Prayer Requests, March 25, 2012
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) will be Friday to Lord's Day, March 30 to April 1. More than 1000 brothers from around the globe will participate so that the Spirit can speaking to the churches. In April ITERO messages will be respoken in other parts of the world for those who could not come to Anaheim. The burden for this time is that the Lord will make many brothers able ministers of the New Testament, effective building material for the universal building up of the Body of Christ, and good stewards and serving ones in the local churches.
"Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel" (Phil. 1:5)
In preaching the gospel, we have to learn the Body life. If we are burdened for a neighbor, we will ask some brothers to help us bring this neighbor to the Lord….We will work not just by ourselves, but we will invite the brothers to work together with us in a way of coordination. I say again, if we have the spirit of the Body life, people will sense it. If we have love among us, people around us will sense what we have, and that love and living will be a very strong factor to convince the unbelievers--our neighbors and friends--to open their spirits to the Lord. We need the Body life, and the best way to be built up together is for us to have the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel. (from Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life, by Witness Lee, ch. 8; it is available online; select the book in the alphabetical list, then select the chapter in the upper right)
Santa Monica
The church in L.A. has an on-going work at Santa Monica College, several saints from L.A. work in Santa Monica, and a few who live in Santa Monica meet in hall 5. Three groups of Spanish-speaking saints also meet in Santa Monica. Lord, raise up an English-speaking nucleus to continue the church life in Santa Monica with the Spanish-speakers who are there.
High School
Please pray the Lord bring all the high school young people YP into the reality of the experiences of Isaac and knowing the God of Isaac as the God of provision for His purpose to produce them as burnt offerings who are prepared to be His bride for His satisfaction.
CSUN Spring Break Trips
The CSUN students will participate in two spring break trips next week. Some will attend the FTTA for a few days. At the end of the week, they will visit the saints in Riverside for blending and would like to invite some of their new contacts. Please pray that the students have a good experience and taste of the FTTA and that many new ones can join them for the weekend trip to Riverside.
UCLA (Hall 5) Spring Break Trips
UCLA students are in the midst of spring break trips. Twenty-six are in Florida and 24 are visiting Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Virginia. Please pray that:
- The Lord will cover and supply all the saints on these trips.
- There would be a sweet blending and building among the students and with the saints visited.
- The new ones see the vision of the Body of Christ and taste the sweet church life.
European College-age Conference
The spring European college-age conference will be March 30 - April 2 in Wales. The subject is The Full Ministry of Christ in Three Stages.
Vienna, Austria
Please continue to pray that the Lord will bless the home meeting in the house of the sister and will gain the new ones and their contacts, for the raising up of a lampstand in this key European city.
Some saints are laboring to translate ministry books into Bulgarian for free distribution. Please pray:
- For grace to the translators to complete the translation in a timely way;
- For the preparation of the seeking ones in Bulgaria to receive the rich truths of God's economy;
- That some of the Lord's seekers will be gained by Him to be His testimony in Bulgaria.
Conference in Italy and First Lord's Table in Rome
We warmly extend an invitation to all the saints to participate in the upcoming weekend conference and first Lord's Table in Rome, Italy on June 15th through 17th. We thank the Lord for the prayers of so many saints and churches throughout the earth. Now, we invite you to consider coming to blend with us that together, as one Body, we might testify of the victory of Christ by taking the ground as the church in Rome. Detailed information and registration for the conference is at The due date is May 15th. Please contact us at if you have any questions about the conference. We pray the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in Italy, Europe, and the whole earth.
- The deadline to register for the July 2-7 summer training in Anaheim is April 24.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 20. After Psalms, week 24, we will use The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- Five to 10 minute video highlights of the Psalms are posted about once a week at
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at If you will take children, register them with your district by April 27.
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
- There will be a time for saints in the Lord's recovery to go to Israel for a summer tour and blending meetings with the saints. The tour begins July 15; it is in summer particularly so that college students, trainees, campus workers, and high school students could attend. Registration deadline is May 1 unless all spaces are filled earlier. Information is posted at
Prayer Requests, March 18, 2012
The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) will be Friday to Lord's Day, March 30 to April 1. Lord, prepare the way for rich dispensing and blending during this time.
"Fellowship unto the Furtherance of the Gospel" (Phil. 1:5)
The move of the preaching of the gospel must be a matter in fellowship, because it is a matter of the Body. If this were a matter of individuals only, there would be no need for fellowship.
