Week of July 16

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Growing in Life unto Maturity

“Therefore leaving the word of the beginning of Christ, let us be brought on to maturity…” (Heb. 6:1)

“My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you.” (Gal. 4:19)

“But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit.” (2 Cor. 3:18)

If we pray, “Lord, come back quickly,” the Lord may say, “While you are awaiting My coming back, I am awaiting your maturity; only your maturity can hasten My coming back.” It is a great help for us to realize that if we are serious about awaiting the Lord's coming back, we need to grow in life unto maturity. (Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming, msg. 2, I.C-D)

We all know that the purpose of God's salvation is to work in us so that we may have His image (Rom. 8:29)…To be mature is to have the Lord fully formed in us. It also means that we, those who have been saved, have been fully transformed into the Lord's image. Originally, we were men who were merely natural—not having the life of the Lord, the nature of the Lord, or the image of the Lord within us. However, through the salvation of the Lord, the Lord has added Himself into us. Since the time of our regeneration and salvation, the Lord has been adding Himself into us, causing us to have His life and nature. In other words, from the time of our salvation, the Lord has been working in us so that we may have His image. When the Lord has fully worked His image into us and is fully expressed out from within us, then we will be mature in life. (CWWL, 1955, vol. 3, “The Way for a Christian to Mature in Life,” pp. 295-296).

North America College Training

The 2023 NACT with the topic “Love Prevails” is taking place this week, July 16 to 22, on the campus of the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Attendees represent at least 373 localities, 46 US states, and 39 countries on 5 continents.

The college training began Lord's Day evening with over 2600 saints in the first meeting. The speaking brother shared on love being the most excellent way, and that this love, which is Jesus Christ, prevails over all opposing forces. God is a lover, and He created man in the image of Himself as a lover, and because of this, our future is determined by what we love and do not love. The trainees were encouraged to allow the Lord's watering in this training to deal with many things in the hearts so that all could be attuned back to Christ as the unique object of our love.

Please pray for the trainees to quickly settle into the schedule of this training and would apply themselves to every aspect of this training that the Lord could gain so much in each one. Pray for the health and safety of all the saints. May the Lord prevail over each trainee and every aspect of this training that all would consecrate themselves and their future to Him!

LA Truth School

Registration is now open for our LA Truth School, which runs from August 4 to 12. The deadline to register is this coming Lord's Day, July 23. Late registrations are welcome at any time thereafter, but late registrants are not guaranteed a T-shirt or packet. Please pray for:

  • The continued watering, nourishing, and cherishing of all the young people in all the Bible reading groups currently taking place across Los Angeles.
  • Our young people and their serving ones to register without delay.
  • The Lord to remove any hindrances or barriers that would prevent any from registering.

All YP, serving ones, and interested saints should register at tinyurl.com/LATruthSchool2023.

Nordic-Baltic Conference

This weekend's Nordic-Baltic Conference will be held from July 21 to 24 in hybrid mode (in-person in Drammen near Oslo, Norway and online on Zoom), hosted by the Church in Oslo. Please pray for the Lord's rich blessing on this time of fellowship, and for many participants, not only from the Nordic countries and Baltic States but also from other Russian and English-speaking churches, to join the blending fellowship for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Leipzig, Germany

Thank the Lord for all that He has done in Leipzig over the past several years! Through much prayer, fellowship, and coordination, the saints there are planning to take the ground to be the testimony of Jesus and expression of His Body in that city. All the saints are invited to the first Lord's table meeting in Leipzig on November 5, 2023; register by September 3 at https://forms.gle/UuB3y4VmNJR199Pv9.

Please pray for this new beginning—that the Lord would have a bright, shining, golden lampstand in Leipzig for His satisfaction!

Germany – Gospel Trips

Registration is now open to join the churches and the developing localities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria in their gospel labor from October 8 to 22, especially on the campuses at the beginning of the university year. To get more information, see additional opportunities for blending, and register for these trips, go to bit.ly/GermanyGospelTrips (note: the URL is case sensitive, so ‘G,' ‘G,' 'T' are capital letters).

Please continue to pray:

  • That the Lord will gain many young Germans, Swiss, and Austrians as remaining fruit.
  • For the spread of the Lord's testimony in many cities through these gospel trips.
  • For an increase in the gospel atmosphere and action in the sending and receiving cities.
  • For some from LA to receive the Lord's leading and go to participate in these trips.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for His divine dispensing.
  • The Lord will meet the practical needs of the saints and preserve their tripartite being for His interests.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved in their tripartite being.
  • The Lord will comfort and sustain those who have lost loved ones in the war.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.

Lord's Move to Europe

Both the video and written reports on the Lord's move in Europe given during the July Semiannual Training are available at www.lordsmove.org/reports.html.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming.
  2. FTTA: A video of the graduation meeting on July 1 is available for a limited time at ftta.org.
  3. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry has consolidated many of its helpful digital resources, including apps and free booklets, at lsm.org/daily.
  4. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  5. Bibles for America's recent post “What It Means to Have a Good Conscience and Why It's So Important” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  6. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  7. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, please visit gtca.us.
  8. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of July 9

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Overcoming by Loving His Appearing

“Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, with which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will recompense me in that day, and not only me but also all those who have loved His appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:8)

“…Yes, I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

Those who love the Lord, wait for His coming, and love His appearing will overcome. Loving the Lord's appearing is a proof that we love the Lord and live for Him today. Hence, it also becomes a condition for us to receive His reward. To love the Lord's appearing does not mean that we should not live a normal life; rather, the more we love His appearing, the more we need to live a normal life today. As those who love the Lord Jesus, take Him as our life, live Him, and magnify Him, we should await His coming and love His appearing. This should be our heart's desire and our living as those who hope to enter into His joy, be saved into the Lord's heavenly kingdom, and receive the crown of righteousness. (Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming, msg. 1, IV, A-C)

May we all pray to become those who love the Lord, wait for His coming, and love His appearing in our normal life today that we may enter into His joy at His coming.

The Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery

Please pray for the response of the saints to the Lord's speaking in last week's July Semiannual Training. The general subject was “An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing.” Here are the key statements:

The “diamond” in the “box” of the Bible is the revelation that in Christ God has become man in order that man might become God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the Body of Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem.

The divine and mystical realm into which we may enter today and in which we may live is actually not simply the divine and mystical realm of the Triune God; it is the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit and the pneumatic Christ.

To abide in Christ, taking Him as our dwelling place, and to allow Him to abide in us, taking us as His dwelling place, are to live in the reality of the universal incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the redeemed and regenerated believers.

The New Jerusalem is a composition of divinity and humanity mingled, blended, and built up together as one entity; all the components have the same life, nature, and constitution and thus are a corporate person—the bride, the wife of the Lamb. (Key Statements of the 2023 July Semiannual Training)

LA Truth School

In preparation for the Truth School, which takes place August 4 to 12, our young people in Los Angeles gathered on June 17 and were encouraged to choose to “guard the deposit” (1 Tim. 6:20) this summer. A Bible reading schedule covering 1 and 2 Timothy with suggested footnotes and a Question of the Week was given to each young person to pursue corporately with one another and with their serving ones until the start of the Truth School.

Please pray for each young person to continue to participate in the Bible pursuit in their small groups and be open to the truth in God's Word.

NACT – 30 Days of Prayer

To prepare for the North America College Training, July 16 to 22, the coordinating brothers have prepared 30 days of prayer requests for saints all around the globe to enter into together.

Please pray that:

  • The students would use this week to be soaked and saturated with the holy Word, memorizing verses and picking up the habit of being in the Word daily, even building up a lifelong habit to be safeguarded against the decline (Matt. 4:4).
  • The students would consecrate their lives and futures to the Lord absolutely for His purpose and glory (Rom. 12:1).
  • The Lord would call many students to give their futures to the Lord and vow to attend FTTA to be made useful to Him (Psa. 110:3).
  • All the students and serving ones with their families would have the Lord's covering against any attacks from the evil one and no portion of the training, including the return time, would give any ground for his attacks (Matt. 6:13).
  • Satan would have no ground in the atmosphere on campus or in the beings of all those attending the college training (Matt. 12:29).

For a complete list of the 30 Days of Prayer for the NACT, click here.

Bibles for America

BfA's Spanish Blog at blog-es.bfa.org was recently updated to be more user friendly. With the addition of categories, people can now access topics like Consecration and The Human Spirit. A search function was also added so if someone is interested in a particular subject not listed in the categories, they can search for it in the Search bar. Finally, there is now a subscription box so that people can sign up to receive monthly blog posts on the Bible and the Christian life.

Please pray that this new design would enable more Spanish speakers to find, read, and share blog posts with others. Also pray that the content presented would encourage blog readers living in the US to order a free Spanish NT and explore more of the online resources Bibles for America offers.

Germany – Gospel Trips

Like last year, the churches and the developing localities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria extend a warm invitation to all the saints in the recovery to join their gospel labor from October 8 to 22, especially on the campuses at the beginning of the university year. To get more information, see additional opportunities for blending, and register for these trips, please use bit.ly/GermanyGospelTrips (the URL is case sensitive, so ‘G,' ‘G,' 'T' are capital letters).

Please pray:

  • that the Lord will gain many young Germans, Swiss, and Austrians as remaining fruit;
  • for the spread of the Lord's testimony in many cities through these gospel trips;
  • for an increase in the gospel atmosphere and action in the sending and receiving cities;
  • for some from LA to receive the Lord's leading and go to participate in these trips.


Please continue to pray that the Lord will protect the saints in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe from :

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for His divine dispensing.
  • The Lord will meet the practical needs of the saints and preserve their tripartite being for His interests.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved in their tripartite being.
  • The Lord will comfort and sustain those who have lost loved ones in the war.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 1 of Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming (ICSC).
  2. FTTA: A video of the graduation meeting on July 1 is available for a limited time at ftta.org.
  3. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry has consolidated many of its helpful digital resources, including apps and free booklets, at lsm.org/daily.
  4. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

Week of July 2

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July Semiannual Training

The July Semiannual Training is taking place this week, July 3 to 8, in Anaheim and by webcast in Los Angeles and around the world. The general subject is “An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing.” Pray for the saints to receive and respond to the Lord's burden in His up-to-date speaking, and to participate as much as possible in study times. Pray that through this training the Triune God will operate more in us to accomplish His will, fulfill His purpose, and satisfy the desire of His heart.

NACT – 30 Days of Prayer

To prepare for the North America College Training, July 16 to 22, the coordinating brothers have prepared 30 days of prayer requests for saints all around the globe to enter into together. Let us pray for:

  • Blending – Each trainee will be placed in a small group and cohort and this is a unique opportunity for students from all different cultures, nationalities, and backgrounds to be brought together to enjoy the Lord and His rich speaking and experience blending for the building up of His Body (Col. 3:10-11).
  • Constitution – Pray that the students would allow the word of God to dwell in them richly, being constituted with the word through memorizing many verses, redeeming the time (Col. 3:16).
  • Release – Pray that the Spirit would be fully released and flow in all of the singing in every session, and although the singing will mostly take place all together, the trainees would all touch the Lord personally as well as corporately through the release of their spirit (Eph. 5:18-19).
  • Response and Experience – Pray that each trainee would be open to and respond to the Lord's personal speaking during their time in the training. Pray that every trainee would experience dealing with the Lord, issuing in a memorial in their hidden life with the Lord (Rev. 2:29).
  • The Lord's Appearing – Pray that the Lord Jesus would appear to each one, His appearing would give them a vision, and they would enjoy the Spirit daily, increasing day by day (Acts 26:19).

For a complete list of the 30 Days of Prayer for the NACT, click here.


Last weekend, trainees graduated from the FTTA, FTTA-XB, and FTTA-MA. Please continue to pray for all these ones to follow the Lamb wherever He may go. Pray also for many college graduates and young working saints to answer God's call to go to the FTTA next term. A video of the graduation meeting is available for a limited time at ftta.org.

