Prayer, Week of August 4, 2013
Let the Word of Christ Dwell in us Richly
Colossians 3:16: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God."
In this passage the infilling of spiritual life that overflows in praising and singing is related to the word, whereas in the parallel passage, Eph. 5:18-20, the infilling of spiritual life is related to the Spirit. This indicates that the word is the Spirit (John 6:63b). A normal Christian life should be one that is filled with the word, that the Spirit may bubble over with praise and lauding melodies from within the believers.
The word of the Lord must have adequate room within us that it may operate and minister the riches of Christ into our inner being.
The riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8) are in His word. Such a rich word must inhabit us richly.
(excerpts from notes 1-3)
May the Lord lead every one of us into a habit of reading His word and reading the ministry so that we may be richly constituted with and have a rich outflow of His word.
Los Angeles Young People
Please pray that the young people in Los Angeles would enter into and continue 1) reading their Bible regularly to enjoy the Lord's presence; 2) having a companion; and 3) loving the Lord. Please ask the Lord to sustain them throughout this next school year and make this year the best year yet for each one.
Bibles for America
Several years ago Bibles for America received a burden to reach military service members and their families with free Recovery Version NTs and ministry material. BfA developed a military packet with a booklet of verses accompanied by short ministry portions; a pocket-sized NT; Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1; a gospel tract; a letter of thanks; and an offer for a free NT with footnotes.
About 5,000 Bibles and 17,000 military packets have gone out. BfA is looking to the Lord for new ways to reach individual service members. Please pray for the Lord's leading in this matter that those who serve this country could be spiritually supplied with the riches of the interpreted Word of God.
Full Time in Europe
Fourteen of the 17 FTT London graduates are available to serve full-time in Europe beginning in the fall of 2013. In addition, four of the 14 FTTA Boston graduates are ready to emigrate to Europe, and several others will follow later. Please pray for:
- the release of visas from the UK immigration authorities for the FTTA-XB graduates and for the couple who will emigrate with them to London.
- the Lord's rich supply to the new full-timers in London, for their blending with all the current serving ones and the saints in Europe, and for the Lord’s abundant blessing on all their labor.
Report from Conference in Ethiopia
Praise the Lord! The International Blending Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (July 26-28) went very well. The hall was perfect for the conference. Those who attended went home fully fed and their eyes enlightened. The Lord's table was marvelous and awesome! The saints sang and released their spirits with a "ringing shout"!
This conference was unprecedented in that so many from all over Africa came together to blend as the Body of Christ! This was very much needed for them to see each other and fellowship with each other for their mutual advancing. The blending was beyond words. Praise the Lord for the one new man in Africa.
Through the word that was released, may all the saints in Africa grow in Him and may they minister what they have seen and heard to so many around them. May the Lord's recovery spread and increase to be the shining testimony of Jesus on that continent!
photos at
The Word of the Lord in Ethiopia
LSM sent a 12 ton container of books to Ethiopia before the conference. The church in Addis Ababa is still working with the officials to get the container released so that the books can be distributed—used books to be given away and new books to be sold. O Lord Jesus! May Your word "run and be glorified" (2 Thes. 3:1) throughout Ethiopia.
- Morning revival: week 4 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
- Southern California Young People: Saturday, August 31, from 9 am through dinner there will be a perfecting time in Arcadia for junior high young people. After dinner all young people grades 7 to 12 are invited to a blending meeting. Details will be announced later.
- Anyone may receive the weekly prayer email by entering an email address in the lower right of
Prayer, Week of July 28, 2013
Experiencing the Indwelling Christ
"I bow my knees unto the Father...that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith." (Eph. 3:14, 16-17a)
Father, strengthen us into our inner man every day that Christ may make His home more in our hearts.
Increase in L.A.
Lord, flow Your riches out to bring people to Yourself and to fellowship in the church life. Flow out of us to classmates, family, neighbors, friends, and work associates. Lord, grant an increase to 1000 people participating in the church life in L.A. this year.
Los Angeles Young People
The Summer School of Truth concluded last Saturday. Please pray that the young people in Los Angeles would have a strong continuation in three areas: 1) Reading their Bible in a regular way to enjoy the Lord's presence; 2) Having a companion; and 3) Loving the Lord. The prayers of the saints were a strong contributing factor to the blessing of the Summer School of Truth and we pray that this prayer would continue to sustain them throughout this next school year. Please pray that this school year will be the best school year yet for each one.
"Greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who labor in the Lord. Greet Persis, the beloved sister, one who has labored much in the Lord." (Rom. 16:12) May many saints follow these examples and give some time each week to “labor in the Lord” on the internet by presenting truths of this ministry, supporting others' presentations, or testifying their experiences of Christ, so that there will be a positive flow of life and truth to push down false and foolish information.
The church in Addis Ababa expected 800 from within Ethiopia for the weekend conference, plus 180 from outside Ethiopia. Eventually 3000 Ethiopians registered and some had to be turned away due to the capacity of the meeting facility—2550 people! When Dick Taylor and James Lee reached Addis, they sensed both much joy among the saints there for the huge response and also an atmosphere of spiritual battle.
The conference was The Controlling Vision in the Bible, using messages 2 to 5 from The Completing Ministry of Paul. Please pray for the watering of the seed sown in this conference, even among those who could not attend due to the capacity limit. Pray also for the Lord's further move throughout Africa.
European Young People's Conference
The conference is in Poland this week. Please beseech the Lord for an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk.
Please continue to pray that the Lord will have mercy on the large numbers of readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema and will shepherd many of them through the local saints and full-timers into the church life.
- Morning revival: week 3 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
- Southern California Young People: Saturday, August 31, from 9 am through dinner there will be a perfecting time in Arcadia for junior high young people. After dinner all young people grades 7 to 12 are invited to a blending meeting. Details will be announced later.
Prayer, Week of July 21, 2013
Hunger for the Word
Amos 8:11 says, "Indeed days are coming, Declares the Lord Jehovah, When I will send a hunger into the land, not a hunger for bread nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of Jehovah."
Lord, send more hunger to us, to the young people in Summer School, and to everyone around us.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school of truth began last Friday and will continue until this coming Saturday, July 27. A total of 95 saints are signed up with 52 young people, 17 college students, 7 parents and 19 serving ones. This year's topic on the Bible has proven to be the very topic that our young people need at this time in their life, and words are being spoken on how to be assured of, appreciate, and enjoy the Word of God. Please pray that each young person would come to the Lord through His living and abiding, thirst-quenching, hope-giving, life-infusing, stabilizing Word of God. The dark ages, in past history, came to a close when the Word of God became open to mankind. This shows that God's word has the power to change an entire age, and we look to the Lord that His Word this summer would perform great things in the heart, lives, perception, and pathway of our young people.
We also desire that this summer school be the starting point of involvement of many more parents and a beginning of bringing young people into a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray also for this.
College Connections
L.A. high school graduates in the church life are leaving for college, and high school graduates in other churches are coming to L.A. for college. Please pray for development of a solid connection now for these high school graduates with college students and campus full timers.
Bibles for America
Earlier this month, BfA launched a Korean-language version of its website to serve Korean speakers in the United States.
As of now, three major items are available: the NT Recovery Version, Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vols. 1-3, and Using the NT Recovery Version: An Illustrated Guide. Please pray that the Lord would use the new Korean-language site to feed the spiritually hungry and thirsty Korean-speaking people in this country with the riches in the Word and the ministry.
International Blending in Ethiopia
There will be an international blending conference 26 to 28 July in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Lord's Day, July 28, after the conference there will be a responsible brothers’ meeting. Some visitors will go on tours of Ethiopia the following week. We expect a rich feast and the Lord’s blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints. We believe that this time will be crucial and instrumental to strengthen the Lord's move in Africa. Lord, may everyone attending be captured by You for Your church.
Attendance is over 800 from Ethiopia, many quite new, 120 from other African nations, and 60 from Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia.
European Young People's Conference
The conference is in Poland July 28 to August 3. The goal is to provide an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Young people from all over Europe will attend.
There are 64 local churches with over 1600 saints in Ukraine. As the Lord's move grew in Ukraine, the co-workers realized the need for a small conference center for the work and a meeting hall for the church in Kiev. In December 2010 a site was purchased for this building.
Construction is progressing quickly this summer. Our goal is to finish the core and shell and connect the electricity by the end of this year. We will then be able to apply for the commissioning of the building with the ownership documents, which is the most crucial milestone in the project. We estimate that to get to this crucial milestone will require an additional $347,000 before the end of September.