In order to be prevailing and fruitful in the preaching of the gospel, we must pay our full attention to the Body life. The more we live in the Body life and have the reality of the Body life, the more we will be fruitful. Such a life will be a strong testimony to our relatives, friends, schoolmates, and neighbors. When all these people see the kind of mutual love we have among us as Christian brothers, they will be very impressed and influenced. This will pave the way and open the door for the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts. To have the real Body life helps us to be prevailing. I believe that this is the very reason why the apostle Paul uses the word fellowship in Philippians 1:5. (from Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life, by Witness Lee, ch. 8)
Santa Monica
In the 1980s there was an English-speaking church life in Santa Monica. In the early 1990s they moved to west L.A. with a burden for UCLA. As they were moving, the Lord gained a Spanish-speaking group to continue the church life in Santa Monica. Through these decades the church met in the Santa Monica Red Cross building. Use of that building ended this month. Because the largest number among the Spanish-speaking saints now live in Inglewood, they have begun to meet as the church there.
Santa Monica is home to many young professionals. The church has an on-going work at Santa Monica College and several saints from L.A. work in Santa Monica. Let us ask the Lord, as He did in the early 1990s, to again restart the church life in Santa Monica. Lord, raise up an English-speaking nucleus to continue the church life in Santa Monica with the Spanish-speakers who are still there.
As a result of the transition from Santa Monica, the church in Inglewood began meeting this month.
UCLA (Hall 3) and SBCC Spring Break Trip
Over 40 saints and gospel friends, mainly from UCLA and Santa Barbara City College, have registered for our three-day trip (March 24-26) to the Bay area. Please pray for the blending in the Body and the safety on the way.
UCLA (Hall 5) Spring Break Trips
UCLA students will be going on two spring break trips March 24-31. Twenty-six will go to Florida and 24 will go to Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and Virginia. Please pray that:
- The Lord will cover and supply all the saints on these trips.
- There would be a sweet blending and building among all the students on the trips and with the saints in the localities that they will visit.
- The new ones see the vision of the Body of Christ and taste the sweet church life.
High School Conferences
The high school brothers' and sisters' conferences are this weekend. Nine high school brothers are registered but we lack one serving brother with a car. Pray for the release of this brother.
Northeast Ohio
The Lord has been moving in northeast Ohio since last year. Saints from the surrounding area are gathering in homes, and on Lord's Day mornings in a rented room in the town of Wickliffe. Among these more than 20 attended the winter training; a few in Anaheim, most by video. Pray for further development in this part of Ohio.
San Luis Obispo
The labor on Cal Poly campus is progressing steadily as we have individual and group times with the students. Thursday is our main day for one on one meetings on the campus but we also make appointments other days. Our campus meeting is Friday and our college dinner and fellowship is Saturday night. Please pray for:
- saints who are seeking jobs in San Luis Obispo;
- the upcoming open house on campus where many high school students will be checking out Cal Poly (we will have a table set up for this event);
- the students that may be going to the College Conference in Southern California.
BfA at Tucson Festival of Books
The Festival was March 10-11. Nearly 200 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Basic Elements of the Christian Life were distributed, along with tracts and other ministry materials. Three recipients prayed to receive the Lord and several families with young children indicated that they are seeking fellowship and a place to meet. One believer, the chief of an Indian tribe from New Mexico, came to the booth multiple times to have fellowship with the saints. Several recipients from last year's festival stopped by to share their enjoyment, and one asked to be contacted for a home meeting.
Please pray that:
- The three who prayed to receive the Lord would remain under shepherding care.
- The Lord would lead the saints as they contact the open recipients.
- The Lord would nourish the out-of-state recipients through the ministry and the Word.
Albania is a nation of about 3 million people; it is adjacent to Greece. It is one of the poorest nations in Europe. A majority of the people are Moslem; others are Albanian Orthodox. A couple from Albania, the Rikas, were in L.A. recently for their daughter Genta's wedding. Last week they were baptized into Christ and into His Body. They testified that their time here was the happiest in their life. Since returning to Albania, they continue to be happy in the Lord and continue to call on Him.
May this interaction between L.A. and Albania cause us to pray for His move there. May the Lord gather a little flock to Himself and in Himself there.
Please continue to pray that the Lord will gain more homes among the ministry readers in Athens and Thessaloniki in which regular meetings can be held to enjoy the Lord through the ministry.
Русскоязычная Kонференция (Russian-speaking Conference)
The conference will be Friday evening through Lord's Day afternoon, March 23-25, at the meeting hall in Sacramento. There will be messages on "The Line of Life in the Book of Genesis," time for saints to testify, and time outside the meetings for saints to blend. We especially hope that the saints attending this conference will be able to bring seeking friends and relatives who might benefit from the atmosphere and riches of this time.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 19.
- Five to 10 minute video highlights of the Psalms are posted about once a week at
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at If you will take children, register them with your district by April 27.
