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Reaching the High Peak of God’s Eternal Economy by Praying

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, then I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.” (Rev. 3:20)

“And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads.” (Rev. 14:1)

In the book of Revelation what the Lord wants and what the Lord will build up is Zion, the overcomers. This is the intrinsic reality of the spiritual revelation in the holy Word of God. We surely need to be desperate to pray at any cost and to pay the cost just as the apostle Paul did.

There is no other way to reach the high peak of God’s eternal economy, the reality of the Body of Christ, except by praying. Our becoming the overcomers as the reality of the Body of Christ to be the bride of Christ will close this age, the age of the church, and will bring Christ as the King of glory back to take, possess, and rule over this earth with His overcomers in the kingdom age. (CS 1 and 2 Kings, msg. 10, II.B, E)

Semiannual Video Training

For saints in Los Angeles and Santa Clarita, the firm registration deadline for the upcoming Semiannual Video Training is this Lord’s Day, December 11 ($130). Information and registration are at http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.

This training will be a crystallization-study of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. In preparation, saints are encouraged to read the Recovery Version text with footnotes and the Life-studies.

Pray for as many saints as possible to be released and available to attend. May the Lord grant us to treasure these trainings and seize every opportunity to attend them not only to see the intrinsic essence of the divine revelation but also to serve as a proper audience for the unhindered release of the crystals in the Word of God.

UCLA Winter Blending Trip

From December 10 to 13, 24 saints from UCLA (18 students, 6 serving ones) will travel to Boise, Idaho to blend with the saints there. Please pray that everyone would enjoy the reality of the one Body, get out of their comfort zone to blend with others, and experience the all-fitting life during their travels.

Liverpool, United Kingdom

Following much prayer, fellowship, and recent migrations, according to the Lord’s arrangement, the first Lord’s table in Liverpool will take place this weekend, December 11. The saints there are full of joy that the Lord is gaining another city for His testimony, and they exercise their spirit of faith to believe that the Lord will continue to grow, increase, and spread in the UK and Europe for the glory, honor, and praise of the Triune God! Please pray for a strong start and healthy continuation of the church in Liverpool.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Lord will keep all the saints in the involved countries open to Him for their experience of the divine dispensing in all the situations of their daily living.
  • The brothers who are fighting in the war will be preserved by the Lord in their tripartite being.
  • The Lord will shepherd the refugees and establish them in the church life.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees will be blended with the refugees by being through the cross and by the Spirit to minister Christ to one another for the building up of the Body.
  • Saints in all countries involved will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man.
  • The tripartite being of saints in besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord’s interests.
  • The Lord will comfort and sustain those who have lost loved ones in the war.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord’s interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.


Pray for Rhema readers who are open to this ministry and seeking the Lord; may the Lord speak to them continually, save them from religion, bring them to participate in the church life and perfect them.


The church life in Zambia started in 2002 through the visitation of saints from South Africa. In the past few months the Lord has intensified His move through the stay of two brothers from Asia who have labored to shepherd, establish, and perfect the saints.

Through the saints’ enjoyment and functioning, there has also been a significant increase in the number of new ones. While about 41 saints gather regularly on the Lord’s Day, another 70 seeking ones also participate in the church life. Most gatherings take place in the capital city of Lusaka, as well as in Livingstone, a border town next to Victoria Falls.

To read more about the church life in Southern Africa, including Eswatini and Botswana, see the November issue of the Lord’s Move to Africa newsletter:


  1. Morning Revival: Week 10 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings, vol. 2.

  2. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at http://lsm.org/live.

  3. December Semiannual Training: This Lord’s Day, December 11 is the deadline for saints in LA to register for the video training at http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla. This training will be a crystallization-study of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

  4. LSM Newsletter: The November issue includes a list of resources to help saints prepare themselves for the upcoming training. Visit http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.

  5. Thanksgiving Conference: All messages are now available for purchase at http://www.lsmwebcast.com.

  6. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at http://livingtohim.com/the-living-to-him-podcast.

  7. Bibles for America‘s latest post is available to read and share at http://blog.biblesforamerica.org.

  8. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Enjoy a free weekly video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html.

  9. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.