If you would like to participate financially, offerings can be made through LME or through the church here, designated for the "Kiev Hall." May the Lord continue to bless the project and His move in the Russian-speaking world. A one-page report is at
- Morning revival: week 2 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
- On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people. Their content is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings are at
Prayer, Week of July 14, 2013
Love His Appearing
"Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility." (Eph. 6:24)
"Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, with which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will recompense me in that day, and not only me but also all those who have loved His appearing." (2 Tim. 4:8).
In 2 Timothy 3:1-4 the difficult last days are characterized by men who are lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of pleasures, but not lovers of God. May we exercise to be saved from all other loves to love the Lord and His appearing.
Summer School of Truth
This summer we will seek to prove, to appreciate, and to learn how to enjoy the Bible as God's living Word! Please pray for this.
We also desire that this summer school be the starting point of involvement of many more parents and a beginning of bringing young people into a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray also for this.
The Experience of Life
Due to the Lord's up-to-date speaking, the Spanish-speaking churches and districts throughout Southern California are using one year to read the book "The Experience of Life." They have a daily reading schedule. Saints will gather in 8 clusters once every two months, beginning mid-August 2013 and ending mid-June 2014, to speak a review what they have read. Please petition the Lord to grant much experience and growth in life through this reading and these gatherings.
College Trainings
This is the week of the midwest and east coast college trainings on The Lord's Coming.
- Fourteen of the 17 FTT London graduates are burdened to serve beginning in the fall of 2013. Four of the 14 FTTA-XB (Boston) graduates are ready to migrate to Europe, and several others will follow later. Please pray for the Lord's rich supply to each of these graduates, for their blending with all the current serving ones and the saints in Europe, and for the Lord’s abundant blessing on all their labor.
- The reports distributed at the training in Anaheim are at
Nordic Conference
The 2013 Nordic Conference will be July 19 to 21 in Oslo, Norway.
FTT Tokyo
(a report from FTT Tokyo trainee Yuki Goto, formerly in L.A. hall 5)
Thank you so much for your prayers for FTTTk! It has been 9 years since the full-time training started in Tokyo. This spring 11 new trainees (5 brothers and 6 sisters) joined, forming the largest incoming class in the history of FTTTk. The attack from the enemy was severe, including strong opposition from relatives, tragedy in the family, financial difficulties, and health problems. However, the Lord not only kept their consecrations but even made them stronger by using these attacks. Please pray for us that we may continue the training in all-sufficient grace!
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
- On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people. Their content is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings are at
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
Prayer, Week of July 7, 2013
Summer Training
Please beseech the Lord for continuing fresh vision and infusion from Genesis to everyone who has completed the training and to those who are or will be in video trainings.
Antelope Valley
In Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, and nearby towns) we have weekly prayer and group meetings. In fellowship with Los Angeles, we decided to have the Lord's Table here once per month. Please pray that the Lord move here in a solid and expanding manner to raise up a full church life.
Our second Lord's Table will be July 14 at 5 pm. If you want to attend this or other meetings, please contact Henry Coronado, or Mark Andersen, 818-294-0178.
College Trainings
Approximately 420 saints are gathered in Northern California for the West Coast College Training this week, concerning the Lord's Coming. This includes at least 54 saints from Los Angeles (14 serving ones and 40 students) plus 4 students and a serving one from Santa Barbara. The smaller midwest and east coast college trainings will be next week, also on the Lord's Coming. Please pray that the Lord would:
- Gain the students' full consecration to the Lord to be a factor to bring the Him back
- Develop each student's personal relationship with Him
- Strengthen the students' exercise of the spirit in their daily life
- Cause the students to incite one another to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
- Shepherd and inspire the incoming freshmen to give their college years fully to the Lord
Japan (a report from FTT Tokyo trainee Yuki Goto, formerly in L.A. hall 5)
Since 2 years ago, many saints, including FTTA and FTT Taipei trainees, saints from the all over the U.S. and from Korea, visited Sendai to preach the gospel to the tsunami victims. The Lord opened a way for the gospel in the city of Ishinomaki, which is north of Sendai and was greatly damaged by the tsunami. Since last year, we have been door-knocking the temporary houses set up for the tsunami victims. Last fall, a meeting hall in Ishinomaki was established. More than 200 people came to monthly gospel meetings, more than 10 have been baptized, and four are very solid in the Lord. They have meetings every Thursday and Lord's day with the saints in Sendai in the new meeting hall. Brothers are fellowshipping to start the Lord’s table in Ishinomaki and establish the golden, shining lampstand there.