This next term of the Middle-age Full-time Training in Anaheim goes from September 11 to December 23. The classes are given in English, Chinese, Korean and Spanish. It is hoped that many saints in the Lord's recovery, especially those between the ages of 35 and 65, will seize this opportunity to be perfected. All FTTA-MA applications must be received by August 22, 2023.

Bibles for America

We recently updated our Spanish Blog at blog-es.bfa.org to make it more user friendly. With the addition of categories, people can now access topics like Consecration and The Human Spirit. We've also added a search function so if someone is interested in a particular subject that's not listed in the categories, they can search for it in the Search bar.

We also implemented a subscription box so that people can sign up to receive monthly blog posts on the Bible and the Christian life.

Please pray that this new design would enable more Spanish speakers to find, read, and share blog posts with others. Also pray that the content presented would encourage blog readers living in the US to order a free Spanish NT and explore more of the online resources Bibles for America offers.


Let us continue to intercede for the Lord's move in this country. The burden to “gospelize, truthize, churchize” America has not diminished. Recent fellowships related to burden, meaning and purpose of migration are posted at gtca.us/updates.


Please continue to pray for the raising up of the Lord's testimony in major European cities and particularly the migration of burdened saints to six designated cities—Barcelona, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Rome, and Zurich. More details on these cities can be found at lordsmove.org/reports.html.


Please continue to pray for the saints in Russia and Ukraine to be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members, and for the preservation and shepherding of all the saints in their tripartite being.

A reminder from the footnote on 1 Kings 8:48: “No matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, i.e., at Christ and the church as God's interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God's economy.”


  1. Morning Revival: REPEAT Week 12 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther or enjoy Semiannual Training verses. Next week, starting July 10, we will get into Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming (ICSC).
  2. No Prayer Meeting: To make way for the Semiannual Training, there will not be a church prayer meeting on Tuesday, July 4. It will resume on July 11.
  3. LSM Newsletter: The June issue of "Having This Ministry…" includes a report on the ministry and the Lord's move in Ethiopia and mentions resources to prepare for the semiannual training. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  4. LSM YouTube: To help the saints who would like to prepare for the upcoming semiannual training, videos of Brother Lee's speaking on The Divine and Mystical Realm are being made available at www.youtube.com/@LivingStreamMinistry.
  5. Bibles for America's recent post, “2 Corinthians 3:18—Beholding and Reflecting the Lord with an Unveiled Face,” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  6. 500 Life-studies App: To learn more about the burden for the Life-studies, including the 500 Life-studies app, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of June 25

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Praying Persistently to the Hidden God

“Surely You are a God who hides Himself, O God of Israel, the Savior.” (Isa. 45:15)

“He told them a parable to the end that they ought always to pray and not lose heart…there was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him, saying, Avenge me of my opponent.” (Luke 18:1-3)

Today we need to realize that the omnipotent God whom we are serving is still hiding Himself, especially when He is helping us. We cannot see Him, and apparently He is not doing anything for us. Actually, He is with us all the time and, in a hidden way, He is doing many things for us.

The widow in [Luke 18:3] signifies the believers. In a sense, the believers in Christ are a widow in the present age because their Husband, Christ, is apparently absent from them. Like the widow in the parable, we believers in Christ have an opponent, Satan the devil, concerning whom we need God’s avenging.

While our opponent is persecuting us, it seems that God is not righteous, for He allows His children to be unrighteously persecuted. The widow in the parable kept coming to the unrighteous judge and asking him to avenge her of her opponent. We ought to pray persistently for this avenging and should not lose heart. Although He appears to be unrighteous, we still must appeal to Him, pray persistently, and bother Him again and again, for He will carry out quickly the avenging of His chosen ones, who “cry to Him day and night.”

What shall we do in a situation when we are persecuted and it seems that our God is not living, present, or just? From this parable we learn to be a bothering widow, one who prays to God persistently…We need to say to Him, “Lord, praying is up to me, not up to You. You never told me that I should not pray. On the contrary, You charged me to pray. Therefore, Lord, I am praying now for Your vindication.” (LS Esther, ch. 1; CS Chronicles, Nehemiah, and Esther, msg. 12, III.A, B, C, D, 2; LS Luke, ch. 40)

May we all know our God as He is revealed in this parable—a God who hides Himself—and learn to pray to Him persistently without losing heart.

July Semiannual Training

The 2023 July Semiannual Training will be held next week in Anaheim from July 3 to 8 and by webcast in Los Angeles and around the world. The general subject is “An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing.” Please pray for the release and receiving of the Lord's present speaking, that the Spirit will operate through the Lord's speaking to build up the Body and prepare the bride for His return.

FTTA Graduation

“Because out from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” (Rom. 11:36)

This Saturday, July 1 at 9:30 am, the graduation meeting for the 2023 Spring Class of the FTTA, including a recognition of the FTTA-XB (Boston Extension) trainees, will be held at the Ministry Conference Center on the LSM campus. This meeting will also be streamed live at www.ftta.org.

Please pray for the Lord's leading of:

  • all graduating trainees—73 FTTA and 13 XB—to follow the Lamb wherever He may go;
  • some to join in His move in one of the GTCA cities and cities with new campus teams;
  • many saints to answer God's call to go to the training next term.

NACT – 30 Days of Prayer

The North America College Training, July 16 to 22, begins in less than a month. For this special training the coordinating brothers have prepared 30 days of prayer requests for saints all around the globe to enter into together. Let us pray for:

  • Safety and Security – Many brothers will serve as ushers for the entire week, as well as a number of privately hired security officers to make sure the training is secure and distraction-free. We need to pray for the safety and security of all of the trainees for the entire duration of the training (Deut 32:10b).
  • Hearts – Pray that the heart of each trainee would be prepared for the training. May each one's heart be the good earth to hear and understand the word and bear fruit (Matt 13:32).
  • Oneness and One Accord – 950 serving ones representing 320 churches from around the globe are registered. Pray that each one would enjoy the anointing of the Spirit and the supply of grace to be kept in absolute oneness and the one accord so that there would be a way for the Lord to command His blessing (Psa 133:1-3).
  • Speaking brothers – There will be many brothers, including some senior co-workers, who will be ministering the Word during the training week. Please pray for the rich anointing and outpoured Spirit of power upon each of the brothers (Acts 2:4).

