT recipients in the L.A. Korean community. The goal of these seminars is to link them to Bible clubs meeting weekly where all the seeking ones can enjoy His rich words with the Korean Recovery Version. Please pray that:
- The Lord supply richly for further contact with every one who received a NT.
- The Lord bring many seeking ones to the Bible seminar and connect them to the Bible clubs.
- The Lord bless all the Bible clubs to be wide open entrances to the church life for many new ones.
Santa Barbara
We now have more than 20 students in Santa Barbara. Half of them are new (from other churches) this school year. Ask the Lord 1) to blend our students together, 2) to connect them with the homes, and 3) to give them good experiences in reaching out to other students.
We are grateful to the Lord for his move in this age. The 30 minute weekly radio broadcast on the book of Revelation has been going on in Lagos, Nigeria since April 2013. We received over 100 phone calls asking for printed copies of the messages and indicating their love for the ministry. On September 14 we conducted a 3 hour seminar and 53 of them were in attendance; their testimonies and response to the ministry was wonderful and quite encouraging. They also indicated that their homes are open for us.
We experienced this blessing of increase through the radio years before. Now we feel the Lord is about to do something more to advance his move. This is an urgent need for prayer:
- For the Lord to utilize this opportunity to shepherd these people, and
- To strengthen the work in Nigeria through the radio broadcast.
New Testament Translation Work
Saints are laboring to translate the Recovery Version NT with footnotes into Polish, Armenian, and Vietnamese. Lord, supply them bountifully!
- Morning revival: week 6 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- The winter training in Anaheim will be Monday, December 23 to Saturday, December 28 with meetings at 4 pm and 7:30 pm. There will also be video trainings in L.A. Registration is $155 for Anaheim and $80 for video. Registration deadline for Anaheim is Lord's Day, October 27.
- Junior High School Conferences October 18-20, $60/person, registrations are due by October 6
Brothers at church in Los Angeles, Hall 2
Sisters at church in Riverside - High School Conferences October 25-27, $60/person, registrations are due by October 13
Sisters at church in Anaheim
Brothers at church in Irvine
The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Illinois from Thursday, November 28 through Lord's Day, December 1. We invite all the churches and individuals to participate. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Prayer, Week of September 22, 2013
The Word of the Truth of the Gospel
"The word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you, even as it is also in all the world, bearing fruit and growing, as also in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth." (Col. 1:5b-6)
Lord, constitute us with Your truth to fill our words of the gospel. Lord, send us out with the gospel and cause the truth of this gospel to bear fruit and grow in Los Angeles.
L.A. Korean Festival, Bible Seminars and Bible Clubs
This annual festival, September 26 to 29, is the biggest festival among the Korean community. The location in Olympic and Normandie. Last year, we distributed more than 700 Korean Recovery Version New Testaments during this festival. This year we were able to get a booth where we can present and distribute the Recovery Version in a more secure way. Many saints will distribute in the street as well.
Also, we had one Bible seminar on September 21 and will have another on October 5 targeting many hungry ones in L.A. Korean community. The ultimate goal of these seminars is to link them to Bible clubs meeting weekly where all the seeking ones can enjoy His rich Words with the Korean Recovery Version.
Please pray that:
- The Lord bring many seeking ones to the Bible seminars and connect them to the Bible clubs.
- Recovery Version Bibles could be distributed without any hindrance during Korean Festival.
- The Lord bless all the Bible clubs to be wide open entrances to the church life for many new ones.
L.A. Young People's Joint Gathering
On September 28th, there will be a joint young people's meeting at Hall 5 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm with dinner served. Parents are welcome to attend also.
Please pray that the Lord would build up a strong monthly young people's meeting for junior high and high school young people to enjoy the Lord together, to build up one another in their most holy faith, and to be encouraged to stand in this age as lights of the world, salt of the earth, branches in the vine, and seeds of life for the Lord's spread.
