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Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Discipling All the Nations

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14)

“So that you might walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.” (1 Thes. 2:12)

The gospel of the kingdom brings people not only into God’s salvation but also into the kingdom. The emphasis of the gospel of the kingdom is on the heavenly ruling of God and the authority of the Lord. The gospel of the kingdom brings the believers into the realm of the divine ruling so that they may participate in the blessings of the divine life in the divine kingdom.

“Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matt. 28:19)

We have been sent by the Lord not only to bring people to salvation but also to disciple the nations. This is a matter of the kingdom. To disciple the nations is to make the heathen the kingdom people for the establishing of His kingdom, which is the church, even today, on the earth. The intrinsic purpose of our preaching the gospel is to bring people of the nations into the Triune God in order to make them the citizens of the kingdom of the heavens. (The Development of the Kingdom, msg. 8, I.C.2.b,c; II.B.1-3)

All-LA College Student Internship

This summer, the campus work in Los Angeles will be carrying out a shorter version of our summer internship. The internship is a program we have developed to help perfect our students in their pursuit of the Lord and their function in reaching people during the strategic summer season.

The first part of the internship, from July 27 to August 10, will be called Summer Sowing. Then, from August 10 to 17, we will join the young people in Pursue 2019. Finally, from August 19 to 23, we will participate in the renewed campus labor in Phoenix, Arizona. Collectively, at least 19 students from USC, UCLA, CSUN and Pepperdine will be involved, along with 9 additional part-time serving ones or trainees.

Please pray:

  1. That the Lord would bring us into contact with ones that He intends to gain for His purpose.

  2. For the abundant supply to all the interns and serving ones, especially to be kept in the joy of the Lord.

  3. That those who may be younger and newer in the church life would have a positive experience of serving, blending and coordinating, and bearing fruit.

Pursue 2019

Philippians 3:14 says, “I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.” This summer’s special camp from August 10 to 17 in Los Angeles for our junior high and high school students is called Pursue 2019. This week, please pray:

  • for the Lord to have a clear and free way to speak during the camp;

  • that in the midst of all that the young people are faced with, they would pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called them upward!

The Gospel to All the Nations

From September 6 to 8, there will be a conference in Houston, Texas. The burden of this time is the gospel to all the nations (Matt. 24:14) with a view of reaching African Americans, as well as others of African origin, for the Lord’s testimony.

All the brothers and sisters are invited to come. The saints in the churches who are of African origin are especially needed to carry out the work of contacting, shepherding, and building up the new ones that we will meet in the coming days. Hence, those of African origin are specifically encouraged to come bringing their friends, relatives, and colleagues with them. But, regardless of ethnicity, all the saints are needed to pray and participate! More information is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.

North America College Training Follow-Up

The one-week North America College Training concluded on July 20. On the last night of the training, many students consecrated their lives to the Lord by going up to the stage while some older brothers prayed over them. Later that night they also spent personal time to deal with the Lord and give their lives to Him. May this generation experience the Lord’s appearing again and again for the rest of their lives and eventually bring in the Lord’s full appearing to end this age!

Let us persevere in co-laboring with the Lord and His Body to fight for these ones to press on in the jubilee. Please pray:

  1. For the students to enjoy the freedom of the jubilee in the context of their daily life, rescuing them from all of Satan’s attacks and distractions.

  2. That they would spend regular, private time with the Lord for their growth in life.

  3. That they would immediately practice to be regular in the meetings of the church where they live both during the summer and during the school year.

  4. That they would immediately practice to speak the jubilee to friends, family, and others around them.

  5. That every college student would have three types of companions: (1) companions at their spiritual level for mutual spiritual help; (2) companions who are more experienced in the Lord who can lead them; and (3) companions who are younger and weaker whom they can help and lead.

European Young People’s Conference

This week, from July 28 to August 3, three conferences are taking place concurrently in Poland: the junior and senior conferences for young people, as well as the parents and children’s conference. In total, over 1500 people are registered. Please pray for:

  • the personal opening of the young people for the Lord’s speaking and calling to each one this week;

  • the binding of the enemy—against illnesses, accidents, and all his distracting tactics;

  • the serving ones to be supplied and brought into the Lord’s heart for the young people.

Tbilisi, Georgia

There is a need for a meeting place for the church in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. A property has been identified that would meet the needs of the local saints as well as trainings that include saints from nearby countries. The three-story building has over 4000 square feet and is detached, private, and near the metro. The lot size is 5000 square feet and includes a large yard, plenty of parking space, and the potential to build more. A minor remodel would provide a room for meetings of 150 people.

The church in Tbilisi needs the Body to be able to acquire this meeting place since the church there is quite poor and unable to meet this need on their own. The price is very reasonable, $270,000 USD. In addition there is a need of $30,000 USD for the remodel. The brothers are hoping to put $90,000 USD down in August. The remaining amount would be due approximately one month later.

Please pray for this. We hope that the Body could bear this smaller member which has a need. Contributions can be made through the church in Los Angeles designated for ‘Tbilisi Property.’

United Kingdom

May the Lord sovereignly rule over the political situation in this country, including the new prime minister, for the advancement of His interests and His move in the UK and in Europe.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 8 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life. Next week we will begin The Experience of Life (Memorial Day Conference).

  2. Receive weekly prayer and announcements by email: sign up at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.