For a complete list of the 30 Days of Prayer for the NACT, click here.

Poland – European Games

The European Games are currently taking place from June 21 to July 2 in Kraków and a number of other cities in southern Poland. For many of the sports represented, this competition will serve as the qualifications for the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Around 7,000 athletes from 48 European countries are participating. The churches in Kraków and nearby Sosnowiec are using this opportunity to preach the gospel to both visitors and the local people.

Please pray that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached to many and that the chosen ones will believe and enter into the kingdom of God. Pray for some remaining fruit and that, ultimately, our God the Father would be glorified and the incense of Christ would permeate the entire city of Kraków.

Meeting Halls in Munich, Stuttgart and Malaga

Saints are invited to remember these needs in prayer and give as the Lord leads. Saints in LA who are burdened to contribute may give through the Church in Los Angeles designated for ‘Munich Meeting Hall', 'Stuttgart Meeting Hall', and ‘Malaga Meeting Hall'. For more information, see the reports and presentations at lme.org/reports.html.


Please continue to pray for the saints in Russia and Ukraine to be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man, where Christ is all the members and in all the members, and for the preservation and shepherding of all the saints in their tripartite being.

A reminder from the footnote on 1 Kings 8:48: “No matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, i.e., at Christ and the church as God’s interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God’s economy.”


  1. Morning Revival: Week 12 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Next week, REPEAT Week 12 or focus on semiannual training material. On July 10, we will begin Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord's Coming (ICSC).
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The final ministry meeting for this semester on “The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles” will be held this Wednesday, June 28 at 7:25 pm.
  3. LSM Newsletter: The June issue of "Having This Ministry…" includes a report on the ministry and the Lord's move in Ethiopia and mentions resources to prepare for the semiannual training. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  4. LSM YouTube: To help the saints who would like to prepare for the upcoming semiannual training, videos of Brother Lee's speaking on The Divine and Mystical Realm are being made available at www.youtube.com/@LivingStreamMinistry.
  5. Bibles for America's recent post, “2 Corinthians 3:18—Beholding and Reflecting the Lord with an Unveiled Face,” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  6. 500 Life-studies App: To learn more about the burden for the Life-studies, including the 500 Life-studies app, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  7. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of June 18

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Living Out and Working Out the New Jerusalem

“And it had the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal; having a great and high wall…” (Rev. 21:11-12)

The intrinsic significance of Ezra's ministry is embodied in the words purification, education, and reconstitution. The intrinsic significance of Nehemiah's leadership is embodied in the words separation, protection, and expression. We need to cooperate with the Lord in His heavenly ministry to build up the church as the house of God and the kingdom of God by living out and working out the New Jerusalem according to this intrinsic significance.

To live and serve God according to the vision of the age in the ministry of the age is to live out and work out the New Jerusalem: “the building work of its wall was jasper; and the city was pure gold, like clear glass” (Rev. 21:18). The city being pure gold, like clear glass, signifies our need of purification with God in His holy nature and of enlightenment through education by applying the Bible teachings to our mind for the renewing and enlightenment of our mind to make us clear with the thoughts, considerations, and ways of God. “The building work” is God's unique work for our reconstitution with the Triune God so that we may be rebuilt with Him and minister Him into others for Him to build Himself into their being to make them beings in the New Jerusalem.

The city with its wall signifies the New Jerusalem as the eternal kingdom of God under the headship of God for the separation of God's people and the protection of God's interests. The wall of the city being jasper (God's life in its richness) and the city being gold (God's divine nature) reveal that God's eternal economy is to make us the same as He is in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for His unique expression. (CS 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, msg. 11, I-II, A-D)

NACT – 30 Days of Prayer

The North America College Training, July 16 to 22, begins in less than a month. For this special training the coordinating brothers have prepared 30 days of prayer requests for saints all around the globe to enter into together. Let us pray for:

  • Safe travel – This summer close to 2,900 college students and serving ones will gather in Champaign, Illinois. They will come from campuses and towns across the United States and from 39 countries around the globe. Please pray for their safe travel, including all flights, shuttle rides, and cross-country drives, and that the Lord will keep their going out and their coming in (Psa. 121:7-8).
  • Hospitality – Many students traveling to the NACT, especially those coming from great distances, choose to extend their trips prior to or following the training in Champaign. This creates a marvelous opportunity for blending with churches, especially through the practical provision of hospitality. Pray for multiplied grace to all the local saints for hosting students before and after the college training on their way to and from the NACT (Rom. 12:13).
  • Each one's health – The training schedule is rigorous, starting at 6:30 am every morning and ending at 11:00 pm every night. Please pray for the speaking brothers to be healthy as they prepare in the Lord, for the serving ones to be in good health as they coordinate and labor together, and that each attendee would be able to fully participate and would remain healthy for the entire time with no spread of sickness (1 Thes. 5:23).
  • Practical services – A gathering as large as the NACT requires a smooth coordination of various practical services including ushering, registration, and audio-visual. Please pray that there would be no interruption to the ministry of the word and that each service would be carried out in a smooth and harmonious way (Rom. 15:5-6).

For a complete list of the 30 Days of Prayer for the NACT, click here.

July Semiannual Training

The 2023 July Semiannual Training will be held in person in Anaheim from July 3–8 and by webcast in Los Angeles and around the world. The general subject is “An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing.” Please pray that the Spirit will operate through the Lord's present speaking to build up the Body and prepare the bride for His return.

UK Building Project

Construction is set to begin this December for a new training facility of the Full-time Training in London at Bower House with a capacity of holding at least 400 trainees as well as conferences for 1,000 saints. The total cost is estimated at approximately $6 million (dollars).