Santa Barbara
Please beseech the Lord to gain some local couples or families whose homes will be open for the church life. And ask the Lord for some younger couples or families to migrate here to strengthen the church life and to help care for college students.
Also pray for good contacts at the table set this week on the UCSB campus and many new students to attend the welcome barbecue on Saturday.
District 5 of the church in Anaheim began meeting Lord's Day, September 22. Please ask the Lord to move through the saints there for the gospel, for visiting and nourishing new believers, and for mutual perfecting.
Please pray for the expeditious and final approved inspections by the fire marshall so that we can move the training from Newton into the Boston training center. Pray for continued blessing on the campus labor with connections to clusters of students at each university. This year, Harvard is the focus for the church in Cambridge, Boston University is the focus for the church in Boston, and Northeastern is the focus for the church in Newton.
Also, pray for the development of the vital, group-based living around all of the campuses.
Lord's Move to Asia
A conference concerning the "Lord's Move to Asia" will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from September 29 to October 1. There will be much prayer and fellowship concerning the specific burden of the Lord’s move to Asia and the co-ordination related to this move. It is hoped that through this time of blending, all the churches in Asia will be brought into the one accord in the fellowship of the Body of Christ for the increase and spread of His testimony from southeast Asia to countries on the Arabian peninsula. Through this conference we desire to give the Lord an unhindered way so that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth and church trees will be planted for the establishment of the kingdom of God.
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones will be October 3 to 5 in Bangkok, Thailand, followed by a blending meeting with the churches in Thailand October 6. Please pray that through this training Christ will grow in all of us unto maturity.
Croatia and Serbia
Please pray that Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry in Croatia, Serbia, and the remaining countries of the former Yugoslavia and will raise up lampstands in many cities.
Thirteen saints from these countries attended the conference in Slovakia on 14-15 September. In the conference they tasted the fellowship in the Body of Christ and were under the speaking of the heavenly vision of God's economy. Please pray that they will be strengthened to leave their background and take the way of the Lord's recovery.
Ministry Distribution in Europe
Please pray:
- For the continuing distribution of the New Testament Recovery Version and other free ministry publications in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
- For the shepherding of the seeking ones and their entering into the church life.
- Morning revival: week 5 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
- The whole church in L.A. will meet Lord's Day, October 13, at 10 am at Mission College (same location as in April).
- Junior High School Conferences October 18-20, $60/person, registrations are due by October 6
Brothers at church in Los Angeles, Hall 2
Sisters at church in Riverside - High School Conferences October 25-27, $60/person, registrations are due by October 13
Sisters at church in Anaheim
Brothers at church in Irvine - This year's Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
- This year's International Conference for Iberia will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, December 6 to 8. More information is at
Prayer, Week of September 15, 2013
The Word of Christ Dwelling in us Richly
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God." (Col. 3:16)
Let us petition the Lord to stir up our interest and our seeking to pursue the truth in His word through the help of the abundant ministry available to us. May His word dwell in us richly to constitute us with His truth.
Perfecting for Spanish-Speaking Saints
This fall there is another Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. Topics are Vital Living (September 21), Gospel Service (November 16), and Truth Equipping (December 14). Lord, perfect the saints "unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12).
L.A. Korean Festival, Bible Seminars and Bible Clubs
This annual festival, September 26 to 29, is the biggest festival among the Korean community. Last year, we distributed more than 700 Korean Recovery Version New Testaments during this festival. This year we were able to get a booth where we can present and distribute the Recovery Version in a more secure way. Many saints will distribute in the street as well.
Also, we are preparing Bible seminars on September 21 and October 5 targeting many hungry ones in L.A. Korean community. The ultimate goal of these seminars is to link them to Bible clubs meeting weekly where all the seeking ones can enjoy His rich Words with the Korean Recovery Version.
Please pray that
- The Lord brings many seeking ones to the Bible seminars.
- Recovery Version Bibles could be distributed without any hindrance during Korean Festival.