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
- There will be a time for saints in the Lord's recovery to go to Israel for a summer tour and blending meetings with the saints. The tour begins July 15; it is in summer particularly so that college students, trainees, campus workers, and high school students could attend. Registration deadline is May 1 unless all spaces are filled earlier. Information is posted at
Prayer Requests, March 11, 2012
Father, Your Kingdom Come
In Luke 11:2 Jesus said to His disciples, "When you pray, say, Father, Your name be sanctified; Your kingdom come." Let us pray for the Father's name to be sanctified more and for the kingdom to come more:
- in us, in our daily living;
- in the U.S. election process this year;
- worldwide for the spread of the gospel and the churches;
- in its full manifestation.
Los Angeles
Ephesians 6:14-15, "Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth and having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the firm foundation of the gospel of peace." O Lord, rise up in each one in Los Angeles for the gospel. Lord, gospelize Los Angeles--schools, universities, neighborhoods, offices, markets, parks, and everywhere.
Please pray for the USC spring break trip, March 10-16. Seventeen saints are visiting Boston, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Pray for a blending atmosphere, the exercise of the spirit, the spread of the gospel, and the building up of the Body of Christ!
Young People
Please pray for all the high school seniors to be one with the Lord in choosing where to go to college.
The first Lord's table in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland will be March 18.
We are translating the Rhema Literature Distribution website ( into Turkish and hopefully can finish it in this month. Please pray for this translation work.
Pray for the raising up of the Lord's testimony these key European cities: Lisbon, Portugal; Krakow, Poland; Budapest, Hungary; Vienna, Austria; Rome, Italy; Sofia, Bulgaria; Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich, Germany.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 18.
- Five to 10 minute video highlights of the Psalms are posted about once a week at
- There will be a time for saints in the Lord's recovery to go to Israel for a summer tour and blending meetings with the saints. The tour begins July 15; it is in summer particularly so that college students, trainees, campus workers, and high school students could attend. Registration deadline is May 1 unless all spaces are filled earlier. Information is posted at
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at If you will take children, register them with your district by April 30.
Prayer Requests, March 4, 2012
Our Church Life
In joint meetings November 2008 and December 2011, we stated "Our direction is to build up a vital, group-based, house-to-house church life around campuses and young people with a prevailing testimony of oneness across all languages, halls, and districts." Our weekly prayer should touch this focus by praying, in whatever direction the Lord leads, for colleges, young people, or homes where we are.
Spanish-English Gospel
Many Spanish speakers in and near Los Angeles have responded to the Life-study radio broadcasts. The majority of these listeners are adults in families that include children and teen-agers who prefer English. Ask the Lord of the harvest to thrust out local saints as workers into this field with good coordination among Spanish-speaking and English-speaking saints for the gaining of many families.
The gospel trips concluded but the burden to gospelize, truthize, and churchize America continues. Saints are continuing to nourish and cherish those who received New Testaments and books by means of appointments, Bible studies, and home meetings. Do pray to afford the Lord a way to reap a harvest of remaining fruit. Pray for
- the continued openness of those who were contacted,
- rich supply to those who are shepherding,
- a few couples to migrate to each of the cities needing a nucleus as a beginning of the church life.
Middle-age Training
The spring term begins March 12. Ask the Lord 1) to add some "late overcomers" to the training, 2) to prepare all the trainees, and 3) to allow the international trainees to enter the U.S. with no hindrances.
Cal State Channel Islands (CSUCI)
The church in Thousand Oaks started to a Bible study on the CSUCI campus about seven weeks ago. We have two saints on campus. Our Bible study is on Matthew and have five or six at the study most weeks. CSUCI, with about 4000 students, is located in Oxnard about twelve miles from our meeting hall.
On March 2 we had our first Bibles for America distribution on campus. Although it was unusually cold and very gusty, we got 7 student contacts. In 45 minutes, we gave out six Bibles and one additional contact wants to be notified for the Bible study. We really praise and thank the Lord that in such weather students were willing to stand by the table and talk to us.
Please pray for the following:
- God will anoint our follow-up effort so that some of our contacts will be remaining fruits.
- Some students will attend our Bible study from 10:30 to 11:30 AM at the student union every Friday.
- The Lord to bless our Bibles for America distribution work which we are planning to hold on campus once a month (next time will be on Friday, March 30 from 9:15 to 10:15AM.
- Give us deep enjoyment and understanding of God's word through Bible study.
Bibles for America
March 10-11, Bibles for America will participate in the fourth annual Tucson Festival of Books. It expects to attract more than eighty thousand participants. Volunteers from the church in Tucson will distribute tracts, Basic Elements of the Christian Life and the Recovery Version of the Bible.
Please pray for:
- The Lord's clear move in the city of Tucson and all of Arizona.
- The prayer, oneness and blending of all the local volunteers, and that their enjoyment of the Lord could be infused into all who stop by.
- The footsteps of the hungry and prepared ones would be directed to the booth.
- Some new solid contacts could be made and those who received the ministry material last year would be stirred up to have more contact.