We now have full permission for the new FTTL classroom, dining and kitchen facilities at Bower House. Despite much opposition, the prayers of the Body have been crucial in gaining these very significant permissions.

What is needed next is to increase the accommodation of the training on the adjacent Bower Farm property, to create a campus environment that is conducive for the training, with an atmosphere and space to nurture fellowship, prayer and private times with the Lord. Following a difficult period of consultation with the city council, we have now submitted a full application to construct sleeping accommodation to house 100 trainees. As this is a conservation area, gaining permission is difficult. The next months are crucial as the council considers the application.

Please pray that the Lord would release this permission for the Lord's interest and the sake of training of the young people in Europe, and that the Lord would rule over the council planning officers for the sake of His move.

To give through the Church in LA for the new training center, please follow instructions at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings. Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.”


A reminder from the footnote on 1 Kings 8:48: “No matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, i.e., at Christ and the church as God's interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God's economy.” Please continue to pray for the ruling of the heavens so that:

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for His divine dispensing.
  • The Lord will meet all the practical needs of the saints.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved by the Lord in their tripartite being.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees in Europe will be blended with the refugees.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 11 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The weekly ministry meeting on “The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles” continues this Wednesday starting 7:25 pm.
  3. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers a series of free e-booklets to read and share at www.lsm.org/booklets, including “Life's Issue—the Church.”
  4. LSM Newsletter: The May issue of "Having This Ministry…" provides principles on using the hymns in the Lord's table meeting, as well as a brief history of the Taiwan Gospel Book Room. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  5. Bibles for America's recent post, “2 Corinthians 3:18—Beholding and Reflecting the Lord with an Unveiled Face,” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  6. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  7. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, please visit gtca.us.
  8. 500 Life-studies App: To learn more about the burden for the Life-studies, including the 500 Life-studies app, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  9. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  10. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of June 11

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The Proper and Adequate Leadership in the Lord's Recovery

“Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint…” (Prov. 29:18)

“And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all.” (Eph. 1:22-23)

“So we who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” (Rom. 12:5)

The central and crucial point of the recovery books of Ezra and Nehemiah is the proper and adequate leadership. In the Lord's recovery we have the leadership of the one controlling vision in the one ministry through those who bring in the vision. Only under the leadership of faithful persons such as Nehemiah and Ezra could Israel be reconstituted to be the testimony of God, the expression of God on earth, a people absolutely different from the Gentile nations; this is a type of what God wants the church to be today.

Nehemiah knew that without Ezra he could not reconstitute the people of God. According to the divine principle, the proper representation of the Body is always by those who are matched with others. To be alone is to be individualistic, but to be sent forth with another is to be sent according to the principle of the Body. To act individualistically is to violate the principle of the Body. In the Lord's recovery there is an urgent need for the true work of building up the Body; however, this building work can be carried out only by co-workers who have been matched. (Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, msg. 10, III, A, B, C, D, 1-3)

Semiannual Video Training Registrations

The general subject of the upcoming Semiannual Video Training will be “An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord's Recovery before His Appearing.” For saints in Los Angeles, the firm registration deadline to participate in this training by video is this Lord's Day, June 18 ($130). Information and registration are at tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.

Please pray for the release and receiving of the Lord's speaking in this training. May the Lord grant us to treasure these trainings and seize every opportunity to attend them not only to see the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation but also to serve as a proper audience for the unhindered release of the crystals in the Word of God. (For more fellowship on the history and significance of the semiannual trainings, see the April 2022 issue of "Having This Ministry…")

LA YP Summer Kick-off

This Saturday, June 17, there will be an LA YP Summer Kick-off gathering that will include time at a park, dinner, meeting, fellowship and dessert. We hope many of the young people in LA will be free to join all or part of the time. Our burden is to encourage our YP to redeem the time this summer by getting into the word, and to guard the deposit (1 Tim. 6:20).

Please pray for the preparation, availability of the young people, an encouraging atmosphere, and for the Lord to bless this time with His living word.

FTTA Middle-age Training

The Fall 2023 term of the Middle-age Full-time Training in Anaheim (FTTA-MA) will be from September 11 to December 23. All classes are given in English, Chinese, Korean and Spanish and designed with a full year in view in two 15-week terms. Saints may also attend on a short-term basis.

Please pray for more saints in the Lord's recovery to seize this opportunity to be perfected. All applications must be received by the training office no later than August 22.


A reminder from the footnote on 1 Kings 8:48: “No matter for whom we are praying, our prayers should be aimed at the interests of God, i.e., at Christ and the church as God's interests on earth, for the fulfilling of God's economy.” Please continue to pray for the ruling of the heavens so that:

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for His divine dispensing.
  • The Lord will meet all the practical needs of the saints.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved by the Lord in their tripartite being.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees in Europe will be blended with the refugees.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 10 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The weekly ministry meeting on “The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles” continues this Wednesday starting 7:25 pm.
  3. July Semiannual Training: July 3 to 8 in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. LA saints may still register for the video training ($130) until June 18 at tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
  4. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers a series of free e-booklets to read and share at www.lsm.org/booklets, including “Life's Issue—the Church.”
  5. LSM Newsletter: The May issue of "Having This Ministry…" provides principles on using the hymns in the Lord's table meeting, as well as a brief history of the Taiwan Gospel Book Room. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  6. Bibles for America's latest post, “Author Spotlight: Who Is Watchman Nee?” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  7. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  8. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, please visit gtca.us.
  9. 500 Life-studies App: To learn more about the burden for the Life-studies, including the 500 Life-studies app, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  10. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  11. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of June 4

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Being Empowered to Pray Fighting Prayers

"Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength." (Eph. 6:10)

"By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints" (Eph. 6:18)

The fact that we need to be empowered in the Lord indicates that in ourselves we cannot fight the spiritual warfare against Satan and his evil kingdom; we can fight only in the Lord and in the might of His strength.