- The Lord bless all the Bible clubs to be wide open entrances to the church life for many new ones.
L.A. Young People's Joint Gathering
On September 28th, there will be a joint young people's meeting at Hall 5 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm with dinner served. Parents are welcome to attend also.
Please pray that the Lord would build up a strong monthly young people's meeting for junior high and high school young people to enjoy the Lord together, build up one another in their most holy faith, and be encouraged to stand in this age as lights of the world, salt of the earth, branches in the vine, and seeds of life for the Lord's spread.
BfA at Oklahoma State Fair
This year, saints will again distribute BfA materials at the Oklahoma State Fair, September 12 to 22. The fair attracts roughly one million attendees from all over the state. Please pray for the Lord to strengthen the distributing saints and to dispense His riches throughout Oklahoma through these days of distribution.
Boston and London Graduates Serving in Europe
Three graduates of the FTTA-XB (Boston) plus a serving couple arrived in London, and a fourth graduate is planning to migrate in October. Other graduates are expected to follow later in the year. In addition, 14 spring term FTTL (London) graduates have begun to serve. Please pray for the Lord's rich supply to the new full-timers, for their blending with all the current serving ones and the saints in Europe, and for the Lord’s abundant blessing on all their labor.
University Campuses in Europe
Please pray for the preparations for the fall semester on the university campuses in Europe. Pray especially that the Lord will prepare a good number of first-year students who can be gained for His recovery.
- Morning revival: week 4 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
- Junior High School Conferences October 18-20, $60/person, registrations are due by October 6
Brothers at church in Los Angeles, Hall 2
Sisters at church in Riverside - High School Conferences October 25-27, $60/person, registrations are due by October 13
Sisters at church in Anaheim
Brothers at church in Irvine - This year's Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. We extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Prayer, Week of September 8, 2013
"Nourished with the Words of the Faith and of the Good Teaching"
(1 Tim. 4:6)
The Bible indicates that whenever we are filled up within we will utter something (Eph. 5:18-19). When we are filled up within we will speak something. Even now we may have the heart and the desire to speak something, but we have no word to say because we are empty. If some of us try to preach, we will realize that our preaching is not that full. We may try to teach and discover that our teaching is not that full. We want to minister life to others but we do not have the riches of life.
The truth is in the unique holy Word and that the best help to usher us into the Word is the Recovery Version with the notes and all the Life-studies. If we do love the Lord's recovery, we must get ourselves fed all the time with the healthy food that we may be strong and the Lord will have a strong testimony. (from Elders’ Training, Book 3, messages 10 and 11)
Some saints in L.A. are regularly reading a Life-study or other ministry book. For those who are not reading consistently, in October we will begin reading the Life-study of Genesis. Ask the Lord to give many of us a hunger for this reading that we may be richly nourished and may speak these riches.
Middle-age Training
The fall term of middle-age training began last week with 78 trainees. The goal of the training is to help each trainee grow in life, be constituted with the truths of the Bible, develop their spiritual capacities, and cultivate a proper character. May the Lord accomplish this in each trainee.
Some trainees plan to be in Anaheim only a few weeks. May the Lord operate in them and in their situations to extend their time in the training.
UCLA/Santa Barbara Camping Trip
On September 16-18 there will be a blending camping trip for students from UCLA and Santa Barbara. So far 7 students and 1 serving one have signed up to participate from Santa Barbara. Please pray for 15 students and serving ones from Santa Barbara to attend. Some students who want to attend have work or financial considerations. Pray that they would be released to go, particularly the sisters.
Cal State University Channel Islands (CSUCI)
A BfA table was held August 25 at the CSUCI Open House. Three CI students and many local saints participated. We gave away about 40 New Testaments and obtained 35 names. Through the CI website, 13 new students signed up for CSUCI Christian Students club membership. At the September 5 Bible study, we had the largest turnout (19 students) since our club was formed in February of this year. On September 21 we plan to have a blending with the students from CSUCI, CSUN, CSU Bakersfield and Moorpark college with kayaking at Ventura harbor, followed by dinner and a meeting. Please pray for:
- The blending time on September 21 to attract many students to love and pursue the Lord and meet with us on a regular basis;
- At least two core student members of the club by the end of the 2013-2014 academic year.