There will be a conference in Portugal March 10-11.
Three readers of the ministry attended the recent conference in Athens. They all want to meet and read the ministry with the local saints. Praise the Lord! The week before, several trainees from London visited Athens, and 3 young people prayed with them to receive the Lord. The week before that, the full-timers from Athens met with 20 ministry readers in Thessaloniki, and the next day they met with 5 more readers whom they had not previously contacted face to face. Please pray that the Lord will gain more homes in Athens and Thessaloniki in which regular meetings can be held to enjoy the Lord through the ministry.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 17.
- Five to 10 minute video highlights of the Psalms are posted about once a week at
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at If you will take children, register them with your district by April 30.
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
- Since 2004 LSM has sent five large containers of used books to Africa and India. These books have been a great blessing to seekers there. LSM continues to collect used ministry books in English for further distributions. They suggest that you remove any personal information before donating the books. Bring books to your meeting hall any time throughout this year.
Prayer Requests, February 26, 2012
A Flock of Men
Ezekiel 36:37, "Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Moreover for this I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock." May we inquire of the Lord for increase in Los Angeles. Our church life is centered on campuses and young people, but it is not limited to these. Let us ask the Lord for increase among young people, increase among college students, and increase among family, friends, neighbors, and business acquaintances. Let us pray for growth from our current number to 1000 by the end of this year.
United States
Revelation 1:5, "Jesus Christ...the Ruler of the kings of the earth [and the Ruler of the presidential candidates of the U.S.]." Let us declare our agreement on earth with the Lord's heavenly ruling over all the political activity this year.
Perfecting for Serving Saints and Parents of Young People
We warmly invite you to join us for a one-day perfecting training on March 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Irvine. This is for all the parents, serving ones, college students and burdened saints for the junior high and high school young people in the churches in Southern California. Spanish translation will be available. A letter about this time is at Register here. Registration deadline is Saturday, March 3.
Santa Barbara
Please continue to pray for the Lord's move in Santa Barbara:
- that the students we have cared for the past year will enter more into the church life;
- that the students contacted this year will be freed to have weekly appointments;
- for further blending among the couples active in the church life;
- for the migration of a younger couple with experience in campus work.
South Africa
Dick Taylor and Michael Stewart left L.A. on Lord's Day (February 26) and arrive in South Africa Tuesday morning. They will be in Pretoria until next Monday morning (March 5) and then fly to Cape Town until Tuesday night (March 6). They return to L.A. March 7. In Pretoria they will visit the campus and small groups and also speak five messages from the winter training in a conference Friday through Lord's Day. About 250 are expected in the conference, which will make it the largest ever in South Africa.
Please pray that all the saints, including the many new ones from both campus and community, would freshly see that the book of Psalms is full of nothing but Christ, house, city, earth. Pray for all to be captured during the conference by the Lord's beauty in order to be His house (His church) for His city (His kingdom) so that the Lord could come back and take over this earth.
Bookshop in Central London
In the five weeks that the bookshop has been open, each week has seen an increase in customers, with a particular interest from people in neighboring offices and from other locals. There are regular customers. Radio listeners have been visiting most days, and some have stayed for a longer time to read the ministry and get to know the serving ones. Thank the Lord for His blessing. Please continue to pray for the radio listeners, the Rhema recipients, and the university students and people who live and work near the bookshop.
Please pray for the Lord to gain a district in each of the 33 boroughs of London, and also for many saints to migrate both within London and to the key cities in the UK for the Lords' testimony.
We praise the Lord for preserving this land for His move. Since 1997, the Lord has moved here to bring many saints into the Recovery. There are now 96 churches across India, with many good testimonies testifying the Spirit's move here. However, it is our belief that the Lord can do much more in this vast country. People's hearts are still soft and simple toward God. Here we can freely preach to Hindus, Muslims, and seeking Christians. During 6 – 12 February, the co-workers based in Delhi area plus full-time trainees and some other saints gathered for one week to pray and prepare for the Lord's intensified move.
Please join us in prayer that the Spirit would continue to blow strongly across India to bring all the churches into the same flow of the Spirit, so that the Lord would gain a breakthrough in us this year. May the high and awesome wheels of Ezekiel 1 move in India to prepare for the last and greatest revival that will bring us all the way back to Jerusalem to receive the Lord's return.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 16.