We have also been preaching the gospel to victims in Onagawa and Sanriku to bring the real hope to them.
Human history includes much turmoil in Egypt last month and this. Lord, spread Your truth there as part of the divine history.
- Morning revival:
July 8 to 14: summer training verses or week 7 of Daniel and Zechariah, with prophesying from both
July 15 to 21: week 1 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference). - On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people. Their content is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings are at
Prayer, Week of June 30, 2013
Summer Training
Genesis is a book containing all the seeds of the divine truths. All the divine truths in the whole Bible were sown in this book. (Life-study of Genesis, message 1)
Please beseech the Lord for a rich anointing on the speaking brothers and a spirit of wisdom and revelation in every trainee so that Genesis chapters 1 to 11 may be opened freshly and fully. Pray for a rich atmosphere in the Anaheim meetings, in the study groups, in hospitality, and in the video trainings.
Raising Up the Next Generation
On June 8 and 23 there were fellowship meetings regarding the care of our children and young people in Los Angeles. The content of these messages is derived from the book Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, published by LSM. Audio recordings of some of these meetings are available at
We encourage all parents and all who are interested in caring for our children to listen to these recordings, and to pray for our children and young people to 1) become seeds of the gospel, 2) grow up into a proper humanity, and 3) be brought into a house-to-house church life.
FTTA Graduation
Pray for all the FTTA trainees who graduated last Saturday, that they will continue to pursue the Lord and be constituted useful to the Lord for the building up of His Body wherever the Lord may lead them.
College Training
Approximately 420 saints will gather in Northern California for the West Coast College Training, July 8-14, concerning the Lord's Coming. This includes at least 54 saints from Los Angeles (14 serving ones and 40 students) plus 4 students and a serving one from Santa Barbara. The smaller midwest and east coast college trainings will be July 15 to 21, also on the Lord's Coming. Please pray that the Lord would:
- Gain the students' full consecration to the Lord to be a factor to bring the Him back
- Develop each student's personal relationship with Him
- Strengthen the students' exercise of the spirit in their daily life
- Cause the students to incite one another to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
- Shepherd and inspire the incoming freshmen to give their college years fully to the Lord
The Former Yugoslavia
The Lord’s ministry has been spreading in the former countries of Yugoslavia, especially in Croatia and Serbia. Recently, a group of serving ones in Europe visited groups of recipients of Rhema literature in Croatia and Serbia. In two cities in Croatia groups of 10 to 12 seekers are meeting regularly to read the ministry and pursue the Lord in the way of His recovery. One sister attended a one-week training in London, and several plan to attend. In Serbia a group of about 40, not including children, are meeting to enjoy the Lord with the exercise of their spirit. In May the seeking ones from these three cities gathered for a blending conference. That was a marvelous and monumental time for everyone.
Please pray that:
- the Lord will continue to sow the seed of the ministry in the former Yugoslavia and will gather His seeking ones to meet outside religion in the oneness of the Body of Christ.
- the Lord will supply the full-timers and the saints who are shepherding the seeking ones.
- through the supply of the ministry and the shepherding of the saints, the Lord will raise up lampstands in many cities in the former Yugoslavia.
Morning revival:
July 1 to 7: summer training verses or week 12 of Daniel and Zechariah, with prophesying from both
July 8 to 14: summer training verses or week 7 of Daniel and Zechariah, with prophesying from both
July 15 to 21: week 1 of The Completing Ministry of Paul (Memorial Day Conference).