Moorpark College
Many local saints served at the BfA table at Moorpark College on August 22. We gave away about 40 New Testaments and obtained 34 names. Moorpark College has 3 times more students than CSUCI. This is our first attempt to establish a club and Bible study here. Please pray for:
- Raising up of some young adults burdened for this campus work;
- Establishment of a Bible study and Christian Students club this semester.
Young People in Spain and Portugal
A conference for the young people on the Iberian Peninsula will be held in Spain September 13 to 15. The conference will follow the subject of the young people's conference in Poland at the end of July. The parents are welcome to attend also. Please pray that:
- the young people will be released to attend the conference.
- the vision of the young people and their parents will be strengthened so that the young people will become active members of the Body of Christ and eventually attend the full-time training.
- all the young people will gain companions to pursue with them.
The annual international conference in Switzerland is September 14 to 15. We thank the Lord for your prayers and look forward to rejoice with you and blend to build the Body of Christ for His prevailing testimony everywhere.
- Morning revival: week 3 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
- Junior High School Conferences October 18-20, $60/person, registrations are due by October 6
Brothers at church in Los Angeles, Hall 2
Sisters at church in Riverside - High School Conferences October 25-27, $60/person, registrations are due by October 13
Sisters at church in Anaheim
Brothers at church in Irvine - This year's Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. We extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
- This year's International Conference for Iberia will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, December 6 to 8. More information is at
Prayer, Week of September 1, 2013
Lord, Head Up All Things for Your Will
"...the riches of His grace, which He caused to abound to us in all wisdom and prudence, making known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Himself, unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ..." (Eph. 1:7-10)
United States
"I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:1-4)
The Experience of Life
The Spanish-speaking churches and districts throughout Southern California are using one year to read the book "The Experience of Life." They have a daily reading schedule and gather in 8 clusters once every two months to speak a review what they have experienced as a result of their reading.
Please petition the Lord to grant much experience and growth in life through this reading and these gatherings.
Boston to London
Last spring a brother spoke to Boston trainees about migrating to Europe. One verse he mentioned was 2 Timothy 4:21a, "Be diligent to come before winter." Five saints are migrating from Boston to London this week and a sixth is waiting for a visa and is eager to get there before winter (even before October).
Cardiff, Wales
The first Lord's table in Cardiff, Wales, will take place on September 8. Please pray for a strong beginning of the church life there with the blending of many saints from around the UK.
FTT Pretoria
September is the second month of the second term of the full-time training in Pretoria, South Africa.
This weekend there will be a conference in Romania.
September 1 to 7 is gospel time in Bangladesh.
The first Lord's Table in Kampong Cham, Cambodia will be September 8.
- Morning revival: week 2 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
- This year's Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. We extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Prayer, Week of August 25, 2013
"In the beginning God"
Genesis is a book containing all the seeds of the divine truths. All the divine truths in the whole Bible were sown in this book. (LS of Genesis, msg. 1)
As we begin our morning revival in Genesis, let us ask the Lord to be a new beginning for each one of us. May we each gain more of the Spirit, more light, more of the Word, and experience more separation of light from darkness and more separation of spirit from soul.
Let us also ask the Lord to make Genesis 1 and 2 a prevailing gospel throughout Los Angeles.
High School Seniors Fellowship
The High School Seniors' Fellowship Time is Saturday, August 31, 9 am to 2 pm at UCLA. This is open to ALL high school seniors, not just those interested in UCLA. We hope to impress the students with a vision of the value of their college years humanly and for the Lord and to provide some practical college fellowship. More information is at 2013 Invitation Letter to Seniors.
Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference
We seek to have an atmosphere among our young people include a normal gospel preaching life. For this, there will be another Junior High Gospel Perfecting Conference Saturday, August 31, from 9 am through dinner. We rejoice that the Lord is doing a genuine work among the young people in Southern California for His move. We ask that you stand with us in this burden and pray strongly for this time.
Young Peoples Blending Jubilee
All Southern California young people are invited to a blending jubilee this Saturday, August 31, 7 to 9 pm (half hour earlier than the original announcement). This will be at the Church in Arcadia meeting hall,
630 E. Live Oak Ave., Arcadia 91006.
FTTA Boston Extension
This is from a Boston graduate who is now serving there full time.
- The training center was not ready for the start of the fall term. Pray for the timely completion. We realize that the "delay" in its completion is not an accident but the Lord's sovereign arrangement to bring the training to Newton (a city near Boston where there is a church).
- Pray for the church in Newton hosting the training. Pray for such a sweet and pleasant coordination and blending with the saints and the trainees.
- Pray for the 21 trainees. Pray for them to be strengthened daily into their inner man that Christ would have a way to make His home more in their heart. Pray for their continual opening to the Lord that the Lord would truly have a way to train them in their time in Boston.
Dallas, Pennsylvania
Because of their burden for increase, four saints meeting in Dallas, Pennsylvania, recently took out two ads in a local newspaper. The first ad informed people about the new two-book set from Bibles for America ( and let them know how to order the books online. The second ad read, "Friends of Watchman Nee want to meet with you and share thoughts."
A group of six believers responded to the second ad, calling it an answer to their prayer. The saints have met with these three couples several times, and some from the group have attended the Lord's table. They contacted another believer who responded to the ad and who touched the church in the 1970s. Additionally, the saints plan to a follow up with people in the area who have ordered the two-book set.
Please pray that the Lord would supply the saints with grace and wisdom in how to care for each person they contact. May the Lord gain many enjoyers of the ministry in this locality!
South Africa
There will be a South African conference in Pretoria, 30 August to 1 September.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Crystallization-Study of Genesis (summer training).
- Young People's conferences information: 2013 Fall Conference Information Packet.
- This year's Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. We extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
- This fall will be another Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints. This is open to all brothers and sisters in the churches in Southern California. Topics are Vital Living (September), Gospel Service (November), and Truth Equipping (December). We encourage all to pray and register for this training. More information is at
Prayer, Week of August 18, 2013
We Pursue toward the Goal
"Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward." (Phil. 3:13-14)
This week is welcome week for USC, an extremely important time to contact new students, especially freshmen. We need substantial prayer for:
- Each of our current students to have a specific, vital prayer companion, to abide in the vine, and to touch the joy of fruitbearing.
- The strengthening of the student coordination to be a blended group that cares for God's move together by caring for one another first.
- Open freshmen of different backgrounds to be gained in clusters through dorm Bible studies to be fishers of men.
- The newer ones contacted to be brought into homes as the containers to make them remaining fruit.
Cal State Channel Islands and Moorpark College
The church in Thousand Oaks continued our campus work at Cal State Channel Islands during the summer. Please pray for the BfA table at CSUCI on Lord's Day, August 25. Classes begin the next day.
In addition, we will start a new campus work at Moorpark College in fall 2013. Classes begin Monday, August 19. Please pray for the BfA table at Moorpark on Thursday, August 22.
Defense and Confirmation:
DCP launched during the Memorial Day conference. As of August 13, the site has had 23,511 unique visitors from over 100 countries. We are averaging over 300 visits per day, a little less than half of which are new visitors. This site has already impacted the results of internet searches.
We ask the churches and the saints to continue to pray:
- For the impact and effectiveness of this site in turning back the negative and inaccurate impression of the Lord's recovery spread on the Internet;
- That this site would help seekers of Christ—on campuses, at work, and in the communities—to disregard opposition and rumors to pursue Christ in an unhindered way;
- That additional respected Christians would add their testimonies to those included at the launch of this site;
- For more constructive comments and questions to be submitted, and;
- For continued updates of the site with additional appropriate content.