- A Spanish language perfecting will be held one Saturday in each of July, August, September. Información en español (and English) está en
- The 2012 Spring Russian-Speaking Conference will be in Sacramento March 23-25. The registration deadline is March 4. Details are at
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
Prayer Requests, February 19, 2012
"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. Passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring….Each appears before God in Zion." (Psalm 84:5-7) "Jehovah loves the gates of Zion" (Psalm 87:2a)
There is no other way to reach this high peak [Zion within the church life as Jerusalem] except by praying….In the book of Revelation what the Lord wants and what the Lord will build up is Zion, the overcomers. The overcomers are the very Zion, where God is. This is the intrinsic reality of the spiritual revelation in the holy Word of God. We have to realize what the Lord's recovery is. The Lord's recovery is to build up Zion. (W.L., Practical Points Concerning Blending, ch. 5)
Los Angeles Joint College Meeting
This Saturday the college students from all over Los Angeles will gather together for dinner and to enjoy the Lord richly in singing and fellowship on Blood & Water. Please pray that there will be a glorious exhibition of Christ in all the students and that all the invited friends will come.
When: Saturday, February 25 at 5:30 pm
Where: Northridge Center at CSUN, located in the building labeled "USU" on this map: It is on the 1st floor across from Subway.
Parking: Street parking is available on Zelzah Ave, on the east side of campus. Carpools are encouraged.
Go and Disciple the Nations
The Lord charged us to go and disciple the nations. Today many people are living in a new "nation" called "internet." They conduct business, chat with friends, share photos, make purchases, recommend things, watch videos, take classes, and play games here. We should go to the people in this electronic nation to present the gospel, truth, and enjoyment of Christ. "The harvest is great, but the workers few; therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest [of the internet]" (Luke 10:2).
Perfecting for Serving Saints and Parents of Young People
We warmly invite you to join us for a one-day perfecting training on March 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in /irvine. This is for all the parents, serving ones, college students and burdened saints for the junior high and high school young people in the churches in Southern California. A letter about this time is at Registration deadline is Saturday, March 3. To register, use the form at
Shepherding People Contacted During Gospel Trips
During the 2012 gospel trips thousands of free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1 were distributed. The teams and local saints also carried out seminars, follow-up appointments, and home visitations to shepherd the open ones; this labor will continue in the coming months. Do pray that:
- The local saints near the 17 cities would be bountifully supplied for the long-term care of the many new ones.
- The Lord would burden some to migrate to these cities to participate in shepherding the new ones and to strengthen His testimony in each place.
- The Father would produce many of these new ones as remaining fruit in the churches.
- The word in the distributed Bibles and ministry books would find good ground in the recipients’ hearts to grow and bear fruit.
Athens, Greece
There will be a conference in Athens February 24-25. Please pray that a good number from Thessaloniki be enabled to attend.
This week several trainees from FTTL join local serving saints to preach the gospel and distribute tracts on university campuses in Athens. A dinner and gospel fellowship will be held on Friday evening. Please pray that the Lord will release at least one or two students with whom the saints in Athens can have regular contact.
The financial crisis in Greece has produced considerable unrest in society. Please pray that many of the Greek people will turn to the Lord, especially during the next few weeks.
South Africa
A second report from the FTTA gospel trip is at Praise the Lord for gaining young working saints in Johannesburg. Pray for their further blending and for His blessing on the district meetings there. Pray also for WITS University, that the Lord keep the few students who are meeting and add others.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 15.
- A Spanish language perfecting will be held one Saturday in each of July, August, September. Información en español (and English) está en
- The 2012 Spring Russian-Speaking Conference will be in Sacramento March 23-25. The registration deadline is March 4. Details are at
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
Prayer Requests, February 12, 2012
"For Jehovah has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. This is My resting place forever; here will I dwell, for I have desired it" (Psalm 132:13-14).
We all have to endeavor to reach this high peak [of Zion within the church life as Jerusalem].... We surely need to be desperate to pray at any cost and to pay the cost just as the apostle Paul did. We should not have the attitude that we are safe in the Lord because we have sacrificed our future and do not love the world. That is not adequate. (W.L., Practical Points Concerning Blending, ch. 5)
Los Angeles
Lord's Day morning, February 19, we will blend by languages, English-speaking at Haskell, Spanish-speaking at Haskell (room 5), Korean-speaking at Hall 1, and Chinese-speaking at Hall 3.
"God has blended the body together" (1 Cor. 12:24). May we all come together through the cross (to be saved from our natural life and culture) and by the mingled Spirit (to minister Christ to one another) so that the whole church may enter the reality of God's blending and be built together more.
FTTA Gospel Trips
The FTTA gospel trips all concluded in recent days. Reports and prayer requests from North America are posted at and The broad needs now are 1) for new people met during these trips to continue their desire for contact, 2) shepherds to contact them regularly, and 3) migrations to these new cities.
Reports, photos, and prayer requests from international destinations are at along with links to longer reports. The broad needs now are 1) strengthening of small localities, 2) growth of the many gospel seeds that were sown, 3) continued shepherding of open contacts, of newly saved and baptized people, and of those who came to homes.