Prayer, Week of June 23, 2013
Summer Training
Genesis is a book containing all the seeds of the divine truths. All the divine truths in the whole Bible were sown in this book. (Life-study of Genesis, message 1)
Please beseech the Lord for a rich anointing on the speaking brothers and a spirit of wisdom and revelation in every trainee so that Genesis chapters 1 to 11 may be opened freshly and fully.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Lord's Day, June 23, about 225 saints among the Spanish-speaking families gathered to have fellowship with Tom Goetz regarding the raising up the next generation in the church life. This fellowship spoke about the critical need to give attention to our own children and young people as the talents that God has given us. If we would care for them through their growing up, they will become young believers, seeds of the gospel, and ultimately our fellow laborers. This important labor among the children and young people is composed of four main points: a) Helping the children become gospel seeds sown in the schools, b) helping our young people have a proper humanity as a testimony and remedy to this present age, c) recognizing that bringing our young people into the church life through the homes is the way to keep our young people, and d) paying attention to a fundamental point in our service and that is to not replace the young people's function but learning to bring them into working with us.
Please pray that the Lord would raise up the next generation of children and young people in Los Angeles and would provide a strong advancement in the area of the care of the children and young people throughout all of Los Angeles.
College Training
Approximately 420 saints will gather in Northern California for the West Coast College Training, July 8-14. This includes at least 54 saints from Los Angeles (14 serving ones and 40 students) plus 4 students and a serving one from Santa Barbara. We need many fighting prayers to cover this year's training concerning the Lord's Coming. Please pray that the Lord would:
- Gain the students' full consecration to the Lord to be a factor to bring the Him back
- Develop each student's personal relationship with Him
- Strengthen the students' exercise of the spirit in their daily life
- Cause the students to incite one another to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
- Shepherd and inspire the incoming freshmen to give their college years fully to the Lord
BfA at Spanish-Speaking Pastors' Conference
A number of Spanish-speaking pastors from a theological university in Puerto Rico have received and greatly appreciate the New Testament Recovery Version. Some currently even use the Recovery Version to teach classes in various theological universities and seminaries in Puerto Rico.
These pastors have invited BfA to give a presentation during a July 5-6 conference in Orlando, Florida, that will include approximately 100 pastors from Puerto Rico, the U.S., the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Please pray:
- That the hearts of these pastors would be soft and open to receive more light from the Lord in the Word and in this ministry.
- That the Lord would cover and be with the brothers in their presentation of BfA and the Recovery Version at this conference.
South Africa
Brother James Fite from Orange County is at FTT Pretoria for this final week of this term. His prayer request to us:
- that the content, burden, and spirit of the lessons be faithfully and clearly released in the sharing and received by the trainees.
- for the health and energy level of serving ones and trainees during this time.
West Africa Blending Conference
Four West African countries—Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana—will hold a blending conference in Bohicon, Benin June 28 to 30. During this time, the saints will digest the 2013 Chinese-speaking conference messages. Please pray that:
- Many saints from the four countries will attend and that crossing the borders will be easy.
- The spirits of the saints will be fully released and be blended as they digest, enjoy, and seek to experience the unsearchable One.
- The churches in West Africa will be refreshed through the blending.
- The church in Bohicon will be blessed by the visiting saints.
- The enemy would be bound.
- Morning revival: REPEAT week 11 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah. July 1 to 7 we will use training verses or repeat week 12; prophesying will include both.
- Summer Training: for those registered for the live training in Anaheim, the packets will be distributed on the morning of Lord's day, June 30th in your district. For those registered for video trainings, your badge and outlines will be available at the first meeting you attend.
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
- An issue of the Lord's Move in Africa newsletter is here:
Prayer, Week of June 16, 2013
"Out of the mouth of infants and sucklings You have perfected praise" Matt. 21:16
Lord's Day, June 23rd, there will be an important time of fellowship for all Spanish-speaking saints and for anyone burdened for the Lord's move among the Spanish-speaking community. This fellowship will be regarding the importance and preciousness of the children and young people. The meeting will be held at Hall 1 at 10:00 am, June 23rd, at 1743 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90018. Spanish speaking saints from Hall 1, Hall 2, Inglewood, Santa Monica, and Culver City are invited. The meeting will last until 1:00 pm.
Please pray that the Lord would care for all the children and young people and would raise up many as the praising "babes and sucklings" (Psa. 8:2) to silence the enemy and strengthen the Lord's testimony of oneness in the Los Angeles area. Also pray that there would be a good continuation for the care of the children and young people after this fellowship.
For the saints awareness, it is helpful to know that 48% of the population in Los Angeles and approximately 72% of the Los Angeles Unified School district students (elementary and high schools) are from a Spanish-speaking background. This year was also the first year that students from a Spanish-speaking background comprised the largest number of applicants to the University of California education system. There will be Spanish translation for both the speaking and the outlines.