High School Seniors Fellowship
We are happy to announce a High School Seniors Fellowship Time on Saturday, August 31, 9 am to 2 pm at the UCLA campus. This time is open to all high school seniors, not just those interested in attending UCLA. We hope to impress the students with a vision of the value of their college years humanly and for the Lord and provide some practical college fellowship. More information is at 2013 Invitation Letter to Seniors.
Bibles for America
More than 14,000 people have ordered the two-book set of The Normal Christian Life and The Economy of God that BfA released in May. Please pray that these recipients would begin to read the books with a soft and open heart and that the Lord would have a way to grow in them and enlighten them through the healthy words of the ministry.
Perfecting for Spanish-Speaking Saints
This fall will be another the Perfecting Training Series for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. This is open to all brothers and sisters in the churches in Southern California. Topics are Vital Living (September), Gospel Service (November), and Truth Equipping (December). We encourage all to pray and register for this training. More information is at
Moore, Oklahoma
Here is a testimony of a FTTA-XB graduate who served this summer in the Summer School of Truth in Oklahoma City: The most enjoyable experience was door-knocking in the tornado-ravaged town of Moore. Too many glorious things happened to enumerate, but the Lord wants to gain that town, and He used the young people to cooperate with what He wants!
FTT London
The fall semester of FTTL began last week. There are 38 trainees; 11 are first-term trainees. Please pray that all the trainees be perfected for the Lord's move in Europe by being constituted with the divine truths, by growing and being transformed in life, and by being trained to coordinate in all their services.
UK and Ireland Conference
The UK and Ireland Blending Conference will be in Nottingham, UK August 23 to 25.
- Morning revival: week 6 of The Completing Ministry of Paul. The following week we will begin Crystallization-Study of Genesis.
- This year's Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Schaumburg, Illinois from Thursday, November 28 at night through Lord’s Day, December 1, mid-day. We extend an invitation to all the churches and individuals to participate in this gathering. There will be translation into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Details are at
Prayer, Week of August 11, 2013
The Lord's Word Will Prosper
"For just as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven, and does not return there, until it waters the earth and makes it bear and sprout forth, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me vainly, but it will accomplish what I delight in, and it will prosper in the matter to which I have sent it." (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Los Angeles Schools
Los Angeles Unified School District schools, and some other local school districts, begin this Tuesday, August 13. Please pray that the Lord, through the elementary, junior high, and high schools would sanctify His name through all our children and young people and would keep our young people from the evil one. Please also pray that the Lord would advance, in the way of life, on all the schools, and that children, parents, teachers, and administrators would all come to know that the heavens do rule and that God must have a kingdom on this earth to exercise his dominion, even in the educational environments.
The fall term of FTTA began this week.
Southern California Young People
Saturday, August 31, from 9 am through dinner there will be a perfecting time in Arcadia for junior high young people. After dinner all young people grades 7 to 12 are invited to a blending meeting in Arcadia.
About 1500 new contacts attended one or more meetings of last month's International Blending Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The church there has about 200 saints meeting and one full-time serving brother. Other churches in Ethiopia are smaller. Please pray for the adequate and timely follow up with these new ones that the churches may grow at the most healthy rate possible.
Croatia and Serbia
The Lord is continuing to move in Croatia and Serbia. Between the two countries the Lord has gained about 40 brothers and sisters who desire to follow the ministry and the churches in the Lord's recovery. Please pray that Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry in Croatia, Serbia, and the remaining countries of the former Yugoslavia and will raise up lampstands in many cities.
Baltic Conference
The Baltic Blending Conference will be in Latvia August 16 to 18.
- Morning revival: week 5 of The Completing Ministry of Paul. After The Completing Ministry we will use Crystallization-study of Genesis.