Southern California Co-Workers
The Southern California co-workers are meeting this week from Lord's Day evening through Thursday night. Lord, lead them into thorough prayer and fellowship to strengthen their one accord for further action and blessing in their many areas of responsibility.
Middle-age Training
The spring term begins March 12. Ask the Lord 1) to free all who have completed one term to continue with their second term, and 2) to lead many more to begin this training. This training is open to many ages, does not require a college degree, and is conducted in four languages. Short-term registration for one week or more is also possible. Details are at
Downtown Joint High School Gathering
Saturday, February 4th, was a gathering of Bible clubs from West Adams High, L.A. High and Virgil Middle School. The Lord greatly blessed the time in numbers, cherishing, and nourishing. A report with photos is at
FTT London
The spring term of FTTL begins this week Monday.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 14 (winter training). After we finish Psalms we will use The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference), which we will finish before the summer training.
- Saturday night, February 25, will be a joint college meeting at CSUN for all campuses in L.A. Dinner will be provided.
- The 2012 Spring Russian-Speaking Conference will be in Sacramento March 23-25. The registration deadline is March 4. Details are at
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
Prayer Requests, February 5, 2012
"For Jehovah has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. This is My resting place forever; here will I dwell, for I have desired it" (Psalm 132:13-14).
Jerusalem is built on the top of a mountain. Although Jerusalem is good, it is not the peak. In Jerusalem there is a peak, that is, Mount Zion, on which the temple was built. The good situation in the recovery today is just like Jerusalem. Although we may have a good church life, among us there is almost no realization, no practicality, no actuality, and no reality of the Body life. This is the need in the recovery today. (W.L., Practical Points Concerning Blending, ch. 2)
United States
"The God of our fathers has raised Jesus, whom you slew by hanging Him on a tree. This One God has exalted to His right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel [and the U.S.] and forgiveness of sins." (Acts 5:30-31) Lord, we ask You to do more as the Leader over this country and over the coming elections that You may be the Savior spreading repentance and forgiveness throughout the United Sates.
Gospel Trips - United States
The 2012 gospel trips in 17 cities across the U.S. began last weekend. Nearly 80 full-time trainees joined saints from in and around these cities to continue laboring in the burden of preaching the gospel, spreading the truth, and raising up churches in North America. Reports from North America are being posted at and
Please pray that:
- The hungry ones in these cities would find spiritual food in the Word and in the ministry.
- The many contacts from the campuses and communities would be open to meet with the saints to be further shepherded and that they would develop a taste for the Word and the ministry.
- The saints in each city would be strengthened into their inner man for their intensified labor during these trips.
- The Lord would care for every outward situation, including weather, seminar arrangements, and the health and safety of the teams, in order for the truth to spread in North America.
- The Lord would thrust out His workers into each city to enter into the labor begun with the many open students and homes during these two weeks.
Gospel Trips - Europe, Asia, South America, Africa
The prayer requests above for the U.S. trips apply also to the international trips. Reports from these continents are being posted at A longer report from many nations is at A report from South Africa is at
The saints in London are receiving over 100 new requests for literature each week from the radio broadcast and the Rhema literature distribution. Please pray that many university students, radio listeners, and Rhema recipients will come to the bookshop in central London to have a firsthand view of the ministry publications and face-to-face contact with the saints.
Thessaloniki, Greece
Please pray that the Lord will raise up a lampstand among the seeking ones who have received the ministry publications and that many of them will attend the conference in Athens on 25 February.
Recently we contacted local Christian publishers. We showed a printer a copy of W. Nee's book. He went to his bookshelf and took out a small book, a Turkish translation of two chapters of the "Normal Christian Church Life." He said that several of brother Nee's books have been translated into Turkish mainly from German. He told us that W. Nee's books are good.
Right now we need to figure out the legal and practical way to publish and distribute our books in this country. Every book sold or distributed in Turkey needs to have a sticker issued by the government. We are planning to visit the printing house again and ask them more details on publication. Please pray for the spreading of His truth in this country.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 13 (winter training). After we finish Psalms we will use The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference), which we will finish before the summer training.
- Saturday night, February 25, will be a joint college meeting at CSUN for all campuses in L.A. Dinner will be provided.
- Brothers have posted their personal summaries of the first, second, and third messages of the 2012 International Chinese-Speaking Conference.
- Extracts from and links to blogs of the recovery are at
Prayer Requests, January 29, 2012
FTTA Gospel Trips - Worldwide
The gospel trips are in progress this week in the U.S., Asia, Europe, South America, and South Africa. Colossians 1:5b-6: "the word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you, even as it is also in all the world, bearing fruit and growing, as also in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth." Please pray that
- There will be a sweet coordination and blending of the trainees with the local saints,
- The gospel will be prevailing and the truth will be announced to many seeking ones,
- The trainees will experience the full-time life and service outside the training center,
- The trainees will be broadened in their view of the Lord's move and need on the earth,
- Many young saints will be encouraged to attend FTTs as a result of trainees' testimonies.
