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The God-man Living

“But you did not so learn Christ, if indeed you have heard Him and have been taught in Him as the reality is in Jesus.” (Eph. 4:20-21)

“Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers.” (Rom. 8:29)

The desire of God’s heart is that “the reality…in Jesus,” the actual condition of the God-man living of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels, would be duplicated in the many members of Christ’s Body by the Spirit of reality to become the reality of the Body of Christ, the highest peak in God’s economy.

The four Gospels show the pattern of the life that God desires, the mold of the life that can satisfy God and fulfill His purpose. Jesus lived a life in which He did everything in God, with God, and for God. God was in His living, and He was one with God; this is what is meant by the reality is in Jesus. To learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus is to be molded into the pattern of Christ, to be conformed to the image of Christ.

When we live in the mingled spirit, we are learning Christ according to the reality in Jesus by the Spirit of reality. We learn from Him as our model so that His biography becomes our history. The living of the Body of Christ as the new man should be exactly the same as the living of Jesus revealed in the Gospels. (An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing, msg. 5, I, A, D)

Semiannual Training Live Registrations

This is the last week to sign up for a live seat at the next Semiannual Training in Anaheim, December 25 to 30. For LA saints, registration and payment are due Tuesday, October 31 at tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla. Registrations for our local video trainings are due December 10.

Let us pray for as many saints as possible to seize the opportunity to participate in this training. May we receive mercy from the Lord to be found faithful in participating in the semiannual trainings so that we may be trained in the divine revelation, be constituted with the biblical truths, and partake of the riches of Christ in the written and interpreted Word for the building up of the church as the radiant testimony of Jesus and the organic Body of Christ. (Past issues of LSM’s digital newsletter contain helpful fellowship on the burden for semiannual trainings, the need for training and regulations, and the purpose of training donations.)


Thank you, saints, for your persistent prayer during this busy time of outreach at the start of UCLA’s fall quarter. We have much to thank the Lord for: there have been experiences of salvation, many opportunities for shepherding, organic connections between students, as well as a sweet coordination among the laboring saints. Please join us in prayer for the following:

  • May the Lord continue to gather and connect the students together into small Bible study groups to enjoy the rich fellowship in the word during the week.
  • This Friday evening, October 27, there will be a meeting on the UCLA campus for all college students in LA, the first gathering of its kind this school year. Please pray for the Spirit to flow mightily in this time and for a fresh word to be imparted into the students.
  • This Lord’s Day at Hall 5 there will be a special topic on Morning Revival geared toward new students and younger believers. May the Lord bless this fellowship and blend the students and community saints!

SoCal High School Conferences

The Fall 2023 High School Conferences on “The Lord’s Coming” will take place October 27 to 29 with sisters in Cerritos and brothers in Huntington Beach. Please pray for the Lord to gather the young people this weekend for them to hear the Lord’s speaking and to be mutually encouraged and built up with one another. Pray for this generation of high schoolers to become “those who have loved His appearing” (2 Tim. 4:8).

North and South America Korean-speaking Conference

There will be a North and South America Korean-speaking Blending Conference this weekend. The two online sessions are Saturday, October 28 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm and Lord’s Day, October 29 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. The Zoom link is tinyurl.com/2023koreanconf.

The speaking will cover messages from the October ITERO on “Living and Serving according to God’s Economy concerning the Church.” Please pray that the Lord will release His timely words to saturate the saints with the present Christ and the burden from the throne. Pray that all the saints will enjoy the blending in the oneness of the Body of Christ and be filled with Body consciousness.

Germany Gospel Trips – Frankfurt and Heidelberg

The church in Frankfurt and the closely related group in Heidelberg had a good two weeks of gospel. In addition, five other cities where a few saints live were each visited for a day or two. In addition to local saints, others from the US, Western Europe, Russia, Taiwan, and South Korea participated. Each serving day began with singing, pray-reading, reports from prior days, and prayer. Often days ended with dinners for blending of local and visiting saints. The visiting saints also took part in meetings on three Lord’s Days.

Each day we went out to a campus and often also to a community location. A total of 1,100 German Recovery Version NTs were distributed plus 137 in English and 71 in other European languages. Some of the languages requested do not yet have a Recovery Version translation.

The Frankfurt team received contact information from 31 people. Please pray for the willingness of these ones to remain in contact, for local saints to rise up and continue the contact begun by the visiting saints, and for in-person times with them to occur in homes or on campus or at coffee shops.

European Brothers Training and Blending Conference

The European Brothers Training to review the messages given at the October 2023 ITERO in Manila will take place October 24 to 27. This will be followed by an International Blending Conference from October 27 to 29. Both will take place in Baarlo, The Netherlands. Please pray for the perfecting and building up of the leading brothers and of all the European saints through the rich speaking of the Lord’s word.


During this difficult time of conflict, please continue to pray:

  • That the minds and hearts of the saints will be guarded and protected.
  • For the safety of the saints all over Israel, and that none would be harmed.
  • That the saints serving in the military will be protected from physical harm and that they and their families will be supplied and comforted.
  • That the white horse of the gospel will run in Israel, that many will turn their hearts to God, be unveiled concerning the Lord Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and the Savior, and receive Him.
  • That the Lord as the Ruler of the kings of the earth would exercise His authority over the situation, manifest His victory over His enemy, and do something to further His economy.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing.
  2. LSM Digital Resources: Living Stream Ministry’s October 2023 newsletter has helpful fellowship on using the hymns for speaking to one another, especially in smaller settings such as group meetings. LSM’s many digital resources, including newsletters and free booklets, may be found at lsm.org/daily.
  3. Bibles for America‘s recent post entitled “What Does God Want?” is available at blog.bfa.org.
  4. The LA Years: Chapter 4: Standing on the Ground of Oneness is now available at www.layears.org, an oral history project documenting the early years of the church life in LA from 1958-1974, including written history, photos, and first-hand accounts.
  5. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: The ministry meeting continues this Wednesday at 7:25 pm.
  6. SCYP Children’s Work Conference: Saturday, November 11, conducted in a hybrid format, with an in-person location in Anaheim. Translation will be provided. Register by November 5 at scyp.com/children.
  7. Thanksgiving Conference: November 23 to 26 in Dallas. Saints from LA interested in possibly attending in Dallas should RSVP by October 31 at tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla.
  8. 2024 ICSC: For LA saints interested in attending the ICSC in Taipei from February 10 to 11, 2024, go to tinyurl.com/ICSC2024LA for more information; the registration deadline is November 28.