As God's warrior, the church does not fight by her own strength…On the contrary, we must be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength. To deal with God's enemy, to fight against the evil forces of darkness, we need to be empowered with the greatness of the power that raised up Christ from the dead and seated Him in the heavens, far above all the evil spirits in the air.

When we are strengthened, we are renewed; when we are renewed, we are filled; when we are filled, we are equipped to fight; it is in the fighting spirit that we pray fighting prayers of spiritual warfare. What Satan fears most is the saints' bended knees before the Lord, or the prayer of the church before God. God desires that His saints have this kind of prayer to work together with Him and fight for Him. (CS 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, msg. 9, III.E.1; III.F.4.c; LS Ephesians, pp. 815-816; CWWL, 1953, vol. 3, "The Experience of Life," p. 527)

Bibles for America

So far this year, Bibles for America has sent out over 80,000 free copies of the NT Recovery Version to people all over the country. Please pray that every Bible recipient would have the eyes of their heart enlightened as they read the interpreted Word of God. Pray also that many more seekers would respond to our offer and order a copy for themselves.

Germany – Gospel Trips

In 2016 and 2017 thousands of the saints in the Lord's recovery went to Germany to participate in the gospel trips for the refugees from the Middle East. During those trips not only were many saved and brought into the church life, but also the church life in Germany was greatly strengthened and even several churches were raised up.

Last October saints were invited to visit the German-speaking countries to help with outreach on the campuses. These trips had a great impact in helping the churches gain remaining fruit from the campuses. They also helped to revive the spirit of the gospel in the churches. We thank the Lord for those who were able to come and participate. It was a great blessing.

This year, October 8 to 22, the churches and developing localities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria extend a warm invitation again to all the saints in the recovery to join their campus labor at the start of the academic year.

Please pray that:

  • Saints around the earth, including some in Los Angeles, will be stirred up in spirit by the Lord and give their time and energy to rise up and go up (Ezra 1:3, 5);
  • Many others will strengthen and supply the goers in prayer, perhaps also financially (Ezra 1:4, 6)
  • The churches in Germany will receive fresh leading from the Lord and will learn from one another how best to prepare for this time.
  • The Lord will gain many young Germans, Swiss, and Austrians as remaining fruit and for the spread of the Lord's testimony in all these cities through these gospel trips.

Those who give themselves for this trip may also consider taking the opportunity to attend the European Blending Conference in the Netherlands during the last weekend of October. For interested saints, more information and a pre-registration link are at tinyurl.com/GermanyGospelTrips.


The graduation of the Full-time Training in London's spring semester will take place at Bower House this Saturday, June 10. Please pray for a strong going on of the graduates—whether they serve, work, or study—in their knowing, experiencing, and enjoying of Christ for the building up of His Body and the preparation of His bride.


A regional blending conference took place in early March for the first time since the pandemic. A total of 79 saints and 7 children from the four churches in Nepal attended, along with some saints from Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan. The subject was "Seeing the Vision of the Lord's Recovery and Practicing the God-Ordained Way."

During the conference, some shared testimonies of how they were called by the Lord. One brother had initially planned to find work in Korea due to financial difficulties at home; he had even learned Korean. However, encouraged by the testimony of an elderly sister who consecrated her children to the Lord, he recognized the great need of the local church. He decided to give up the opportunity to go abroad in order to remain in his locality with his wife to serve in coordination with the saints.

After being under the speaking of the messages for two days, the saints' vision was renewed and everyone consecrated themselves to practice the God-ordained way. May the Lord grant them grace to continue steadfastly in practicing what they have learned in their localities.

For a detailed report with photos, see the April 2023 issue of the Lord's Move to Asia newsletter:


  1. Morning Revival: Week 9 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The weekly ministry meeting on "The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles" continues this Wednesday starting 7:25 pm.
  3. July Semiannual Training: July 3 to 8 in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. LA saints may still register for the video training ($130) until June 18 at tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
  4. Memorial Day Conference: Audio and video recordings of conference messages may be accessed on a per-message or subscription basis at www.lsmwebcast.com.
  5. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers a series of free e-booklets to read and share at www.lsm.org/booklets, including "Life's Issue—the Church."
  6. LSM Newsletter: The May issue of "Having This Ministry…" provides principles on using the hymns in the Lord's table meeting, as well as a brief history of the Taiwan Gospel Book Room. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  7. Bibles for America's latest post, "Author Spotlight: Who Is Watchman Nee?" is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  8. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  9. GTCA: To learn more about the burden for migration within North America, please visit gtca.us.
  10. 500 Life-studies App: To learn more about the burden for the Life-studies, including the 500 Life-studies app, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  11. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  12. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of May 28

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Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ

“But moreover I also count all things to be loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord…that I may gain Christ.” (Phil. 3:8)

“Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.” (Phil. 3:13b-14)

In order to take Christ as everything and gain Him in all things, we must learn to continually deny our self and turn to our spirit. Turning to the spirit is the secret of being a Christian. The way to follow the Lord, enjoy the Lord's riches, live in the reality of the Body of Christ, and function in the New Testament ministry is to continually exercise to reject our self, lose our soul-life, and turn to our spirit.

To know Christ is not merely to have the knowledge concerning Him but to gain His very person. Like Paul, we should aspire to know and experience Christ, the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings and to be conformed to His death as the mold of the Christian life.

Prayer is the real denial of the self. Actually, we do not need to pray in a lengthy way. It is sufficient simply to call “O Lord Jesus”; even such a short prayer means “no longer I but Christ.” Our prayer testifies that we do not exercise our self-effort to deal with the situation (to “cast out demons”); instead, we apply Christ. To pray is to practice the vision concerning Christ with His death and resurrection being our replacement so that we may be fully “Christified” to satisfy the desire of God's heart. (Memorial Day Conference, msg. 1, IV, C; msg. 4, I.F; key statement 2; msg. 1, I.1-3)

Christ Our Life and Christ Our Head

“When Christ our life is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory.” (Col. 3:4)

“And He is the Head of the Body, the church…” (Col 1:18)

The building of the house and the city is the center of God's eternal purpose. This building is simply the mingling of God with man. When Christ comes into us, that is the mingling…Therefore, the church is a mingling of divinity with humanity…When this mingling is enlarged and consummated to the fullest extent, that is the city. So the city eventually becomes the mutual building, the mutual habitation, of God and man. God dwells in us, and we in God…This is the universal, eternal mingling of God with man. We are His dwelling place, and He is ours. On a small scale, this is the house, and on a large scale, this is the city.