FTTA Gospel Trips - United States
A six minute video report from Boston is at
In San Luis Obispo seven new students continue to be faithful in one-on-one times. This connects us to them both humanly and spiritually and helps cement us to them in a vital relationship. Last Saturday we had a marvelous meeting with with six of our new ones attending; we also had six FTTA trainees with us and the combination of the two was igniting! The singing was electrified and the sharing from the FTTA trainees was inspiring! Continue to pray for our 11 students, that the Lord would not lose one! Some of the new ones, especially the freshman, can be attracted by so many other groups as they can offer more activities and more young people but we pray that they would seek for the heart's desire of our God and that they would not go according to the outward but according to the speaking of the Lord within. "O Lord keep them in Your Name and in Your Word!"
FTTA Gospel Trips - Europe
Please pray:
For the blending with the local saints and that the Lord could gain some key contacts in the University City, an area with over 130,000 students. (Madrid, Spain)
For the blending of the team with the local saints and the going on of the young people. (Berlin, Germany)
That the contact in Milan would read the Rhema material and meet with us again this week, and that many of the local saints and even the young people could participate in our gospel activities, with some functioning as translators. (Italy)
That through the gospel trips the saints here would be bountifully supplied and encouraged by the fellowship; The distribution of Rhema material at the City Centre in downtown Southampton. Pray that some seeking and open people would be attracted to our table and the truth. (UK, South)
That literature would be distributed. That the contacts made from the distribution would make a stronger connection with the saints. For the city of Coventry, that the campus and community work would be strengthened. (UK, North)
A report about the European teams and two photos are on the home page of
FTTA Gospel Trips - South America and Asia
For the safe and timely arrival of our last teammate and for the coordination over the next few days as we finalize our schedule. (Chile)
That the Lord will soften the hearts of these students and embolden the team to preach the gospel in Mandarin; for the young people in Shouliang – the Lord would go on in them and that His words would dwell in them richly that they can come to the full knowledge of the truth; for the meeting hall in Shouliang – that the saints can continue to meet at this site. (Taiwan)
That the Lord could speak the word of comforting and building to the saints in Iligan and Cagayan de Oro. (Philippines)
Downtown Joint High School Gathering
This Saturday, February 4th, we will have a joint gathering of high school Bible clubs from West Adams High, L.A. High and Virgil Middle School. During this gathering we will have activities, lunch, singing and reports from the students as well as speaking from one of our USC Christian students on Matthew 13 regarding having a proper heart to receive the word of God!
Please pray that the Lord would open up the schedules of the students and release the permission from parents so that many can attend this time. Also that there would be an atmosphere and a clear speaking that would touch the hearts of all of the young people. Lastly that the Lord would give the young people a view that they are not alone but that there any many other young people across L.A. who are taking a stand for the Lord in their high schools.
Rhema in Europe
More than 400,000 copies of Rhema free literature sets 1 through 3 have been distributed in Western and Central Europe. Of this number, 25% have been distributed in Romania, and another 36% have been distributed in the UK and Poland combined. Many positive testimonies have been received from the readers concerning the impact of the ministry on their understanding of God's Word and on their Christian lives. It is more than clear that the riches of the truth and the life supply are in the Lord's recovery. Please pray that the Lord will have mercy on many of the readers and shepherd them through the local saints into the church life.
Vienna, Austria
- There is a small meeting in a sister's home in Vienna. Please pray:
- That this meeting will continue week after week
- For the new ones who meet there and for their family members, neighbors, and friends
- That the Lord send more saints to Vienna to support His testimony in that city
International Chinese-Speaking Conference
The conference was held in Taipei last week Wednesday and Thursday. The general subject was "The Heart of the Divine Revelation." The first message was "An Overview of the Four Focal Books—Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians." A brother's summary is here.
- Morning revival: The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery, week 9.
A brother's written summary of The Four Great Pillars message 9, which may be useful as a supplement to the morning revival book, is here.
After The Four Great Pillars, we will use Psalms (winter training) and then The Focus of the Lord's Recovery (Thanksgiving conference). We will finish The Focus the day before the summer training. - Saturday night, February 25, will be a joint college meeting at CSUN for all campuses in L.A. Dinner will be provided.
- The 2012 Spring Russian-Speaking Conference will be in Sacramento March 23-25. The registration deadline is March 4. Details are at
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at Registration deadline is April 1.
There will be a conference in Athens February 25-26 followed by tours of Corinth and Athens February 27-28. Details are here.