Ushers will be helping to give directions of where to park since about 170 people are expected to come. This time will be comprised of the Lord's table, fellowship by brother Tom Goetz with some other brothers, a time for mutual sharing, and a love feast afterwards.
Middle-Age Training
This is the last week of the spring term. Please ask the Lord to supply and lead:
- the graduating trainees concerning where they will live and serve;
- the first term trainees to continue pursuing through the summer and concerning returning in the fall;
- many middle-age couples and single saints to give themselves to participate in the fall term.
South Africa
Brother James Fite from Orange County is at FTT Pretoria this week and next. These two weeks focus on young people and campus work. His prayer request to us:
- that the content, burden, and spirit of these lessons be faithfully and clearly released in the sharing and received by the trainees.
- for the health and energy level of serving ones and trainees during this time.
United Kingdom
Regarding the follow-up from the NT Recovery Version distribution, please pray:
- For the Lord's continuing supply to local saints and FTTL trainees for shepherding the seeking ones.
- That the Lord will continue to set up appointments and home meetings with the seeking ones and will bring many into the church life.
- For the Bibles for Europe training this Friday through Lord's Day in London concerning Bible distribution and follow-up of those open for further contact.
Greece and Bulgaria
A brief report is at Please pray:
- That Lord will strengthen His testimony in Athens and keep the saints in the fellowship of the Body.
- That the Lord will continue to work in the seeking ones in Thessaloniki and cause them to be related in life and to meet together regularly so that a lampstand can be raised up in that city.
- For the Lord's continued gathering of the seeking ones in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the possibility of a conference there in October.
- Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah. After week 12 we will repeat a few weeks before beginning The Completing Ministry of Paul, the Memorial Day Conference.
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
Prayer, Week of June 9, 2013
More Perfecting, More Ministering, More Building
"He Himself gave some...for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive..." (Eph. 4:11-13) The more we arrive at God's goal, the more God is expressed and represented on earth, and the more Satan loses ground on earth.
Bibles for America
BfA began offering the free set of The Normal Christian Life by WN and The Economy of God by WL in early May. By the end of May, nearly 7,000 sets had been ordered. Last week BfA sent e-mail offers for the new set to approximately 145,000 users of top Christian websites. Please pray that many people would order these life-changing books, benefit from the rich ministry in them, and share the free offer with others.
Fargo, North Dakota
There will be a distribution of Bibles and literature at North Dakota State University midday Friday, June 14 and a conference in Fargo June 14 to 16. Information is at The saints in Fargo are having intensified prayer and fasting, from June 1st until the conference, for the gospel and for the building of His church in Fargo.
Ask the Lord to continue to stir up seeking in the hearts of residents and students in Boston, and to richly supply the saints as they go out to contact people.
This week Tuesday Dick and James go to Perth for a conference with the church and time with the campus team. Saturday they fly to Brisbane for a conference, campus team fellowship, and leading brothers fellowship. Dick returns home next week Tuesday and James Lee goes to southeast Asia.
This week Tuesday Craig Birchler goes to Tasmania, then to Melbourne on Friday. After fellowship with these churches, he returns home next week Monday.
South Africa
The full time training continues. Lord, raise up more constituted people to serve You in Africa.
The web site for the Lord's move in South Africa, including the training, is
A Report from France
The Lord's blessing was obvious at the April conference in Paris. At least 240 attended, 140 of whom were from 12 different cities in France. This is a 20 percent increase from last year.
Many new ones being shepherded by the campus team and by the saints in several localities came, including a good number of young, college-aged saints. The atmosphere was marvelous—full of the exercise of the spirit and the responses from the saints were overwhelming. We had to limit each one to 30 seconds so that many could have a chance to speak. The six FTTL trainees from France were a real strengthening factor to this time, and some of them became translators during the sharing time.
Please pray that:
- the Lord continue to sow the seed of the ministry publications and the Recovery Version so that the Francophone world can be "filled with the knowledge of Jehovah / As water covers the sea" (Isa. 11:9);
- the saints in the smaller localities in France will continue to stand for the Lord and gain the increase;
- the Lord of the harvest thrust out more workers to reap the fields among the native French people.
