July Semiannual Training
The July Semiannual Training is taking place this week, July 1 to 6, in Anaheim and by webcast in Los Angeles and around the world. The subject is “Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (1).”
Pray for the saints to receive and respond to the Lord’s burden in His up-to-date speaking, and to participate as much as possible in study times. Pray that through this training the Triune God will operate more in us to accomplish His will, fulfill His purpose, and satisfy the desire of His heart.
Last weekend, trainees graduated from the FTTA, FTTA-XB, and FTTA-MA. Please continue to pray for all these ones to follow the Lamb wherever He may go. Pray also for many college graduates and young working saints to answer God’s call to go to the FTTA next term. A video of the graduation meeting is available for a limited time at ftta.org.
The Fall 2024 term of the Middle-age Full-time Training in Anaheim goes from September 9 to December 21. The classes are given in English, Chinese, Korean and Spanish. It is hoped that many saints in the Lord’s recovery, especially those between the ages of 35 and 65, will seize this opportunity to be perfected. All FTTA-MA applications must be received by August 20.
The first round of France’s elections for all members of the national parliament was on June 30. The final round is on July 7. The first round results led to strong expressions of political concern by many groups in France. The election and reactions are outwardly manifested, but at the same time the Lord is doing a marvelous, hidden work in the country, especially among students and young adults.
Let us petition the Lord that the coming vote will do nothing to hinder His present move in France and its spread all over French-speaking Europe.
2024 Olympics Torch Relay Gospel Trips
The eighth gospel trip is currently taking place June 27 to July 8 in Lille and Brussels. Lille was previously was visited on three occasions by Russian-speaking trainees and saints; it will be visited six more times in the remaining trips. May the Lord gain many seeking ones, particularly among the younger generation, for His testimony in these cities!
Please pray that:
- The existing churches in French-speaking Europe will be strengthened by the gospel teams.
- The Lord will gain local French speakers along with their families for the church life.
- The Lord will raise up new lampstands in Marseilles, Montpellier, Toulouse, Caen, Nantes, Lille, Mertzig (Luxembourg), and Geneva (Switzerland).
- By Summer 2025 there will be a team of 20 full-time serving ones in Paris to take care of the Lord’s needs throughout France.
- Many students, families, and mature saints will migrate to France within the next couple of years for the Lord’s interest.
- The Lord will cover and rule over any disturbances from the enemy that might hinder the distribution.
- The Holy Spirit will prepare the ground in Paris, which will receive multiple teams starting July 11 and in the remainder of the gospel trips.
Reports and testimonies are compiled for the saints’ awareness and prayer. To receive these directly, subscribe at courantdevie.myflodesk.com. All archived reports are at tinyurl.com/2024gospeltrips.
Application information is at www.amanatrust.org.uk/page/2024Paris. Saints in LA burdened to give for the distribution can do so through the Church in Los Angeles designated for “Paris Olympics.”
Please pray that the Lord will protect the tripartite being of all the saints and will rule in the heavens over every aspect of this conflict so that the result will advance His economy on earth.
- Morning Revival: Repeat Week 12 or enjoy material from the Semiannual Training. Next week, starting July 8, we will get into Fighting the Good Fight, Finishing the Course, Keeping the Faith, and Loving the Lord’s Appearing in Order to Receive the Reward of Christ as the Crown of Righteousness (ICSC).
- No Prayer Meeting: To make way for the Semiannual Training, there will not be a church prayer meeting on Tuesday, July 2. It will resume on July 9.
- The LA Years: Chapter 6: Visiting Seekers Throughout America is now available at www.layears.org, an oral history project documenting the early years of the church life in Los Angeles from 1958–1974, including written history, photos, and first-hand accounts.
- Bibles for America‘s recent blog post, “Jesus the Lamb of God,” is available at blog.bfa.org.
- Free e-Booklets: Living Stream Ministry offers free e-booklets to read and share. The latest release is “Paul’s Secret of Sufficiency in Christ” at www.lsm.org/life-study-philippians.
- Living to Him: A recording of the working saints gathering at the recent Memorial Day Conference in Bellevue is available at youtu.be/u5fRTZ5LrrQ. The fellowship focused on the actual carrying out of the God-ordained way, especially in the practice of the vital groups and shepherding.
- 500 Life-studies App: To learn more about the burden for the Life-studies, including the 500 Life-studies app, please visit 500lifestudies.org.
- Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.