Prayer Requests, January 22, 2012
Christ is the reality of the law as God's living Word to infuse His living substance into His loving seekers to make us the same as He is in life, nature, and expression (but not in the Godhead) so that we can be the reality of the Body and bring Him back to recover His right over the whole earth. (opening word of Psalms msg. 8)
International Chinese-Speaking Conference
The 2012 International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be January 25-26 in Taipei. Church visiting in Taiwan will be January 27-29.
New Church in Los Angeles Website
We would like to inform all the saints that we have a new website for the church in Los Angeles! Please visit We hope and pray that this website can be a tool to gain many seeking believers throughout Los Angeles for His testimony. Last week a web programmer from India who has been working with us for the past few months on the construction of the website received the Lord by calling on His name via Skype! Also in the last few days two other seeking Christians have contacted us via the website interested in meeting with us. Please pray for all of these contacts and many more hungry seekers in the Los Angeles area.
For those who use Facebook and Google+ social networks, we have also launched pages for mutual fellowship and for reaching gospel contacts. Visit these pages at and We encourage all of the saints to use the sites freely as gospel tools and to pass them along to friends, coworkers and family members interested in finding a church that by all means some would be saved (1 Cor. 9:22).
FTTA Gospel Trips
This week Tuesday through Friday many trainees and some other saints will depart on gospel trips of 9 to 19 days duration. On these trips they will coordinate with local saints to preach the gospel and shepherd people. Revelation 6:2 says, "And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he who sits on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer." This is the preaching of the gospel, based on the victory already won by Christ, manifesting His glory, and overcoming in Him. Let us pray with those traveling for much victorious and glorious overcoming.
Here are the Los Angeles related trainees and their destinations. A list of all the trips is at the right side of
Sandy Chen | Norway, Sweden, Finland | Bert Liu | San Luis Obispo, CA |
Esther Chien | Philippines | Fred Liu | Bolivia |
Brian Chiu | Bloomington, IL | Ben Nuernberger | Germany |
Albert Duarte | Japan | Gloria Nuernberger | Greeley, CO |
Esly Eden | Ecuador | Andrew Pham | Flagstaff, AZ |
Kerrian Fuller | San Luis Obispo, CA | Yasmin Saenz | Flagstaff, AZ |
Gina Ger | Switzerland | Deborah Scatterday | The Netherlands |
Ray Huff | Spain | Isaac Tan | France |
Amy Huff | Spain | Cindy Tandow | Hong Kong |
Phil Jacobson | Chile | Emily Wu | France |
Helen Kim | Grand Rapids, MI | Marc Uy | Flagstaff, AZ |
Grace Liau | United Kingdom |
Santa Barbara Campus Time
Last week was gospel time on the UCSB campus. Students shepherded over the past year were strong participants in reaching other students. During the time there was much prayer and rich enjoyment day by day and house to house. Two students prayed clearly to receive the Lord, at least 87 Recovery Version New Testaments were distributed, and about 40 students are open for further contact.
Please pray for
- Continued shepherding of recently contacted students by on-campus appointments and in homes;
- Rich supply to couples opening homes, to couples supplying food, and to full timers traveling weekly to SB;
- More homes open for students and more saints trained to cherish and nourish students.
The link to an annotated photo report (for viewing or downloading) is at the right side of
Indianapolis, Indiana
The city of Indianapolis is building a three-block-long Super Bowl Village for the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 5. Ten days before the Super Bowl, the street and convention center will play host to an interactive festival of football.
We are moving ahead with the burden to distribute BfA offers and Bibles here from January 27 to February 5. Please pray with us for an open door, open hearts, the Lord to send us chosen ones for His building, and no problems with security.
Please pray with us that the Lord will send those that He has chosen to this event, that He will lead us and open the way to contact them, and bountifully sow seeds of the gospel, that He will prepare us, strengthen us, and send us out in oneness with Him to do His work for the increase and building of His Body.
Bloomington, Illinois
The saints from Champaign and the Chicago metropolitan area are laboring weekly on about 30 open believers here. We are caring for these dear saints by weekly appointments, monthly mini-conferences, and periodic meetings in their homes. We have had 8 mini-conferences using the book "The All Inclusive Christ." Five to 15 saints from Bloomington attend these conferences. The obvious need is for some with church life experience to migrate here. Our goal is to have a strong enough core to begin meeting as the church in 2012.
Birmingham, Alabama
The church is looking to buy a home close to campus for housing and campus/church meetings. Please pray for us as we consider the homes available that the Lord would make clear His will for us at this time in this matter.
The bookshop officially opened on Monday, January 16. Praise Him! Please pray that the Lord will use the bookshop to sow the seed of the ministry in London, the UK, Europe, and beyond.
- Morning revival: The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery, week 8.
Brothers' written summaries of ITERO message 8, which may be useful as a supplement to the morning revival book, are here and here. - A report about the mid-December flooding in the Philippines, with donation instructions, is here.