Prayer Requests, January 15, 2012
Psalm 87:2: "Jehovah loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob." Psalm 87 reveals that God's heart is set on Zion with Christ within it. Zion within Jerusalem typifies the overcomers, the perfected and matured God-men, within the church as the heavenly Jerusalem. (Psalms, msg 3) O Lord, perfect us and mature us!
International Chinese-Speaking Conference
The 2012 International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be January 25-26 in Taipei. Church visiting in Taiwan will be January 27-29.
Our burden is to gospelize, truthize, and churchize the United States and Canada. This long-term labor is part of the one, unique work of the Lord to propagate his testimony to build up the Body of Christ. This coordinated endeavor requires continued labor and steadfast prayer through this decade and beyond. We can all participate by praying, giving, and going (short-term visits or migrations).
In 2009 to 2011, thirty new churches began meeting in North America. Praise Him!
The 6 minute video GTCA December 2011 Update, shown at the end of the winter training, is at the top of the list of videos at Contact information for the fifteen 2012 cities is at
Upholding the Truth
The Triune God and His word are the truth. The church is the pillar and base upholding and testifying this truth. Petition the Lord for His mercy that we could cooperate with Him
* to be constituted more with truth, and
* to release the truth more in our speaking and on the internet.
FTTA Gospel Trips
Colossians 1:5b-6: "the word of the truth of the gospel, which has come to you, even as it is also in all the world, bearing fruit and growing, as also in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth." May this word be the testimony in every destination of the gospel trips. Trips will be between January 24 and February 14. At least 250 saints, mostly FTTA trainees, will go in teams to 15 cities in the U.S., 6 nations in Asia, 11 in Europe, 4 in South America, and South Africa. Specific dates and locations are in a list at
Santa Barbara Campus Sowing Time
"Strengthen, O God, that which You have done for us" (Psalm 68:28b). This week Monday evening through Saturday morning is gospel sowing time on the UCSB campus. Participants on the campus include local students, full timers from UCLA, two FTTA trainees, and some from CSUN. Please petition the Lord that:
- the students that have been with us in 2011 will taste the Lord in the gospel flowing out,
- He will have a way to reach those He has called to make them a new crop of fruit for 2012,
- He will take care of all the practical details,
- Santa Barbara community saints will be refreshed in gospelizing and going out even though this time is focused on the campus.
Midwest College Conference
There will be a Midwest College Conference in the Midwest this weekend, January 20-22, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ken Walker and Stephen Yowell will be going to care for this time, and appreciate prayers from the church in Los Angeles for the Lord's rich blessing.
Please pray that the college students from all over the Midwest would enter into the experience and enjoyment of Christ as their portion as seen in Colossians. The brothers there are very burdened that the Lord would continue to have a new beginning in this area, and that the students really would see, experience, and enjoy Christ as their Good Land, the Reality of all Positive things, the New Man, and as the Word dwelling in them richly!
Dick Taylor is with the church in Perth, Australia until Tuesday. Wednesday he is with the church in Sydney, and Thursday he returns to Los Angeles. Pray that Australia be full of people experiencing, enjoying, and expressing Christ. In addition, continue to support the traveling brothers in prayer that they be strengthened in spirit, soul, and body for a rich outflow of truth and life.
In the early morning of December 16 a flash flood caused by a typhoon swept through the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan City in the southern Philippines causing widespread damage and loss of life. Many who died were swept away as they were sleeping. To date, the number of dead or unaccounted for is over 2000. A more complete report is here.
At such a time of suffering and loss, we encourage all the churches and saints in the Lord's recovery to bear the burden to pray for the dear saints in the southern Philippines and according to the Lord's leading make a financial offering to help restore the saints to their homes. Offerings designated for "Philippines Relief" can be made payable to the church or given through LME at <].
San Luis Obispo
Through your prayers the Lord is continuing to move in San Luis Obispo and specifically on the Cal Poly campus. Last week we met with 5 of our new ones on campus; 6 new ones and 11 total in our Friday club Bible Study; 6 new ones and 19 total Saturday night; and 2 new students and 19 total in the Lord's Day meeting.
We were very blessed to have a couple from Huntington Beach join us for the weekend and a student also from Huntington Beach who is hoping to get accepted into Cal Poly for the Fall.
We hope you can pray for our GTCA week when 6 to 7 FTTA saints join us to blend with our new students and to help build up our campus club. We have been praying twice a week with them to prepare the way for the Lord to take a further step on the campus and with the church.
Again we thank the Lord for His continual supply through your prayers for the church in San Luis Obispo.
- Morning revival: The Four Great Pillars in the Lord's Recovery, week 7. A brother's written summary of ITERO message 7, which may be useful as a supplement to the morning revival book, is at
- The 2012 Spring Russian-Speaking Conference will be in Sacramento March 23-25. The registration deadline is March 4. Details are at
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel at Registration deadline is April 1.