The New Testament first tells us that Christ is our life, but eventually it says that Christ is our Head…If we only experience Christ as life, yet do not realize Him much as our Head, we only have the church as the house. There is not the city yet. When we realize that Christ is not only our life but also our Head, then Christ will have the second step of enlargement. Then the church will not only be the house, but also the city. The house is mainly with the life, and the city is mainly with the Head. (CWWL, 1969, vol. 2, “The Recovery of God's House and God's City,” pp. 380-381)

May we honor and realize the unique headship of Christ for the church to be enlarged from the house to the city for the King and His kingdom.

UCLA Celebration Meeting

College students with all the saints in Hall 5 will come together this Friday to celebrate all that the Lord has done in and through them this past academic year. Pray for a good, solid ending to the school year for all the college students through their sharing of their testimony of Christ. Also pray for all the saints to be encouraged and for the Lord to be glorified through all the speaking.


The deadline for Fall Term applications is this Wednesday, May 31. We are continuing to pray and trust in the Lord for His blessing on many young saints through the Full-time Training in Anaheim. In light of this week's deadline, please pray that the Lord would touch and lead many more college graduates and young working saints to consecrate themselves and apply to FTTA. We expect that the Lord will increase the number in the Training through such prayers.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for His divine dispensing.
  • The Lord will meet all the practical needs of the saints.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved by the Lord in their tripartite being.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees in Europe will be blended with the refugees.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe

Nigeria and Ghana

The May 2023 newsletter of the Lord's Move to Africa has updates from Nigeria and Ghana. Last December, the churches in these two West African countries resumed their respective national blending conferences in person along with young people's conferences.

On the last day of the young people's conference in Ghana, more than a third of the young people (56 out of 152) were baptized. Praise the Lord! Our prayer is that these young ones will not be left alone, but that the Lord Himself would raise up many nursing mothers and exhorting fathers in their localities to shepherd them according to God's heart.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 8 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The weekly ministry meeting on “The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles” continues this Wednesday starting 7:25 pm.
  3. July Semiannual Training: July 3 to 8 in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. LA saints may still register for the video training ($130) until June 18 at tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
  4. LSM Newsletter: The May issue of "Having This Ministry…" provides principles on using the hymns in the Lord's table meeting, as well as a brief history of the Taiwan Gospel Book Room. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  5. Bibles for America's latest post, “Author Spotlight: Who Is Watchman Nee?” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  6. 500 Life-studies App: This app, on Apple and Google Play, is designed to help us get constituted with the truth by using the Life-study of the Bible for our spiritual nourishment and growth. Create custom schedules, read directly in the app or ministrybooks.org integration, and track your progress toward different milestones. For additional resources and information, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  7. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  8. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of May 21

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Letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Us Richly for the Genuine Church Life

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God.” (Col. 3:16)

“And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord.” (Eph. 5:18-19)

We, believers in Christ and children of God, need to be freed from all distractions and brought back to Christ Himself. All the saints need to experience something of Christ in their daily life and come together with the Christ whom they have experienced to exhibit this Christ, to share Him with one another, and to enjoy Him with God the Father for His pleasure; this is the genuine church life. (March 2023 ITERO, msg. 1, I, II.G)

Notice that in Colossians 3:16 Paul tells us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, but in Ephesians 5:18 he tells us to be filled in spirit. When we put these verses together, we see that we should be filled in spirit with the word of Christ…The more we sing and psalm the Word of God, the more we shall be delivered from the influence of religion, the influence which causes us to come to the meetings in a formal way. Let us build the habit of singing the Word day by day. Then our meetings will not be formal. Instead of any kind of performance, the meetings will be filled with an exhibition of our daily life. What we exhibit in the church meetings will be the way we live day by day. (LS Philippians, pp. 358-359)

International Memorial Day Blending Conference

The 2023 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will take place in Chicago this weekend. The general subject is “Knowing, Experiencing, and Enjoying Christ as Revealed in Philippians.” All the saints are warmly invited to participate in person or by webcast. Living Stream Ministry will stream the conference messages on a delayed schedule in every time zone; afterwards, the archived video will be available until May 29. There is also the option to view the live in-person meetings in real time, which begin Friday evening Central Time.

All information, schedules and outlines are now posted at conf.lsmwebcast.com. The delayed broadcast schedule is as follows:

Message 1: Saturday, May 27.......... 10:00 am
Message 2: Saturday, May 27.......... 7:30 pm
Message 3: Lord's Day, May 28........ 10:00 am
Message 4: Lord's Day, May 28........ 7:30 pm
Message 5: Monday, May 29............ 10:00 am
Message 6: Monday, May 29............ 7:30 pm

Please pray for the release of the Lord's up-to-date speaking to His recovery and for the blending of the entire recovery in that speaking. May all the churches and all the saints prepare for this upcoming time of ministry and sanctify these days for the hearing of faith among us. May this conference turn out to be a real memorial among us to the shame of God's enemy and to the glory of God's grace!


The 2023 Pfingstkonferenz (Pentecost Conference) will take place this weekend, May 27 to 29, in Bad Wildungen, Germany. This will be an opportunity for blending and for the saints in the German-speaking countries to receive the re-speaking of the messages from the Spring ITERO on “Knowing, Experiencing, and Living the All-Inclusive Christ for the Genuine Church Life.”

Please pray for a rich feast and the Lord's blessing in the fellowship and blending among all the saints attending. Pray that the saints would set the time aside and pay the price to come together in the Lord's name, in spirit, and in oneness to participate in the Lord's move through the conference.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for His divine dispensing.
  • The Lord will meet all the practical needs of the saints.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved by the Lord in their tripartite being.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees in Europe will be blended with the refugees.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord's interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe


Pray for the practice of the God-ordained way; may the Lord give the saints grace, preserve the local environment, cause the saints to contact people wisely, and bring the sons of peace to the saints.

