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Life’s Washing in Love to Maintain Fellowship

“…Jesus knowing that His hour had come for Him to depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the uttermost….Then He poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.” (John 13:1, 5)

“If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14)

In our experience the washing water in John 13 signifies the Holy Spirit, the word, and life. The Lord washes our feet by the work of the Holy Spirit, by the enlightenment of the living word, and by the operation of the inner law of life.

This is not the washing away of our sins by the blood. Spiritual foot-washing saves us from staleness in our fellowship with the Lord. The world is dirty, and we, the saints, are easily contaminated. For us to maintain pleasant fellowship with the Lord and with one another, we need spiritual foot-washing carried out both by the Lord in His love and by one another in love. (October ITERO, msg. 5, III.A-C)

Pray for the adequate supply of the Spirit, word, and life to all the saints so that they can be washed and with which they can wash others. May the church life in Los Angeles be kept fresh and new by our mutual foot-washing with the living water of life.

Solomon’s Splendid Kingdom Typifying Christ’s Kingdom

“Lift up your heads, O gates; and be lifted up, O long enduring doors; and the King of glory will come in. Who is the King of glory? Jehovah strong and mighty! Jehovah mighty in battle!” (Psa. 24:7-8)

Solomon’s splendid kingdom, with his prosperity under the rich blessing of God, is a type of Christ’s kingdom in the millennium… Solomon was glorified in the kingdom of Israel with the splendor of his kingdom; this is a prefigure of Christ in the millennium. At His second coming Christ will take possession of the earth, which has been given to Him as His possession, and will establish God’s kingdom on the whole earth, thus recovering God’s right over the earth. (CS 1 & 2 Kings, msg. 4, I.B, II)

We, the believers in Christ… have received God into us, and He is continuously working Himself into our constitution to make us God in life and in nature (but not in the Godhead). According to Romans 5:17, we reign in the life which we have received. To be today’s overcomers we must reign as kings in life… If we mature in this age, we will reign as kings in life in this age and will be the co-kings with Christ in the next age to rule over the nations. (LS 1 & 2 Kings, p. 43)

Semiannual Training Registrations

This Lord’s Day, October 30 is the firm deadline for saints in LA and Santa Clarita to register for the upcoming in-person December Semiannual Training in Anaheim ($205). Video training registrations will be due December 11 ($130). To register, go to https://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.

May the Lord grant us to highly value the semiannual trainings and encourage others to have a heart for these trainings, and may the Lord grace us to bear the burden to pray for the semiannual trainings so that He as the seven Spirits of God may have an unhindered way to continue to speak the present truth to the churches. (From the September issue of “Having This Ministry…”)

North American Korean-speaking Conference

This weekend, October 29 to 30, there will be an online conference for all the Korean-speaking saints in North America. Meetings are Saturday 3:00 to 6:00 pm and Lord’s Day 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The fellowship will be on the subject of the recent October ITERO—”Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ.”

Pray for as many Korean-speaking saints as possible to attend for the blending of the Body and the up-to-date word of the New Testament ministry.

European Brothers Training and Blending Conference

The European Brothers Training and International Blending Conference will be in Baarlo, The Netherlands, October 25 to 30. Please pray for the Lord’s rich speaking to the leading brothers and the saints for the advancement of His move in Europe.

Over 800 adults and 200 children are registered for the blending conference. The saints are joyful that the Lord has made it possible for the churches in Europe to gather in this way for the first time since 2019, and pray that His testimony will continue to spread city by city in all of Europe! Please pray for:

  • The ministering brothers to be strengthened body, soul and spirit for the release of the Lord’s word.
  • The blending of the churches and the saints.
  • The advance of the Lord’s recovery in Europe through the word of the ministry and the fellowship released in this time.

Germany and Switzerland

The gospel trips concluded on October 23. Please continue to pray that the Lord will gain many Germans and Swiss as remaining fruit through the preaching of the gospel and the shepherding of the new contacts. Pray also for the spread of the Lord’s testimony in all the cities through the gospel trips.


Please continue to pray that:

  • The Russian and Ukrainian brothers fighting in the war will be preserved in their tripartite being.
  • The Lord will shepherd the refugees and establish them in the church life.
  • The local saints, serving ones, and trainees will be blended with the refugees by being through the cross and by the Spirit to minister Christ to one another for the building up of the Body.
  • The saints in Russia and Ukraine will be kept in the oneness of the Body and the reality of the new man.
  • The tripartite being of saints in besieged cities will be protected and preserved for the Lord’s interests.
  • The enemy will be bound in his attack on the Lord’s interests in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe.


Timor-Leste, or East Timor, is a Southeast Asian nation with less than 1.5 million inhabitants, most of whom are Catholic. The two official languages are Portuguese and Tetum, with English and Indonesian designated as working languages. Pray for the church life in Dili, the capital and largest city. May the Indonesian-speaking, Tetum-speaking, and Chinese-speaking saints participate in the church life and be blended for the building up the Body of Christ.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 4 of Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings.

  2. December Semiannual Training: Register by October 30 ($205, live) or December 11 ($130, video) at https://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.

  3. Thanksgiving Conference: Saints from LA who may attend the in-person sessions November 24 to 27 in Washington, DC are asked to RSVP by October 31 at https://tinyurl.com/thanksgivingconfla.

  4. Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Live broadcast this Wednesday 7:25 pm at https://lsm.org/live.

  5. Benson Phillips Memorial Meetings: Recordings of memorial meetings for Brother Benson may be viewed at https://www.memorial-meeting.org.

  6. LSM Newsletter: The September issue contains helpful fellowship on the purpose of training donations, maintaining the standard of video trainings, and praying for the semiannual trainings. Go to https://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry.

  7. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, available on all major podcasting services at https://anchor.fm/livingtohim.

  8. Ways to Give: Information about the church’s online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at https://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.