- Morning revival: week 11 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Remember the web site, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
Prayer, Week of June 3, 2013
An Open Letter
This internet site introduces the Christian public to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and the beliefs and practices of the local churches. The site's dual aims are to dispel the various misrepresentations and to be a resource for those seeking to know the Lord's recovery. This site has:
- A main page with an introduction, an affirmation of the common faith, a brief presentation of the Lord's recovery, and a brief history of the Lord's move beginning in China.
- Statements of respected Christians from a wide range of backgrounds to demonstrate a significant, positive view of the local churches.
- Extensive links to helpful material arranged according to the subjects in the letter.
- A comments page to foster constructive conversation, linking, and recommending.
We ask the churches and the saints to pray:
- For the impact and effectiveness of this site in turning back the negative and inaccurate impression of the Lord's recovery spread on the Internet;
- That this site would help seekers of Christ—on campuses, at work, and in the communities—to disregard opposition and rumors to pursue Christ in an unhindered way;
- That additional respected Christians would add their testimonies to those included on this site; and
- That the site would reach the signers of the 2007 "open letter" [a negative view of the recovery] and cause more of them to reconsider their endorsement of it and agree to engage in dialogue.
Raising Up the Next Generation
Lord, use the time June 8 to grant us more refreshing and renewing in our care for the next generation. Enlarge our hearts to care for the children and young people according to You.
Antelope Valley
Thank you for your payers concerning the Lord's advance in Antelope Valley (Palmdale, Lancaster, and nearby towns). The Lord has blessed these prayers with strengthening in the meetings and the opening of homes. We have weekly prayer and group meetings. In fellowship with Los Angeles, we decided to have the Lord's Table here once per month. Please pray that the Lord move here in a solid and expanding manner to raise up a full church life.
The first two Lord's Tables will be June 9 and July 14. If you want to attend these or other meetings, please contact Henry Coronado, or Mark Andersen, 818-294-0178.
Cal State University Channel Islands
Through much prayer, we started a campus Bible study in January 2012 with one student. In fall 2012, two transfer students came; an exploratory club was formed in September. Four to six students regularly met during the fall semester. In spring 2013, we received sponsorship from a faculty member and officially registered as CSUCI Christian Students club. The Bible study attendance grew to 10 to 14. During the past academic year, we also had various activities, such as hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, and a Big Bear retreat. We had two blending meetings with CSUN students. Four students attended the L.A. college students' blending meeting and two attended the college conference in Anaheim. Many local saints opened their homes for Saturday night college students/young adults meetings. At the end of the spring 2013 semester, we have about 10 remaining fruits.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Australia. They will be with the leading brothers in Sydney until Thursday afternoon, then go to Adelaide for the national serving saints' training. This training, using the material from the ITERO in April, is from this Friday to next week Monday.
South Africa
June is the last month of the first term of FTT in Africa. Ask the Lord to fully supply all who are involved with the training. Brother Simpson Chen from Taipei is with them this week and next.
- The Lord really supplies us with His riches of His Body. We have sister Lisa with us. She is a final year student in the Turkish department in Taipei National Chengchi University. She is having her exchange program in Istanbul University until August. She serves with us in proof-reading our Turkish literature. We hope that work on the Rhema booklets can be done in one or two months and then go ahead to printing. Please pray for the publication of the Rhema materials in Turkish.
- We got the military clearance of our property purchase (necessary because we are foreigners) in April and completed this purchase. The total cost is US$299,917. Up to May 31 we received US$295,581 offering for this facility.
- Morning revival: week 10 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah.
- Summer Training registration: late registration for Anaheim is possible but there is a $50 late fee in addition to the $155 donation. Video training registration is until June 9; donation is $80.
- Raising Up the Next Generation We invite all the parents and those who serve with the children in the church in Los Angeles to join us for a special fellowship. This is an important and strategic time to help us advance in our care for the children. The details are as follows:
- Saturday, June 8, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm at Hall 4 (854 West Adams, L.A. 90007)
- Registration: Register by June 1 at
- Food: Bring your lunch or sign up for a sandwich ($5/person).
- Childcare: We are attempting to organize childcare for children ages 4 and up
- There will be international young people's conferences in Brazil (July 18 to 22) and Poland (July 28 to August 3). To find out more information for prayer or possible attendance, go to or You can also visit to watch a short video from recent conferences in Brazil and Poland.