West Africa

The April 2023 newsletter of the Lord's Move to Africa has updates from three West African countries. In Côte d'Ivoire, pray for the Lord to gain more ground and add to the church in Abidjan, which is the largest city and financial center. The church life in Liberia continues to be recovered in recent years with the help of saints gained abroad returning with a burden to coordinate and propagate. In Benin, there is a growing burden for the young people and children's work.


  1. Morning Revival: REPEAT Week 7 of CS 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther.
  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: No ministry meeting this Wednesday, May 24, due to preparations for the Memorial Day Conference. The ministry meeting will resume on May 31.
  3. July Semiannual Training: July 3 to 8 in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. LA saints may still register for the video training ($130) until June 18 at tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
  4. LSM Newsletter: The May issue of "Having This Ministry…" provides principles on using the hymns in the Lord's table meeting, as well as a brief history of the Taiwan Gospel Book Room. Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  5. 500 Life-studies App: This app, on Apple and Google Play, is designed to help us get constituted with the truth by using the Life-study of the Bible for our spiritual nourishment and growth. Create custom schedules, read directly in the app or ministrybooks.org integration, and track your progress toward different milestones. For additional resources and information, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
  6. Bibles for America's latest post, “Author Spotlight: Who Is Watchman Nee?” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  7. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  8. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.


Week of May 14

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Praying for a Dispensational Instrument to Turn the Age

“And the seventh angel trumpeted; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15)

“I beseech You, O Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and to the prayer of Your servants, who take delight in fearing Your name…” (Neh. 1:11)

God’s desire is to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. In order for God to accomplish this, He must have His dispensational instrument. All of us should look to the Lord and pray that we will have dispensational value to God. We need to ask ourselves what we are doing to close this dispensation and to bring in the next age, the kingdom age. This is a special time, so there is the need of special believers to do a special work.

We live in the most privileged time in which we can do the most for God. God as light will show us the way, but the indwelling Christ as our strength and power will enable us to walk the road. A great price must be paid in order to be used now. (Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, msg. 7, I, A, E)

Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting

The whole church in Los Angeles—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together at 10:00 am this Lord’s Day, May 21 at the LA Convention Center.

Please pray for a healthy attendance and blending, and for the timely speaking of the Lord to shepherd all the saints in the church to be brought on for the sake of His testimony in Los Angeles and for the building up of the reality of the Body of Christ, the preparation of the bride of Christ, and the manifestation of the kingdom of Christ.

Los Angeles Large Group Fellowship

This Thursday evening there will be a meeting at Hall 5 for all college students in LA. This will be our last large group fellowship for the current academic year. Please pray that:

  • Jesus would gather the students throughout the LA area together to this time.
  • All attending would touch the living Spirit.
  • The Lord would duplicate His heart more in our students through the speaking.

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Rotterdam is the second largest city in the Netherlands and the world’s largest seaport outside of Asia. The first Lord’s table meeting in Rotterdam will be held this weekend on May 21. The saints there are joyfully anticipating this precious time to celebrate this feast with all the saints. Hallelujah!

Please pray for the Lord to bless the church in Rotterdam. May more of His shining lampstands be established in many other cities in the Netherlands, Europe, and all over the earth for the building up of the Body and the preparation of the Bride for His return.

Central and Eastern European and Balkans Blending Conference

The next CEEB Blending Conference will take place May 19 to 21 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The conference messages on “Making Ourselves Ready for the Lord’s Coming” will be given in English with simultaneous Slovak/Czech interpretation. Countries represented include Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey.

Please pray for the Lord’s speaking and for the blending among the saints and churches both from these regions and beyond.

Malaga Meeting Hall

The church in Malaga was established in 1985 as one of the earliest localities of the Lord’s recovery in the Iberian Peninsula. After having been the faithful testimony in that city for 34 years, the church purchased a commercial space in 2019 for their meeting hall. In 2021, the church bought a large space on the same floor that was previously occupied by a fitness center. Recently, the last commercial block that can be purchased on the floor became available. Funds that were set aside for remodeling the gym will now be applied to obtaining this block. The sale must close by the end of September.

An estimated 500,000 euros is needed to complete the purchase and carry out the needed renovations. Please pray and give as the Lord leads. A report concerning this property is available at lme.org/reports.html. Saints in LA who are burdened to contribute may give through the Church in Los Angeles designated for ‘Malaga Meeting Hall’.


Pray for the political and social situation to be stable and for the saints to be strengthened; may the Lord use the environment to cause people’s heart to turn to Him.

West Africa

The April 2023 newsletter of the Lord’s Move to Africa has updates from three West African countries. In Côte d’Ivoire, pray for the Lord to gain more ground and add to the church in Abidjan, which is the largest city and financial center. The church life in Liberia continues to be recovered in recent years with the help of saints gained abroad returning with a burden to coordinate and propagate. In Benin, there is a growing burden for the young people and children's work.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 7 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Next week, after our LA Joint Meeting, repeat Week 7.
  2. Memorial Day Conference: The 2023 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will take place May 26 to 29 in Chicago. Living Stream Ministry will broadcast the conference messages at conf.lsmwebcast.com from Saturday, May 27 to Monday, May 29.
  3. July Semiannual Training: July 3 to 8 in Anaheim and by video via Zoom. LA saints may still register for the video training ($130) until June 18 at tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.
  4. LSM Newsletter: The April issue of "Having This Ministry…" contains helpful fellowship on “What Makes a Good Hymn?” Go to newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.
  5. Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers a series of free e-booklets to read and share at www.lsm.org/booklets, including “Life’s Sight—the Need of the Blind in Religion.”
  6. Bibles for America’s latest post entitled “What Is the Difference between the Soul and the Spirit?” is available to read and share at blog.biblesforamerica.org.
  7. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.
  8. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.
  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.